View Full Version : How to get killed really fucking fast
So my character is about to leave when some guy kisses his lover.
I didn't want to kill anyone, that's just not fun for anyone. But I shouldn't assume they will think the same thing.
Entress softly asks, "Back to your cave?"
Dragontat just closed a hooded black silk stalking cloak.
Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>shake head ent
You look at Entress and shake your head.
Thold gestures.
Thold looks a little better.
Dragontat asks, "Could i get some healing?"
Kassira just left.
The courier heads south in a determined manner.
Thold nods to Dragontat.
Entress rocks back on her heels.
Thold meditates over Dragontat.
Thold takes Dragontat's neck damage.
Ralagar gives Brindeanna a warm buss on the lips.
Brindeanna removes a silver-framed jade dragon earcuff from her earlobe.
Thold meditates over Dragontat.
Thold takes all of Dragontat's blood loss.
>'just a different setting would be nice
You softly say, "Just a different setting would be nice."
Dragontat just handed Thold some coins.
Ralagar kisses Entress tenderly on the nose.
Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Thold gestures.
Thold's neck looks better.
Entress wrinkles her nose.
Ralagar waves.
Dragontat just went east.
>hiss shim
You inhale sharply, hissing through your teeth.
Entress waves to Ralagar.
Dragontat just arrived.
>shake head ral
You look at Ralagar and shake your head.
Dragontat just went west.
Brindeanna attaches an enruned golden topaz earcuff to her earlobe.
Entress bites her lip.
Skydzia just arrived.
You feel at full magical power again.
>'Don't let me see you touch her again
You softly say, "Don't let me see you touch her again."
Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Thold gestures.
Thold's neck looks better.
>nod ral
You nod to Ralagar.
Ralagar starts chuckling at you!
Ralagar deftly removes the alloy moon axe from his belt.
Brindeanna put a silver-framed jade dragon earcuff in her elven-crafted robe.
Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Brindeanna waves.
Thold gestures.
Thold looks a little better.
Lalan waves.
Skydzia asks, "Might i git some healin?"
Ralagar slowly says, "I will till she tells me i cant."
Entress clears her throat.
Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Thold gestures.
Thold looks a little better.
Alysee waves to Brindeanna.
Thold nods to Skydzia.
Lord Raidyndark just came trudging in.
Brindeanna waves to Alysee.
>glance ent
You glance at Entress.
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Raidyndark slides a gold ring off his finger.
Brindeanna removes a fel hafted vultite waraxe from in her doeskin Sylvan sling.
...wait 1 seconds.
Thold meditates over Skydzia.
Thold takes Skydzia's neck damage.
Brindeanna removes a veniom-bound rolaren tower shield from in her doeskin Sylvan sling.
Raidyndark slides an intricate gold and brass ring on his finger.
Suddenly Raidyndark vanishes!
You fold your arms over your chest.
Brindeanna glances at you.
Alysee fidgets with her gold and brass ring.
Speaking softly to Ralagar, Entress says, "I wouldn't test him."
Thold meditates over Skydzia.
Thold takes all of Skydzia's blood loss.
Brindeanna snorts.
>growl br
You growl at Brindeanna.
Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Thold gestures.
Thold's neck looks better.
Brindeanna stands up.
Skydzia just handed Thold some coins.
>'get lost
You softly say, "Get lost."
>smile politely
Shimmerain smiles politely
Alysee begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as she utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...
Alysee gestures.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass Alysee, swiftly sinking into her skin.
Skydzia just went east.
Ralagar makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Ralagar gestures.
Ralagar blends into invisibility among the surroundings.
Entress whispers, "Know Brin?"
Alysee begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as she utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...
Alysee gestures.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass Alysee, swiftly sinking into her skin.
>whis ent nope
You quietly whisper to Entress, "Nope."
Ralagar leaps from hiding to attack!
Ralagar swings a scorched alloy moon axe at you!
AS: +350 vs DS: +384 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +27 = +22
A clean miss.
Your demeanor is cold.
Use DEMEANOR HELP for more information.
Alysee begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as she utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...
Speaking to you, Brindeanna says, "I never get lost."
Alysee gestures.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass Alysee, swiftly sinking into her skin.
>prep 706
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Mind Jolt...
Your spell is ready.
>cast at ral
You gesture at Ralagar.
CS: +374 - TD: +263 + CvA: +2 + d100: +87 - -5 == +205
Warding failed!
His eyes flash with a searing jolt of light!
He is badly stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
Lalan closes his eyes and leans softly against his black villswood runestaff.
A dappled lion slashes a paw at where your left arm was moments before. You were nearly injured!
Alysee begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as she utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...
Alysee gestures.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass Alysee, swiftly sinking into her skin.
Brindeanna gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>prep 706
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Mind Jolt...
Your spell is ready.
Brindeanna gestures at Ralagar.
Ralagar is able to move again.
The glazed look leaves Ralagar.
Alysee rubs a crystal amulet.
Alysee gets an odd look on her face.
>prep 706
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Mind Jolt...
Your spell is ready.
Brindeanna rubs Ralagar tenderly.
>cast at brin
You gesture at Brindeanna.
CS: +374 - TD: +185 + CvA: +2 + d100: +56 - -5 == +252
Warding failed!
Her eyes flash with a searing jolt of light!
She is badly stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Ralagar stands up.
A sable tiger slashes a paw at where your right leg was moments before. You were nearly injured!
>prep 706
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Mind Jolt...
Your spell is ready.
>cast at ral
You gesture at Ralagar.
CS: +374 - TD: +263 + CvA: +2 + d100: +38 - -5 == +156
Warding failed!
His eyes flash with a searing jolt of light!
He is heavily stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
A dappled lion pounces on you, knocking you painfully to the ground!
... 5 points of damage!
Your left eye swells suddenly, causing great pain.
The dappled lion takes the opportunity to slash his claws at your chest!
... 20 points of damage!
Slashing blow to chest knocks you back a few paces!
You are stunned for 3 rounds!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You are still stunned.
Luvak just arrived.
[Icemule Trace, Town Center]
You notice a sable tiger, a dappled lion, the translucent Lalan disk, a dull white soulstone, the Ralagar disk and a carved ice bench with some stuff on it.
Also here: Luvak, a stunned Brindeanna, Thold (sitting), Alysee, Lalan, Entress, a stunned Ralagar
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
A sable tiger slashes a paw at where your left hand was moments before. You were nearly injured!
A dappled lion slashes a paw at where your right hand was moments before. You were nearly injured!
You are still stunned.
Alysee winces.
You are still stunned.
You are still stunned.
You are still stunned.
You stand back up.
You are already standing.
You are already standing.
>prep 705
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Disintegrate...
Your spell is ready.
>cast at lion
sear nais
You gesture at a dappled lion.
CS: +374 - TD: +196 + CvA: +25 + d100: +87 == +290
Warding failed!
A dull grey beam snakes out toward the dappled lion!
... 108 points of damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Blast hits chest and expands to envelop entire body! The dappled lion is no more!
A grey-tufted dappled lion drags himself away leaving a thin trail of blood behind.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>What were you referring to?
A sable tiger slashes a paw at where your left arm was moments before. You were nearly injured!
>cast at lion
sear nais
You don't have a spell prepared!
>What were you referring to?
>prep 705
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Disintegrate...
Your spell is ready.
>cast at lion
Cast at what?
[Icemule Trace, Town Center]
You notice a sable tiger, the translucent Lalan disk, a dull white soulstone, the Ralagar disk and a carved ice bench with some stuff on it.
Also here: Luvak, a stunned Brindeanna, Thold (sitting), Alysee, Lalan, Entress, a stunned Ralagar
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
A sable tiger slashes a paw at where your right leg was moments before. You were nearly injured!
You feel at full magical power again.
>prep 705
You already have a spell readied! You must RELEASE it if you wish to prepare another!
>cast at tig
sear nais
You gesture at a sable tiger.
CS: +374 - TD: +159 + CvA: +25 + d100: +59 == +299
Warding failed!
A dull grey beam snakes out toward the sable tiger!
... 119 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Entire head is vaporized in a flash! Now much shorter, the sable tiger falls to the ground, dead.
A sable tiger returns to normal color.
A large-pawed sable tiger drags herself away leaving a thin trail of blood behind.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>What were you referring to?
A pained expression crosses Entress's face.
[Icemule Trace, Town Center]
You notice the translucent Lalan disk, a dull white soulstone, the Ralagar disk and a carved ice bench with some stuff on it.
Also here: Luvak, a stunned Brindeanna, Thold (sitting), Alysee, Lalan, Entress, a stunned Ralagar
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
You hiss.
Skydzia just arrived.
>prep 706
Skydzia just went south.
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Mind Jolt...
Your spell is ready.
>cast at bria
Cast at what?
>prep 706
You already have a spell readied! You must RELEASE it if you wish to prepare another!
>cast at brin
You gesture at Brindeanna.
CS: +374 - TD: +185 + CvA: +2 + d100: +98 - -5 == +294
Warding failed!
Her eyes flash with a searing jolt of light!
She is massively stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Herektir just arrived.
Skydzia just arrived.
Skydzia put a bone-handled ice axe on a carved ice bench.
>prep 706
Wait 1 sec.
>cast at bra
You don't have a spell prepared!
>prep 706
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Mind Jolt...
Your spell is ready.
>cast at ral
You gesture at Ralagar.
CS: +374 - TD: +263 + CvA: +2 + d100: +73 - -5 == +191
Warding failed!
His eyes flash with a searing jolt of light!
He is badly stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Herektir carefully bends the tip of his black vaalin lockpick slightly, adjusting it for a better angle, before attempting to pick the lock on a rotting thanot coffer...
Then...CLICK! It opens!
>prep 701
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Blood Burst...
Your spell is ready.
>cast br
You gesture at a reinforced bone breastplate.
Nothing happens.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 701
Wait 1 sec.
>cast br
You don't have a spell prepared!
>prep 701
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Blood Burst...
Your spell is ready.
>cast bri
You gesture at Brindeanna.
CS: +374 - TD: +185 + CvA: +2 + d100: +86 - -5 == +282
Warding failed!
A ragged wound rips open Brindeanna's jugular, which begins spurting blood.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 701
Wait 1 sec.
>cast bri
You don't have a spell prepared!
>prep 701
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Blood Burst...
Your spell is ready.
>cast bri
You gesture at Brindeanna.
CS: +374 - TD: +185 + CvA: +2 + d100: +39 - -5 == +235
Warding failed!
Blood gushes from Brindeanna's neck!
The "blood gates" open wider.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 701
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Blood Burst...
Your spell is ready.
>cast bri
Entress softly says, "Shimm."
You gesture at Brindeanna.
CS: +374 - TD: +185 + CvA: +2 + d100: +72 - -5 == +268
Warding failed!
Blood gushes from Brindeanna's neck!
The "blood gates" open wider.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Herektir says, "What are you doing shimerain."
>glance ent
You glance at Entress.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Brindeanna suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Luvak rubs his chin thoughtfully.
You softly say, "Well, ."
Herektir put an etched black vaalin lockpick in his black lockpick pouch.
Entress looks over at you and shakes her head.
>'it seems I've been attacked
You softly say, "It seems I've been attacked."
>nod her
You nod to Herektir.
Herektir says, "Explain."
>'and it also seems I was injured
You softly say, "And it also seems I was injured."
Luvak just went east.
Thold meditates over Brindeanna.
Thold takes Brindeanna's neck damage.
>'so I'm done
You softly say, "So I'm done."
>stance def
get my shield
You are now in a defensive stance.
>You already have that.
Asq just arrived.
Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Thold gestures.
Thold's neck looks better.
Rustybulb just arrived.
Desyind just arrived.
>'they're not dead
You softly say, "They're not dead."
Asq removes an ancient eagle-hilted claidhmore from in his threaded war harness.
>nod her
Asq just went east.
You nod to Herektir.
>sign staunch
Your veins throb and your blood sings.
You feel at full magical power again.
Luvak just arrived.
>l ral
You see Ralagar.
He appears to be a Half-Elf of the Tehir tribes.
He appears to be very young and taller than average. He has joyful, sparkling hazel eyes and tanned skin. He has long, tightly braided blue-black hair worn in a ponytail which drops down to just below his shoulders. He has a clean-shaven face, a broken nose and slightly pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a scorched alloy moon axe with a dazzling starstone imbedded into the haft in his right hand and an imflass shield in his left hand.
He is wearing a pair of skeleton bone-buckled shadowy black trousers, a black silk pearl-buttoned shirt, a shiny golden ring, a sapphire-eyed mithril dragon armband, a red rubber nose, a black silver-edged mask, some fake pointed ears, a tooled leather bracer, an elegant black brocade satchel, a silk-mesh sack embroidered with a kitten in front of a small dog house, an onyx-inlaid pink topaz buckle, an engraved red dreamstone necklace, a jackal talisman carved from twisted black willow, some supple black leather gloves, a tailored black wool longcoat, a sturdy leather weapons harness, a grinning skull pin, a sunstone airship pin, a mithril juggernaut pin, a grinning skull pin, an intricate ivory snowflake pin, an ebon-hued obsidian gate pin, a fire opal studded pewter pin, a polished carved bone pin, a polished carved bone pin, a shadowy black silk vest, a black leather belt with a silver-edged black rolaren backsword hanging from it, a pair of black vruul skin boots, a black leather climbing pack, some gleaming silvery invar gauntlets, a spotted red and green lizard, some ebony and dark blue brigandine, a crimson-lined black leather cloak, a particolored jester's hat, a crystal amulet, and a rune wristlet.
Ralagar is able to move again.
>l brin
You see Brindeanna the Tracker.
She appears to be a Sylvankind of the Tyesteron D'ahranal.
She appears to be of a tender age and taller than average. She has piercing grey-green eyes and alabaster skin. She has waist length, curly ginger hair bound into a twisted infinity knot by some slender carved jade hairsticks. She has an angular face and a high forehead.
She has a dragon-shaped ruby stud in the upper ridge of her left ear.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a fel hafted vultite waraxe in her right hand and a veniom-bound rolaren tower shield in her left hand.
She is wearing an enruned golden topaz earcuff, some finely buffed feminine brigandine, an embroidered sage green silk pouch, a sage green herb foraging satchel, a braided black silk hip-chain adorned with dangling jade dragon charms, a fire opal inset bronze torc, a tree bark amulet, a glimaerstone engagement ring, a green sylvan doeskin sack, a silver-bound pale green jade pendant, some trail-worn tight deerskin breeches cut in the sylvan style, a miniature peach rose, a peach iceblossom, a deeply hooded elven-crafted robe, a scuffed green doeskin Sylvan sling, some dark green gloves, a White Haven bear head pin, a bone-inlaid leather ankle sheath, a silver dragon stickpin, a green deer skin pack, a dark green doeskin belt, a blackened vruul skin thigh-sheath, a jade and silver spiral armband, a pearl-inlaid silver flask, a front-laced sage green bodice, some elven tracking boots, and a diamond-eyed vaalin dragon armband.
Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Thold gestures.
Thold's neck looks better.
>prep 708
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Limb Disruption...
Your spell is ready.
>cast ral left leg
You gesture at Ralagar.
CS: +374 - TD: +248 + CvA: +2 + d100: +4 - -5 == +137
Warding failed!
His left leg snaps in pain.
Ralagar falls to the ground grasping his broken leg.
He is stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
You furrow up your face and wince.
Rustybulb smiles.
>gaze my hand
You examine your fingernails.
>'kissing my female
You softly say, "Kissing my female."
>shake head
You shake your head.
Ralagar stands up.
Lalan traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Lalan gestures.
After a moment's silence a gyrfalcon swoops into the area, lands, and glances up at Lalan intelligently.
The gyrfalcon squawks loudly.
>'attacking me
Ralagar gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
You softly say, "Attacking me."
Ralagar gestures.
An invisible force guides Ralagar.
Entress gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
>' ::ral in my good clothes
Speaking softly to Ralagar, you say, "In my good clothes."
Suddenly Raidyndark appears in the room holding onto a ring he has just placed on his finger.
With a great leap, the gyrfalcon launches into the air.
Longesten just arrived.
>squint shim
You narrow your eyes.
Raidyndark squints.
The gyrfalcon swoops off.
Raidyndark removes an oaken wand from in his diamond-clasped satchel.
Lalan gets a distant look on his face.
Ralagar leaps from hiding to attack!
Ralagar swings a scorched alloy moon axe at you!
AS: +495 vs DS: +376 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +71 = +219
... and hits for 51 points of damage!
Neck broken.
You twitch several times before dying.
You feel less confident than before.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves you.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
You return to normal color.
The white light leaves you.
The very powerful look leaves you.
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
The light blue glow leaves you.
Your SIGN OF STAUNCHING is no longer effective.
The deep blue glow leaves you.
The powerful look leaves you.
You become solid again.
The air calms down around you.
A dark shadow seems to detach itself from your body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You realize that you have no outstanding favors which Lorminstra owes you, and without having accomplished a deed for Her, your soul is in danger of vanishing from the land forever!
...departing in 10 mins...
A nearby goodwife screams, "Murder!".
Lalan acquires a look of intense concentration.
A low chirping sound comes from within a laquered red cricket box.
Raidyndark tactfully says, "Wow."
>'then murder
You softly say, "Then murder."
Asq just arrived.
Asq just went west.
Raidyndark waves an oaken wand at Brindeanna.
Brindeanna is able to move again.
The glazed look leaves Brindeanna.
Entress sighs.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Raidyndark put an oaken wand in his diamond-clasped satchel.
Brindeanna gives Raidyndark a quick little smooch.
Lalan gets a distant look on his face.
Rustybulb's face turns slightly pale.
Raidyndark gives Brindeanna a friendly hug.
Brindeanna says, "Thankee."
Entress softly asks, "Ral, was that necessary?"
Raidyndark tactfully says, "Yeppers."
Entress whispers, "Want lk?"
The voice of Ralagar slowly says, "I was just playing before."
A gyrfalcon appears overhead, circling.
>'it's ok. I'll play harder next time
You softly say, "It's ok. I'll play harder next time."
The voice of Ralagar slowly says, "He didnt have to do what he did."
Speaking to you, Brindeanna says, "You aren't done dying yet, you bastard."
Entress whispers, "Lk or depart, love."
Entress whispers, "Tell me."
Rustybulb meekly exclaims, "Ya best hide Master Ralagar, the law will be coming!"
Herektir sighs.
Skydzia gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Skydzia gestures.
Skydzia suddenly looks a lot more powerful.
Skydzia is surrounded by a white light.
Skydzia gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Skydzia gestures.
The air thickens and begins to swirl around Skydzia.
Herektir just went west.
>depart confirm
The world before you dissolves into a grainy montage of color...
You find yourself wandering amidst endless streaming light and vast nothingness. This place feels torn between two powers, polar opposites vying for your loyalty. You are surrounded by the spirits of those who could not choose. The only way out seems to be through light or darkness.
Time has no meaning as you wander aimlessly amidst the uncomfortable tugging for your attention. Hopelessness washes over dreams you once held like the creeping tide of doom.
After what could be moments, or perhaps an eternity, the goddess Lorminstra finds you wandering in the endless space and speaks soothingly to you. She gently reassembles the pieces of your tattered soul and then, taking you by the hand, the goddess leads you back to mortality...
You feel drained!
[Hall of Rebirth]
You notice a rough-hewn ice altar and an ice blue taper.
Obvious exits: none
Miss X
05-28-2005, 12:10 PM
Ralagar sucks big time. He once told me he would get his friends rift hunting character to kill me... ROFL.
Get revenge Shimmy, I'll help! ;)
05-28-2005, 12:11 PM
what a bunch of asshats..
good stuff, and like, hell, defending against 2 companions is a bit of a challenge, I suppose.
05-28-2005, 12:13 PM
Killing companions is like the worst thing you can do to a ranger. :lol: Good job!
05-28-2005, 12:13 PM
You softly say, "Attacking me."
Ralagar gestures.
An invisible force guides Ralagar.
Speaking softly to Ralagar, you say, "In my good clothes."
That made me laugh.
05-28-2005, 12:33 PM
If you'd killed MY companion, I'd blasted you into next week, as well.
That being said, Ralagar needs to learn how to spell. If I have to join for "FRO COLORS" one more fucking time, I'll choke him. Ralagar is like Stun's training plan, except the original is always better.
05-28-2005, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by Stunseed
If you'd killed MY companion, I'd blasted you into next week, as well.
That being said, Ralagar needs to learn how to spell. If I have to join for "FRO COLORS" one more fucking time, I'll choke him. Ralagar is like Stun's training plan, except the original is always better.
The only way one is able to kill your companion is if you've taken the first aggressive step with your pet.
If you don't want your companion killed.. don't try to attack people with him.
05-28-2005, 12:44 PM
I've never been attacked CvC style with my companion around, but in any circumstance I've been in, if the Ranger is stunned, the companion auto-attacks.
Ralagar whispers, "Lol i was actualy going fro leg."
05-28-2005, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Stunseed
I've never been attacked CvC style with my companion around, but in any circumstance I've been in, if the Ranger is stunned, the companion auto-attacks.
I haven't played in 6 months or so.. but my ranger was attacked quite a bit in town (and so so so deserved in most cases) and his companion never once attacked. Isn't that a setting you need to initiate?
05-28-2005, 12:53 PM
Sic Chica on em, shes scarrah!
You softly say, "You attacked me so I stunned you."
Your senses are no longer as sharp.
Lady Raervin just arrived.
>'do not lie to aid your cause
Brindeanna snarls menacingly!
You softly say, "Do not lie to aid your cause."
Voal just left.
Callistra slides a gold ring off her finger.
Raervin leans on Rhynde.
Ralagar slowly says, "Lol you seen what my real atack was later."
Kemanorell gives Raervin a friendly hug.
Callistra put a gold ring in her silk stalking cloak.
Ralagar slowly says, "I was playing."
This guys a fucking tool
Miss X
05-28-2005, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Drayal
Ralagar whispers, "Lol i was actualy going fro leg."
RP nominate that shit! ;)
05-28-2005, 01:07 PM
You were awesome at first for pwning them both.
Then you just became lame for letting Ralagar kill you.
Ralagar is a fucking dumbass.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-28-2005, 01:12 PM
If I was into moronic idiots I'd move to Icemule. Nice job, even though you died...
05-28-2005, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Drayal
You softly say, "You attacked me so I stunned you."
Your senses are no longer as sharp.
Lady Raervin just arrived.
>'do not lie to aid your cause
Brindeanna snarls menacingly!
You softly say, "Do not lie to aid your cause."
Voal just left.
Callistra slides a gold ring off her finger.
Raervin leans on Rhynde.
Ralagar slowly says, "Lol you seen what my real atack was later."
Kemanorell gives Raervin a friendly hug.
Callistra put a gold ring in her silk stalking cloak.
Ralagar slowly says, "I was playing."
This guys a fucking tool
Allow me to finish the log:
You softly say, "You believe I wasn't playing around with the two of you? You would both be small little grease spots on this soil if I so wished."
Ralagar slowly says, "U R A DUMMY I R STRONG & U R NOT."
Stun/kill him with one of your overpowered sorcerer spells.. then rub your invisiblity amulet to avoid going to jail.
Chose to die.
Watched him 117, I didn't put up walls and stayed in guarded.
It's not fun to just kill them. I prefer to give them a chance.
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Originally posted by Drayal
You softly say, "You attacked me so I stunned you."
Your senses are no longer as sharp.
Lady Raervin just arrived.
>'do not lie to aid your cause
Brindeanna snarls menacingly!
You softly say, "Do not lie to aid your cause."
Voal just left.
Callistra slides a gold ring off her finger.
Raervin leans on Rhynde.
Ralagar slowly says, "Lol you seen what my real atack was later."
Kemanorell gives Raervin a friendly hug.
Callistra put a gold ring in her silk stalking cloak.
Ralagar slowly says, "I was playing."
This guys a fucking tool
Allow me to finish the log:
You softly say, "You believe I wasn't playing around with the two of you? You would both be small little grease spots on this soil if I so wished."
Ralagar slowly says, "U R A DUMMY I R STRONG & U R NOT."
Stun/kill him with one of your overpowered sorcerer spells.. then rub your invisiblity amulet to avoid going to jail.
I r lauGhing!!! :lol:
05-28-2005, 01:29 PM
Shimm's a **** who never sees when he has a good female at his side.
Used Entress as a pawn. Geesh.
Originally posted by Nobody Cares
Shimm's a **** who never sees when he has a good female at his side.
Used Entress as a pawn. Geesh.
They only see it when it's too late. :yes:
Miss X
05-28-2005, 01:33 PM
Shim has always been a bit aloof though, it's part of his charm!
05-28-2005, 01:47 PM
Never a dull moment around him, that's for sure! Now ta clean up the mess he made with her friends. Oi, why didn't she stay in RR?
Oh, and Shimm. I believe it's Entress's turn for your death. :smilegrin: Death folder is screaming your name!
That's some cold shit!!
05-28-2005, 01:54 PM
You can run, but you can't hide forever!
I'll find you when you stop hiding in the Rift.
I have a few more heads to bash together before I crush your skull.
05-28-2005, 02:03 PM
come on, let me dream a moment
05-28-2005, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Originally posted by Stunseed
I've never been attacked CvC style with my companion around, but in any circumstance I've been in, if the Ranger is stunned, the companion auto-attacks.
I haven't played in 6 months or so.. but my ranger was attacked quite a bit in town (and so so so deserved in most cases) and his companion never once attacked. Isn't that a setting you need to initiate?
No it does it automatically.
It doesnt usually attack people though, usually looks for the nearest rolton, but it does go into an offensive stance.
05-28-2005, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Originally posted by Stunseed
I've never been attacked CvC style with my companion around, but in any circumstance I've been in, if the Ranger is stunned, the companion auto-attacks.
I haven't played in 6 months or so.. but my ranger was attacked quite a bit in town (and so so so deserved in most cases) and his companion never once attacked. Isn't that a setting you need to initiate?
No it does it automatically.
It doesnt usually attack people though, usually looks for the nearest rolton, but it does go into an offensive stance.
Sithral had full affinity and was attacked on probably 6 or 7 different occasions by PCs... both in town and in the wilds. Never ever once did the wolf attack a PC unless I instructed her to.
Maybe I had her stance on neutral or something? I never really changed it much, but I used her to guard me and / or attack critters most hunts.
Anyone have any clue of the status this chick will have with her tiger or lion, now I've ripped it up?
05-28-2005, 02:44 PM
I think it's like 2 or 3 levels of affinity for a companion's death. Trust me, you did more damage killing the companion then you would have if you killed her.
I'm weeping quiet tears of joy which turn into butterflies when they hit the ground with a delicate 'ting' sound
05-28-2005, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Sithral had full affinity and was attacked on probably 6 or 7 different occasions by PCs... both in town and in the wilds. Never ever once did the wolf attack a PC unless I instructed her to.
Maybe I had her stance on neutral or something? I never really changed it much, but I used her to guard me and / or attack critters most hunts.
Oh yeah...My companion would never attack anyone, sometimes even if I did tell it to (stupid owl)
But it would still go into an agressive stance if I was stunned, meaning it could be attacked.
I'm pretty sure they told their familiars to attack
05-28-2005, 02:58 PM
I can't believe you killed a companion. That has got to be the lowest of the lowest ever.
You should be ashamed. (
05-28-2005, 03:04 PM
Uhm, why did your female just stand there being kissed on in the first place? :?:
Also, Ralagar has uhm.. rl complications. That's what numerous people have told me. So that means you're not suppost to be mean to them.
Besides that, Ralagar is known for always flirting, touching, kissing on, and inspecting bodices. Heh.
05-28-2005, 03:18 PM
Just stand there? Entress was kissed on the nose. Big deal. She was also kissed on the forehead by another, and on the hand by yet another in Shimmerain's presence. She has friends. :shrug:
05-28-2005, 03:19 PM
Falgrin has kissed girls before on accident. I forgot to target hand.. and BOOM.. right on the smacker.
It was most certainly their lucky day.
Shimm kissed Dicate when he meant to look at him.
05-28-2005, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by Nobody Cares
Just stand there? Entress was kissed on the nose. Big deal. She was also kissed on the forehead by another, and on the hand by yet another in Shimmerain's presence. She has friends. :shrug:
I guess it doesn't make sense to me. I mean, if you're going to be with someone that is willing to go to great lengths to harm another because of a "kiss on the nose," it makes you wonder.
I've RP'ed a relationship where that wasn't favored. You can have friends and not have people touch you.
So, yes. She just stood there, from what I read. ::shrugs::
Originally posted by Drayal
Shimm kissed Dicate when he meant to look at him.
Accidents happen. Understandable, but apparently it's a normal thing to be happening to her from her friends. Hence my confusion.
I'm not trying to get into your RP. I was just commenting on how it didn't make any sense to me. I'll be shutting up now.
[Edited on 5-28-2005 by Divinity]
05-28-2005, 03:46 PM
Oh Divinity. Sorry, but you are quite ignorant of Shimm and Ent's relationship, and rightfully so.
Shimm used the kiss on the nose as an excuse to be... Shimm. What does he do best? Hurt people with his spells.
She really hates him!!
Le crie.
[Edited on 5-28-2005 by Drayal]
05-28-2005, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Nobody Cares
Oh Divinity. Sorry, but you are quite ignorant of Shimm and Ent's relationship, and rightfully so.
Shimm used the kiss on the nose as an excuse to be... Shimm. What does he do best? Hurt people with his spells.
I thought I said I didn't know crap about your relationship. I really don't care, I was just confused..
As for what he does best? Hmm. :) Ok. I'll take your word for it.
05-28-2005, 03:57 PM
She just needs to get a hold of him and set him straight.
05-28-2005, 04:01 PM
You killed two Companions, as was said, that is 10-20 times worse than killing the rangers themselves.
Good on ya, Shim.
Originally posted by Fallen
You killed two Companions, as was said, that is 10-20 times worse than killing the rangers themselves.
Good on ya, Shim.
Cheers man.
They died in especially horrible ways too.
05-28-2005, 04:07 PM
Disintegrate has a charm all of its own.
05-28-2005, 05:06 PM
All that for a kiss on the nose. Sorry, thats simply sad. (Not taking into consideration of the players involved.) Of course Rala THINKS he is a playa, so I can see why Shim would feel insecure about a kiss on the nose.
05-28-2005, 05:18 PM
Oh gads, it had nothing to do with insecurities.
Ent can handle her own if someone kisses on her inapproriately.
I'm not explaining. Forget it.
Miss X
05-28-2005, 05:30 PM
Ladies please..... There's enough of the Shim-meister to go around... believe me! :shibby:
Hey Fin I'm gonna gut you!!
I actually couldn't care a shit about the players involved, since THEY attacked me first.
Now I'll be over at your place in about 40 mins. Either run or be ready to lose entrails.
<<I'm weeping quiet tears of joy which turn into butterflies when they hit the ground with a delicate 'ting' sound>>
05-29-2005, 06:40 AM
Originally posted by Drayal
Hey Fin I'm gonna gut you!!
I actually couldn't care a shit about the players involved, since THEY attacked me first.
Now I'll be over at your place in about 40 mins. Either run or be ready to lose entrails.
Got love it Man!
Entrails it is, you sick little monkey!
05-29-2005, 06:56 AM
Hey, we all have our quirks! LOL
05-29-2005, 07:58 AM
I like how you checked your demeanor in the middle of all that...
"Am I still being a dickhead? Why yes...yes I am."
05-29-2005, 08:10 AM
We cant all be warm fuzzies Matt :bleh:
Originally posted by Matt-Ichiban
I like how you checked your demeanor in the middle of all that...
"Am I still being a dickhead? Why yes...yes I am."
Actually I have to check so they can't touch me.
If they had, it would have been death instead of toying with them.
That okay for you Ralag . . oh I mean Matt.
05-29-2005, 08:13 AM
Haha I'm not Ralag. I thought it would just be a funny comment.
05-29-2005, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by Divinity
Also, Ralagar has uhm.. rl complications. That's what numerous people have told me. So that means you're not suppost to be mean to them.
Besides that, Ralagar is known for always flirting, touching, kissing on, and inspecting bodices. Heh.
So what? Exactly what is your point? That since someone has RL problems we should let them be an ass in the game? No, I don't think so. As for him flirting or whatever that doesnt mean that just because people know he does it, that it's welcome.
Originally posted by Matt-Ichiban
Haha I'm not Ralag. I thought it would just be a funny comment.
Dude, it's cool.
I didn't really think you were either.
Just, be nice.
Also I don't think Ralagar did anything I could pull him on. He played the scene the best he could and even took his chance to murder Shimmerain.
There was nothing there worth mentioning his real life problems, in my opinion.
It's just his OOC outbursts and bad spelling I get twitchy with.
05-29-2005, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
Originally posted by Divinity
Also, Ralagar has uhm.. rl complications. That's what numerous people have told me. So that means you're not suppost to be mean to them.
Besides that, Ralagar is known for always flirting, touching, kissing on, and inspecting bodices. Heh.
So what? Exactly what is your point? That since someone has RL problems we should let them be an ass in the game? No, I don't think so. As for him flirting or whatever that doesnt mean that just because people know he does it, that it's welcome.
Uhm, it was sarcasm. Heh. Get off my booty.
07-11-2005, 12:48 PM
I apologize for the tardiness of this post. But I was just sent the link to this last evening and I needed time to review my own log of the incident.
I am posting my log prior to the part of the log Shimmerain's character deigned to share with you. From this, you can gain several insights:
1. Entress (before Shimmerain's grand entrance) was either actively flirting with Ralagar or at least making it very clear she was receptive to semi-intimate physical contact with him (i.e. smooching, hugging, kissing etc.).
2. Shimmerain was an unsolicited asshole to Brindeanna before the incident so her glancing and snorting at him was understandable to say the least.
3. Shimmerain and Ralagar were both attacking each other prior to the incident in what seemed to Brindeanna like two friends screwing around with each other.
4. The FIRST time Shimmerain cast at Ralagar, Ralagar's lion immediately swiped at Shimmerain. No time for Ralagar to have told the lion to do so. And as you can see from Brindeanna's reaction, that was a new development as of the May Animal
Companion updates. Shimmerain should have known that this was an automatic reaction and not the fault of the ranger.
5. When Shimmerain stunned Ralagar, Brindeanna naturally thought it was simply screwing around that had gone too far. Since she now knew that Ralagar's lion would attack Shimmerain until Ralagar told him to cease, she promptly unstunned Ralagar so he could do so.
6. Shimmerain stunned and started blood-gating Brindeanna so Brindeanna had no opportunity to tell her tiger to cease attacking Shimmerain. Not that her tiger would have ever actually hit him since our companions mirror our own training levels and Brindeanna is far too young to hit Shimmerain when he's defending and spelled.
7. Shimmerain is obviously an insecure asshole who treats women like "property" and likes to throw his training around like a petulant child weilding his mother's kitchen knife. If that's his player's RP, fine. I'd never presume to tell someone how to RP their character. But he was WRONG here, no matter how you look at it. And that fact doesn't change regardless of how many lackies he has groveling at his well-trained feet.
Here is the post for those who are interested in the truth: (the only thing edited was the removal of my hunt. Saw no need to bore you with that).
>You remove some cactacae spine from in your herb foraging satchel.
>Entress just arrived.
>eat my spineYou take a bite of your cactacae spine.
Your right leg feels better.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
You have about 16 bites left.
>Siwas just arrived.
>Ralagar brings his vial to his lips and tilts it back, causing the spiders within to skitter about as they inexorably fall toward his mouth. One of them suddenly loses its grip. Ralagar gulps it down and gets a strange look on his face.
>Siwas just went west.
>put spine in my sat...wait 1 seconds.
>Ralagar corks his vial.
>Speaking quietly to Ralagar, Vimpyrre says, "They sure are tasty specimens."
>Entress hugs Ralagar, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
>put spine in my satYou put some cactacae spine in your herb foraging satchel.
>Ralagar glances down at his stomach for a moment.
>Ralagar gives Entress a friendly hug.
>Entress waves to Dwilam.
>Ralagar offers Vimpyrre a spider in a vial.
>Vimpyrre accepts Ralagar's spider in a vial.
>Vimpyrre grins.
>Siwas just arrived.
>Dwilam waves to Entress.
>Siwas just went east.
>Ralagar holds his stomach.
>Entress removes an iced almond muffin from in her climbing pack.
>Entress offers Ralagar an iced almond muffin.
>Suddenly getting a steely look of resolve in his eyes, Ralagar stands tall and appears more confident.
>Ralagar accepts Entress's almond muffin.
>Vimpyrre tilts his vial back and forth, sending the spider inside bouncing about its glass prison.
>Entress flashes a wide grin.
>Vimpyrre put a spider in a vial in his spidersilk cloak.
> * Kathi joins the adventure.
Ralagar manages to take a bite of an iced apple muffin, which is on a carved ice bench.
>Skydzia gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Skydzia gestures.
Skydzia suddenly looks a lot more powerful.
Skydzia is surrounded by a white light.
>pull tigerYou reach over to the sable tiger, running your fingers through her fur to check for burrs, twigs, and insects.
>Skydzia gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Skydzia gestures.
The air thickens and begins to swirl around Skydzia.
>Skydzia begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as he utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...
Skydzia gestures.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass Skydzia, swiftly sinking into his skin.
>Entress checks her equipment, adjusting and rearranging her gear.
>kiss tigerYou lean in and plant a kiss on the sable tiger's nose. She turns to lap at your cheek with her rough tongue.
>Skydzia makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Skydzia gestures.
His body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura.
>Journeyman Enrof just went south.
>gaze fond tigerYou gaze admiringly at your friend and companion, the sable tiger, which looks directly into your eyes and offers a sense of undying loyalty.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>Ralagar winks at Entress.
>Entress laughs!
> * Nightphoenix joins the adventure.
Entress gives Ralagar a good pinch!
>A low chirping sound comes from within a laquered red cricket box.
>Vimpyrre pets the tiger.
> * Hork joins the adventure.
smile vimpYou smile at Vimpyrre.
>A sable tiger twitches her whiskers.
> * Spellchild joins the adventure.
play tigerShimmerain just arrived.
>You cast a sidelong glance at your companion and manage to catch her attention, bracing yourself as best you can. Suddenly, she leaps toward you and knocks you playfully to the ground! You roll around attempting to dodge soft paws and nips as she attempts to get the upper hand. The bout finally ends in a draw, both of you breathing a little heavier.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
>Shimmerain just went east.
> * Falkai joins the adventure.
* Bskins joins the adventure.
Shimmerain just arrived.
>Ralagar takes a bite of his almond muffin.
>Shimmerain just nudged Entress.
>Shimmerain just went east.
> * Larvae has disconnected.
* Hakker joins the adventure.
Ralagar takes a bite of his almond muffin.
>Entress gazes up into the heavens.
>Entress just went east.
> * Rossia has disconnected.
Strahetya just arrived, dragging Alysee with him.
>Ralagar takes a bite of his almond muffin.
>A sable tiger scrambles back up onto her feet.
>Speaking quietly to you, Vimpyrre says, "I think you lost."
> * Belnia has disconnected.
* Marquicio just bit the dust!
* Michiko joins the adventure.
* Belnia joins the adventure.
shrug vimpYou shrug at Vimpyrre.
>Thold squints at Alysee.
>The ghostly voice of Alysee softly says, "Thank you so much for coming for me."
>'I think it was a drawYou say, "I think it was a draw."
>glance tigerYou glance at a sable tiger.
> * Orbsmasher joins the adventure.
Strahetya says, "Anyone able to help Alysee."
>Vimpyrre shakes his head.
>'::tiger wanna go agin?Speaking to a sable tiger, you ask, "Wanna go agin?"
>Ralagar makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
>Thold says, "I can heal her at least."
>Ralagar gestures.
> * Crammer joins the adventure.
* Requiell joins the adventure.
Dwilam says, "Night."
>play tigerYou cast a sidelong glance at your companion and manage to catch her attention, bracing yourself as best you can. Suddenly, she leaps toward you and pounces playfully on your chest! You roll around attempting to dodge soft paws and nips as she attempts to get the upper hand. The bout finally ends in a draw, both of you breathing a little heavier.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
>The ghostly voice of Alysee softly says, "I would appreciate any help."
>Dwilam just left.
> * Misnomer joins the adventure.
Thold meditates over Alysee.
Thold takes Alysee's right arm damage.
>Speaking quietly to a sable tiger, Vimpyrre says, "Yup you win."
>Thold meditates over Alysee.
Thold takes Alysee's left arm damage.
>Vimpyrre nods to the sable tiger in agreement.
>Entress just arrived.
> * Tarandantimir joins the adventure.
Thold meditates over Alysee.
Thold takes Alysee's abdomen damage.
>A sable tiger scrambles back up onto her feet.
>snortYou make a horrendous warthog-like noise.
> * Petrah joins the adventure.
Thold meditates over Alysee.
Thold takes some of Alysee's blood loss.
>sitYou sit up.
>Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Thold gestures.
Thold looks a little better.
>hug tigerYou reach across the sable tiger's chest and clasp your arms around her neck in a warm embrace.
> * Gwyriffin has disconnected.
Vimpyrre grins at you.
> * Snarnuke joins the adventure.
Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Thold gestures.
Thold looks a little better.
>Shimmerain just arrived.
>Shimmerain just went west.
>Shimmerain just arrived.
>Dwilam just arrived.
* Dwilam joins the adventure.
> * Kathi joins the adventure.
Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Entress folds her arms over her chest.
>Thold gestures.
Thold looks a little better.
>Shimmerain drops a dull white soulstone.
>Shimmerain put a blackened vultite kite shield in his black backsheath.
>Dwilam says, "Sorry i can raise if needed."
>Thold meditates over Alysee.
Thold takes some of Alysee's blood loss.
>Shimmerain dusts himself off.
>standEntress glances at Shimmerain and paces back and forth.
> * Idona joins the adventure.
You stand back up.
>Shimmerain glances over at Entress and winces.
>You feel at full magical power again.
>Thold begins a careful examination of Alysee -- he takes her pulse, checks her temperature, and checks for broken bones or any other ailments.
>Strahetya nods to Dwilam.
>The ghostly voice of Alysee softly says, "That would be splendid."
>Shimmerain softly says, "Look a lil testy."
>Thold meditates over Alysee.
Thold takes some of Alysee's blood loss.
>'well, I reckon we'll go huntin' then.You say, "Well, I reckon we'll go huntin' then."
> * Sharpnose joins the adventure.
Thold meditates over Alysee.
Nothing happens.
>Entress grins evilly.
>smooch vimpYou smooch Vimpyrre on the cheek.
> * Raquele joins the adventure.
smooch dwilYou smooch Dwilam on the cheek.
>wave ralaYou wave to Ralagar.
>Thold says, "Ready for life."
<Insert quick lesser ice giant hunt, boxpick and lootsell here>
>w[Icemule Trace, Town Center]
The bustling town comes together in this square. Halflings dressed in varying fashions stand about, some chattering happily, others reclining on cloaks laid on the ground. One ancient halfling leans against the base of the large ice statue of a
mule, snoring blissfully. A feeling of community pervades the area, putting you immediately at ease. You also see a dappled lion, the translucent Lalan disk, a dull white soulstone, the Ralagar disk and a carved ice bench with some stuff on it.
Also here: Thold who is sitting, Talnod who is sitting, Desyind who is sitting, Alysee who is sitting, Lalan, Shimmerain, Entress, Dominatus, Skydzia, Kassira who is sitting, Ralagar who is kneeling
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
>Shimmerain softly asks, "What , to you?"
>Skydzia gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Skydzia gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Skydzia.
>Shimmerain cocks his head at Entress.
>put muff on benchYou put an iced peach muffin on a carved ice bench.
> * Cervina joins the adventure.
A sable tiger saunters in.
> * Antonette joins the adventure.
* Wizip joins the adventure.
Skydzia gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Skydzia gestures.
Skydzia suddenly looks more powerful.
>Entress nods to Shimmerain.
>pet tigerRalagar rubs the lion, scratching him behind the ears.
>You pet the tiger, scratching her neck affectionately.
>Skydzia gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Skydzia gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Skydzia.
> * Renian joins the adventure.
Shimmerain softly says, "I could relieve you of your limbs."
> * Eckth joins the adventure.
Shimmerain shrugs at Entress.
>Entress tightens her grip on the pillow, winds up and throws it far too hard. The pillow sails over Shimmerain's head, landing behind him.
> * Kelomfyr has disconnected.
rub tiger * Rorge joins the adventure.
>Shimmerain hisses.
>You gently rub the sable tiger on the head and neck. The tiger breathes out a quick sigh.
>Entress picks up a fluffy white pillow.
> * Brikus joins the adventure.
* Miscast joins the adventure.
Ralagar whispers, "Meet sekhmet my lion."
>Shimmerain sets about preparing himself to be as presentable as possible.
>Entress softly says, "You ducked."
>Ralagar rubs the lion, scratching him behind the ears.
>smile ralaYou smile at Ralagar.
>Shimmerain winks.
>bow lionYou bow to a dappled lion.
>'::lion well metSpeaking to a dappled lion, you say, "Well met."
> * Hakonne joins the adventure.
smile ralaYou smile at Ralagar.
> * Novaline has disconnected.
describe lion * Novaline joins the adventure.
>The sleek frame of a dappled lion complements the grace and ease of his movements. Standing the size of a young halfling, the dappled lion is an imposing beast. Neatly cut whiskers twitch with any movement of the nose. Easily keeping the lion aware of his surroundings, two beautiful, slitted eyes dart in the direction of anything that moves. His fur snugs the lion's body from head to tail and his padded feet keep secret the deadly claws hidden within.
>Kassira pets the lion.
>Ralagar gives the dappled lion a kiss on the nose. The dappled lion turns to lap at his cheek with his rough tongue.
> * Duar joins the adventure.
Entress tiptoes up behind Shimmerain.
> * Lithalion joins the adventure.
'::rala he's a handsome animal. * Sulvina joins the adventure.
>Speaking to Ralagar, you say, "He's a handsome animal."
> * Elleth joins the adventure.
Shimmerain laughs at himself!
>You've gained 1 physical training point.
(To use these new points, type GOALS and adjust your skills.)
> * Hakonne has disconnected.
* Hakonne joins the adventure.
Entress stares off into space.
>Skydzia makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Skydzia gestures.
Skydzia stands taller, as if bolstered with a sense of confidence.
>Shimmerain smiles quietly to himself.
>'::rala this is my friend, Sable.Speaking to Ralagar, you say, "This is my friend, Sable."
>Entress tickles Shimmerain into laughing.
>gaze tigerYou gaze admiringly at your friend and companion, the sable tiger, which looks directly into your eyes and offers a sense of undying loyalty.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>Shimmerain softly asks, "Kiss a lion?"
>Ralagar slowly says, "He only comes wuth me becosue i have his daughter."
>Ralagar carefully hangs his axe from his belt. It rattles against the backsword hanging from it, and he carefully adjusts them.
>Ralagar slings an imflass shield over his shoulder.
>Ralagar carefully lifts the kitten by the scruff of its neck and then tucks it gently into the crook of his arm.
>Ralagar pets a green-eyed smoke colored kitten.
Suddenly, Ralagar's smoke colored kitten's attention becomes riveted on a spot in the air somewhere near his left shoulder. Try as you might, you don't see anything there.
> * Teer joins the adventure.
* Hawker joins the adventure.
Alysee softly asks, "Does anyone need guards?"
>nod alyseeYou nod to Alysee.
>Shimmerain nods to Alysee.
>'I'll reciprocate with colors.You say, "I'll reciprocate with colors."
>Ralagar joins Alysee's group.
>join alysYou join Alysee.
>Lalan says, "I'll cast blurs to follow."
>cheerThe light blue glow leaves Kassira.
>Alysee softly says, "I need everything, so join up for guards."
>You let out a cheer!
>Lalan joins Alysee's group.
>Kassira joins Alysee's group.
>Entress softly says, "Wow, a set."
>Thold joins Alysee's group.
>Dwilam just arrived.
>Shimmerain joins Alysee's group.
>Put my shield in my slingEntress joins Alysee's group.
>You put a veniom-bound rolaren tower shield in your doeskin Sylvan sling.
>Ralagar rubs a crystal amulet.
Ralagar gets an odd look on his face.
>remove my brigYou work your way out of some finely buffed feminine brigandine.
>Ralagar pokes Dwilam in the ribs.
>Entress shows Shimmerain her fluffy white pillow.
>Alysee softly asks, "Everyone joined?"
>Shimmerain utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
>Shimmerain gestures at Entress.
Strands of webbing shoot forth towards Entress.
CS: +307 - TD: +134 + CvA: +2 + d100: +52 - -5 == +232
Warding failed!
Entress is firmly webbed in place.
> * Crammer has disconnected.
Shimmerain snickers.
> * Nalleo joins the adventure.
Ralagar whistles at you!
>You hear the faint thoughts of Lalan echo in your mind:
"Full set of masses in TC better be quick"
Entress softly says, "Haha."
>grin ralaYou grin at Ralagar.
> * Hakker has disconnected.
Alysee softly says, "Casting now."
>blush ralaDwilam joins Alysee's group.
>You blush a soft apricot shade at Ralagar.
> * Flyxx joins the adventure.
Shimmerain softly says, "You look great covered in webbing."
>Dominatus seems to lose some internal strength.
>Otein just arrived.
>Ralagar begins to flirt with Alysee.
>Lord Snarnuke just arrived.
>rub tigerYou gently rub the sable tiger on the head and neck. The tiger breathes out a quick sigh.
>Alysee makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>Entress whistles tunelessly to herself.
>Ralagar smiles and winks at you, flirting.
>Alysee gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds you.
> * Flity joins the adventure.
(Shimmerain picks at the webbing covering Entress)
>scratch tigerAlysee makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>As you scratch the sable tiger behind the ears, she tilts her head into your hand, attempting to offer up the best angle to reach the itchiest spots.
>Alysee gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds you.
>The webs dissolve from around Entress.
>Dominatus seems to lose some dexterity.
>You feel at full magical power again.
>Rhynde just arrived.
>Rhynde just went east.
>Alysee makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>Alysee gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds you.
>lean tigerEntress grins at Shimmerain.
>You reach over and lean a hand on the sable tiger's back, rubbing her gently. She tilts her head toward you and purrs in response.
>Alysee makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>Alysee gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds you.
>Otein just went north.
>Skydzia just went west.
> * Vaan joins the adventure.
Alysee makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>Alysee gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds you.
>Entress strides over to stand before Shimmerain.
>Entress gives Shimmerain a lingering kiss.
>Snarnuke joins Alysee's group.
>play tiger * Uzil has disconnected.
>You cast a sidelong glance at your companion and manage to catch her attention, bracing yourself as best you can. Suddenly, she leaps toward you and knocks you playfully to the ground! You roll around attempting to dodge soft paws and nips as she attempts to get the upper hand. The bout finally ends in a draw, both of you breathing a little heavier.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
>Rhynde just arrived.
> * Tretas joins the adventure.
Rhynde just went west.
>Shimmerain gives Entress a lingering kiss.
>Shimmerain smiles at Entress.
>Otein just arrived.
> * Kelomfyr joins the adventure.
Entress smiles at Shimmerain.
>Otein slings a razern-spiked dwarven tower shield over his shoulder.
>sitYou sit up.
>smile tigerYou smile at the sable tiger.
>Entress tilts her fluffy white pillow side to side, making the light play off it.
> * Volxarr has disconnected.
A sable tiger scrambles back up onto her feet.
> * Dzermo joins the adventure.
'::tiger I'll getcha yet.(Shimmerain touches his nose to Entress')
>Speaking to a sable tiger, you say, "I'll getcha yet."
>Otein seems a bit weaker than before.
>Shimmerain closes his eyes for a moment.
>Entress closes her eyes for a moment.
>Lord Snarnuke just went west.
>Entress softly says, "Dang it, now I can't hit ya."
>Alysee softly asks, "Who was doing colors?"
> * Imotepp joins the adventure.
whis aly make me leader when yer ready fer colorsLalan points at you.
>You quietly whisper to Alysee, "Make me leader when yer ready fer colors."
>raise handThe layer of protection fades away.
>You raise your hand.
>Suddenly Raidyndark appears in the room holding onto a ring he has just placed on his finger.
>Shimmerain smiles at Entress.
>smile alyYou smile at Alysee.
>Alysee whispers, "How do I do that?"
>Lalan seems a bit less imposing.
> * Fuaru joins the adventure.
Raidyndark tactfully asks, "A lil healin please?"
> * Barttonium joins the adventure.
Entress nods to Ralagar.
>Entress nods to Ralagar.
>whis aly group leader BrindeannaThold nods to Raidyndark.
>You quietly whisper to Alysee, "Group leader Brindeanna."
> * Dawnrayz has disconnected.
Desyind stands up.
>Interlocking his fingers above his head, Thold stretches slowly, extending his spine in a satisfying stretch.
> * Dawnrayz joins the adventure.
Desyind just went west.
>Alysee designates you as the new leader of the group.
>Entress gives Shimmerain a lingering kiss on the nose.
>Thold meditates over Raidyndark.
Thold takes Raidyndark's left leg damage.
>Raidyndark removes a piece of green jade from in his vruul skin gem pouch.
>'stay joined fer some colorsYou say, "Stay joined fer some colors."
>A low chirping sound comes from within a laquered red cricket box.
>Alysee smiles.
>Thold meditates over Raidyndark.
Thold takes Raidyndark's abdomen damage.
>Shimmerain appears to be trying hard not to grin.
>Otein joins your group.
> * Luckiette has disconnected.
Raidyndark joins your group.
>Thold meditates over Raidyndark.
Nothing happens.
> * Kitira joins the adventure.
* Randil joins the adventure.
Raidyndark doesn't seem quite the same as he was a moment ago.
>waitRaidyndark tactfully says, "Tankee much."
>Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
>Raidyndark bows to Thold.
>'ever'one ready?You ask, "Ever'one ready?"
>Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Thold concentrates.
Thold's abdomen looks better.
>Entress begins chortling at Ralagar.
> * Elleth has disconnected.
Shimmerain seems to be waiting for something.
>'castin'Kassira nods.
>You say, "Castin'."
>Shimmerain sighs.
>Shimmerain glances at you and paces back and forth.
>Strahetya just arrived.
>.brincolorsprep 611cast brindeannaThold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
[Script]>You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Mass Colors spell...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>You gesture.
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
Your companion blends into the surroundings better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script]>Thold concentrates.
Thold's left leg looks better.
[Script]>prep 611cast brindeannaYou make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Mass Colors spell...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>Entress pulls Shimmerain closer to herself.
[Script]>You gesture.
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
Your companion blends into the surroundings better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script]> * Kogline joins the adventure.
prep 611cast brindeannaYou make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Mass Colors spell...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>You gesture.
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
Your companion blends into the surroundings better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script]> * Kitira has disconnected.
* Luckiette joins the adventure.
prep 611cast brindeannaYou make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Mass Colors spell...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>You gesture.
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
Your companion blends into the surroundings better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script]>Entress offers Shimmerain a fluffy white pillow.
[Script]>Journeyman Enrof just arrived.
[Script]>prep 611cast brindeannaYou make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Mass Colors spell...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>You gesture.
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
Your companion blends into the surroundings better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script]>prep 611cast brindeannaYou make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Mass Colors spell...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>You gesture.
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
Your companion blends into the surroundings better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script]>Journeyman Enrof just went east.
[Script]>prep 611cast brindeanna * Uberen joins the adventure.
[Script]>You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Mass Colors spell...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>You gesture.
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
Your companion blends into the surroundings better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script]>prep 611cast brindeannaYou make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Mass Colors spell...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture.
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
Your companion blends into the surroundings better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
> * Starkly joins the adventure.
A sable tiger snarls menacingly!
>group leader lalYou designate Lalan as the new leader of the group.
>Lalan says, "I'll close the set with Blurs."
>Raidyndark offers Thold a piece of green jade.
> * Kogline has disconnected.
* Elleth joins the adventure.
* Kogline joins the adventure.
Lalan says, "Casting now."
>Alysee beams happily at Lalan!
> * Quixilver joins the adventure.
'stay joined fer blurs courtesy LalanYou say, "Stay joined fer blurs courtesy Lalan."
>Thold accepts Raidyndark's green jade.
>Thold says, "Thank you."
>Raidyndark bows to Thold.
>Lalan traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Lalan gestures.
Your form blurs.
>Otein turns to face you.
>Lalan traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Lalan gestures.
Your form blurs.
>Otein grunts his thanks.
>Lalan traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Lalan gestures.
Your form blurs.
> * Redvenom joins the adventure.
Lalan traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Lalan gestures.
Your form blurs.
>Raidyndark's runestaff glows and slowly wraps itself around his waist.
>Lord Raidyndark just trudged away moving west.
>Lalan traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Lalan gestures.
Your form blurs.
>smile oteinYou smile at Otein.
>Longesten just arrived.
* Longesten joins the adventure.
> * Luckiette has disconnected.
Lalan traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Lalan gestures.
Your form blurs.
>Kassira just gave you 100 coins which you quickly pocket.
> * Kitira joins the adventure.
Ralagar faces you, closes his eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between the two of you. You gain 54 mana points!
Ralagar opens his eyes, looking slightly drained.
>Shimmerain softly says, "I'll follow with a random webbing."
>Lalan traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Lalan gestures.
Your form blurs.
>give kass 100You give Kassira 100 coins.
>Lalan traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Lalan gestures.
Your form blurs.
>Entress grins at Shimmerain.
> * Giuil joins the adventure.
Journeyman Enrof just arrived.
> * Tjonk joins the adventure.
tickle kass * Cruull joins the adventure.
>Thold put a piece of green jade in his heavy backpack.
>You tickle Kassira.
>Thold just closed a heavy backpack.
>smooch ralaEntress offers Shimmerain a fluffy white pillow.
>You turn to give Ralagar a quick smooch, and he surprises you with a warm buss on the lips!
>A sable tiger snarls menacingly!
>Lalan says, "Just about 3 and a half hours."
>Journeyman Enrof just went west.
>Dominatus just went west.
>'::rala thankeeVimpyrre's group just arrived.
>Speaking to Ralagar, you say, "Thankee."
>Shimmerain looks over at Entress and shakes his head.
>Otein turns to face Lalan.
>Miranne seems hesitant, looking unsure of herself.
>Vimpyrre seems hesitant, looking unsure of himself.
>Otein grunts his thanks.
>Vimpyrre seems a bit weaker than before.
>Lalan disbands his group.
>Vimpyrre's group just went south.
>Shimmerain utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
>Shimmerain gestures at Thold.
Strands of webbing shoot forth towards Thold.
CS: +307 - TD: +80 + CvA: +20 + d100: +67 - -5 == +319
Warding failed!
Thold is firmly webbed in place.
>'::lala thankee kindlyShimmerain softly says, "There we go."
>Speaking to Lalan, you say, "Thankee kindly."
>Shimmerain dusts himself off.
>Shimmerain dusts off his hands.
>Entress softly says, "Thanks for all the spells."
>Ralagar ponders.
>'::aly thankee tooSpeaking to Alysee, you say, "Thankee too."
>Longesten stands up.
>smile alyYou smile at Alysee.
> * Darcmoon joins the adventure.
Lalan says, "Aye, and thank ye, kind Ranger."
>Kassira softly says, "Thank you every one."
>Longesten just opened a sturdy dark leather gem pouch.
>Lord Raidyndark just came trudging in.
> * Golranhey has disconnected.
Strahetya removes an etched vultite longsword with a fiery red leather grip from in his leather weapon harness.
>Strahetya removes a sharpened mammoth tusk longsword from in his leather weapon harness.
> * Cruull has disconnected.
* Kazzara joins the adventure.
Entress put a fluffy white pillow in her climbing pack.
> * Cruull joins the adventure.
Otein twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.
>Alysee softly says, "Thank you both."
>Otein removes a mug of black Khanshael grog from in his dark grey battle-cloak.
>Strahetya just went east.
>Alysee smiles at you.
>Ralagar slowly says, "Web me i want to see my defense."
>Otein takes a drink from his black Khanshael grog.
>Alysee smiles at Lalan.
>Longesten just opened a veniom-traced black silk longcloak clasped with a dragon's-tear diamond.
>Lalan bows.
>Longesten just opened a gold-threaded leather wand harness.
> * Mikaine has disconnected.
* Koleph joins the adventure.
Shimmerain utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
>Shimmerain gestures at Ralagar.
Strands of webbing shoot forth towards Ralagar.
CS: +307 - TD: +269 + CvA: +2 + d100: +96 - -5 == +141
Warding failed!
Ralagar avoids a little of the webbing.
>Entress begins chuckling at Ralagar!
>A dappled lion slashes a paw at where Shimmerain's left arm was moments before. Shimmerain was nearly injured!
>Otein put a mug of black Khanshael grog in his invar-scaled pack.
>Shimmerain softly says, "Not too bad."
>Lalan says, "Welcome all."
>Wyndwisp just arrived.
> * Luukanos joins the adventure.
Longesten slides a gold ring off his finger.
Longesten slides an intricate gold and brass ring on his finger.
Suddenly Longesten vanishes!
>Strahetya just arrived.
>Strahetya just went west.
>Otein grunts, amused.
>Wyndwisp makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Wyndwisp gestures.
Wyndwisp seems to blend into the surroundings better.
>The webs dissolve from around Ralagar.
>Wyndwisp makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Wyndwisp gestures.
Wyndwisp seems to blend into the surroundings better.
>Shimmerain stifles a yawn.
>Ralagar gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>The webs dissolve from around Thold.
>Ralagar gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Ralagar.
>Shimmerain hisses at a dappled lion.
>Lord Raidyndark just trudged away moving north.
>Wyndwisp makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Wyndwisp gestures.
The air about Wyndwisp shimmers slightly.
>Alysee softly says, "At least now I now how long my spells will last."
>Ralagar gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>whis rala how did you get your lion to do that?You quietly whisper to Ralagar, "How did you get your lion to do that?"
>Thold mutters under his breath.
>Lord Raidyndark just came trudging in.
>Entress rubs Shimmerain tenderly.
>Wyndwisp makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Wyndwisp gestures.
Her eyes begin to shine with an inner strength.
> * Darcconis joins the adventure.
Ralagar gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Ralagar.
>Lord Raidyndark just trudged away moving east.
>Lalan chuckles.
>Wyndwisp makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Wyndwisp gestures.
Wyndwisp is surrounded by an aura of natural confidence.
>Thold checks his equipment, adjusting and rearranging his gear.
> * Blogik joins the adventure.
Alysee makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>whis rala swipe at Shimmerain, I mean?Alysee gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Alysee.
>You quietly whisper to Ralagar, "Swipe at Shimmerain, I mean?"
>Alysee makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>Alysee gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Alysee.
>Shimmerain softly says, "I'll murder his master and cut off his tail."
> * Nafis joins the adventure.
* Duar has disconnected.
Alysee makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>Shimmerain nods to Entress.
> * Kutaki joins the adventure.
Alysee gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Alysee.
>Alysee makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>Alysee gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Alysee.
>Entress checks her equipment, adjusting and rearranging her gear.
>Kassira stands up.
>Alysee makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>Dominatus just arrived.
>Alysee gestures.
A bright luminescence surrounds Alysee.
>Ralagar chuckles.
>Entress removes a fluffy white pillow from in her climbing pack.
>Shimmerain just went south.
>Wyndwisp slings a vultite wall shield off from over her shoulder.
>Alysee makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>Alysee gestures.
A bright luminescence surrounds Alysee.
>Dominatus works his way into some imflass brigandine armor.
>Wyndwisp removes an onyx-hilted warped rolaren falchion from in her white weapons harness.
>Wyndwisp just went east.
>Alysee makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>Kassira just went south.
>Alysee gestures.
A bright luminescence surrounds Alysee.
> * Nalleo has disconnected.
Alysee makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>Alysee gestures.
A bright luminescence surrounds Alysee.
>Ralagar slowly says, "Careful he fights better then me."
> * Ichorr joins the adventure.
A forest mastiff saunters in.
>Alysee gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Alysee gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Alysee.
> * Demyse joins the adventure.
* Flyxx has disconnected.
* Jarlstrom joins the adventure.
Alysee gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Alysee gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Alysee.
>Ralagar slowly says, "Firmages killed me he killed them."
> * Hakker joins the adventure.
* Kutaki has disconnected.
Alysee gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Jazzmira just arrived.
>Alysee gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Alysee.
> * Duar joins the adventure.
Alysee gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Alysee gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Alysee.
>Otein just trudged away moving west.
>whis rala how?? * Dalymer joins the adventure.
>You quietly whisper to Ralagar, "How??"
>Alysee gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Alysee gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Alysee.
>Entress offers Jazzmira a fluffy white pillow.
> * Jeemaji joins the adventure.
Otein just arrived.
>Otein just went east.
>Alysee gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Alysee gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Alysee.
>Ralagar whispers, "I didnt he just did."
>Alysee gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Alysee gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Alysee.
>Rhynde just arrived.
>Rhynde just went east.
>Alysee gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Otein just came trudging in.
>Alysee gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Alysee.
>Otein just trudged away moving west.
>Jazzmira slings a small black vultite target shield over her shoulder.
>Jazzmira accepts Entress's fluffy white pillow.
>Jazzmira just went west.
>whis rala because Shimmerain cast at you?You quietly whisper to Ralagar, "Because Shimmerain cast at you?"
>Alysee moves to a kneeling position.
>whis rala that's new!You quietly whisper to Ralagar, "That's new!"
>Alysee stands up.
>Dominatus just went west.
>Ralagar tucks his smoke colored kitten into its comfortable-looking silk-mesh sack.
>Shimmerain just arrived.
>A forest mastiff scrambles out of sight.
>Entress rocks back on her heels.
>Ralagar whispers, "Maybe becosue i have him guarding me."
>Rhynde just arrived.
> * Daghin just bit the dust!
Talnod recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Talnod gestures.
Talnod bristles with energy.
>Talnod makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Talnod gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Talnod.
>Jarlstrom just arrived.
>Rhynde just went west.
>Talnod makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Talnod gestures.
A bright luminescence surrounds Talnod.
>Jarlstrom slings an embossed lion head tower shield off from over his shoulder.
> * Kazzara joins the adventure.
Ralagar leans on Jarlstrom, giving him a companionable grin.
>Jarlstrom turns towards Ralagar and renders a sharp hand salute.
> * Maladin joins the adventure.
Ralagar slowly says, "I want that shield."
>Jarlstrom cheerfully says, "Nopers."
>Brandynn just arrived.
>Brandynn just went north.
> * Kolts joins the adventure.
Ralagar pokes Jarlstrom in the ribs.
> * Kragarn joins the adventure.
* Illistian has disconnected.
Jarlstrom cheerfully says, "Nae till Ise gets a 10x one."
>Jarlstrom grins.
>Ralagar slowly says, "But it got a lion."
>Herektir just arrived.
>Herektir carefully bends the tip of his black vaalin lockpick slightly, adjusting it for a better angle, before attempting to pick the lock on an enruned tanik strongbox...
>Jarlstrom cheerfully says, "Yup it do."
> * Rutro joins the adventure.
Ralagar slings an imflass shield off from over his shoulder.
> * Darckdeath joins the adventure.
Herektir carefully bends the tip of his black vaalin lockpick slightly, adjusting it for a better angle, before attempting to pick the lock on an enruned tanik strongbox...
>Ralagar shows Jarlstrom his imflass shield.
> * Andaras joins the adventure.
Ralagar slowly says, "I trade yas."
> * Zantras joins the adventure.
Herektir put an etched black vaalin lockpick in his black lockpick pouch.
>Herektir takes off a veniom-tipped enruned toebone hatpin.
>Jarlstrom cheerfully says, "Nopers."
> * Marienn joins the adventure.
Herektir makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Herektir gestures.
A scintillating light surrounds Herektir's hands.
>wear my brigAs you slip into some finely buffed feminine brigandine you notice that it is perfectly fitted for maximum mobility, comfort, and protection.
>Lalan chuckles.
>Herektir carefully bends the tip of his enruned toebone hatpin slightly, adjusting it for a better angle, before attempting to pick the lock on an enruned tanik strongbox...
Then...CLICK! It opens!
>Shimmerain taps a dull white soulstone.
> * Brandynn has disconnected.
Alysee grins at Lalan.
>Herektir just went west.
>Ralagar slowly says, "But its 3x and pretty."
> * Rantares joins the adventure.
Jarlstrom cheerfully says, "Ise got one o dem in me locker sumwhars."
> * Kittelia joins the adventure.
Speaking softly to Entress, Shimmerain asks, "Yours?"
>'guess I gotta go hunt since folks was nice enouff t' gimme spells.You say, "Guess I gotta go hunt since folks was nice enouff t' gimme spells."
> * Eliaz joins the adventure.
grumble * Twigg joins the adventure.
>You grumble.
>Entress looks over at Shimmerain and shakes her head.
> * Dawnrayz just bit the dust!
Rantares just arrived.
>Rantares just went east.
> * Nadinna joins the adventure.
Rantares just arrived.
>Rantares just went north.
>Shimmerain softly says, "Please do."
> * Culghuun just bit the dust!
Shimmerain nods to you.
> * Aulus joins the adventure.
* Truemist joins the adventure.
* Hakker has disconnected.
'::tiger c'mon Sable.. les' go kill sumpin'Speaking to a sable tiger, you say, "C'mon Sable.. les' go kill sumpin'."
> * Municka joins the adventure.
glance shimmerYou glance at Shimmerain.
> * Panndoris joins the adventure.
Alysee taps you lightly on the shoulder.
>Shimmerain stifles a yawn.
> * Hargath joins the adventure.
Alysee removes an enruned golden topaz earcuff from in her rainbow cloak.
>tilt alyJarlstrom ponders.
>You cock your head at Alysee.
> * Skunker joins the adventure.
* Rantares has disconnected.
Alysee offers you an enruned golden topaz earcuff. Type ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
>Jarlstrom grins at Ralagar.
>Journeyman Velgravosh's group just arrived.
> * Brandynn joins the adventure.
Shimmerain removes a blackened vultite kite shield from in his black backsheath.
> * Ossferatu joins the adventure.
Shimmerain idly picks at a blackened vultite kite shield.
>Alysee whispers, "Six casts of brights."
>'::aly what's that fer?Journeyman Velgravosh's group just went south.
>Speaking to Alysee, you ask, "What's that fer?"
> * Ulril joins the adventure.
Talnod stands up.
>beam alyYou beam happily at Alysee!
>Kassira just arrived.
>accYou accept Alysee's offer and are now holding an enruned golden topaz earcuff.
>Alysee softly says, "For you."
>'::aly thankee kindlyAs Talnod taps his belt, it melts into his hand and reforms into a runestaff.
>Speaking to Alysee, you say, "Thankee kindly."
>Dwilam waves.
>Alysee curtsies to you.
>Dwilam just left.
>Speaking softly to Shimmerain, Entress asks, "That's new?"
>Suddenly Longesten appears in the room holding onto a ring he has just placed on his finger.
>'::aly kin I give yas some shimmers or dex?Speaking to Alysee, you ask, "Kin I give yas some shimmers or dex?"
>A low chirping sound comes from within a laquered red cricket box.
>Longesten asks, "Anyone healing?"
> * Lohre joins the adventure.
'::aly or blues, p'raps?Speaking to Alysee, you ask, "Or blues, p'raps?"
>Thold nods to Longesten.
>Alysee softly says, "Shimmers would be good."
>nod alyYou nod to Alysee.
>Ralagar leans on Alysee.
>Alysee softly says, "I'm blued."
>.shimmer alyprep 602cast alyAlysee giggles.
[Script]>You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Resist Elements spell...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>You gesture at Alysee.
The air about Alysee shimmers slightly.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script]> * Lithalion joins the adventure.
* Rysti joins the adventure.
Thold meditates over Longesten.
Thold takes Longesten's left arm damage.
[Script]>prep 602cast alyYou make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Resist Elements spell...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>You gesture at Alysee.
The air about Alysee shimmers slightly.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script]> * Bskins joins the adventure.
Ralagar slowly asks, "Can i give you a kiss or a smooch?"
[Script]>Thold meditates over Longesten.
Thold takes Longesten's right leg damage.
[Script]>You hear the faint thoughts of Panndoris echo in your mind: "Hey mule"
prep 602cast alyYou make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Resist Elements spell...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>You gesture at Alysee.
The air about Alysee shimmers slightly.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script]>Thold meditates over Longesten.
Thold takes Longesten's left leg damage.
[Script]>Ralagar smiles at Alysee.
[Script]> * Malevilence joins the adventure.
prep 602cast alyThold meditates over Longesten.
Thold takes Longesten's back damage.
[Script]>You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Resist Elements spell...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>You gesture at Alysee.
The air about Alysee shimmers slightly.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script]>Lalan recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Lalan gestures.
Lalan bristles with energy.
[Script]>Talnod just went south.
[Script]>A dappled lion's tail darts back and forth sharply as he purrs.
[Script]>Alysee softly says, "I might still have dead body breath."
[Script]>Thold meditates over Longesten.
Thold takes all of Longesten's blood loss.
[Script]>prep 602cast alyLalan recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Lalan gestures.
Lalan bristles with energy.
>You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Resist Elements spell...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture at Alysee.
The air about Alysee shimmers slightly.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>Alysee winks at Ralagar.
>Longesten nods to Thold.
>You hear the faint thoughts of Entress echo in your mind:
"hey Pann"
* Dracoblood joins the adventure.
Longesten says, "Thanks."
>Ralagar slowly says, "Since she giving you the spells i can."
>Lalan recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Lalan gestures.
Lalan bristles with energy.
> * Kaustic joins the adventure.
Thold nods to Longesten.
> * Luvak joins the adventure.
Ralagar sniffs at Alysee.
>Lalan recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Lalan gestures.
Lalan bristles with energy.
>Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>You hear the faint thoughts of Panndoris echo in your mind:
"Hows goin?"
Thold gestures.
Thold's back looks better.
>grin ralaYou grin at Ralagar.
>Longesten just went north.
>Jarlstrom slides a gold ring off his finger.
>Ralagar slowly says, "Hmm nope."
>Jarlstrom slides an intricate gold and brass ring on his finger.
Suddenly Jarlstrom vanishes!
>Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Thold gestures.
Thold's left arm looks better.
>A Silvermule courier just arrived on her way to deliver a message.
>Ralagar gives Alysee a quick little smooch.
>Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Thold gestures.
Thold's right leg looks better.
>Herektir just arrived.
>Alysee giggles.
>Herektir carefully bends the tip of his black vaalin lockpick slightly, adjusting it for a better angle, before attempting to pick the lock on a weathered tanik chest...Then...CLICK! It opens!
>Shimmerain softly says, "Okay I've had enough."
> * Jenevieve joins the adventure.
Shimmerain nods to Entress.
>You hear the faint thoughts of Entress echo in your mind:
"going well!"
Shimmerain gazes with dread at his surroundings.
>Alysee curtsies to you.
>Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Thold gestures.
Thold's left leg looks better.
> * Chuvisky joins the adventure.
Herektir just went west.
>Alysee softly says, "Thank you for the shimmers."
>Entress wrinkles her nose.
>Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Thold gestures.
Thold looks a little better.
>Alysee curtsies to Ralagar.
>Dragontat just arrived.
>Lalan removes a serpentine black villswood runestaff from in his black stave harness.
>Alysee softly says, "Thank you for the smooch."
> * Hectos joins the adventure.
Thold murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Ralagar smooches you on the cheek.
>Thold gestures.
Thold looks a little better.
>Entress softly asks, "Back to your cave?"
07-11-2005, 12:55 PM
Shimmerain is roleplaying a Dhe'nar. Being friends with Ralagar and wanting to cyber with him I guess you don't really understand what roleplaying is. I suggest before you relog in that you read up on it. Secondly, I do not expect anyone to know all about my abilities and how mechanically they work. You expect a sorcerer to know about the workings of AC? Ok...
If I had been him, in the same situation, I would have destroyed both of you.
Miss X
07-11-2005, 01:01 PM
Old news.
Everyone with an ounce of sense knows Ralagar is a comlete and utter moron. Shimmerain was ROLEPLAYING, perhaps that is a difficult concept to grasp, but I'd take Shim 1000 times over Ralagar.
07-11-2005, 01:06 PM
First off, Brindeanna only knows Ralagar peripherally. We aren't close and neither do I "cyber" with anyone, most certainly not him. Secondly, Dhe'nar or not, Shimmerain was wrong. Brindeanna did NOT attack Shimmerain nor ask her tiger to do so. It's also interesting to note that Shimmerain had the beef with Ralagar but chose to bloodgate Brindeanna who was much younger and less able to defend against it. That's some purty RP right there, lemme tell ya.
Look, all I was trying to do was set the record straight with the truth. If you can't handle it, then perhaps it's you who should go back to playing Freecell on the little 'puter yer momma bought you fer Christmas last year and leave the RPing to the adults.
07-11-2005, 01:07 PM
Brindeanna, get a life.
According to you, Entress shouldn't have ANY physical contact with ANYONE other than the one she's dating.
No hugging friends, no kissing on the cheek. No joining in their group cause that would be considered holding hands!
I say again, get a life.
Oh, but thanks for the memory lane of Ent and Shimm dating ;)
I really wish I knew how to automatically log my sessions using Stormfront.
07-11-2005, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Brindeanna
First off, Brindeanna only knows Ralagar peripherally. We aren't close and neither do I "cyber" with anyone, most certainly not him. Secondly, Dhe'nar or not, Shimmerain was wrong. Brindeanna did NOT attack Shimmerain nor ask her tiger to do so. It's also interesting to note that Shimmerain had the beef with Ralagar but chose to bloodgate Brindeanna who was much younger and less able to defend against it. That's some purty RP right there, lemme tell ya.
Look, all I was trying to do was set the record straight with the truth. If you can't handle it, then perhaps it's you who should go back to playing Freecell on the little 'puter yer momma bought you fer Christmas last year and leave the RPing to the adults.
07-11-2005, 01:09 PM
LOL. "HE was wrong", and you're trying to lecture me on RP. Go read up on Dhe'nar history you fucking moron.
Miss X
07-11-2005, 01:12 PM
Okay, let me give you a little nugget of useful information:
It's fine to come here and give your version of the truth, and comment on threads and so on. It is not fine when you come here and start insulting people. That's gonna get you nowhere, trust me sweets. Having said that, my 'momma' did buy my laptop, and I like freecell!!
From what I can gather (I'm pulling a Chadj and not reading the entire thread again) your character unstunned someone in the middle of a fued. As a result of that action, your character is now involved, and has taken sides in said fued. You should have kept out of it.
To quote a great friend of mine: If I had been him, in the same situation, I would have destroyed both of you.
07-11-2005, 01:15 PM
Other words: Stop crying because you got your ass handed to you.
It was roleplay all around (except for Ralagar).
If you don't like it, don't bother in other peoples' fights.
07-11-2005, 01:17 PM
You can choose to misread my post anyway you wish. I was simply trying to set the record straight. Shimmerain's player said numerous times that he felt justified in what Shimmerain did because Brindeanna attacked him first. Well, the truth is that she didn't. And he should have known that. How could she tell her tiger to attack when she was heavily stunned?
That's all I'm sayin'. I'd like to hear what Shimmerain's player has to say.
07-11-2005, 01:18 PM
If you don't want pwning, don't get in the middle of other people's battles.
07-11-2005, 01:18 PM
< How could she tell her tiger to attack when she was heavily stunned? >
If a Ranger is stunned with a companion present, it will attack. Please read pages 1 and 2 of this thread, I already covered this a while ago.
07-11-2005, 01:20 PM
Wait, wait. She's bitching at Shimm for not knowing how AC's work when she herself doesn't know? :lol:
07-11-2005, 01:25 PM
"If you don't want pwning, don't get in the middle of other people's battles."
As I said, if I knew they were "feuding" in ernest, I wouldn't have interfered. I thought they were screwing around. I unstunned Ralagar so he could tell his companion to cease attacking Shimmerain. Period. As an undeserved courtesy to Shimmerain, if you can believe that.
"If a Ranger is stunned with a companion present, it will attack. Please read pages 1 and 2 of this thread, I already covered this a while ago."
Yes, Stunseed, but what you didn't cover in the first 2 pages of this thread is that as new development of the May Companion updates, your AC will attack if any player attacks you. Whether you are stunned or not. Even if you are only swinging at someone to check their defenses. Which happened earlier with Shimmerain and Ralagar. This was never made clear on this thread and was one of the primary reasons I decided to post.
07-11-2005, 01:35 PM
< your AC will attack if any player attacks you >
That is false. With my puma right beside me, Jolena checked my defenses by swinging six times. Guen didn't even twitch. That happened last night.
Now I don't claim to be an AC expert, but I do know when stunned, a companion will act on its own. So in Shimmerrain's self-defense whether you commanded your companion to attack or not, it got blown out of the water. Even still, my original thoughts on this event stand.
If you < generalized you > killed MY companion, I'd make sure you died twice-over, at whatever costs.
07-11-2005, 01:43 PM
"That is false. With my puma right beside me, Jolena checked my defenses by swinging six times. Guen didn't even twitch. That happened last night. "
If that is true, then I stand partially corrected. Perhaps it has to do with the current "stance" of the AC. I had just come back from a hunt wherein I had my companion attack lesser ice giants several times. When I asked Ralagar why his lion attacked Shimmerain the first time, he said that it was perhaps because his lion was in "guard" mode. I will do some research and try to discover exactly why my companion attacked and yours didn't
In any case, I didn't ask my companion to attack anyone. ::shrug::
I believe Brindeanna felt she was doing an honorable thing. Seeing the log, it doesn't appear that she relishes was purposefully trying to be a snert or trouble maker from reading the logs posted.
However, Ralagar behaved like a snert and he did in fact attack Shimm, unprovoked. He had it coming, even though Shimm was killed in the end, his(Shimm's) actions were very reasonable considering the circumstances.
07-11-2005, 01:54 PM
"I believe Brindeanna felt she was doing an honorable thing. Seeing the log, it doesn't appear that she relishes was purposefully trying to be a snert or trouble maker from reading the logs posted. "
Thank you for the support. I didn't expect to receive any of that here. I knew I'd be flamed when I decided to post. But it was worth it to me to at least get the truth out.
07-11-2005, 06:13 PM
My question is why your girl didn't take his hand off. Kiera would have been methodically polishing her waraxe ... with his stump.
07-11-2005, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by Divinity
Other words: Stop crying because you got your ass handed to you.
It was roleplay all around (except for Ralagar).
If you don't like it, don't bother in other peoples' fights.
A-fucking-men. I hate people who involve themselves in other people's fights. Both of you got what you deserve.. less really.. he should have killed you both instead of letting you have the chance to kill him.
Stealin Yoshit
07-11-2005, 07:37 PM
Speaking from experience, as someone who pokes his nose into other people's bullshit, looks for and picks fights, kills, gets killed and has peoples "big brothers and sisters" come after him later on, I would have to say that yes, if you don't want any shit, don't purposefully step into any. The fact that Ralagar has OOC problems means shit. He's still bound by the same policies as everyone else is. Sometimes when we intend on helping others we end up putting outselves, and in this case, our animal companions into grave danger, but Ralagar did attempt to attack Shimmerain first, thusly starting the CvC. Taking up for him for attacking someone over mere words puts you at a sever disadvantage. Unstunning him and involving yourself puts you in the middle of the conflict as well. All parties got what they deserved.
Now, don't go taking this as me getting preachy on the topic, I still fully intend on carrying on like I have been, I'm just saying, don't come whine about having shit on your shoes when you saw it laying there and purposefully stepped right in the middle of the steaming pile.
07-11-2005, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
My question is why your girl didn't take his hand off. Kiera would have been methodically polishing her waraxe ... with his stump.
What that question regarding Entress? It wasn't her fight.
Not to mention she was a lot younger than she is now. She couldn't have touched Ralagar.
By the by, wasn't her fight. She didn't agree with the majority of it, from either side.
07-11-2005, 08:13 PM
I thought the conflict was because she'd been kissed. If she didn't care, why did he?
07-11-2005, 08:28 PM
She was kissed on the nose. I believe it was noted in the beginning of this thread that Shimm used it as an excuse to start an argument, that it wasn't the act that annoyed him.
It was Shimm trying to find any reason to stir things up, as is his forte ;)
07-11-2005, 08:29 PM
Feh. I read lips, but you're right... nose. Carry on.
07-11-2005, 08:33 PM
Heh, if it has been lips, Ent wouldn't have taken kindly to it at all.
It was a harmless kiss on the nose, that took an annoying turn for the worse.
Brindeanna, my character likes yours and I know you try to stick in character but I think no matter what you say it's going to be perceived as defending Ralagar who is definately one of the games biggest morons. Anyhow I know how you feel but if you unstun someone in a conflict you have involved yourself and it's within someone's right to attack your character and even kill them.
My advice: Avoid Ralagar like he's a hot pocket and you're an anorexic.
07-11-2005, 11:33 PM
Well, it really wasn't my intention to defend Ralagar. Neither here nor during the incident in question. I had fully intended to whisper to Shimmerain that I unstunned Ralagar so he could call his lion off. But I was never given a chance. And I'll say it one more time. I did not realize this was a serious duel. These two had been swiping and casting at each other earlier and I assumed they were friends who were just screwing around. Had I known it was in earnest, I'd not have interfered. After all, I've killed other players for disrespecting myself or those I care about and I wouldn't have wanted anyone interfering in that.
I just wanted Shimmerain's player to know the truth of the situation since he decided to post his side of it here and was given all kinds of accolades for his behavior.
Brindeanna will still get her revenge. And she won't use "older brothers, sisters or friends" either. She don't play that. She will act as honorably as she's always acted.
You're both lucky Shimmerain didn't murder you.
But I have to admit, killing your companions was the highlight of his sorcerous days.
Don't start bitching about his trainings either. Each and every one of them was at least 3 weeks of constant hunting, then resting in a town like Icemule to be swinged at totally at random.
I still don't know why he didn't tear you both to shreds.
He fucking should have.
Stealin Yoshit
07-14-2005, 08:20 AM
Hahahaaaaa! I just noticed your sig on this last post her Drayal!
Thanks for making me have to high-tail it to the john! LOL!
07-14-2005, 08:43 AM
I'm confused. You attacked some guy and his girlfriend because they were kissing?
Start at the first page of this topic and move on from there. :)
And yah the sigs I make are meant to tickle ya.
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