View Full Version : Suavementasious
07-28-2005, 01:04 AM
So.. apparently he killed my buddy Rimsch while Rimsch was disconnected and ghosting in the game. And he knew that before he commenced to kill him. So.. I shattered him right in the fucking face.
You can't go there.
[Maernstrike Caverns, Tunnel]
Resembling a plush carpet, chunky blue and green fuzzy mold covers the floors entirely, muffling the steps of anyone or anything that may be moving about. The mildew on the walls is thick enough to be scraped off with a fingernail, making the walls even denser. Emptied of its contents and almost buried in a small nook lies a corroded treasure chest. You also see a kiramon worker that appears stunned.
Also here: Suavementasious
Obvious exits: south, west
>cast suave
You gesture at Suavementasious.
You concentrate intently on Suavementasious, a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward Suavementasious!
CS: +323 - TD: +137 + CvA: -9 + d100: +2 - +5 == +174
Warding failed!
Suavementasious shudders with severe convulsions as pearlescent ripples envelop his body.
Suavementasious is crushed for 65 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Massive blow to left hand crushing it to pulp!
He is stunned!
... 45 points of damage!
Strike to temple cracks skull open!
* Suavementasious drops dead at your feet!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
* Suavementasious just bit the dust!
You ponder.
The ghostly voice of Suavementasious says, "Da heck."
>inc 130
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Spirit Guide spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your surroundings blur for a moment . . .
07-28-2005, 01:10 AM
But.. I thought Suave was uber cool and cutesy with gold stars on top?!
07-28-2005, 01:10 AM
Holy shit you DID hit him right in the face! :lol:
07-28-2005, 01:12 AM
And here's him again after he pissed me off.
You sneer.
>prep 1106
>cast suave
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Bone Shatter...
Your spell is ready.
Kapera murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kapera gestures.
Kapera's right hand looks better.
You gesture at Suavementasious.
You concentrate intently on Suavementasious, a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward Suavementasious!
CS: +324 - TD: +122 + CvA: -9 + d100: +27 - +5 == +215
Warding failed!
Suavementasious shudders with severe convulsions as pearlescent ripples envelop his body.
Suavementasious is crushed for 65 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Massive blow to chest collapses sternum!
He is stunned!
... 35 points of damage!
Hard blow to chest breaking ribs!
Hard to breathe!
* Suavementasious drops dead at your feet!
Someone exclaims, "Murder by Himmy! Call the Guard Captain!"
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
* Suavementasious just bit the dust!
07-28-2005, 01:48 AM
So..I shattered him right in the fucking face.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
07-28-2005, 02:27 AM
Nice one you Himmy... give it to him one more time!
07-28-2005, 03:22 AM
Suave killed Rimsch while Rimsch was ghosted. I kill Suave. The end.
[Maernstrike Caverns, Tunnel]
Hundreds of fire beetles dance hypnotically in the air. The eerie green light from their underbellies casts unsettling shadows on the far walls. The floor is littered with rocks and debris making movement dangerous and burdensome. You also see the Chandani disk.
Also here: Chandani, the body of Rimsch who is lying down
Obvious exits: north, south
Kritz followed.
Chandani asks, "Why are you in the room and not trying to help?"
Kritz searches around for a moment.
Kritz points at Suavementasious, ruining his hiding place.
Suavementasious says, "He was sleep walking."
>targ suave
You are now targetting Suavementasious.
Chandani asks, "And?"
>stance offensive
Suavementasious says, "So i killed him."
You are now in an offensive stance.
[Roll result: 111 (open d100: 27) Penalties: 22]
You feint to the left, Suavementasious buys the ruse and moves to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
...wait 1 seconds.
Chandani traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Chandani gestures at Suavementasious.
CS: +373 - TD: +151 + CvA: -9 + d100: +68 - +5 == +276
Warding failed!
Suavementasious suddenly stops all movement.
[Roll result: 169 (open d100: 45) Bonus: 18]
You feint low, Suavementasious buys the ruse and twists awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
R>at suave
You swing a dark golvern veniom-hilted craquemarte at Suavementasious!
AS: +397 vs DS: +80 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +22 = +366
... and hit for 42 points of damage!
Rapped Suavementasious's knuckles hard!
Right hand sounds broken.
He is stunned!
You swing a krodera hilted vultite falchion at Suavementasious!
AS: +377 vs DS: +74 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +90 = +420
... and hit for 64 points of damage!
Deep slash to Suavementasious's right side!
Several inches of padding sliced off hip....
From the inside!
He is knocked to the ground!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Chandani gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
R>at suave
You swing a dark golvern veniom-hilted craquemarte at Suavementasious!
AS: +397 vs DS: +68 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +73 = +429
... and hit for 73 points of damage!
Powerful slash!
Suavementasious's left leg is severed at the knee!
You swing a krodera hilted vultite falchion at Suavementasious!
AS: +377 vs DS: +49 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +98 = +453
... and hit for 65 points of damage!
Crossing slash to chest catches Suavementasious's attention!
* Suavementasious drops dead at your feet!
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Suavementasious.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Suavementasious.
Suavementasious returns to normal color.
The bright luminescence fades from around Suavementasious.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
07-28-2005, 11:41 AM
Aww, he was bound first? Do that again without the bind, you pansy.
Sean of the Thread
07-28-2005, 11:43 AM
I'm not sure but I may have some small record as to how many times I've killed that douchebag and his alts. So quit slacking and post more logs of his death. I'll let you know when you get closer to the record.
07-28-2005, 11:50 AM
I wasn't trying to hit any record. The first death in this post was for Rimsch. The second was because Suave thinks he's so cool for following Sheru. News Flash: Himmy follows Sheru. Start telling Himmy about how he's not a real Sheru follower and blah blah blah and he gets upset.
07-28-2005, 03:22 PM
He tries to tell Anticor that he doesn't know about the Grot'karesh. The kids a moron and gets butt hurt when you make sure he knows it. He also likes to hide behind the constable and sancts when his mouth writes checks his ass can't cash.
07-28-2005, 03:37 PM
Just from an observer's perspective, as he and Xand have never interacted, but I dont think I've ever seen a char take such an asswhooping on such a regular basis.
Poor guy.
Stealin Yoshit
07-28-2005, 03:41 PM
Thanks for the support guys. My ISP's been screwy lately, that's the only reason he tagged me there. I wish I'd gotten to log him killing me, but to be honest, all I saw was him feinting me, and yes, I counted, 11 times. And then I finally just closed SF because my buffer was completely unmoving. Anyhow, it's back up and running now.
Stealin Yoshit
07-28-2005, 03:49 PM
Well shit. I logged in at 2:33 pm CST, and Suave was on. By 2:45 CST, My eyes are open enough to do some Suave hunting, but he's not on anymore. I'm entertaining the idea that he logged off to avoid me.
Score to date- Suave: 2 (once while I was linkdead) Rimsch: 5
07-28-2005, 04:02 PM
He's just mad because I can feint lock him faster. 1 second feint PWNS FYI.
07-28-2005, 04:13 PM
I just like making Suave say please before I'll heal him. Makes my sweet empath laugh everytime. Particularly if he's dead.
Reminds me of Solescape/Abztract who between StrayRogue and myself died probably about one hundred times before he really got the point.
07-28-2005, 04:43 PM
I always laugh when Suave is brought up. That little fucker is annoying as hell and gullible.
I remember him whispering to me one time asking me if I thought Nalina was a GM. I told him that she was and that's the reason they let me kill him so many times.
The fucker believed me and stopped annoying her as well as me until he found out I was joking.
07-28-2005, 04:53 PM
Wow... Owned.
07-28-2005, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by Himmy
So.. apparently he killed my buddy Rimsch while Rimsch was disconnected and ghosting in the game. And he knew that before he commenced to kill him. So.. I shattered him right in the fucking face.
Cause jumping into a fight for someone else is always good RP.
Don't get me wrong, he's annoying and it's fun, but just running up to someone your character has no conflict with and casting at him without saying a word doesn't really leave you room to complain about Suave.
[Edited on 7-28-2005 by Mistomeer]
[Edited on 7-28-2005 by Mistomeer]
07-28-2005, 06:48 PM
<<Cause jumping into a fight for someone else is always good RP.
Don't get me wrong, he's annoying and it's fun, but just running up to someone your character has no conflict with and casting at him without saying a word doesn't really leave you room to complain about Suave. >>
Apparently, you're a fucking retard. I had no complaints with the guy the first time I killed him. I just killed him. And, I still have no complaints. My post about Sheru blah blah blah was just an explanation for his SECOND death. Which, yes, is an IC conflict between the two. So, I'll give you the fact that the first death wasn't good RP. But neither is killing someone you know is DC'ed. Without a valid IC reason. He said "Oh, he was afk scripting" Yeah, GREAT FUCKING RP.
Mistomeer, please put my dick in your mouth and commence sucking.
[Edited on 7-28-2005 by Himmy]
Stealin Yoshit
07-28-2005, 06:52 PM
You two put a cork in it, you're going to fill up the thread with a bunch of whiney flame posts, and leave no room for all the logs I'll be posting of my sweet and tastey revenge. Just kick back and wait for the most entertaining deaths that get posted here and stop trying to sacktap each other. :)
07-28-2005, 06:59 PM
If Suave kicks your ass you'd better post the log so I can laugh.
Stealin Yoshit
07-28-2005, 07:14 PM
Have you seen me post before? I always post my losses too. I wish I could've posted this one, but like I said, my connection locked up and I was only aware that I was dead because I was told after the fact. All that I was able to see, at 1 jerky line scroll at a time, were the 11 times he feinted me. Fucking pussy warrior way to duel. If your first feint works, just mstrike the target and be done with it.
Terminator X
07-28-2005, 07:23 PM
I don't actually know who this guy really is, but he dies an absolutely absurd amount of times, all the time...
Stealin Yoshit
07-28-2005, 09:42 PM
As Promised:
You notice Suavementasious try to tiptoe silently by you.
>!stalk suave
What were you referring to?
>point suave
You come out of hiding.
You point at Suavementasious, ruining his hiding place.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
...wait 2 seconds.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
>amb suave
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a dark imflass waraxe at Suavementasious!
AS: +301 vs DS: +199 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +2 = +133
... and hit for 5 points of damage!
Your blow nicks Suavementasious's left hand.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Suavementasious looks around for a moment before sighing disappointedly.
You quietly say, "Stupid."
[Roll result: 149 (open d100: 59)]
Suavementasious feints low, you spot the ruse too late as you twist awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 8 sec.
>stance def
...wait 8 seconds.
[Roll result: 136 (open d100: 46)]
Suavementasious feints high, you spot the ruse too late as you twist awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
You chortle.
A red fox pads into the room.
[Roll result: 126 (open d100: 36)]
Suavementasious feints high, you spot the ruse too late as you twist awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
>'Keep abusing
You quietly say, "Keep abusing."
The fox takes a look around.
There is a twinkle in a red fox's eyes for a moment.
You begin to lose touch with your internal sources of strength.
Suavementasious swings a ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore at you!
AS: +324 vs DS: +237 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +29 = +160
... and hits for 40 points of damage!
Wild upward slash removes your face from your skull!
Interesting way to die.
Go me! Roll them 2s! ROFL!
Me: 5
Suave: 3
07-28-2005, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by Revon
If Suave kicks your ass you'd better post the log so I can laugh.
Rimsch comes out of hiding.
Rimsch points at you, ruining your hiding place.
Rimsch leaps from hiding to attack!
Rimsch swings a dark imflass waraxe at you!
AS: +301 vs DS: +199 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +2 = +133
... and hits for 5 points of damage!
Blow nicks your left hand.
You haven't had enough time to find another hiding spot yet!
>targ rim
You are now targetting Rimsch.
>stance offensive
You are now in an offensive stance.
Rimsch quietly says, "Stupid."
[Roll result: 149 (open d100: 59) Bonus: 20]
You feint low, Rimsch buys the ruse and twists awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[Roll result: 136 (open d100: 46) Bonus: 20]
You feint high, Rimsch buys the ruse and twists awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Rimsch starts chortling.
A red fox pads into the room.
...wait 1 seconds.
[Roll result: 126 (open d100: 36) Bonus: 20]
You feint high, Rimsch buys the ruse and twists awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Rimsch quietly says, "Keep abusing."
The fox takes a look around.
There is a twinkle in a red fox's eyes for a moment.
Rimsch seems a bit weaker than before.
You swing a ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore at Rimsch!
AS: +324 vs DS: +237 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +29 = +160
... and hit for 40 points of damage!
Wild upward slash removes Rimsch's face from his skull!
Interesting way to die.
* Rimsch drops dead at your feet!
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Rimsch.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Rimsch suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Rimsch returns to normal color.
Rimsch seems a bit less imposing.
The bright luminescence fades from around Rimsch.
The powerful look leaves Rimsch.
Rimsch becomes solid again.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Rimsch.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
...wait 9 seconds.
* Rimsch just bit the dust!
The red fox begins to watch the goings on carefully.
R>cackle rim
You cackle at Rimsch.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Stealin Yoshit
07-28-2005, 09:52 PM
Way to double post, dumbass. Post the one from last night while I was linkdead and you feinted me 11 times that I saw.
07-28-2005, 09:57 PM
least i dont have a bunch of boyfriends who have to come to my rescue everytime i die
[Edited on 7-29-2005 by HarmNone]
Stealin Yoshit
07-28-2005, 10:01 PM
Think what you will. You saw me tell them not to kill you. People do what they will of their own accord. I know it just eats you up inside that some people out there have actual friends who help them. Don't worry Suavie, I won't always roll a 2. You may as well thank the powers of the laws of probability now, while you still can. Your ultimate fate is to have either a 0 constitution score, or a 0 bank account. Maybe both, depends on how bored I get with you.
07-28-2005, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Michaelous
least i dont have a bunch of boyfriends who have to come to my rescue everytime i die
[Edited on 7-29-2005 by HarmNone]
Only reason you died from me is because you killed him WHILE HE WAS GHOSTING YOU FUCKING IDIOT.
I have never gotten physically involved with your little shit before last night. As a matter of fact, even though you probably won't admit it, the only time I've ever swung at you was a) when you insulted me, or b)when we've dueled.
So quit your shit talking, because it's nonsense.
07-28-2005, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by Himmy
Apparently, you're a fucking retard. I had no complaints with the guy the first time I killed him. I just killed him.
Because he killed your friend. Yeah, that's great RP. Do you get your "big brother" to kill people you can't take too?
And, I still have no complaints. My post about Sheru blah blah blah was just an explanation for his SECOND death. Which, yes, is an IC conflict between the two. So, I'll give you the fact that the first death wasn't good RP. But neither is killing someone you know is DC'ed. Without a valid IC reason. He said "Oh, he was afk scripting" Yeah, GREAT FUCKING RP.
Never said it was good RP on his part, but thanks for proving your just as big of a bitch. You seriously posted a log admitting that you had never met him IG, but he killed your friend so you just walked up without saying a word and wasted him.
And the "second" conflict was a result of you just doing what your friend couldn't, or wouldn't. It's pretty hypocritical to kill someone for no reason because they killed your friend for no reason. Hell, it's even worse. He never even touched your character.
Mistomeer, please put my dick in your mouth and commence sucking.
Aw, what's wrong? Have to flame me because I pointed out your snert behavior instead of kissing your ass for killing some dipshit you had no previous interaction with? Sorry, but you acted like an idiot, even if it was to kill a dumbass.
Stealin Yoshit
07-28-2005, 11:41 PM
Who says I can't kill him?
07-28-2005, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by Stealin Yoshit
Who says I can't kill him?
I said couldn't or wouldn't. Looks just as bad when you get your friend, who had nothing at all to do with it, to kill him 3 times for you.
07-28-2005, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Originally posted by Stealin Yoshit
Who says I can't kill him?
I said couldn't or wouldn't. Looks just as bad when you get your friend, who had nothing at all to do with it, to kill him 3 times for you.
Actually...Rimsch never asked either of us to kill Suave. I heard what he did, and killed Suave on my own. Same for Himmy. So...he didn't get us to kill Suave. We chose to do that on our own.
07-29-2005, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by Gigantuous
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Originally posted by Stealin Yoshit
Who says I can't kill him?
I said couldn't or wouldn't. Looks just as bad when you get your friend, who had nothing at all to do with it, to kill him 3 times for you.
Actually...Rimsch never asked either of us to kill Suave. I heard what he did, and killed Suave on my own. Same for Himmy. So...he didn't get us to kill Suave. We chose to do that on our own. the guy kills one person, and two others he doesn't even know kill him repeatedly?
How does that give any of you room to bitch about his behavior?
07-29-2005, 12:01 AM
Uh...hold on there, chief. I DO know Suave. Having dueled him several times, been witness to his dais antics (as well as his Landing ones), having even hunted with him.
Thus, I can bitch, and bitch all I want!
Although, in case you haven't noticed, I haven't bitched. And, I only killed him once.
Thanks for coming out though!
07-29-2005, 12:04 AM
07-29-2005, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by Gigantuous
Uh...hold on there, chief. I DO know Suave. Having dueled him several times, been witness to his dais antics (as well as his Landing ones), having even hunted with him.
Thus, I can bitch, and bitch all I want!
Although, in case you haven't noticed, I haven't bitched. And, I only killed him once.
Thanks for coming out though!
Right..and that's fair. Anyone who spends 5 minutes on the Dais with him has reason to kill him which is why it's so confusing why anyone would just walk up and smack him without any previous interaction. If you're mad and want to kill him, spend 5 minutes with him on the Dais, and start the fight.
One can rest assured that his antics will lead to a conflict, without having to stoop down to his level and just walk up and off him out of the blue.
07-29-2005, 01:33 AM
heres basically what happened, rimsch got caught sucking a kiramons dick afk, so i killed him, then gigantuous ,himmy, and dragonfase take it personal that i killed thier bitch thus proving thier infatuation with afk dick sucking, then rimsch comes back to try to avenge his wimpy ass and gets a big sausage shoved down his throat, and low and behold gigantuous dragonfase, and himmy, take it personal once again and reclaim the thrown to the bitch r us team once again. end of story
07-29-2005, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by Michaelous
heres basically what happened, rimsch got caught sucking a kiramons dick afk, so i killed him, then gigantuous ,himmy, and dragonfase take it personal that i killed thier bitch thus proving thier infatuation with afk dick sucking, then rimsch comes back to try to avenge his wimpy ass and gets a big sausage shoved down his throat, and low and behold gigantuous dragonfase, and himmy, take it personal once again and reclaim the thrown to the bitch r us team once again. end of story
I killed you once. Again, quit with the bullshit.
07-29-2005, 01:53 AM
Gig, you're a beef wellingtonface.
Also, you guys are pwning eachother too little.
Do some more killing plz.
Also, I hear Vaktof said that Himmy's IG mother was a tramp. Might wanna talk to him about that.
07-29-2005, 01:56 AM
The murder is on its way.
And I heard Vaktof said Himmy's father very closely resembled a rolton. I'd speak to him about that, too.
Stealin Yoshit
07-29-2005, 01:57 AM
Mistomeer, you're sadly misinformed. I've killed Suave before, and I plan on killing him more in the future simply because he attacks me for no reason. I've tried to be friendly with him while maintaining RP. Tried to be friendlier still by dropping the vengeful RP that I should very well keep up, and he still killed me while I was linkdead in kiramon. Yeah Suave, learn to fucking read. LINKDEAD, not AFK, not script hunting. I wasn't aware you'd killed me till after the fact. Like I said, I won't always roll a 2 when my axe is flying at your head. Dumbass.
Suave, why is your RT ten seconds?
07-29-2005, 05:51 AM
cause it was an ambush to the head
Ouch, I thought my 8 sec claid ambush RT was bad.
Originally posted by Michaelous
[quote]Originally posted by Revon
[Roll result: 136 (open d100: 46) Bonus: 20]
You feint high, Rimsch buys the ruse and twists awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Rimsch starts chortling.
A red fox pads into the room.
...wait 1 seconds.
[Roll result: 126 (open d100: 36) Bonus: 20]
You feint high, Rimsch buys the ruse and twists awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Rimsch quietly says, "Keep abusing."
What's the whole "keep abusing" comment about? You're not complaining that he's using guild skills are you?
Stealin Yoshit
07-29-2005, 11:16 AM
No, 1 or 2 feints is nothing compared to what he usually does.
07-29-2005, 11:41 AM
Suave is balista fodder. I think even the Kiramon laugh at him.
How's yer eye Sheruvian dog? I dropped ya on the Dais one day and I swear it must have took you a good minute to realize you were dead. Don't think anyone else noticed either. Hell I'm still wanted, no Guards came for me yet and if they do I'm commin fer ya again :nono:
07-29-2005, 02:27 PM
i may be biased, but i think i still have the 3 best kills of him ever, well 2 were michaelous, 1 suave, but still
1. weaponfired michaelous. first flare went off, * Michaelous bit the dust., departed, second flare went off, * Michaelous bit the dust. best use of 15 mana ever.
2. i dueled with suave, from kneeling, and without casting ANY spells, and i was in offensive, with my wizard. * Suavementasious bit the dust.
3. michaelous was talkin on psinet or the amunet about some kiramon that was super spelled up (probably a GM) and asked someone to kill it, as he couldnt, and it was gonna kill him. sent a familiar, gated, slept michaelous, hasted the kiramon, ringed back to the dais. * Michaelous bit the dust.
:lol: That last one is fucking great.
- Arkans
07-29-2005, 02:52 PM
I personally like the first one. That was indeed a very good use of 15 mana.
07-29-2005, 03:09 PM
<<Right..and that's fair. Anyone who spends 5 minutes on the Dais with him has reason to kill him which is why it's so confusing why anyone would just walk up and smack him without any previous interaction. If you're mad and want to kill him, spend 5 minutes with him on the Dais, and start the fight.
One can rest assured that his antics will lead to a conflict, without having to stoop down to his level and just walk up and off him out of the blue.>>
Hey, you fucktard. Did you not read the entire thread? Specifically the part about Himmy being Sheruvian? The second time I killed him was because of exactly that.
And, no. I don't get my "big brother" to settle conflicts. If any of my younger characters try to write checks their asses can't cash, that's their ass.
[Edited on 7-29-2005 by Himmy]
07-29-2005, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Originally posted by Stealin Yoshit
Who says I can't kill him?
I said couldn't or wouldn't. Looks just as bad when you get your friend, who had nothing at all to do with it, to kill him 3 times for you.
Also, learn to count or learn plurals. Because, Himmy only killed Suave TWICE. Gig killed him once. That makes three between two friendS.
07-29-2005, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by Michaelous
heres basically what happened, rimsch got caught sucking a kiramons dick afk, so i killed him, then gigantuous ,himmy, and dragonfase take it personal that i killed thier bitch thus proving thier infatuation with afk dick sucking, then rimsch comes back to try to avenge his wimpy ass and gets a big sausage shoved down his throat, and low and behold gigantuous dragonfase, and himmy, take it personal once again and reclaim the thrown to the bitch r us team once again. end of story
It's true, Suave. I am the captain of that shit.
[Edited on 7-29-2005 by Himmy]
07-29-2005, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Himmy
Originally posted by Michaelous
heres basically what happened, rimsch got caught sucking a kiramons dick afk, so i killed him, then gigantuous ,himmy, and dragonfase take it personal that i killed thier bitch thus proving thier infatuation with afk dick sucking, then rimsch comes back to try to avenge his wimpy ass and gets a big sausage shoved down his throat, and low and behold gigantuous dragonfase, and himmy, take it personal once again and reclaim the thrown to the bitch r us team once again. end of story
It's true, Suave. I am the captain of that shit.
[Edited on 7-29-2005 by Himmy]
least we can all agree on one thing, lol admitting thats your the captain of the bitch r us team, you have now earned my utmost respect you pathetic little shit
07-29-2005, 03:33 PM
Heh, it's funny 'cause I like the fact that Suave is Sheruvian. That's totally pwn. I think I'm sensing a little OOG anger at something that happened completely IG.
Oh, and Suave.. I love them cutesty gold stars you got on top, that's totally win.
Hey mister cutesy man wif gold stars!
You talk about dicks and sucking a WHOLE lot. You into the mansex? C'mon you can tell me!
*hugs suave* Bye now, Mister!
07-29-2005, 04:16 PM
Nothing is as funny as casting evil eye on Suave and watching him run like a girl.
07-29-2005, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by hectomaner
i may be biased, but i think i still have the 3 best kills of him ever, well 2 were michaelous, 1 suave, but still
1. weaponfired michaelous. first flare went off, * Michaelous bit the dust., departed, second flare went off, * Michaelous bit the dust. best use of 15 mana ever.
2. i dueled with suave, from kneeling, and without casting ANY spells, and i was in offensive, with my wizard. * Suavementasious bit the dust.
3. michaelous was talkin on psinet or the amunet about some kiramon that was super spelled up (probably a GM) and asked someone to kill it, as he couldnt, and it was gonna kill him. sent a familiar, gated, slept michaelous, hasted the kiramon, ringed back to the dais. * Michaelous bit the dust.
My fave has to be the 2nd one, but that's cause I was there to see it.
The third one is funniest though.
07-29-2005, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Himmy
Hey, you fucktard. Did you not read the entire thread? Specifically the part about Himmy being Sheruvian? The second time I killed him was because of exactly that.
And the first time you stupid fucking snert?
Jesus Christ you're fucking dumb. You kill someone you had no interaction with, because he killed your friend. That just proves to everyone that you're a dumb fucking bitch with ZERO RP skills.
And, no. I don't get my "big brother" to settle conflicts. If any of my younger characters try to write checks their asses can't cash, that's their ass.
Right, and if it's your friend's conflict then you just involve yourself without saying a word. You're a fucking tard. Let your friend fight his own fights and people probably won't think of you as being beef wellington.
07-31-2005, 05:46 PM
Suave rules. Rimsch blows.
07-31-2005, 05:46 PM
You gesture at Suavementasious.
You hurl a powerful lightning bolt at Suavementasious!
AS: +345 vs DS: +132 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +95 = +344
... and hit for 141 points of damage!
Right eye socket explodes in a dazzling array of multi-colored sparks. Shocking death.
* Suavementasious drops dead at your feet!
07-31-2005, 05:51 PM
For your amusement....
1. You swing a zorchar-edged vultite mattock at Michaelous!
AS: +405 vs DS: +53 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +54 = +442
... and hit for 137 points of damage!
Incredible smash to what used to be a stomach!
* Michaelous drops dead at your feet!
2. att mich
You swing a zorchar-edged vultite mattock at Michaelous!
AS: +420 vs DS: +135 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +35 = +356
... and hit for 82 points of damage!
Left leg mangled horribly.
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
at mich
You swing a zorchar-edged vultite mattock at Michaelous!
AS: +420 vs DS: +74 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +37 = +419
... and hit for 123 points of damage!
Crushing blow to the spine!
Michaelous slumps to the ground.
* Michaelous drops dead at your feet!
Sean of the Thread
07-31-2005, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by hectomaner
i may be biased, but i think i still have the 3 best kills of him ever, well 2 were michaelous, 1 suave, but still
1. weaponfired michaelous. first flare went off, * Michaelous bit the dust., departed, second flare went off, * Michaelous bit the dust. best use of 15 mana ever.
2. i dueled with suave, from kneeling, and without casting ANY spells, and i was in offensive, with my wizard. * Suavementasious bit the dust.
3. michaelous was talkin on psinet or the amunet about some kiramon that was super spelled up (probably a GM) and asked someone to kill it, as he couldnt, and it was gonna kill him. sent a familiar, gated, slept michaelous, hasted the kiramon, ringed back to the dais. * Michaelous bit the dust.
Nah you suck.. me and Jube tag teamed him for the best ever. Basically he was begging for spells so I had him step out the dais and popped him a clumsy curse and jube sent him thru a trap. He was already injured and bleeding and cursed with clumsy before going in.. it was over 20 minutes before his corpse got spit back thru... happy times.
You gesture at Suavementasious.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Suavementasious.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>715 suave
*** TypoHelp: Converted "715 suave" to PREP 715 and CAST AT suave
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Curse...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Suavementasious.
CS: +397 - TD: +144 + CvA: -9 + d100: +27 == +271
Warding failed!
A thread of pure black magic issues forth from your hand toward Suavementasious. It coils itself around him, whirling malevolently before disappearing within his body.
Suavementasious begins to move erratically and looks extremely clumsy!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>go dais
[Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens]
Although the floating platform is suspended well above the ground below, it overflows with abundant plant life. The edges of the dais are brimming with delicate white queen's lace, dark lavender, fragrant rosemary and a variety of other colorful flora. Thick grass underfoot provides an enticingly peaceful resting spot. A thin silk canopy is suspended above, providing ample shade from the day's brightness. You also see a plain fel box, an enruned mithril box, a blue-striped mountain snow tiger, the Dimaire disk, the Beramun disk, an ornery potbellied rock muzzlerat, a fluffy cat that is sitting, a falchion, a peak tiger that is sleeping, a main gauche, a glaesine arch, a large faenor-chased barrel and a richly finished wooden bench with some stuff on it.
Also here: Genysis, Gushi who is sitting, High Lady Dimaire, Beramun who is sitting, Mordja who is sitting, Great Lady Cadiva, Jube, Laccon who is sitting, Lady Starlaz who is lying down
Obvious paths: out
Genysis gestures.
Genysis is surrounded by a writhing barrier of sharp thorns.
You snicker.
Jube says, "Fire vials are."
You cackle!
Jube nods to Gushi.
Gushi chuckles.
You snicker.
Gushi nods.
Suavementasious just arrived.
Suavementasious suddenly trips and falls down!
He is injured in the fall!
... 1 point of damage!
Suavementasious's wrist twisted slightly.
You snicker.
Jube begins chortling at Suavementasious.
Beramun chuckles.
You whistle tunelessly to yourself, remembering days past.
Dimaire glances at Suavementasious.
Suavementasious appears too clumsy to get up!
Suavementasious exclaims, "Help!!"
Genysis works his way into a chain hauberk.
You snicker.
Suavementasious stands up.
Suavementasious still looks very uncoordinated.
So he is clumsy cursed... and jube offers him a box to disarm because he is being a tard.
The voice of Jube asks, "Wanna pick another one Suave?"
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
Suavementasious appears too clumsy to get up!
An ornery potbellied rock muzzlerat scrambles out of sight.
Dimaire works her fingers under her forest green hat and scratches her head.
A peak tiger purrs quietly in her sleep.
Starlaz gestures.
Starlaz's left arm looks better.
Suavementasious says, "Yea."
Suavementasious still looks very uncoordinated.
Starlaz murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Jube removes a scratched steel strongbox from in his leather cloak.
Jube begins to meticulously examine a scratched steel strongbox.
Starlaz gestures.
Starlaz's left arm looks better.
Dimaire looks rather confused.
Jube says, "Here we go."
Jube says, "Good one."
You cackle!
>wear shield
Suavementasious appears too clumsy to
Jube removes a copper lockpick from on a richly finished wooden bench.
You rummage through your brown leather pants and remove an obscure scroll with Invisibility scrawled upon it.
Jube offers Suavementasious a copper lockpick.
>invoke 916
Jube makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Jube gestures at Suavementasious.
A scintillating light surrounds Suavementasious's hands.
1d100: 37 + Modifiers: 240 == 277
You raise the obscure scroll and gesture to invoke the spell.
Sparks begin to fly between the obscure scroll and your fingers. With a sudden burst of enthusiasm, the sparks jump into your hand and a charged feeling surrounds you.
You gesture.
You become invisible.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
Suavementasious accepts Jube's copper lockpick.
Suavementasious still looks very uncoordinated.
Gushi says, "Wait lemme get outta here first, a dioriented giant swinging a clad around can't be good."
I>put scroll in my pants
You put an obscure scroll in your brown leather pants.
Gushi chuckles.
Jube says, "Noone gonna die."
Jube looks over at Gushi and shakes his head.
Suavementasious says, "Ooo scales trap."
Suavementasious says, "Were all gonan die."
Genysis slings a horn-trimmed black willow bow off from over his shoulder.
Suavementasious settles into the difficult task of picking the lock on a scratched steel strongbox.
You hear a snap and then Suavementasious mumbles some unprintables.
A large, dark splotch erupts from the lock mechanism and engulfs Suavementasious who subsequently vanishes! A stiff wind rips past you and into the gulf which collapses on itself, leaving no sign it ever existed...
So he is bleeding.. clumsy cursed.. and off he goes..
20 MINUTES pass.. no kidding.
Suddenly there is a horrible shriek and a bright, intense flash as Suavementasious appears looking very dead!
Rheisia says, "Eli."
Celeerial murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Celeerial gestures.
Celeerial's right eye looks better.
Jube begins chuckling at Suavementasious!
Suavementasious issues a ghostly curse on his own mortality.
Celeerial murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Celeerial gestures.
Celeerial's right hand looks better.
>cackle sua
You cackle at Suavementasious.
Suavementasious's body decays into compost.
Cadiva calmly asks, "Who killed him this time?"
Beramun chuckles.
Jube points at himself.
Beramun grins at Jube.
Cadiva calmly says, "Hehe."
Jube says, "I'll take the credit for that."
Rheisia gives Eliaku a series of teasing little prods along the spine.
Kapera just arrived.
Jube says, "With an assist from Xyelin."
[Edited on 7-31-2005 by Xyelin]
07-31-2005, 06:31 PM
Someone needs to disarm him and kill him on his own blade, then drop the blade back to him...thats always a winner
07-31-2005, 08:57 PM
On the guys killing Suave over Rimsch being killed while afk... The fact that he was ghosting and suave killed him is total bs I agree with that, but that's Suave's style...
I can't always agree with ganging up on people but Suave gets Atreau and his toadies to help him plenty so he can't talk shit either. Course Atreau and Vaktof always jump in each others battles (even though they're plenty old enough to handle the shit themselves. Majorly ooc and they play it off as being friends in game. We all know Atreau is stupid enough to start the shit himself. Anyway with friends like that we all know Suave's a hypocrite. Just MO. (Maybe not lately but I've seen "Ashtrayeww" kill someone needlessly after they pwned Suave.)
One of my personal favs was casting open implodes in rooms next to Michaelous in kiramon and seeing him die a second later. ;)
[Edited on 8-1-2005 by OreoElf]
07-31-2005, 09:25 PM
I've never seen Atreau help Suave, personally. Nor one of his closest 'helpers', Vaktof. Most of Suave's friends won't outright help him. Can you really blame them, considering that if they 'side' with suave, they'd have a fair amount of problems on their hands? hahaha. Just for the record type thing. :)
07-31-2005, 09:43 PM
Yea he hasn't done it recently. In the past I'd seen him do it.
07-31-2005, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Michaelous
heres basically what happened, rimsch got caught sucking a kiramons dick afk, so i killed him, then gigantuous ,himmy, and dragonfase take it personal that i killed thier bitch thus proving thier infatuation with afk dick sucking, then rimsch comes back to try to avenge his wimpy ass and gets a big sausage shoved down his throat, and low and behold gigantuous dragonfase, and himmy, take it personal once again and reclaim the thrown to the bitch r us team once again. end of story
...And then Nauriel killed you twice. I know, I know, getting your ass handed to you by a woman sucks, but at least finish the story. :D
07-31-2005, 10:28 PM
Oh yah, I should also add that she killed you the first time because you accepted a challenge to duel then ran like a little girl.
08-01-2005, 03:56 AM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
Oh yah, I should also add that she killed you the first time because you accepted a challenge to duel then ran like a little girl.
Carry on.
Sean of the Thread
08-01-2005, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
I've never seen Atreau help Suave, personally. Nor one of his closest 'helpers', Vaktof. Most of Suave's friends won't outright help him. Can you really blame them, considering that if they 'side' with suave, they'd have a fair amount of problems on their hands? hahaha. Just for the record type thing. :)
Atreau is already on teh major douchebag list to begin with.
08-01-2005, 02:56 PM
<<Atreau is already on teh major douchebag list to begin with. >>
Very true.
Stealin Yoshit
08-01-2005, 02:56 PM
I think it's kind of amusing how Allen says I suck, while, when he still had Ragdek and we were warring, he killed me all of once, and was aware that I was AFK while he did it. Then, he linked to me and quit the game just to prove to everyone else in TSC how much of a pussy he is.
-Another thing. Now he's signing his posts as "Player of Unknown", which basically means, 'I have no character in GS, I've given up the game, but I still want to talk mad shit on the forums because I have no life.'
[Edited on 8-1-2005 by Stealin Yoshit]
08-01-2005, 03:29 PM
Rimsch sounds like he needs a hug, go kill Suave again and ole Gushi give ya one :cheers:
08-01-2005, 04:37 PM
LOL, calm down Rimsch, I'm just fucking around. I linked to you just to be a dick, was just returning the favor for all the landing folks. And I put Player of Unknown specifically so you couldn't fuck with me, until I got a bit of age, because I am so deathly afraid of you. :scared2:
[Edited on 8-1-2005 by allen]
08-02-2005, 02:57 PM
[Roll result: 178 (open d100: 60) Penalties: 12]
You swing your black ora pike at Suavementasious's blue shaalk claidhmore and connect!
Suavementasious's blue shaalk claidhmore is knocked to the ground!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
>get claid
You pick up a ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore.
I win. And that's with some minor wounds that gave me the penalty to the roll.
Anticor I really really wish you kept that.
08-02-2005, 05:15 PM
Actually I think I could have kept it in that situation. He pulled that claid out of his container and glanced at me. I said you even think of swinging that towards me I'll remove it from your grubby mitts and keep it for proof of your stupidity. He swung, I removed it from him as promised/warned.
Yeah I should have kept it but I handed it back. Next time though....
08-02-2005, 05:22 PM
Thought it was illegal to disarm and keep the weapon?
08-02-2005, 06:06 PM
not if your name's antipants.
08-02-2005, 06:21 PM
I don't think it's illegal, but if the person can prove you abused your guild skills to get the weapon, you can be kicked out of the guild.
I think the most a GM would probably do in that situation is make you give it back, which Anticor already did. I doubt they'd warn you, especially if the person told you to do it.
Running up to someone unawares and casting fleas on them to take back something they stole first from you is against policy though. I know, as I've asked. Very weird policy. I think it depends, like everything else.
08-02-2005, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
I don't think it's illegal, but if the person can prove you abused your guild skills to get the weapon, you can be kicked out of the guild.
I think the most a GM would probably do in that situation is make you give it back, which Anticor already did. I doubt they'd warn you, especially if the person told you to do it.
Running up to someone unawares and casting fleas on them to take back something they stole first from you is against policy though. I know, as I've asked. Very weird policy. I think it depends, like everything else.
it IS against policy, and you will recieve a warning for mechanics abuse. especially with suave
08-02-2005, 06:32 PM
The key is to disarm it in hunting grounds where a critter might pick it up.
08-02-2005, 10:22 PM
If I tell him that should he swing at me I will take his toy and he does swing at me then he knows he's going to lose his little pig sticker. I don't see them doing anything for that. And my guess is he doesn't care because he's bonded to it...get claid, put claid in ant disk, close disk > bonding.
08-02-2005, 11:28 PM
Can bonded weapons be put in waste recepticles as well as disks?
What a hell of a thing to do to a shaalk claid. :whistle:
08-02-2005, 11:52 PM
ROFL! I think they can be...
08-03-2005, 12:52 AM
Here's a log of Suave killing me while I was sleeping....
First time:
Suavementasious grabs you and drags you southwest.
[Whistler's Pass, Road]
The hillside climbs steeply northward, as sheer cliffs tower overhead to a dizzying height. The well-worn cobblestoned road winds its way towards the cliffs from the valley floor. To one side of the road, a small guard tower houses two elven guards, each of whom is diligently observing travellers as they pass.
Also here: Suavementasious
Obvious paths: northeast, west
>Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
>Suavementasious concentrates deeply for a moment.
>Suavementasious removes a ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore from in his black weapon harness.
>Suavementasious concentrates deeply for a moment.
>Suavementasious just opened a flat mithril thigh-strapped case.
>Suavementasious removes a blue crystal from in his thigh-strapped case.
>Suavementasious rubs his blue crystal.
An invisible force guides Suavementasious.
His blue crystal suddenly disintegrates!
>Suavementasious just closed a flat mithril thigh-strapped case.
>Suavementasious rubs a tiny vial of quicksilver on a thin silver chain.
Suavementasious begins moving faster than you thought possible.
>Suavementasious swings a ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore at you!
AS: +430 vs DS: -2 with AvD: +48 + d100 roll: +88 = +568
... and hits for 70 points of damage!
Your right hand falls to the ground, independently of your arm.
You are stunned for 7 rounds!
The guiding force leaves Suavementasious.
>Suavementasious swings a ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore at you!
AS: +355 vs DS: +18 with AvD: +48 + d100 roll: +1 = +386
... and hits for 53 points of damage!
Slash to your right eye!
Vitreous fluid spews forth!
Dessedemona killed him twice, then he decided to kill me a second time:
>Suavementasious concentrates deeply for a moment.
>Suavementasious concentrates deeply for a moment.
>Suavementasious just opened a flat mithril thigh-strapped case.
>Suavementasious just closed a flat mithril thigh-strapped case.
>Suavementasious rubs a tiny vial of quicksilver on a thin silver chain.
Nothing happens.
>Suavementasious swings a closed fist at you!
AS: +157 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +5 + d100 roll: +61 = +208
... and hits for 3 points of damage!
A feeble blow to your right arm!
>Suavementasious removes a ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore from in his black weapon harness.
>Suavementasious swings a ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore at you!
AS: +367 vs DS: +23 with AvD: +48 + d100 roll: +84 = +476
... and hits for 67 points of damage!
Amazing slash to your belly!
Nothing quite like that empty feeling inside.
You are stunned for 8 rounds!
>Suavementasious swings a ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore at you!
AS: +367 vs DS: +18 with AvD: +48 + d100 roll: +8 = +405
... and hits for 61 points of damage!
Massive blow smashes through ribs and drives your heart out the back.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.
...departing in 10 mins...
> * Krayton just bit the dust!
When I got back, I noticed I had no disk and was missing two deeds. So looked through the log, hunted Suave, and proceeded to kill him.
What a dick.
Sean of the Thread
08-03-2005, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
Can bonded weapons be put in waste recepticles as well as disks?
What a hell of a thing to do to a shaalk claid. :whistle:
I think I can almost see your boob in your avatar.
08-03-2005, 01:15 PM
<<I think I can almost see your boob in your avatar. >>
That's not a bad thing.
<<>Suavementasious swings a closed fist at you!
AS: +157 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +5 + d100 roll: +61 = +208
... and hits for 3 points of damage!
A feeble blow to your right arm!
>Suavementasious removes a ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore from in his black weapon harness.
>Suavementasious swings a ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore at you!
AS: +367 vs DS: +23 with AvD: +48 + d100 roll: +84 = +476
... and hits for 67 points of damage!
Amazing slash to your belly!
Nothing quite like that empty feeling inside.
You are stunned for 8 rounds! >>
I've seen him do this several times where he attacks with his fist before pulling out his sword, is that a mistake or is he actually doing something there?
08-03-2005, 01:24 PM
He's checking your DS.
08-03-2005, 01:24 PM
ooooooo that makes sense
08-03-2005, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
The key is to disarm it in hunting grounds where a critter might pick it up.
Very true - lost through normal mechanics, GMs wont even touch it.
08-03-2005, 01:32 PM
He hunts kiramon though because he's a bitch.
08-03-2005, 05:22 PM
I forgot to add, he cried like a little girl when I found out he killed me and after I killed him. I thought that was kinda funny.
I think I might make a hobby out of hunting Suave but he hasn't been on in a few days though. Kinda disappointed about that.
08-03-2005, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Krayton
I forgot to add, he cried like a little girl when I found out he killed me and after I killed him. I thought that was kinda funny.
I think I might make a hobby out of hunting Suave but he hasn't been on in a few days though. Kinda disappointed about that.
In the forest, he was crawling away from Nauriel begging not to die. At the inn later, he ran from her straight to a table and wouldn't come out, insisted that she come to the table to talk to him. It was hillarious.
ps. That's just the cut of the dress and the material Xyelin, but allow Showal his fantasies :P
08-03-2005, 06:17 PM
<<ps. That's just the cut of the dress and the material Xyelin, but allow Showal his fantasies >>
It's still pretty hot either way.
1 rank in disarm > Suave
[Roll result: 162 (open d100: 89) Penalties: 12]
You swing your recurved sylvan bow at Suavementasious's grey mithril claidhmore and connect!
Suavementasious's grey mithril claidhmore is knocked to the ground!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Damn it, I can't find the one of me disarming him with an arrow.
08-22-2005, 12:49 AM
Sorry it's so messy...just don't feel like editing tonight.
Suavementasious concentrates deeply for a moment.
Suavementasious just opened a flat mithril thigh-strapped case.
Suavementasious removes a blue crystal from in his thigh-strapped case.
Suavementasious rubs his blue crystal.
An invisible force guides Suavementasious.
His blue crystal suddenly disintegrates!
Suavementasious just closed a flat mithril thigh-strapped case.
Suavementasious says, "Here goes."
>say Three two one, go.
Suavementasious rubs a tiny vial of quicksilver on a thin silver chain.
Suavementasious begins moving faster than you thought possible.
You say, "Three two one, go."
You feel more courageous.
You feel a layer of protection surround you.
You focus deep within yourself, searching for untapped sources of strength.
You feel incredibly stronger.
Suavementasious swings a ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore at you!
You evade the attack with ease!
The dim celadon wisps about Bisco's hands flare up once more and fade completely away.
Bisco chuckles.
Bisco traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...
Bisco gestures.
A dim celadon wisp flares briefly about each of Bisco's hands, trailing soft pulses of residual light as they move.
You feel fully energetic again.
You've gained 1 physical training point.
(To use these new points, click on the "skill goals" link in the quick link bar.)
Unconverting 1 Phy points to return 2 Mnt points. (See HELP TPS)
Training Points: 0 Phy 21 Mnt (34 Mnt converted to Phy)
Suavementasious swings a ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore at you!
You evade the attack by a hair!
Surprisingly, Suavementasious manages to effortlessly reverse his momentum and strike again!
Suavementasious swings a ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore at you!
You dodge just in the nick of time!
Suavementasious cackles!
Bisco traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...
Bisco gestures.
Rippling cylinders of spiritual force encompass Bisco's arms and the arms of those near him.
Bisco says, "Amazing."
Suavementasious concentrates deeply for a moment.
Bisco smirks.
[Roll result: -121 (open d100: 12)]
Suavementasious attempts to feint low, but fails miserably, leaving himself vulnerable and off-balance.
[Roll result: -73 (open d100: 60)]
Suavementasious feints low, but you aren't fooled for a second.
[Roll result: -90 (open d100: 43)]
Suavementasious feints high, but you aren't fooled for a second.
>stance offensive
You are now in an offensive stance.
[Roll result: -94 (open d100: 39)]
Suavementasious feints high, but you aren't fooled for a second.
[Roll result: 140 (open d100: 81) Penalties: 14]
You swing your veniom-hilted craquemarte at Suavementasious's blue shaalk claidhmore and connect!
Suavementasious's blue shaalk claidhmore is knocked to the ground!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore rises from the ground and flies back to Suavementasious's waiting hand!
>amb suave
You swing a dark golvern veniom-hilted craquemarte at Suavementasious!
AS: +397 vs DS: +124 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +99 = +399
... and hit for 55 points of damage!
Strong slash to Suavementasious's right leg!
Muscles exposed!
Not a pretty sight.
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
You swing a krodera hilted vultite falchion at Suavementasious!
AS: +377 vs DS: +63 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +21 = +362
... and hit for 47 points of damage!
Quick, powerful slash to Suavementasious's right knee!
Roundtime: 8 sec.
Jassrainna says, "These shananigans make me sick."
Bisco put a monir-hafted golvern morning star in his black velvet cloak.
R>at suave
You swing a dark golvern veniom-hilted craquemarte at Suavementasious!
AS: +397 vs DS: +97 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +94 = +421
... and hit for 50 points of damage!
Deep slash to Suavementasious's right forearm!
You swing a krodera hilted vultite falchion at Suavementasious!
AS: +377 vs DS: +89 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +53 = +368
... and hit for 44 points of damage!
Slash to Suavementasious's chest!
Breathe deep, it'll feel better in a minute.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Suavementasious lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk!
Suavementasious shakes off the stun and begins frothing at the mouth!
The berserker's rage leaves Suavementasious's eyes.
Bisco chuckles.
You attempt to hum a merry little tune.
R>at suave
Jassrainna says, "Come on Katt."
You swing a dark golvern veniom-hilted craquemarte at Suavementasious!
AS: +397 vs DS: +86 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +5 = +343
... and hit for 45 points of damage!
Slashing blow to chest knocks Suavementasious back a few paces!
* Suavementasious drops dead at your feet!
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Suavementasious.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Suavementasious suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Suavementasious becomes solid again.
The guiding force leaves Suavementasious.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Satisfaction wells within you, induced by the slaying of Suavementasious. The match is yours!
R>stance defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.
Speaking to Jassrainna, Bisco says, "He did challenge him."
Katta says, "Good fight."
Katta lets out a cheer!
Bisco points at Suavementasious.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Suavementasious issues a ghostly curse on his own mortality.
>agree bisco
You agree with Bisco.
Jassrainna says, "He challenges everyone."
The ghostly voice of Suavementasious says, "No one counted."
You feel fully energetic again.
Bisco says, "Was nothing unprovoked."
The ghostly voice of Suavementasious says, "You forfeit my friend."
You make a horrendous warthog-like noise.
Jassrainna says, "His ego is bigger then his..."
>say ya swung at me.
You say, "Ya swung at me."
Taru just arrived.
Taru just went southwest.
You shrug.
Bisco snickers at Jassrainna.
Jassrainna says, "Weapon."
The ghostly voice of Suavementasious says, "Thats no excuse."
Bisco tickles Jassrainna.
The ghostly voice of Suavementasious says, "Excuses are for the weak."
Jassrainna chuckles.
You begin to lose touch with your internal sources of strength.
Speaking to you, Bisco says, "Actually, it looked like you counted."
The light blue glow leaves Jassrainna.
Suavementasious issues a ghostly curse on his own mortality.
08-22-2005, 03:19 AM
He whined about noone counting, but he attacked you 7 times before you fought back?
08-22-2005, 11:47 AM
08-22-2005, 06:16 PM
Suave just get's dummber and dummber. Here's a log of him killin my buddy Fushugro while he was sleeping followed up by me takin out the trash.
Surprisingly, Suavementasious manages to effortlessly reverse his momentum and strike again!
Suavementasious swings a ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore at you!
Reeling and staggering, you barely dodge the attack!
Suavementasious swings a ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore at you!
AS: +379 vs DS: +103 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +86 = +398
... and hits for 64 points of damage!
Quick, powerful slash to your left knee!
You are knocked to the ground!
Suavementasious just opened a flat mithril thigh-strapped case.
Suavementasious removes a blue crystal from in his thigh-strapped case.
Suavementasious rubs his blue crystal.
An invisible force guides Suavementasious.
His blue crystal suddenly disintegrates!
Suavementasious just closed a flat mithril thigh-strapped case.
Suavementasious swings a ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore at you!
AS: +454 vs DS: +73 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +24 = +441
... and hits for 75 points of damage!
Powerful slash trims your fingernails...
and the remainder of your right hand!
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.
...departing in 10 mins...
The guiding force leaves Suavementasious.
Suavementasious just entered the city gate.
You sense Beramun looking in on you.
Falkai just arrived.
From nearby, you hear Suavementasious yell, "Vengence is so sweet!"
Falkai just entered the city gate.
DEAD>[Leaving rest mode.]
>'suave you in big trouble
You softly say, "Suave you in big trouble."
Lady Beramun just arrived.
You see a wave of energy emanate from Beramun toward you. It coalesces around your body and then seeps in, leaving a glow around your body.
(You sense that your soul has been bound to your body for 13 minutes longer.)
Beramun appears to be preparing to attempt dragging you.
Beramun is trying to drag you. If you want to prevent this type "GROUP CLOSE".
Beramun just entered the city gate, dragging you with her.
[Ta'Illistim, Portcullis Tunnel]
My turn while he's awake and actin like a scared beotch because he know's I'm going to hand him his ass and then some.
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a glossy black vultite falchion at Suavementasious!
AS: +383 vs DS: +91 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +80 = +399
... and hit for 55 points of damage!
Strong slash to Suavementasious's right leg!
Muscles exposed!
Not a pretty sight.
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
[Ta'Illistim, City Gate]
A cavernous opening in the cliff's steep face dominates the crest of the hillside, serving as the nearly impenetrable entrance to the great city built by House Illistim. A raised portcullis is barely visible at the top of the stony gate. Intricately carved columns flank the entrance, their crowns adorned with delicate silvered glyphs and toothily grinning gargoyles. Daylight shimmers across the glyphs, highlighting their curves and contours with subtle grace. You also see a yellow tent.
Also here: a stunned Suavementasious who is lying down, Lord Wolfloner
Obvious paths: southwest
>ambush suave left leg
You swing a glossy black vultite falchion at Suavementasious!
AS: +383 vs DS: +174 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +12 = +248
... and hit for 29 points of damage!
You ripped a chunk out of Suavementasious's left leg with that one.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
...wait 1 seconds.
Suavementasious makes a wide-eyed grimace.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>ambush suave right eye
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a glossy black vultite falchion at Suavementasious!
AS: +383 vs DS: +30 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +3 = +383
... and hit for 64 points of damage!
Slash to Suavementasious's right eye!
Vitreous fluid spews forth!
* Suavementasious drops dead at your feet!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Grand Lord Yagnuts just arrived.
Grand Lord Yagnuts just went southwest.
>"Yer beef is yer dead
You say, "Yer beef is yer dead."
The ghostly voice of Suavementasious asks, "What the heck you killin me for?"
>stance defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.
You feel fully energetic again.
>"Bye weak ass
You say, "Bye weak ass."
>wave sua
You wave to Suavementasious.
The ghostly voice of Suavementasious asks, "You fushugro's diaper cleaner?"
Gigantuous just arrived.
>"Want yer ass back?
You ask, "Want yer ass back?"
08-22-2005, 06:21 PM
thanks for posting what a dumb ass you are moron, go sit on the bitch bench next to the rest of your pals
08-22-2005, 06:56 PM
I am inclined to agree with Suave.
I'll never understand why people always get involved in conflicts that don't involve them. Seems nobody can mind their own business anymore.
(if there are mitigating circumstances here, do let me know and I will retract my statement)
08-22-2005, 07:02 PM
I believe that just because it's Suave/Michaelous, people can just do whatever they want and feel safe that they're batting for the "right" team. If he didn't personally attack you, leave it alone. Fushugro could easily have extracted revenge on his own without someone growing a wild hair up their ass, just to Kill Suave/Michaelous for bragging rights.
And don't give me that "it's within my character's RP" excuse. I don't like the guy either, but I certainly wouldn't kill him just cause.
08-22-2005, 07:02 PM
because Gig aint nothin but a snert ;)
and ROFL @ bitch bench
08-22-2005, 09:59 PM
Suave you are nothing more than a 10 year old exploiter with mommas credit card. The fact that your mutterings mean little more than bad banter doesn't bother me, but when you clearly exploit to exact revenge on someone demonstrates that you have no place in Gemstone. I think it's time you moved onto a game more suited for your intellect, how about a game of Sorry, clearly you are a master already.
Not that I even need to justify my actions, but Suave's clearly exploited the system twice in this thread alone. He clearly knew that the two characters were sleeping and decided to proceed to kill them anyway. It's a clear exploit and I only wish the folks who were victim to it will report it.
As for you now Suave, I'll leave you be but just keep in mind that yer on notice. You stare cross eyed at me again and I'll hand you yer ass again.
08-22-2005, 10:03 PM
You say, "Yer beef is yer dead."
08-22-2005, 10:13 PM
you fucking idiot just cause i killed an enemy of mine while he was sleeping doesnt mean im exploiting shit, just means your a dumb ass for laying around on my turf. sorry this game is played by people other then homosexual's and women in there 40's for your information. hell ya i killed you in your sleep, and ill do it again too biaaatch!!!
08-22-2005, 10:22 PM
Thank God you kids go back to school soon.
08-22-2005, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Michaelous
your a dumb ass for laying around on my turf.
Oh great, so now yer claiming turf?! I'd suggest going back to sucking least that doesn't take any work your little brain cell can't handle.
08-22-2005, 10:37 PM
EVEN THOUGH... Killing someone while they sleep is about as low as you can fucking go... Having someone else handle your dirty work is fucking weak.
I don't like Suave; I don't like seeing Suave; and Ive seen him be a total fucking moron over and over again but I've never assulted him. It doesn't really mean I can unless he starts beef with me then he'll get his ass handed to him.
08-22-2005, 10:43 PM
Honestly, Suave doesn't bother me. I even find him entertaining sometimes, but he always pushes it too far. He's funny to duel against, and it's funny watching him get everyone on the dais all worked up. I don't see how HE has any fun playing the game...but whatever.
He gives me reason all the time to kill him. So I'm 100% justified.
And, like Hecto said...I'm a snert.
08-22-2005, 10:51 PM
I wonder if he will really continue that type of game play when the new death changes roll in. I would guess he departs atleast some of the time he is killed, and he is killed atleast 5 times a day.
08-22-2005, 10:52 PM
He decays a ton, I'm sure.
08-22-2005, 10:54 PM
Even with deeds, he is soon to practically halt his level progression.
08-22-2005, 11:41 PM
man he is fun to duel. this one time, i dueled him in offensive stance, kneeling, and not casting any spells at him, with a wizard...
granted i was much older than him, but still, it was fun
08-23-2005, 12:36 AM
Michaelous was shouting for a duel outside the north gate one day, but he only wanted to duel people his age. Axhinde told him he was around the same, Michaelous believed him, and got pummeled promptly for it. He didn't whine about it, just called me a liar, which I was, and started duelling someone else. Then the GM's got involved and sent the Hearthstone bodyguard guy(I forget his name) to drag Michaelous back into town and stunned him repeatedly. Quite funny.
08-23-2005, 10:04 AM
Just so it's clear, in RP Gushi's called you out atleast a half dozen times Suave because of your egotistical and arrogant behavior. You have declined which is fine as you should have. But then you take it to the next level by exploiting, yes idiot exploiting. Look it up in the dictionary if you must, god knows your probably too retarded to learn anything in school. I was in no way doing Fushugro's dirty work I merely saw an injustice and righted it.
I'm sure Fushugro will be along shortly to exact his revenge on you as well so you might consider a vacation, I might sugest Icemule.
Gushi called you out once again and you finnally meet him outside the gate where you then dart right back in, no doubt to rub a crystal. You once again appear and loose your pathetic life. I offered you a fair fight, but your a coward and so you died like one.
08-24-2005, 12:17 AM
I'm sorry Gushi, but it seems to me like you take this guy even somewhat serious, don't waste your time. If you see him, kill him, but even thinking about trying to make him look like a pussy/liar/queer/dick/loser/low-life/idiot/douchebag, is a waste of your time, because we know he is all of the above plus more. Thanks.
[Edited on 8-24-2005 by allen]
08-24-2005, 12:21 AM
douchebag, isn't it?
08-24-2005, 12:23 AM
I believe so
08-24-2005, 12:25 AM
Happy now, spell-check police?
08-24-2005, 12:25 AM
I didn't really care before.
Still don't.
08-24-2005, 12:35 AM
Once again... people giving Mich the attention he so desperately wants.
I agree with Stay... I'll be glad when school starts...
08-24-2005, 12:57 AM
I was actually asking for clarification just so I can be sure how it's spelled.
08-24-2005, 01:51 AM
Anyone ever think Suave might be gay? Between the earrings and the tight shiny black leather pants.... (Edited to add) Oh and the nose ring and long lashes
>l suave
You see Suavementasious.
He appears to be a Giant of the Grot'karesh Clan.
He appears to be young and robust and average height. He has long-lashed brown eyes and nut brown skin. He has short, wavy black hair with lighter streaks. He has an unshaven face, a classical nose and a broad chest.
He has a tiny diamond stud in his left nostril, and a slender silver hoop in the upper ridge of his left ear.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a small emerald earring, a pair of silver hoop earrings, a glowing amulet, a tiny vial of quicksilver on a thin silver chain, an engraved star sapphire medallion, a floor-length suede longcoat fastened across the front with iron-buckled straps, a dark bronze cockroach pin, a gold rune-engraved scarab, a Sheru crest, a red Ivas symbol, a black armband, some sagging suspenders, a gigantic silver belt buckle engraved with the image of a rabid wolverine foaming at the mouth, a steel-buckled black weapon harness, an exquisite inky black pack, a pitch black hauberk, a gleaming silver armband, a simple silver wristchain, a tear-cut blue dreamstone ring, a thick black leather belt, a silver-edged ash knife case, a square steel-buckled pouch, a hideous black bag stained with blood and stitched with sinister runes, some shiny black leather pants with an iron buckled strap around the left thigh, a flat mithril thigh-strapped case, and some buckled black leather boots.
[Edited on 8-24-2005 by Krayton]
08-24-2005, 05:07 AM
And what's wrong with that?
08-24-2005, 01:54 PM
09-12-2005, 12:20 PM
It sure would explain alot.
09-12-2005, 12:25 PM
Backing up your clan/guild/friends/family is always rp enough to kill someone... unless your just a shitty friend.
09-12-2005, 12:35 PM
Hey Jayvn, did you really kill the NS? How in the fuck do you do that man? I can't beat her tentacled form.
09-12-2005, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Jayvn
Backing up your clan/guild/friends/family is always rp enough to kill someone... unless your just a shitty friend.
Bullshit.. if you can't handle your own fight, don't start/get in one. This whole "my family/friends will get you" is a pussy ass thing to do. Personally I feel only people who are jackasses use the friends/family card.
09-14-2005, 12:42 AM
Lest we all forget.. Rimsch was disconnected and ghosting at the time I killed Suave. He never asked Gig or I to kill Suave. We just did it.
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