10-22-2004, 11:18 PM
A city official says, "I think the fruit is good for him."
Sending INCANT 712 to the game.
Moswell just arrived.
You begin drawing a faint, twisting symbol while softly intoning the words for Cloak of Shadows...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass you, swiftly sinking into your skin.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Kajata agrees with a city official.
Cylnthia grins at a city official.
Coinner says, "The official needs to work on his grammar."
Sending INCANT 712 to the game.
You begin drawing a faint, twisting symbol while softly intoning the words for Cloak of Shadows...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass you, swiftly sinking into your skin.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>'That's for using my last deed.
Cylnthia snickers.
You say, "That's for using my last deed."
Moswell just went northeast.
Sending INCANT 712 to the game.
You begin drawing a faint, twisting symbol while softly intoning the words for Cloak of Shadows...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass you, swiftly sinking into your skin.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Speaking to a city official, Coinner says, "Maybe go back to school."
Tyranic's group just arrived.
Coinner nods to the city official.
Sending INCANT 712 to the game.
You begin drawing a faint, twisting symbol while softly intoning the words for Cloak of Shadows...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass you, swiftly sinking into your skin.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Tyranic's group just went south.
Sending INCANT 712 to the game.
Cylnthia asks, "Who needs grammer when he can toss fruit at you?"
You begin drawing a faint, twisting symbol while softly intoning the words for Cloak of Shadows...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass you, swiftly sinking into your skin.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
A city official says, "Never been to no school"
Cylnthia snickers.
Sending INCANT 712 to the game.
You begin drawing a faint, twisting symbol while softly intoning the words for Cloak of Shadows...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass you, swiftly sinking into your skin.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>toss fruit at coinner
You feel less drained.
You pick up a piece of rotting fruit and toss it right at Coinner! It explodes as it hits Coinner in the face!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Kajata laughs at Cylnthia!
Cylnthia picks up a piece of rotting fruit and tosses it right at Coinner! It explodes as it hits Coinner in the face!
Kajata nods.
You do not have enough mana. You require 25 mana to cast spell 425: Elemental Targeting, but you only have 6. Waiting for additional mana.
[River's Rest, Commons Circle]
Here, the dusty roadway splits and continues to the northeast and northwest. The rush of River Road traffic to the south is faint in the air and the pace of life seems slower and calmer to the north. Between the roads, a dusty pathway fades into a broad expanse of green lawn. You also see the Cylnthia disk, the sparkling Kajata disk, a basket of rotting fruit and a city official.
Also here: Lady Cylnthia, Lady Kajata, Lord Coinner who is set in stocks
Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest
>Kajata picks up a piece of rotting fruit and tosses it right at Coinner! It explodes as it hits Coinner in the face!
>glance fruit
You glance at a basket of rotting fruit.
Cylnthia grins at you.
A city official says, "Thats why they hired me. No one else wants to deal with the low lifes."
Cylnthia nods to the city official.
>act digs through the basket of rotting fruit, digging for the juiciest, nastiest, most rotten piece.
(Raveyna digs through the basket of rotting fruit, digging for the juiciest, nastiest, most rotten piece.)
Speaking to a city official, Cylnthia says, "Ye do it very well too."
Cylnthia cackles!
A city official exclaims, "But I get free beer!"
Kajata steeples her fingers together, quietly observing her surroundings.
Cylnthia beams!
>'Am I going to get arrested if I make him eat this?
You ask, "Am I going to get arrested if I make him eat this?"
Kajata grins at a city official.
Cylnthia snickers.
Cylnthia says, "I highly doubt it."
Speaking to you, Coinner says, "You're a pretty rotten piece yourself."
You have the mana required to continue your spellup.
Sending INCANT 425 to the game.
Cylnthia nods to you.
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Elemental Targeting spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You are filled with a sense of great confidence.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>act squeezes a horribly rotten, stinking orange.
(Raveyna squeezes a horribly rotten, stinking orange.)
Sending INCANT 103 to the game.
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Spirit Defense spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You suddenly feel more powerful.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
PsiNet is done spelling you up.
Delaroz just arrived.
Delaroz just wandered down a dusty pathway.
Kajata says, "Let him kiss it."
Kajata nods to you.
Coinner puckers up his lips.
>peer off
You peer quizzically at a city official.
Kajata says, "He's been wanting to kiss things all afternoon."
>'Am I going to get arrested?
You ask, "Am I going to get arrested?"
(Cylnthia leans back and watches Raveyna with glee.)
A city official says, "I ain't now Captain."
Cylnthia laughs at Kajata!
Coinner glances at a city official.
Cylnthia exclaims, "Oh, aye..he has been wanting to kiss things!"
Coinner coughs.
Cylnthia cackles!
A city official says, "I just be here to ask questions."
>act inches towards Coinner, the fuzzy, slimy orange gripped in her hand.
(Raveyna inches towards Coinner, the fuzzy, slimy orange gripped in her hand.)
>"Hey, Coinner. You hungry?
You ask, "Hey, Coinner. You hungry?"
Kajata steeples her fingers together, quietly observing her surroundings.
Cylnthia laughs!
Coinner struggles for a bit in the stocks.
Rlen just wandered down a dusty pathway.
Rlen just went south.
>act pokes a finger at Coinner's lips.
(Raveyna pokes a finger at Coinner's lips.)
Coinner slams the back of his head into the stocks as he tries to cower.
Cylnthia snickers.
Rlen just arrived.
Rlen just went northeast.
Coinner puckers up his lips.
Speaking to Coinner, Cylnthia exclaims, "Oh come on, you know you want it!"
You squeal.
A city official says, "You get all beat up it ain't gonna be my fault."
A city official says, "Nope nope."
Cylnthia nods to the city official.
>act rubs the slimy orange against Coinner's lips.
(Raveyna rubs the slimy orange against Coinner's lips.)
>"You smell that?
You ask, "You smell that?"
>'That's the deed you took from me.
An aardvark waddles in, snuffling around on the ground.
Cylnthia says, "Aye, tis a risk fer seeing good done to a thief."
You say, "That's the deed you took from me."
Kajata smiles.
>'I can only hope this is going to be just as bad coming out as it's going to be going in.
You say, "I can only hope this is going to be just as bad coming out as it's going to be going in."
>wink coin
You wink at Coinner.
The aardvark idly flicks its long, purple tongue about, hoping to snag some unlucky ant.
(Cylnthia picks out another extra juicey morsel from the basket and walks over to the other side of the stocks.)
Kajata throws back her head and roars with laughter!
Cylnthia cackles!
>act jams the orange into Coinner's face, squishing it, squeezing it, the nasty orange almost exploding as she jams it.
(Raveyna jams the orange into Coinner's face, squishing it, squeezing it, the nasty orange almost exploding as she jams it.)
Speaking to a city official, Coinner says, "I'm bored now, let me out of here."
Great Lord Elsun just wandered down a dusty pathway.
The aardvark sits down awkwardly with a thump.
Hammerrhead just wandered down a dusty pathway.
Great Lord Elsun just went south.
Kajata smirks at Coinner.
Great Lord Elsun just arrived.
Great Lord Elsun just wandered down a dusty pathway.
[River's Rest, Commons Circle]
Here, the dusty roadway splits and continues to the northeast and northwest. The rush of River Road traffic to the south is faint in the air and the pace of life seems slower and calmer to the north. Between the roads, a dusty pathway fades into a broad expanse of green lawn. You also see an aardvark that is sitting, the Cylnthia disk, the sparkling Kajata disk, a basket of rotting fruit and a city official.
Also here: Hammerrhead, Lady Cylnthia, Lady Kajata, Lord Coinner who is set in stocks
Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest
Great Lord Elsun's group just wandered down a dusty pathway.
Great Lord Elsun's group just went south.
Hammerrhead put a monir-hafted golvern morning star in his wolf hide sheath.
>'Let that be a lesson to you.
You say, "Let that be a lesson to you."
>l coin
You see Lord Coinner Silvergrabber the Pickpocket.
He appears to be a Half-Elf.
He appears to be youthful. He has hazel eyes and fair skin. He has short, straight sandy blonde hair.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing nothing special.
Hammerrhead picks up a piece of rotting fruit and tosses it right at Coinner! It explodes as it hits Coinner in the face!
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Fun."
Speaking to a city official, Kajata asks, "How long is he here for anyway?"
(Cylnthia squishes her fruit inbetween Coinners neck and the stocks right as Raveyna squishes her fruit in his face.)
Cylnthia picks up a piece of rotting fruit and tosses it right at Coinner! It explodes as it hits Coinner in the face!
You gag.
The aardvark shakes its thin head, its ears flopping loudly. With a grunt it heaves itself awkwardly to its feet.
The aardvark idly flicks its long, purple tongue about, hoping to snag some unlucky ant.
You say, "Nasty."
Kajata picks up a piece of rotting fruit and tosses it right at Coinner! It explodes as it hits Coinner in the face!
>act holds her hand out in front of her.
(Raveyna holds her hand out in front of her.)
Cylnthia nods to you.
>"Oh how disgusting.
You say, "Oh how disgusting."
You say, "Hammer..."
Kajata agrees with you.
Hammerrhead clearly asks, "Yes Milade?"
>"Smell this.
You say, "Smell this."
>act offers her hand to Hammerrhead.
(Raveyna offers her hand to Hammerrhead.)
Great Lord Elsun's group just arrived.
Hammerrhead makes a choking sound.
Great Lord Elsun's group just wandered down a dusty pathway.
You giggle.
The aardvark idly flicks its long, purple tongue about, hoping to snag some unlucky ant.
(Cylnthia wipes her hands on Coinner's clothing, cleaning them off quickly.)
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Smells worse than Coinner."
>"Smells just like him.
You say, "Smells just like him."
Cylnthia gags.
Hammerrhead picks up a piece of rotting fruit and tosses it right at Coinner! It explodes as it hits Coinner in the face!
Hammerrhead clearly exclaims, "Even worse!"
Hammerrhead cackles!
Cylnthia exclaims, "Well, he'll smell like the fruit now!"
You notice Trewlos try to tiptoe silently by you.
A city official sarcastically says, "What a way to top off my day. I just love watching miscreants in stocks."
>""Hammer, you open his mouth, I'll shove this nasty apricot in there.
You say, ""Hammer, you open his mouth, I'll shove this nasty apricot in there."
You feel less drained.
Kajata grins.
The aardvark cocks one ear and glances at you without interest.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Okay."
A city official paces about, clearly looking as though he would rather be elsewhere.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Wait."
Coinner scowls.
Cylnthia asks, "Go 'round town stinkin the place up..maybe we should cover him in hot oil and feathers next?"
Cylnthia glances at a city official.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "I don't want to touch his mouth."
Kajata smiles at Cylnthia.
You fold your arms over your chest.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Someone give me a stick or something."
>'are you scared?
You ask, "Are you scared?"
Cylnthia chuckles.
>sigh at frustration
The aardvark rolls over on its back and wriggles around, trying to scratch an itch.
You give a sigh of frustration.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Yeah, i'll need a lot of undisease."
>"I'll hold his mouth open, you shove this in it.
You say, "I'll hold his mouth open, you shove this in it."
Speaking to Hammerrhead, Cylnthia says, "I can let you borrow my claid.."
>act hands Hammerrhead a slimy, juicy, thoroughly rotten apricot.
(Raveyna hands Hammerrhead a slimy, juicy, thoroughly rotten apricot.)
Kajata grins.
Cylnthia grins.
(Hammerrhead accepts Raveyna's rotten apricot.)
A pure white falcon soars in.
The aardvark accidentally snorfles up a fire ant. It blinks, shakes its tiny head, then sneezes powerfully.
Cylnthia leans back.
A pure white falcon flies northeast.
(Hammerrhead gazes with interest at the rotten apricot in his hand.)
>l in cloa
In the leather cloak you see a contorted witchwood runestaff, an acid-pitted gold chest, a yellow sapphire, an engraved tanik strongbox, a simple modwir box, a green sapphire, a thin gold ring, some acantha leaf, a Vornavis promissory note, some wolifrew lichen, a rose-marrow potion, a golden wand, a small statue, a white flask, a scrap of old papyrus, an oaken wand, a wild black rose, some ambrominas leaf, an obscure scroll, a small statue, an enruned ebonwood mirror, some acantha leaf, a smooth stone and some wolifrew lichen.
(Cylnthia watches with merriment twinkling in her eyes, a slight grin on her face.)
You say, "Hm."
A city official sarcastically says, "What a way to top off my day. I just love watching miscreants in stocks."
The aardvark accidentally snorfles up a fire ant. It blinks, shakes its tiny head, then sneezes powerfully.
>get stone
You remove a smooth stone from in your leather cloak.
A pure white falcon soars in.
Kajata just closed a midnight blue cloak decorated with silver stars and moons.
>act forces Coinner's mouth open and jams the rock in between his teeth, wedging his mouth open.
(Raveyna forces Coinner's mouth open and jams the rock in between his teeth, wedging his mouth open.)
Speaking to a city official, Cylnthia says, "Do ye all do the hot oil/feather thing around here? We can use the blood eagle feathers.."
A pure white falcon flies northeast.
The aardvark rolls over on its back and wriggles around, trying to scratch an itch.
The city official says, "Coinner, ANSWER me these questions in order, one at a time, and within two minutes. What is your gender, your race, and your name?"
A pure white falcon soars in.
Coinner answers his question and the city official nods in approval.
(Hammerrhead pries his rotten apricot into Coinner's mouth.)
Coinner answers his question and the city official nods in approval.
Coinner answers his question and the city official nods in approval.
You gag.
Speaking clearly to Coinner, Hammerrhead asks, "Taste good?"
A pure white falcon flaps his wings once and soars out of sight.
Cylnthia snickers.
An aardvark waddles south, snuffling along the ground.
>'Anyone have rolton poo?
You ask, "Anyone have rolton poo?"
Hammerrhead starts chortling at you!
Cylnthia ponders.
Speaking to Coinner, Kajata asks, "Never learned not to talk with your mouth full, did you?"
>'Or... anyone.. need to go?
Kajata chuckles.
You ask, "Or... anyone.. need to go?"
Cylnthia says, "Nay, but I did have some ambergris.."
Hammerrhead whispers, "I think I can sleep him."
A city official sarcastically says, "What a way to top off my day. I just love watching miscreants in stocks."
Cylnthia laughs at Kajata!
Hammerrhead draws an intricately glowing pattern in the air before him.
CS: +213 - TD: +208 + CvA: +14 + d100: +51 - -5 == +75
Warded off!
You are unaffected by the patterns.
CS: +213 - TD: +109 + CvA: +2 + d100: +75 - -5 == +186
Warding failed!
Cylnthia's eyes roll up into her head as she slumps to the ground.
CS: +213 - TD: +142 + CvA: +15 + d100: +75 - -5 == +166
Warding failed!
Kajata's eyes roll up into her head as she slumps to the ground.
CS: +213 - TD: +130 + CvA: +25 + d100: +50 - -5 == +163
Warding failed!
Coinner's eyes roll up into his head as he slumps to the ground.
Cylnthia awakens startled.
Hammerrhead pokes Cylnthia in the ribs.
Cylnthia gazes up into the heavens.
You laugh out loud!
[River's Rest, Commons Circle]
Here, the dusty roadway splits and continues to the northeast and northwest. The rush of River Road traffic to the south is faint in the air and the pace of life seems slower and calmer to the north. Between the roads, a dusty pathway fades into a broad expanse of green lawn. You also see the Cylnthia disk, the sparkling Kajata disk, a basket of rotting fruit and a city official.
Also here: Hammerrhead, Lady Cylnthia who is lying down, Lady Kajata who is sleeping, Lord Coinner who is sleeping in the stocks
Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest
Cylnthia stands up.
>roll laugh
You fall to the ground laughing hysterically!
Kajata snores quietly.
>roll laugh
You roll around on the ground laughing hysterically!
Kajata awakens startled.
Hammerrhead pokes Kajata in the ribs.
Cylnthia grins.
Kajata chuckles.
Cylnthia throws back her head and roars with laughter!
>act claws at Hammerrhead's legs, laughing hysterically.
(Raveyna claws at Hammerrhead's legs, laughing hysterically.)
Kajata stands up.
Hammerrhead clearly asks, "Gonna be hard to answer those questions now, eh fruitface?"
You pant.
Kajata laughs!
Cylnthia throws back her head and roars with laughter!
Cylnthia rubs her black diamond crown, causing darkness to stream across its surface briefly.
Kajata turns to Hammerrhead and cheers!
A city official takes out a small notepad and studies it closely. After a few moments, he tucks it back away.
Cylnthia grins.
Coinner snores quietly.
The city official says, "Very good, Coinner. All questions answered. Keep alert now!"
The city official says, "Coinner, ANSWER me these questions in order, one at a time, and within two minutes. What is the year, today's month, and your profession?"
Coinner snores quietly.
Hammerrhead laughs!
Hammerrhead laughs!
You feel less drained.
Coinner snores quietly.
A city official glances at a nearby pretty lass with a toothy grin.
Coinner snores quietly.
Lord Hesha just wandered down a dusty pathway.
Kajata leans back.
A city official glances at a nearby pretty lass with a toothy grin.
The city official says, "Never you mind about those questions, Coinner. It seems your time is up."
The city official says, "Well, Coinner, I hope you've learned your lesson now. You may go." With that, the official walks over to Coinner and sets him free.
The city official mutters something under his breath as two burly assistants come in and drag the set of wooden stocks and the basket away.
Lord Hesha just went south.
Lord Hesha just arrived.
Cylnthia smirks.
Cylnthia asks, "Should we drag him to the boat?"
Coinner snores quietly.
Cylnthia asks, "Or drag him to the bay?"
Coinner snores quietly.
Coinner snores quietly.
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