View Full Version : Crylone - PWNED
Sylvan Dreams
04-30-2005, 01:58 AM
First his attack on me...
Crylone gestures at you.
CS: +394 - TD: +325 + CvA: -21 + d100: +53 - -5 == +106
Warding failed!
Your eyelids feel heavy but you fight to maintain consciousness.
Forced to stance neutral.
and the retaliation..
>ambush crylone left leg
As you attack, your rolaren warblade seems to tug at your hand, as if subtly guiding your strike!
You swing a sapphire-set rolaren warblade at Crylone!
AS: +489 vs DS: +341 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +80 = +264
... and hit for 98 points of damage!
Powerful slash leaves Crylone without a left leg!
Crylone screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
<As you attack, your rolaren warblade seems to tug at your hand, as if subtly guiding your strike!>
cman? if so which one? deatailz plz?
Sylvan Dreams
04-30-2005, 02:17 AM
That's a randomly occuring flare that happens when you use a bonded weapon. It was just coincidence that it went off. For reference, it's the first effect in the list below
>cman bond
CMAN BOND {option}
PRAY - Attempt to bond to a weapon.
INFO - Get information on the status of your bonded weapon.
EFFECT {#} - Choose which special bonding effect you would prefer to occur.
Possible Effects:
1 - An attack that cannot be outright blocked or parried.
2 - An attack that does extra damage upon a successful hit.
3 - An attack that is harder to defend against.
4 - An attack that is quicker than normal.
5 - An attack that strikes your opponent twice.
CLEAR - Randomly do any effect available to you.
04-30-2005, 02:46 AM
Originally posted by Sylvan Dreams
First his attack on me...
Crylone gestures at you.
CS: +394 - TD: +325 + CvA: -21 + d100: +53 - -5 == +106
Warding failed!
Your eyelids feel heavy but you fight to maintain consciousness.
Forced to stance neutral.
and the retaliation..
>ambush crylone left leg
As you attack, your rolaren warblade seems to tug at your hand, as if subtly guiding your strike!
You swing a sapphire-set rolaren warblade at Crylone!
AS: +489 vs DS: +341 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +80 = +264
... and hit for 98 points of damage!
Powerful slash leaves Crylone without a left leg!
Crylone screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Remind me not to let my main character piss yours off. Actually, that might be a pretty nice fight. Both warriors, (I think), same AS etc. -Would come down to DS.
04-30-2005, 08:59 AM
What kind of duel was that?! Why didn't you ambush his head next?
04-30-2005, 10:15 AM
I wonder why Atreau didn't pop in and just "randomly" kill you.
Ahh, weapon bond. I think I might have to revise some CMAN training points... I like the option where the attack can not be outright blocked or parried.
I have a few points on coup de grace which I find totally useless so I'll move them over if that cman is available to my rogue.
Thanks for the info SD.
04-30-2005, 10:27 AM
Bonding is only available to warriors, unfortunately.
Sean of the Thread
04-30-2005, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I wonder why Atreau didn't pop in and just "randomly" kill you.
Atreau pulls that shit but the moment you retaliate he becomes a report whore.. what a drippy nozzle.
04-30-2005, 05:33 PM
Heh. I guess he should have chose a better spell. Sleep didn't seem to do the trick.
04-30-2005, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I wonder why Atreau didn't pop in and just "randomly" kill you.
Because Crylone and Atreau are not the same? If that is what you are implying.
04-30-2005, 06:03 PM
Heh, I'd say they are.
04-30-2005, 06:04 PM
You would be wrong Stay.
04-30-2005, 06:05 PM
And you are an authority...why? Considering there are logs of both of them becoming involved in the same conflict numerous times AND how about the time I kept Atreau bound and silenced for an hour. After 20 minutes Crylone LOGGED in and started giving me shit. Coincidence? Doubtful.
04-30-2005, 06:10 PM
It's possible that Atreau has access to Crylone, but doesn't play him all the time.
Either way, I've yet to hear one good thing about Atreau, and I've never heard of Crylone.
04-30-2005, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
It's possible that Atreau has access to Crylone, but doesn't play him all the time.
My belief as well.
04-30-2005, 06:11 PM
AND how about the time I kept Atreau bound and silenced for an hour. >>
Heh. Cruel. If he logged you could report him for slamming.
04-30-2005, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
AND how about the time I kept Atreau bound and silenced for an hour. >>
Heh. Cruel. If he logged you could report him for slamming.
I give him a jot of respect because he didn't. That was quickly erased when he failed to learn his lesson when it wore off though.
04-30-2005, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
And you are an authority...why? Considering there are logs of both of them becoming involved in the same conflict numerous times AND how about the time I kept Atreau bound and silenced for an hour. After 20 minutes Crylone LOGGED in and started giving me shit. Coincidence? Doubtful.
He would do the same for me, if I was to ask. AIM is a wonderous invention. Ever hear of it Stay? Crylone may not stay IC all the time, but he is NOT Atreau.
04-30-2005, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
It's possible that Atreau has access to Crylone, but doesn't play him all the time.
Either way, I've yet to hear one good thing about Atreau, and I've never heard of Crylone.
Crylone is a friggin` asshole, and loves being known as such. That doen't make him Atreau.
[Edited on 4-30-2005 by FinisWolf]
04-30-2005, 06:15 PM
Personally, I don't believe you. And I'm sure others won't either. The evidence is too damning.
You'd log in to do what...? Try and make me stop? This guy logged in just to talk shit from invisibility. He used Atreau's retarded drall as well.
04-30-2005, 06:22 PM
I know they are not the same, I do not know if they allow account sharing. Guess I will have to ask.
I know that Atreau and Crylone used to have conversations with each other when the two of them were on Teras. I'm pretty sure they are seperate entities, or at least were...
04-30-2005, 08:17 PM
Actually, not my problem. have a great day!
04-30-2005, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
Crylone is a friggin` asshole, and loves being known as such. That doen't make him Atreau.
[Edited on 4-30-2005 by FinisWolf]
Why bother arguing this point?
We are not talking about the character's being roleplayed as assholes, that, although irksome at times, is totally acceptable.
What is being spoken of is the LACK of roleplaying while being assholes. IE: the players being assholes.
The only reason I can think of to debate whether or not the two are actually the same person is to stave off a baning.
GS needs fewer assholes. Don't fight it, let both of these losers go along their merry way already.
05-01-2005, 02:03 AM
I guess I argue for Crylone, cause everytime one of my chars is around him, he rp's and rp's well.
Anyway, I don't fucking care. I guess I am tired of everyone going everything sucks, and I am kinda doing the same. So, whatever.
Have a great day all!
05-01-2005, 04:19 AM
I listened to everyone here about Crylone being the same as Atreau and regretted it, because Crylone may have been an asshole, after spending 10 minutes talking to him, I am perfectly convinced he is in no way Atreau. Believe what you'd like, but after actually speaking with him I have no doubt.
Crylone lets a friend play his rogue Atreau. Crylones 'real' player is a good guy but likes to start something 'fun from time to time', and will never slam or bitch if he is pwned.
The guy he allows access to Atreau is a little snert and I've no idea why he's letting him in. I think Crylone's alright, I'm sure Atreau would be when he's not got the soul of a ten year old dumb shit.
I've actually had good RP and quality conversations with Atreau. I did tell him that I wasnt going to get involved in his 'antics' but I have stepped in when the agressors started multiplying against him and the idiot factor started getting high.
And although I do realize that by my stepping in added even more to the idiot factor, I really hate seeing one person standing alone against a hoarde of others who are all 'family' or 'friends' when they cant back their own play.
If you talk the talk, then you need to be able to walk the walk. Or have someone drag your corpse out of the way of those of us who can.
05-01-2005, 10:52 AM
So it's ok for someone to be a complete prick as long as they have friends strong enough to back up their childish antics?
Ganalon, Atreau starts all the shit he does becouse he's an idiot. I had to get used to folks helping him out though. They do it alot.
There's no doubt Atreau's a magnet for trouble. I run into him alot when he's in the middle of it. Usually its drama between folks like Emislity or Teeoncy and company. You know, high caliber RP folks who are large contributors to peace and productivity in the lands. Unfortunately, the folks who are with them feel the need to jump in when something does start instead of them letting the two settle it one on one. I say let them kill each other as many times as they wish. Just dont try to drag the whole family and boyfriends/girlfriends family into the conflict. Otherwise it really starts to suck wind big-time.
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