View Full Version : Teeoncy Schmeeoncy
11-25-2004, 02:54 PM
OK...after her stupid request for anyone that knows me to tell me to IM her (as if..) I bumped into Loony girl on the Dais.
She asked me for my SN and I told her a make believe one (tsoLteG) then laughed at her when she was saying IT ISNT WORKING.
Anyway, someone call winded on the dais while I was AFK (and hiding) which knocked me over and out of hiding (usually I just get knocked over) :( So stupid bitch holds my hand, takes me out of town and takes my face off. I looked up just to see my spells drop off when I died.
So I wait a while and go back to the dais, try and get her again but fail dismally (she was stood with weapons out and shield out which means I had no chance. Got a couple of superficial hits in with spikethorn and didnt want to test out 635 on the dais (popularity and all that ;)) and she logged when she couldnt get healed with some wisecrack about how boring I am.
Anyway, I log in today and she is in game, so I wait a while and she comes onto the dais. First time she is all tooled up. Second time she has empty hands so....
[Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens]
Although the floating platform is suspended well above the ground below, it overflows with abundant plant life. The edges of the dais are brimming with delicate white queen's lace, dark lavender, fragrant rosemary and a variety of other colorful flora. Thick grass underfoot provides an enticingly peaceful resting spot. A thin silk canopy is suspended above, providing ample shade from the day's brightness. You also see a small bat, the sparkling Eiderfleur disk, a field mouse that is sitting, a field mouse that is sitting, the orange Vurkanaan disk, the Milthrim disk, the Blueland disk, the purple Kruz disk, a field mouse that is lying down, some manna bread, a large faenor-chased barrel and a richly finished wooden bench with some stuff on it.
Also here: Twiggs, Eiderfleur, Vrannar, Teeoncy, Klaser who is kneeling, Lady Zali who is sitting, Milthrim, Lord Vurkanaan, Blueland, Drinin, Kruz, Zynaferus who is sitting, Lord Kkorrik, Charna, Tirayana who is lying down
Obvious paths: out
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Zali chuckles.
Zali gives Vrannar a friendly hug.
Kruz recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Klaser murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Klaser gestures.
Klaser gets an intense expression on his face.
Twiggs gives Zali a friendly hug.
Kruz gestures at Zali.
Zali begins moving faster than you thought possible.
A chestnut ferret saunters in.
The small bat stretches its leathery wings.
.fire teeon
[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
get 1 arrow from my thigh-quiver
stance offensive
fire bow at teeon
You remove a single arrow from a bundle of arrows.
[Script]>You are now in an offensive stance.
You nock an arrow in your sniper's bow.
You are no longer hidden.
You fire an arrow at Teeoncy!
AS: +421 vs DS: +146 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +86 = +397
... and hit for 25 points of damage!
Surgical strike removes Teeoncy's left eye!
She is stunned!
The guiding force leaves you.
** As you hit, your arrow sucks the air surrounding it away! **
... 10 points of damage!
Blood vessels in leg burst!
The scintillating white light surrounding the arrow fades some.
The arrow sticks in Teeoncy's left eye!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Zali softly says, "Thank you."
The bat seems to relax somewhat.
*** TypoHelp: Converted "117" to INCANT 117.
stance def
[Script finished!]
Charna gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Kkorrik flails his arms about.
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Spirit Strike spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
An invisible force guides you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Cast Round Time in effect: Setting stance to guarded.
Zali gives Twiggs a friendly hug.
Charna gestures at Teeoncy.
The glazed look leaves Teeoncy.
Kkorrik gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Lochlaen just arrived.
.fire teeon
[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
get 1 arrow from my thigh-quiver
stance offensive
fire bow at teeon
Kkorrik gestures at Teeoncy.
Nothing happens.
[Script]>Eiderfleur's jaw drops.
You remove a single arrow from a bundle of arrows.
You are now in an offensive stance.
You nock an arrow in your sniper's bow.
You fire an arrow at Teeoncy!
AS: +421 vs DS: +125 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +70 = +402
... and hit for 29 points of damage!
Loud *crack* as Teeoncy's sternum breaks!
* Teeoncy drops dead at your feet!
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Teeoncy suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Teeoncy seems a bit less imposing.
The guiding force leaves you.
The arrow sticks in Teeoncy's chest!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Blueland gives his scarlet lockpick a sharp twist, attempting to straighten it slightly, before settling into the difficult task of picking the lock on an iron-bound modwir strongbox...
Then...CLICK! It opens!
Blueland put a mottled scarlet lockpick in his red sack.
...wait 1 seconds.
stance def
[Script finished!]
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>...wait 3 seconds.
Eiderfleur fidgets.
Vrannar asks, "Charna ye still need strength?"
The layer of stone surrounding Vurkanaan crumbles away.
Qahaar comes out of hiding.
Kkorrik frowns.
Lochlaen says, "And on that note."
Zali loses an aura of resolve.
The field mouse pauses to clean its fur.
Charna says, "Thank ye nae."
Qahaar says, "Nice."
Zali loses her intense expression.
Qahaar applauds.
Zali nods.
>cover teeon
You reveal yourself from hiding and kick some dirt on the dead body of Teeoncy.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
A chestnut ferret drools with ravenous hunger!
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Zali nods to Zynaferus.
Teeoncy's body decays into compost.
Malevilence just arrived.
Charna frowns.
Eiderfleur wails!
Zali murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Zali's nervous system looks better.
Kaliopia just arrived.
Qahaar applauds.
Malevilence nods to Zynaferus in greeting.
Qahaar applauds.
Malevilence sits down.
Eiderfleur fidgets.
Qahaar applauds.
Zali gazes up into the heavens.
Kkorrik says, "And she's gone."
Vrannar traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Vrannar gestures.
Vrannar blurs before your eyes.
Zali murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Zali's nervous system looks better.
Vrannar traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Vrannar gestures.
A luminescent aura begins to swirl around Vrannar.
Kkorrik gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Malevilence removes a weathered tanik trunk from in the Malevilence disk.
Twiggs just left.
Malevilence offers Zynaferus a weathered tanik trunk.
>group close
Zali nods to Zynaferus.
Your group status is already closed.
Vrannar makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Vrannar gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Vrannar.
Zali nods.
Kkorrik says, "Wonder what that was aboot."
Kkorrik rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Vrannar makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Vrannar gestures.
A bright luminescence surrounds Vrannar.
Klaser begins to meditate on his lot in life.
Zali meditates over Charna.
Zali takes Charna's right eye damage.
Zali meditates over Charna.
Zali takes Charna's chest damage.
Vrannar makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Vrannar gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Vrannar.
Zali meditates over Charna.
Zali takes Charna's back damage.
Zali meditates over Charna.
Zali takes all of Charna's blood loss.
The field mouse darts all around, generally being a great nuisance.
Zali meditates over Charna.
Nothing happens.
Zali meditates over Charna.
Nothing happens.
>just warrant
You seem to lose the thorny barrier that surrounds you.
You are wanted for 4 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing. They are:
4 counts of murder
No Murder Charge!!!!
You see Teeoncy Teendra.
She appears to be a Human from Honneland.
She appears to be mature and average height. She has long-lashed, sparkling violet-streaked lavender eyes and tanned skin. She has shoulder length, wavy dark brown hair with lighter streaks. She has a delicate face, a small nose and pouting lips.
She has a faceted ruby stud in the upper ridge of her left ear.
She has a completely severed left leg.
She has a mangled left leg, several painful-looking scars across her chest, several painful-looking scars across her back, and some old neck wounds.
She is bleeding badly from the left leg.
She has an arrow stuck in her chest, and an arrow stuck in her left eye.
11-25-2004, 03:18 PM
I'd be embarresed if I got killed by an archer...
You point at Shinoo, ruining his hiding place.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
...wait 1 seconds.
Shinoo nocks a wooden arrow in his tipped willow longbow.
Shinoo fires a wooden arrow at you!
AS: +531 vs DS: +333 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +8 = +226
... and hits for 14 points of damage!
Well aimed shot almost removes an eye!
You are stunned for 3 rounds!
The guiding force leaves Shinoo.
The scintillating silver light surrounding the arrow fades some.
Bad angle. The wooden arrow fails to stick in Qahaar.
11-25-2004, 03:19 PM
Charna gestures at Teeoncy.
The glazed look leaves Teeoncy.
WTF, why don't people mind their business?
11-25-2004, 03:20 PM
Especially if I was a warrior.
11-25-2004, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Jonty
Charna gestures at Teeoncy.
The glazed look leaves Teeoncy.
WTF, why don't people mind their business?
Because some people have an inflated sense of self-importance.
11-25-2004, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Originally posted by Jonty
Charna gestures at Teeoncy.
The glazed look leaves Teeoncy.
WTF, why don't people mind their business?
Because some people have an inflated sense of self-importance.
And I believe the truth in this case would be some *characters* have an inflated sense of self-importance. :smilegrin:
11-25-2004, 03:43 PM
I'm more inclined to believe its more PLAYER orientated than character.
Charna is nice leave her be!
- Arkans
11-25-2004, 04:19 PM
Speaking of people getting involved:
samb teeo left leg
You are unable to change your stance.
>You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a shimmering enchanted falchion at Teeoncy!
AS: +389 vs DS: +79 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +64 = +413
... and hit for 39 points of damage!
Hard blow breaks the femur!
Teeoncy screams and falls to the ground grasping her mangled left leg!
She is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
>Kkorrik removes a tincture of acantha from on a richly finished wooden bench.
>Kkorrik forces Teeoncy's mouth open, and pours in a small amount from his tincture of acantha.
Teeoncy looks a little better.
>Kkorrik forces Teeoncy's mouth open, and pours in a small amount from his tincture of acantha.
Teeoncy looks a little better.
>Kkorrik removes a tincture of acantha from on a richly finished wooden bench.
>sweep kkor
[Roll result: 130 (open d100: 13) Penalties: 20]
You crouch, sweep a leg at Kkorrik and connect!
Kkorrik falls to the ground! You deftly regain your footing.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>Charna gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>Charna gestures at Teeoncy.
The glazed look leaves Teeoncy.
>Kkorrik says, "Just trying to make sure she doesn't die."
Kkorrik shrugs.
>Selenite pulls Kkorrik to his feet.
What profession is Teeoncy? It looks like she has some pretty good redux.
11-25-2004, 05:21 PM
Warrior. I *think* around 70 trains.
11-25-2004, 05:25 PM
The Cat In The Hat
11-25-2004, 06:28 PM
And here I had thought she was keeping her nose clean lately.
Guess not.
11-25-2004, 09:35 PM
Charna is a cool chick, I've never seen her behave in an OOC fashion. The character is very sweet and kind, so maybe that's her IC reaction to seeing someone get their ass kicked. Whatever you think of it, to insinuate it's not IC is silly in her case.
Of course, if there weren't stupid little fuckwits like Teeoncy running around, maybe we really COULD all get along.
11-25-2004, 10:13 PM
She has an arrow stuck in her chest, and an arrow stuck in her left eye.
11-26-2004, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Charna is a cool chick, I've never seen her behave in an OOC fashion. The character is very sweet and kind, so maybe that's her IC reaction to seeing someone get their ass kicked.
While I dont know Charna one way or the other and would not get into any debate about IC or OOC or stuff like that regarding how she is played, the first time teeoncy came to the dais, just before my log starts she asked for healing and Charna refused to heal her.
Didnt make sense her unstunning her after that. Not that I am bothered one way or the other, though.
11-26-2004, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque
While I dont know Charna one way or the other and would not get into any debate about IC or OOC or stuff like that regarding how she is played, the first time teeoncy came to the dais, just before my log starts she asked for healing and Charna refused to heal her.
Didnt make sense her unstunning her after that. Not that I am bothered one way or the other, though.
Charna refused to heal her because she is a ranger. :P
Edited to get rid of a spare [
[Edited on 11-26-2004 by Eiderfleur]
11-26-2004, 10:47 AM
Charna is a ranger, not an empath (unless she rerolled in the last few months) so yeah, I'm sure she refused her healing. :D
11-26-2004, 10:48 AM
Oh.... :blush:
Edited to qualify my doziness.
Teeoncy came onto the dais.
Teeoncy said "any healing?"
Charna shood her head at Teeoncy.
Teeoncy snickered.
Teeoncy went out.
See I interpreted that as some kind of sensible person refusing to heal her. Was actually someone being helpful.
I'll get my coat...
[Edited on 26-11-04 by Nieninque]
11-26-2004, 10:55 AM
Snickered? I didn't realize that no healing available was a funny thing. :shrug:
11-26-2004, 10:58 AM
Me either...which is why I drew the conclusions I did.
11-26-2004, 12:20 PM
Why is she wanting your SN so bad? I mean what could she possibly want to tell you?
11-26-2004, 12:22 PM
Yeah I don't get that either, especially if she ran into you. Can't she just tell you in the game through whispers what she needs to tell you? I mean this chasing is just getting silly now.
The Cat In The Hat
11-26-2004, 02:36 PM
She's an attention whore, good or bad, she wants it and she likes to take things into real life. SARAH wants the attention, and she tries to get it through Teeoncy.
I can't tell you how many times a guy friend of mine, that was talking to her told me "She threatened to kill herself if I refused to call her." I've lost count. I won't name names but I know two of them post here frequently, if they wanna step forward, cool, if not... not a big deal and you'll just have to take my word for it.
And, this is just another thread so she can go tell other message boards "They can't stop talking about me I are so popular!"
[Edited on 11-26-2004 by The Cat In The Hat]
11-26-2004, 02:59 PM
If she told that too me, I'd cheer on the knife..
Does that make me a bad man? :(
11-26-2004, 04:24 PM
So she didn't even tell you why she wanted your SN or give you a reason why she killed you? If she killed you because your AIM SN didn't work that is just LAME LAME LAME.
11-26-2004, 04:26 PM
Teeoncy is a dumb slut.
End of story.
11-26-2004, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
Teeoncy is a dumb slut.
End of story.
And then there's Chadj
11-26-2004, 09:31 PM
I've had very few interactions with this Teeoncy character. None of them was good. I really don't like it when people take out of character things and kills you for it either. I don't get it often, but that's just dumb.
11-27-2004, 02:37 AM
I am requesting that someone finds the PC a smilie in a straight-jacket to use for these boards.
That is all.
11-27-2004, 03:34 AM
Last night Teeoncy arrived at the dais while I was there. As someone had sancted I was feeling brave so just stood there and she trying to hold my hand or drag me of the two. I arent stupid though. I arent doing that twice so had my group closed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Teeoncy whispers, "Id like to talk to you at a table."
whis teeon talk hereYou quietly whisper to Teeoncy, "Talk here."
Teeoncy whispers, "Im not going to go back and forth like this over something so dumb. ."
>Teeoncy whispers, "You refuse to cooperate and your just being a pain in my ass."
>whis teeon I dont even know what its overYou quietly whisper to Teeoncy, "I dont even know what its over."
>You quietly whisper to Teeoncy, "I aint going anywhere with you though."
>Teeoncy whispers, "And im sure im being a pain in your ass as well."
whis teeon so if you want to talk do so hereTeeoncy whispers, "So can we just drop it?"
>You quietly whisper to Teeoncy, "So if you want to talk do so here."
>whis teeon sureYou quietly whisper to Teeoncy, "Sure."
Teeoncy whispers, "No more little comments about me either."
Teeoncy whispers, "Because thats what started it."
>whis teeon so stay out of my way and I wont bother youYou quietly whisper to Teeoncy, "So stay out of my way and I wont bother you."
Teeoncy whispers, "No more comments, and I wont bother you."
>You quietly whisper to Teeoncy, "You have my word."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fairly straight forward, right...?
Except she then keeps whispering stuff to me like I'm her best friend.
I was like GO AWAY
11-27-2004, 04:46 AM
That girl is so aching for validation, even from someone who dislikes her, it's just sad. If she hates you so much and you're so into making little comments about her, why can't she just ignore it? OH YEAH THAT'S RIGHT BECAUSE SHE'S A FUCKING DRAMA QUEEN DUMB HO.
11-27-2004, 05:21 AM
I dont even know what comments she was talking about
I was AFK when she took me out of town and killed me
Then she came back and said "I didnt kill you, just took your leg off..."
11-27-2004, 06:39 AM
Hah... I know who sancted! He did it because there were way too many testosterone jerks on the dais! I was just about to report them all for being idiots too... Warclaidhm, Teeoncy, a couple of others.
11-27-2004, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
Originally posted by Chadj
Teeoncy is a dumb slut.
End of story.
And then there's Chadj
If you think you are funny, you are seriously incorrect.
11-27-2004, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
Originally posted by Nieninque
Originally posted by Chadj
Teeoncy is a dumb slut.
End of story.
And then there's Chadj
If you think you are funny, you are seriously incorrect.
Actually, I do find my jokes funny.
This, however, was more an observation than a joke, sadly :shrug:
11-27-2004, 12:45 PM
Too bad you are too uninformed and unimportant for your observations to matter, yes?
11-27-2004, 12:46 PM
Hey, you guys are both swell. Maybe you can unite in hatred of Teeoncy, yes?
11-27-2004, 12:48 PM
Your momma is swell, Spun. :O
jk <3
11-27-2004, 09:08 PM
Sooo uhm she's mad cuz someone says stuff about her? Wtf? So is she going to hunt down most of everyone on the PC, because most of us says stuff about her?
11-27-2004, 09:57 PM
Once again, I vote for the knife.
11-29-2004, 12:55 PM
Ok... I doubt any of you care but I'd like to tell my side of the story.
Snowdrop and Teeoncy have been at each others throats for a long time. No GM's have been called in (from Teeoncy's end anyways) and it's just kind of been an on going thing.
Snowdrop ambushes Teeoncy and kills her just as much as Teeoncy kills Snowdrop.
I NEVER EVER killed her for an OOG reason. And no I did not kill her because her S/N didn't work. That is hilarious!
Honestly, the reason I wanted to talk to Snowdrop is because her father Lyonis and Teeoncy had problems and I talked to him in IM's for a minute or two and now they just ignore each other.
So I decided that after months of killing each other I should talk to her. So I tried to talk to her in game... and well she refused. So I tried to talk to her out of game and she also refused. Which leads me to believe that she enjoys us killing each other over and over again. I don't know what else to do.
She attacks me in the dais constantly and usually I just sit there. She kills me when all my stuff is put away or if I am in offense but other then that usually she just wounds me and I hide.
So for those who think I am picking on Snowdrop, well it is completely mutual until she talks to me and asks me to stop. She has said it's over a million times but she always comes right back and attacks me. But I'm up for whatever she wants to do.
11-29-2004, 01:11 PM
So I decided that after months of killing each other I should talk to her. So I tried to talk to her in game... and well she refused. So I tried to talk to her out of game and she also refused. Which leads me to believe that she enjoys us killing each other over and over again. I don't know what else to do.--Ssarah
You don't know what else to do? OMG, I would think that is a nice way for her to say, "FUCK OFF"? Meaning she doesn't want anything to do with you, not even talk to you. But maybe she can put it better than I can. It isn't up to you to talk to her.
11-29-2004, 01:15 PM
Why the fuck do these retards make new posting names whenever they 'come back' to 'defend' themselves?
Teeoncy, just so you know, all the shit that you did, all the problems you caused, all the lies that you told? All that means is that pretty much anything that is said about you -- I BELIEVE. And I think that holds true for pretty much everyone else in existence. So please. If you ever think about trying to discredit something said/done about you, go outside, find the nearest brick wall, and smash your skull against it.
11-29-2004, 01:16 PM
No Ma'am. Because I don't kill her anymore. She attacks me first all the time and then usually I will attack back but what am I going to do, just sit there and take it? If anyone was in the dais last night they will know I was sitting there with a friend after hunting and she just ambushes me out of no where. When I walked in I saw her but I just ignored her. I really don't hate her. She's just kind of a person that's there. I did hate Omen's at first but not anymore.
Honestly, I wont attack her first. It's not like I set out to kill her.
11-29-2004, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
Last night Teeoncy arrived at the dais while I was there. As someone had sancted I was feeling brave so just stood there and she trying to hold my hand or drag me of the two. I arent stupid though. I arent doing that twice so had my group closed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Teeoncy whispers, "Id like to talk to you at a table."
whis teeon talk hereYou quietly whisper to Teeoncy, "Talk here."
Teeoncy whispers, "Im not going to go back and forth like this over something so dumb. ."
>Teeoncy whispers, "You refuse to cooperate and your just being a pain in my ass."
>whis teeon I dont even know what its overYou quietly whisper to Teeoncy, "I dont even know what its over."
>You quietly whisper to Teeoncy, "I aint going anywhere with you though."
>Teeoncy whispers, "And im sure im being a pain in your ass as well."
whis teeon so if you want to talk do so hereTeeoncy whispers, "So can we just drop it?"
>You quietly whisper to Teeoncy, "So if you want to talk do so here."
>whis teeon sureYou quietly whisper to Teeoncy, "Sure."
Teeoncy whispers, "No more little comments about me either."
Teeoncy whispers, "Because thats what started it."
>whis teeon so stay out of my way and I wont bother youYou quietly whisper to Teeoncy, "So stay out of my way and I wont bother you."
Teeoncy whispers, "No more comments, and I wont bother you."
>You quietly whisper to Teeoncy, "You have my word."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fairly straight forward, right...?
Except she then keeps whispering stuff to me like I'm her best friend.
I was like GO AWAY
According to this log it looks like to me you are stalking her and trying to get Snowdrop to "talk" to you. Teeoncy says its over talking about Teeoncy, and that Teeoncy won't leave her alone until Snowdrop stops talking about her.
Okay people can talk about whoever they want. Teeoncy and Snowdrop are CHARACTERS in a freakin game. So who cares if she says Teeoncy loves to lick ROLTON ass?? Cmon get over yourself.
No Teeoncy hasn't changed one bit. Still creating drama. Still harassing people. Still trying to play innocent. Same ole same ole from the looks of it.
11-29-2004, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
Why the fuck do these retards make new posting names whenever they 'come back' to 'defend' themselves?
Teeoncy, just so you know, all the shit that you did, all the problems you caused, all the lies that you told? All that means is that pretty much anything that is said about you -- I BELIEVE. And I think that holds true for pretty much everyone else in existence. So please. If you ever think about trying to discredit something said/done about you, go outside, find the nearest brick wall, and smash your skull against it.
I understand that. But it's not like this stuff is happening out in the middle of no where. Others are seeing it too.
Do you guys think I should Warn interact her? I don't like to use that but maybe it would end it?
And I'm sorry I made a new name, I didn't remember my password on the other one.
11-29-2004, 01:19 PM
Ok Chelle. But the fact is it's not some little thing.
Snowdrop plays that her character is 13. Therefore it's over and over and over again. It's not like she says two things. She goes on for 15 minutes. I just wanted us to totally leave each other alone and ignore each other. ::::shrug::::
11-29-2004, 01:20 PM
I think you should bang your skull against a rough brick wall until you pass out, or hear something crack. I actually bet you'd damage the wall before you damage yourself.
11-29-2004, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Ssarah
Originally posted by Maimara
Why the fuck do these retards make new posting names whenever they 'come back' to 'defend' themselves?
Teeoncy, just so you know, all the shit that you did, all the problems you caused, all the lies that you told? All that means is that pretty much anything that is said about you -- I BELIEVE. And I think that holds true for pretty much everyone else in existence. So please. If you ever think about trying to discredit something said/done about you, go outside, find the nearest brick wall, and smash your skull against it.
I understand that. But it's not like this stuff is happening out in the middle of no where. Others are seeing it too.
Do you guys think I should Warn interact her? I don't like to use that but maybe it would end it?
And I'm sorry I made a new name, I didn't remember my password on the other one.
STOP STALKING HER AND IT MIGHT END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111
Don't warn interact someone who you're stalking. That is one of the most retarded things I have read in a while. Imagine going to a judge, asking for a restraining order, and being like -- well she beats me up everytime I am peering through her windows!! Help!!!!!!
11-29-2004, 01:20 PM
Stop stalking who?
11-29-2004, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Ssarah
No Ma'am. Because I don't kill her anymore. She attacks me first all the time and then usually I will attack back but what am I going to do, just sit there and take it? If anyone was in the dais last night they will know I was sitting there with a friend after hunting and she just ambushes me out of no where. When I walked in I saw her but I just ignored her. I really don't hate her. She's just kind of a person that's there. I did hate Omen's at first but not anymore.
Honestly, I wont attack her first. It's not like I set out to kill her.
Looks like she was giving paybacks for when you killed her while she was afk just a couple days ago??
Originally posted by Nieninque
I dont even know what comments she was talking about
I was AFK when she took me out of town and killed me
Then she came back and said "I didnt kill you, just took your leg off..."
11-29-2004, 01:22 PM
Teeoncy stop stalking Snowdrop.
11-29-2004, 01:33 PM
Here's an idea, Sarah. Just stop using the fucking internet. I'll bet if you sat and thought about it for around ten seconds, you could come up with a list of 100+ problems that the internet has caused you IN 2004 ALONE. You suck so hard.
11-29-2004, 01:37 PM
fifty bucks to whoever steals teeoncy's keyboard.
11-29-2004, 01:38 PM
Seventy-five. Do I hear 100?
11-29-2004, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Chelle
Originally posted by Ssarah
No Ma'am. Because I don't kill her anymore. She attacks me first all the time and then usually I will attack back but what am I going to do, just sit there and take it? If anyone was in the dais last night they will know I was sitting there with a friend after hunting and she just ambushes me out of no where. When I walked in I saw her but I just ignored her. I really don't hate her. She's just kind of a person that's there. I did hate Omen's at first but not anymore.
Honestly, I wont attack her first. It's not like I set out to kill her.
Looks like she was giving paybacks for when you killed her while she was afk just a couple days ago??
Originally posted by Nieninque
I dont even know what comments she was talking about
I was AFK when she took me out of town and killed me
Then she came back and said "I didnt kill you, just took your leg off..."
But she had already paid me back by killing me when I was AFK earlyer that week.
11-29-2004, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by Keller
Originally posted by Ssarah
Originally posted by Maimara
Why the fuck do these retards make new posting names whenever they 'come back' to 'defend' themselves?
Teeoncy, just so you know, all the shit that you did, all the problems you caused, all the lies that you told? All that means is that pretty much anything that is said about you -- I BELIEVE. And I think that holds true for pretty much everyone else in existence. So please. If you ever think about trying to discredit something said/done about you, go outside, find the nearest brick wall, and smash your skull against it.
I understand that. But it's not like this stuff is happening out in the middle of no where. Others are seeing it too.
Do you guys think I should Warn interact her? I don't like to use that but maybe it would end it?
And I'm sorry I made a new name, I didn't remember my password on the other one.
STOP STALKING HER AND IT MIGHT END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111
Don't warn interact someone who you're stalking. That is one of the most retarded things I have read in a while. Imagine going to a judge, asking for a restraining order, and being like -- well she beats me up everytime I am peering through her windows!! Help!!!!!!
It's not like I already have. I was just wondering if anyone thought that was a good idea or if we should just continue to kill each other. I was looking for *Real* advice. Advice that I would actually take. Not senless bashing. There are a lot of smart people on this forum. Even if they do hate me. Maybe that's one of the reason's they are so smart. :lol:
11-29-2004, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Here's an idea, Sarah. Just stop using the fucking internet. I'll bet if you sat and thought about it for around ten seconds, you could come up with a list of 100+ problems that the internet has caused you IN 2004 ALONE. You suck so hard.
I am not going to stop using the internet. That would just be silly. You should never run away from your problems. And I am trying my hardest to work everything out. I think for having to deal with my reputation (Which yes, I deserve to have to deal with) I am doing a pretty good job. I have walked away from more conflicts and from more people, I've let so many kill me and then just walk away and ignore them that it's amazing. (Atleast for me) I think I have walked away a million more times these past 6 months then I have throughout the years.
I'm sorry if my hardest isn't good enough for you.
Also, it really hasn't created many problems for me. None outside of the internet honestly. None of my friends know I play GS (They'd harrass me endlessly) so It's not like I have to deal with them in all this.
And if I think this is a big life problem then I really do need help because a lot of people have problems far, far worse.
11-29-2004, 02:14 PM
This thread needs some banana phone.
11-29-2004, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Seventy-five. Do I hear 100?
I'll mail you my keyboard for 100 dollars. :lol:
Faded Design
11-29-2004, 02:15 PM
I say keep killing her. Anyone with a name like Snowdrop should be killed anyway.
11-29-2004, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by Ssarah
It's not like I already have. I was just wondering if anyone thought that was a good idea or if we should just continue to kill each other. I was looking for *Real* advice. Advice that I would actually take. Not senless bashing. There are a lot of smart people on this forum. Even if they do hate me. Maybe that's one of the reason's they are so smart. :lol:
Just ignore her...the same way I ignored you the day you tried to kill me for no reason.
11-29-2004, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by Faded Design
I say keep killing her. Anyone with a name like Snowdrop should be killed anyway.
Yeah but I think it is just making people mad in the dais. I noticed last night when she ambushed me out of no where people were kind of getting fed up with it.
I think I'll just let her ambush me from now on and when she misses I'll go somewhere else. If she kills me all well. I'm sure there will be times where I'm getting my boxes picked and might tackle her or something or leg her to get her to knock it off until I am done but I'm not a saint!
Eventually she will just get bored with it.
Or who knows it might be fun to rp out. I just wish she would stop doing it in the dais. I go to the gemshop a lot... She can ambush me there... then it wouldn't piss everyone off so much.
Im not complaining that she is attacking me (because I attack her back)... I'm just kind of getting tired of everyone else getting upset and annoyed with it. (I understand why they are though)
11-29-2004, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by KymberlynX
Originally posted by Ssarah
It's not like I already have. I was just wondering if anyone thought that was a good idea or if we should just continue to kill each other. I was looking for *Real* advice. Advice that I would actually take. Not senless bashing. There are a lot of smart people on this forum. Even if they do hate me. Maybe that's one of the reason's they are so smart. :lol:
Just ignore her...the same way I ignored you the day you tried to kill me for no reason.
Ha, Ha. I remember that day. Yeah, I had bad luck because I didn't realize that my armor was actually in my backpack so it was giving me mass RT. I am sorry about that. I was mostly mad at Jonty and the crap that was going down. But if you want to talk about it we can do it in IM's I dont want anything said that you don't want said.
11-29-2004, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by Ssarah
I am not going to stop using the internet. That would just be silly. You should never run away from your problems.
This is like saying an alcoholic should drink more and not run away from the problem. Stellar logic.
11-29-2004, 02:28 PM
Look, it's very simple.
::Warn interact Snowie:: And follow through.
No one can possibly think any less of you at this point.
11-29-2004, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by Ssarah
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Here's an idea, Sarah. Just stop using the fucking internet. I'll bet if you sat and thought about it for around ten seconds, you could come up with a list of 100+ problems that the internet has caused you IN 2004 ALONE. You suck so hard.
I am not going to stop using the internet. That would just be silly. You should never run away from your problems. And I am trying my hardest to work everything out. blahblahblahblah...
My alcoholic uncle beat my aunt and my cousins. He got in two drunk driving accidents and could never keep his job. He didn't try to reconcile his destructive behavior and alcohol -- he QUIT USING ALCOHOL.
And to reiterate -- go back to the landing and leave Snowdrop alone for a few weeks. Then you might be able to show your face in EN without her taking it off. You don't stalk then afk kill someone and expect them to just leave you alone. It doesn't work that way.
11-29-2004, 02:30 PM
I can't hunt anything in the landing... maybe the rift... I'll get drunk on Tuesday.... ack gotta get to class.
11-29-2004, 02:40 PM
You want *REAL*advice.
Stop whispering to Snowdrop.
Stop whispering to Snowdrop.
Do not Attack Snowdrop.
Play Gemstone as if she does not Exist.
She has her reasons for not wanting anything to do with you, as much as you have reasons for wanting to set things straight before going your merry ways.
It's not going to happen though, so walk away.
11-29-2004, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Faded Design
I say keep killing her. Anyone with a name like Snowdrop should be killed anyway.
And you are?
11-29-2004, 02:41 PM
I have no problems with Teeoncy. She nicely accompanied me on one temple hunt. It was nice to have the company on occasion.
Originally posted by Auriia
Play Gemstone as if [she] and (most of Elanthia) do not Exist. You will be much happier.
Auriia~ I fixed it for you! :yes:
Teeoncy just run away you can not win here
[Edited on 11-29-2004 by Dave]
11-29-2004, 02:50 PM
Granted I am relativly new to these forums, but why is there so much hostility towards Teeoncy? From what I've read here and what I've seen of her in Illistim, I can't really say anything negative about her IG or OOG.
Does all the bashing simply stem from things she has done in the past?
11-29-2004, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Xandalf
Does all the bashing simply stem from things she has done in the past?
Tip ... Seach Teeo
Faded Design
11-29-2004, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by Lyonis
Originally posted by Faded Design
I say keep killing her. Anyone with a name like Snowdrop should be killed anyway.
And you are?
I was just picking on her. Relax.
11-29-2004, 03:08 PM
Xandalf, it's nice that you have pure intent or whatever... but you simply cannot come to a forum, lie to the forum, curse out everyone on the forum when they CALL you on the lie, kill people who post on the forum in-game for things said on the forum, lie about the actions of people on the forum, try to cybersex half the males on the forum....
without incurring some ill sentiments.
She did not have to come back here, it was her choice. So if she gets hostility or whatever, it's her own fault. For things she's done in the past, and for putting herself up for criticism now.
11-29-2004, 03:14 PM
Nah, I like my Original post......
I don't hate her, remember...
People can and do change, so why ignore them all at once. Just take it one character at a time.
So my blanket advice Sarah is this....
If you truly want to make ammends or apologise for something that happened in the past....Whisper the apology and leave it at that. Don't bother trying to take it out of the game onto a Forum or in an IM, it always seems to backfire. Say yer sorries and move on.
If it is a conflict situation..... Tell them you want no further contact in that manner..... Just be sure to say it in proper role play mode, else it will get posted yet again in a thread like this, causing yet more drama.
Key phrase....... Walk away and come hunt with Auriia :smilegrin:
11-29-2004, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Xandalf, it's nice that you have pure intent or whatever... but you simply cannot come to a forum, lie to the forum, curse out everyone on the forum when they CALL you on the lie, kill people who post on the forum in-game for things said on the forum, lie about the actions of people on the forum, try to cybersex half the males on the forum....
without incurring some ill sentiments.
She did not have to come back here, it was her choice. So if she gets hostility or whatever, it's her own fault. For things she's done in the past, and for putting herself up for criticism now.
From what I read on this particular forum, She seems to simply be trying to post her side of the story.
As I admitted, I don't know much about her past on this forum or in the game, so I was just asking whether the hostility was becasue of what she said in this forum or her past. I'm getting the distinct impression she has pissed off a LOT of people in the past.
That being said, I see no reason not to believe she is truly trying to change. Call me ignorant (and I'm sure someone will), but I always believe people are capable of change.
11-29-2004, 03:17 PM
That's nice of you. Maybe you should have a nice long talk with Chadj. As for the rest of us, maybe your best bet would be to leave us to treat Teeoncy as she treated us - with no respect or regard.
Sean of the Thread
11-29-2004, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
This thread needs some banana phone.
Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring...
count em, 7 beotch.
Oh and Teeoncy someone told me your'e a slut who likes to phone sex with GS dewds and then tell them you were raped by your father.
P.s. The only time it would be okay to tell someone that is if your father is Darth Vader. Because that would rock. Except if you're really Luke Skywalker because that would suck and he is lame...but I digress.
[Edited on 12-2-2004 by HarmNone]
11-29-2004, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Xandalf
From what I read on this particular forum, She seems to simply be trying to post her side of the story.
As I admitted, I don't know much about her past on this forum or in the game, so I was just asking whether the hostility was becasue of what she said in this forum or her past. I'm getting the distinct impression she has pissed off a LOT of people in the past.
That being said, I see no reason not to believe she is truly trying to change. Call me ignorant (and I'm sure someone will), but I always believe people are capable of change.
Yah...but she is lying through her teeth (or fingers) even now.
It's tempting to go through and pull them out one by one...but I have things to do before the weekend and it will take me that long to list them all...
11-29-2004, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Xyelin
Oh and Teeoncy someone told me your'e a slut who likes to phone sex with GS dewds ....
Haha, that doesn't make her a slut, just a wannabe slut. She even fails at slut-dom, how sad.
11-29-2004, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by Faded Design
Originally posted by Lyonis
Originally posted by Faded Design
I say keep killing her. Anyone with a name like Snowdrop should be killed anyway.
And you are?
I was just picking on her. Relax.
The motivations of those that insult from the shadows will always be suspect. Though I don’t think it’s going to take too long to find out who you are.
11-29-2004, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by MrFeature
I'd be embarresed if I got killed by an archer...
You point at Shinoo, ruining his hiding place.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
...wait 1 seconds.
Shinoo nocks a wooden arrow in his tipped willow longbow.
Shinoo fires a wooden arrow at you!
AS: +531 vs DS: +333 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +8 = +226
... and hits for 14 points of damage!
Well aimed shot almost removes an eye!
You are stunned for 3 rounds!
The guiding force leaves Shinoo.
The scintillating silver light surrounding the arrow fades some.
Bad angle. The wooden arrow fails to stick in Qahaar.
Funny you say that, I've killed you with an arrow.
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