View Full Version : Waedon vs Sorvey (Fair Duel)

10-10-2004, 06:50 PM
[A Tree-Lined Walkway]
The branches of two rows of carefully trimmed monir trees form an arch overhead, shading the flagstone walkway. The flat stones at your feet form geometric patterns leading up to a wrought iron fence surrounded by a variety of flowering bushes, and several carved carved stone bench are set along the sides of the walkway. You also see a gold-painted banner, a wrought iron gate with a brass plaque mounted on it and a gleaming white chapel.
Obvious paths: none
Sorvey followed.
>'Whenever ye are ready.
You harshly say, "Whenever ye are ready."
>sign striking
sign smiting
sign swords
Repeating the sign has no effect!
>Repeating the sign has no effect!
Repeating the sign has no effect!
Sorvey slowly says, "Yeah, im ready."
[A Tree-Lined Walkway]
The branches of two rows of carefully trimmed monir trees form an arch overhead, shading the flagstone walkway. The flat stones at your feet form geometric patterns leading up to a wrought iron fence surrounded by a variety of flowering bushes, and several carved carved stone bench are set along the sides of the walkway. You also see the Methadun disk, a gold-painted banner, a wrought iron gate with a brass plaque mounted on it and a gleaming white chapel.
Also here: Lord Sorvey
Obvious paths: none
>trip sorv
The voice of Methadun firmly says, "Don worry, Sorvey."
With a fluid whirl, you plant a blackened scarlet vultite lance firmly into the ground near Sorvey and jerk the weapon sharply sideways.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Sorvey deftly avoids the stroke. The scarlet vultite lance flies harmlessly aside.
trip sorv

...wait 1 seconds.
>trip sorv

...wait 1 seconds.
>trip sorv

With a fluid whirl, you plant a blackened scarlet vultite lance firmly into the ground near Sorvey and jerk the weapon sharply sideways.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Sorvey deftly avoids the stroke. The scarlet vultite lance flies harmlessly aside.
[A Tree-Lined Walkway]
The branches of two rows of carefully trimmed monir trees form an arch overhead, shading the flagstone walkway. The flat stones at your feet form geometric patterns leading up to a wrought iron fence surrounded by a variety of flowering bushes, and several carved carved stone bench are set along the sides of the walkway. You also see the Methadun disk, a gold-painted banner, a wrought iron gate with a brass plaque mounted on it and a gleaming white chapel.
Also here: Lord Sorvey
Obvious paths: none
The voice of Methadun firmly says, "Ahm an honorable warrior."
>trip sorv
With a fluid whirl, you plant a blackened scarlet vultite lance firmly into the ground near Sorvey and jerk the weapon sharply sideways.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Sorvey's feet are swept cleanly from under him!
... 1 point of damage!
Glancing blow to Sorvey's left leg!
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
>cman feint sorv
[Roll result: 178 (open d100: 163) Penalties: 0]
You feint high, Sorvey buys the ruse and twists awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
cman feint sorv

...wait 1 seconds.
>cman feint sorv

>cman feint sorv

cman feint sorv

[Roll result: 25 (open d100: 10) Penalties: 0]
You feint high, but Sorvey isn't fooled for a second.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>...wait 3 seconds.
...wait 3 seconds.
>at sorv
...wait 1 seconds.
at sorv

at sorv

at sorv

You thrust with a blackened scarlet vultite lance at Sorvey!
AS: +275 vs DS: +98 with AvD: +50 + d100 roll: +9 = +236
... and hit for 37 points of damage!
Well aimed shot, punctures upper arm!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
>...wait 6 seconds.
...wait 6 seconds.
at sorv

The voice of Methadun firmly says, "Guud duel."
>...wait 2 seconds.
at sorv

...wait 2 seconds.
>at sorv

...wait 1 seconds.
>at sorv

...wait 1 seconds.
>at sorv

Sorvey stands up.
>You thrust with a blackened scarlet vultite lance at Sorvey!
AS: +275 vs DS: +148 with AvD: +50 + d100 roll: +95 = +272
... and hit for 52 points of damage!
Loud *crack* as Sorvey's sternum breaks!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
>cman charg sorv
...wait 1 seconds.
cman charg sorv

You rush forward at Sorvey with your scarlet vultite lance and attempt a charge!
[Roll result: 106 (open d100: 81) Penalties: -10]
Fair charge and Sorvey is knocked over by the blow.
... 15 points of damage!
Well aimed shot, punctures upper arm!
Roundtime: 9 sec.
>at sorv
...wait 2 seconds.
at sorv

>at sorv

...wait 2 seconds.
...wait 2 seconds.
>at sorv

...wait 1 seconds.
>at sorv

...wait 1 seconds.
>at sorv

at sorv

at sorv

Sorry, you may only type ahead 1 command.
>You thrust with a blackened scarlet vultite lance at Sorvey!
AS: +275 vs DS: +64 with AvD: +50 + d100 roll: +84 = +345
... and hit for 76 points of damage!
Vertebrae in neck disintegrate from impact!
Neck sinks into shoulders.

* Sorvey drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 6 sec.
...wait 6 seconds.
The voice of Methadun firmly says, "Nice nice."
Methadun comes out of hiding.
Methadun forces Sorvey's mouth open, and pours in a small amount from his white flask.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Sorvey, then fades into the body.
Methadun put a white flask in his black haversack.
>'You cannot defeat the Krolvin ounslaught.
You harshly say, "You cannot defeat the Krolvin ounslaught."
Methadun firmly says, "I can."
>clenc musc
You flex your powerful muscles.
Methadun ducks his head.
>'Not for long.
You harshly say, "Not for long."
Methadun firmly says, "Sure.."
The voice of Kaillen exclaims, "So can I!"
Methadun grins.
Methadun cackles!
Methadun searches around for a moment.
Methadun firmly asks, "Duel, Kaillen?"
Methadun searches around for a moment.
Methadun grins.
>'We are done.
You harshly say, "We are done."
>nod sorv
You nod to Sorvey.
The voice of Kaillen says, "It's not my style sir, just making sure this went fairly."
The voice of Methadun firmly says, "Same here."
>'Unless you want to challenge for a rematch.
You harshly say, "Unless you want to challenge for a rematch."

10-11-2004, 10:36 AM
The voice of Methadun firmly says, "Guud duel."

Thats the only problem with this situation.

10-11-2004, 11:01 AM
Umm, he didn't fight back at all. Not really what i could call a duel

10-11-2004, 07:54 PM
He didn't get a chance to. I jacked him up.

10-11-2004, 10:55 PM
That duel sucked.

- Arkans

10-12-2004, 01:23 AM
Admitted. I mainly posted it, just to conclude what happened to Sorvey in a duel where no one interferred and helped him. If you'll refer to my "Sorvey/Aulus" topic, you'll see what I am talking about.

10-12-2004, 02:30 AM
okay...so...let me see...I told you were you being a little boy because you couldn't get over the fact that someone killed in you a computer game...and now you duel him and show off to everyone and strut when you win? congrats, bud, it's a computer game where the player vs player combat more often than not is heavily aged based. hope you feel good about yourself, perpetuating a conflict that has no effect on the real world whatsoever. oh, and by the way...you never did answer me. does your sexy little ricer have stickers to make it go faster? I'm curious.

10-12-2004, 02:52 AM
Originally posted by Double0RX7
He didn't get a chance to. I jacked him up.

Dude, you tried tripping him 3 times without a stun and he didn't do anything. He obviously didn't give two shits about attacking you back.:fish:

10-12-2004, 03:06 AM
Originally posted by CorvetteRacer1977
does your sexy little ricer have stickers to make it go faster? I'm curious.

sorry, but, hilarious:lol:

10-12-2004, 06:28 AM
Originally posted by CorvetteRacer1977
okay...so...let me see...I told you were you being a little boy because you couldn't get over the fact that someone killed in you a computer game...and now you duel him and show off to everyone and strut when you win? congrats, bud, it's a computer game where the player vs player combat more often than not is heavily aged based. hope you feel good about yourself, perpetuating a conflict that has no effect on the real world whatsoever.

Like you should talk. You used to be the king of shitty duels and killing people to prove who's cock was the biggest. Don't act all high and mighty now just because most people can't stand you anymore.

10-12-2004, 07:29 AM
Foreign cars > Domestic :(

- Arkans

10-12-2004, 02:30 PM
You used to be the king of shitty duels and killing people to prove who's cock was the biggest.

Key words there should be USED TO. I've done all I can to change my conduct in game, and I think I changed greatly for better. This, however, is not about me, it's about the car.

Everything I was going to say has been said. But as for riding by and making my girlfriend wet? Give me a few more months, bud. I'll let you get close enough for me to see the look on your face when I dust your ass. Just a few more grand and I'll be dropping in a Banks 366 twin turbo crate engine, polished and plated. I'm deciding now if I want to focus purely on dragging and run 1000 HP, or put less money into cages and reinforcements and shit and only run nearer to 800. Either way I go, your RX7 has never been in the nines. It's quite likely that I'll be running mid 10s, especially after converting the suspension to 4 link and with my current gear ratio. Bottom line...You wanna run? Let's go.

Only thing I'll have to worry about is traction loss, and if anyone has ideas for me other than the 4-link suspension, throw em out there.

[Edited on 10-12-2004 by CorvetteRacer1977]