View Full Version : Duels?

04-12-2005, 04:23 AM
Are there ever any duels anymore?

Do people even go to the boulder anymore?

What the hell happened to Gemstone?!

I remember in GSIII there was always something exciting going on. I would have a fun time from when I log on to log off. Nowadays, people are desperate for some fun to the point where they pick fights or just quit.

As I asked before, what the hell happened?!

04-12-2005, 06:22 AM


You got banned for general stupidity, and all rejoiced.

Some people get their rocks off by fighting, most folks hunt or merchant or roleplay, you know, the things that Gemstone is normally known for.

04-12-2005, 07:02 AM
Gemstone, as far as I know, is known for inventing a medieval type of environment for you. During those times there were tons of duels and gladiator games. Dueling were common during those times so to say that gemstone is only for merchanting, hunting and just general roleplay is dumb. At times that crap can be boring as hell. Good RPing can tie into CvC which makes the game better for most people (and it would be stupid for someone to deny they dont enjoy getting into a conflict or two once in a while or maybe more).

I noticed that everytime there is someone who is considered to be an 'asshole' in game, the place where the action is tends to be packed with bored people coming to watch or hopefully jump in. Face it people, you all love to fight each other in GS and if you were to deny it then that would be like saying you play Mortal Kombat for the RP experience instead of the fighting.

I just dont get why some people are mixing up GS4 with pleasantville.

[Edited on 4-12-2005 by Dionisius]

04-12-2005, 09:20 AM

In three years, I still have not been to the boulder. It is NOT what I want out of the game.



04-12-2005, 09:24 AM
You can also have intense roleplay rife with conflict without resorting to CvC.

Dueling on the boulder (usually) has nothing to do with roleplay, it isn't CvC its PvP.

04-12-2005, 05:19 PM
I posted a thread, almost the exact same as this, 2 weeks ago, if you didn't notice. And Dio, what you seem to get out of the game is starting with everyone, getting killed, and running to a different town. Sounds like a boatload of fun, I'll have to try it one day, or wait, no I won't because I'm not 13.

04-12-2005, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by allen
Dio, what you seem to get out of the game is starting with everyone, getting killed, and running to a different town.

Since I havent done that since the beginning of last year i'll have to ask you to stop posting bullshit.

Originally posted by allen
Sounds like a boatload of fun, I'll have to try it one day, or wait, no I won't because I'm not 13.

So its immature to get into a conflict with other characters in a game where conflict can and is part of the RP environment? I'll have to make a mental note of that.

Originally posted by Fallen
You can also have intense roleplay rife with conflict without resorting to CvC.

Well, I did say that CvC can make the game a bit more interesting. Didnt say you cant have an intense RP life without it.

Originally posted by Fallen
Dueling on the boulder (usually) has nothing to do with roleplay, it isn't CvC its PvP.

Actually, dueling on the boulder is CvC seeing as how characters go there to test there abilities against others or to settle differences. A duel or any other conflict is only PvP when the person makes it PvP.

04-12-2005, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
In three years, I still have not been to the boulder. It is NOT what I want out of the game.

You dont need to go to the boulder, you pick fights in other places. Icemule anyone?

04-12-2005, 05:50 PM
If I want to duel I'll play a game where victory isn't determined by the person who can hit enter the quickest.

04-12-2005, 05:54 PM
Like Time Killers!

04-12-2005, 06:28 PM
I had a lot of fun duelling. Much of the crowd that really focused on the boulder got banned or moved on, like the dinghy crowd before them. Towards the end of my time in GS, my CVC was mainly focused around quests and "sparring". You can always find CVC if you want it.. and aren't an idiot.

04-12-2005, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by Dionisius
[quote]Originally posted by allen
Dio, what you seem to get out of the game is starting with everyone, getting killed, and running to a different town.

Since I havent done that since the beginning of last year i'll have to ask you to stop posting bullshit.

Originally posted by allen
Sounds like a boatload of fun, I'll have to try it one day, or wait, no I won't because I'm not 13.

So its immature to get into a conflict with other characters in a game where conflict can and is part of the RP environment? I'll have to make a mental note of that.

Oh then you came to Teras to hunt, but you started more shit with people, nearly got killed and fled there also...And no, it's immature to start conflicts, and then run like a 13 year old girl.

04-13-2005, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by allen
Oh then you came to Teras to hunt, but you started more shit with people, nearly got killed and fled there also...And no, it's immature to start conflicts, and then run like a 13 year old girl.

Since your post had absolutely no truth in it i'm gonna have to ask you once again to refrain from posting bullshit in my thread. Thank you

04-13-2005, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by Dionisius

Originally posted by FinisWolf
In three years, I still have not been to the boulder. It is NOT what I want out of the game.

You dont need to go to the boulder, you pick fights in other places. Icemule anyone?

Come on by Dio..., and be an asshat..., you will find looking at the stars relaxing.

Also, in my over 3 years of game play, my main has killed a whooping 4 other players... Ooooo ... I am soo bad.


04-13-2005, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
If I want to duel I'll play a game where victory isn't determined by the person who can hit enter the quickest.



~ I have my ENTER key on speed-dial

04-13-2005, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by Dionisius

Originally posted by allen
Oh then you came to Teras to hunt, but you started more shit with people, nearly got killed and fled there also...And no, it's immature to start conflicts, and then run like a 13 year old girl.

Since your post had absolutely no truth in it i'm gonna have to ask you once again to refrain from posting bullshit in my thread. Thank you

Be careful...

... He will hit his enter key ...


04-13-2005, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by Dionisius

Originally posted by allen
Oh then you came to Teras to hunt, but you started more shit with people, nearly got killed and fled there also...And no, it's immature to start conflicts, and then run like a 13 year old girl.

Since your post had absolutely no truth in it i'm gonna have to ask you once again to refrain from posting bullshit in my thread. Thank you

Well you started it!

04-13-2005, 06:05 AM
Oh! Your right Dio, I was lying, I'll stop now. I apologize for telling all these terrible terrible lies for all these nice people to hear.

04-13-2005, 06:46 AM
Originally posted by allen
Oh! Your right Dio, I was lying, I'll stop now. I apologize for telling all these terrible terrible lies for all these nice people to hear.

Damn right you better apologize! Now please get off my dick and stop posting bullshit in my thread. Thank you

04-13-2005, 06:54 AM
Dionisius, you are a turd.

You periodically post about how noone goes to the boulder any more and how people are missing the whole point of the game and how they need to get a grip and start playing the game the way you say it should be played.

Each time you post the same ridiculous things, you are reliably informed by those with an IQ larger than their shoe size that you are talking out your arse and then, feeling insecure in the shadow of their immense IQ's (compared to your own), you give it loads of "GET OWT OV MI THRED!"

Will you ever learn? If not, just fuck off and leve us alone.

04-13-2005, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque
Dionisius, you are a turd.

You periodically post about how noone goes to the boulder any more and how people are missing the whole point of the game and how they need to get a grip and start playing the game the way you say it should be played.

Each time you post the same ridiculous things, you are reliably informed by those with an IQ larger than their shoe size that you are talking out your arse and then, feeling insecure in the shadow of their immense IQ's (compared to your own), you give it loads of "GET OWT OV MI THRED!"

Will you ever learn? If not, just fuck off and leve us alone.

Nieninque, you are like a bump on my ass that just pusses every once in a while. Be a good ass scab and STFU. Thank you

04-13-2005, 07:27 AM
Cutting... :rolleyes:

04-13-2005, 02:53 PM
Why is he not allowed to ask why people dont go to the boulder anymore? It's a simple question and wasn't asked in a rude way in the least. Please, show me where he said everyone needs to go to the boulder and play gemstone the way he wants to... i mean, what an ignorant comment. In fact I believe he said to him dueling makes the game more fun, but you can indeed have an intense roleplay experience without it.

If anyone else had started this thread, you (allen and nieninque) wouldn't have even bothered to post most likely. Being that it was dionisius, you immediately decide to start shit by attacking him about a thread that has nothing wrong with it. How about you get a fucking life and find something more constructive to do than hate people through phone lines, it's really pathetic.

04-13-2005, 02:58 PM
Dionisius reaps what he sows.

04-13-2005, 09:49 PM
Actually Alarke, I posted the same type of thread a few weeks ago and I was letting him know that because he is a fucking retard and probably couldn't read it. I 'attacked' this retard because he wouldn't know what a duel was if it smacked him upside his head. His idea of a duel, in his pea-sized brain, is someone looking at you the wrong way on the boulder, and killing them. Then when they come back to get some revenge, you cry like a bitch and flee town. He's not innocent, and he acts like his heart bleeds for some good roleplay. The guy is a dousche with nothing better to do.

04-13-2005, 09:53 PM
I don't know if he does that crap in game and it doesnt really matter to me... I guess I was just seeing a simple question asked that didnt require a snappy answer is all. Just a quick, "I just posted a question about that, do a search" is fine. I don't think ripping anyones head off for asking a question on a game forum does anyone any good.

04-13-2005, 10:19 PM
Oh no no never that, I know how it is to get hounded for a question, very annoying. It's just that this guy continously acts like an asshole ingame, and to come on here and act like he just wants to 'roleplay' is just hilarious to me. Roleplaying a dueling type is one thing, being a thorn in everyone's ass is another.