View Full Version : TAYRE, WARCLAIDHM, AND THE GREAT DUEL!!! (Oh and Wilvar)
10-07-2004, 02:17 AM
Wilvar says, "Three."
Warclaidhm says, "To stun please."
Wilvar says, "Two."
You say, "Alright."
Wilvar says, "One."
Wilvar exclaims, "GO!"
>1108 war
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Empathy...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Warclaidhm.
CS: +304 - TD: +132 + CvA: -21 + d100: +73 - +5 == +219
Warding failed!
Warclaidhm is frozen in fear!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>115 war
Wait 1 sec.
You don't have a spell prepared!
>115 war
You utter a light chant and raise your hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to aid you with the Spirit Burst spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Warclaidhm.
CS: +271 - TD: +132 + CvA: -21 + d100: +92 - +5 == +205
Warding failed!
Warclaidhm is stunned.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Upper Dragonsclaw, Boulder]
The crest of the towering boulder affords a good view of the surrounding countryside. To the north, you see the dense forests of the Lower Dragonsclaw. Looking northeast, the verdant grasslands sprawl down towards the coast. Gazing southward at the slopes, in the distance you see the snow-covered summits of the Dragonsclaw mountain range, shrouded in perpetual mist. You also see the Warclaidhm disk.
Also here: Wilvar, a stunned Great Lord Warclaidhm
Obvious paths: down
>scratch my nose
You idly scratch your nose.
Wilvar says, "Winner."
[Edited on 10-7-2004 by Tayre]
10-07-2004, 02:31 AM
You say, "Three."
You say, "Two."
You say, "One."
You say, "Go."
Warclaidhm glares at Wilvar and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow!
Wilvar is startled enough to lose initiative!
You chortle.
Warclaidhm stares down Wilvar and lets out an eerie, modulating cry!
Wilvar is unaffected!
Warclaidhm says, "Oof."
Warclaidhm's face contorts as he unleashes a guttural, deep-throated growl at Wilvar!
Wilvar is overcome with a terrible rage!
Warclaidhm swings a jade-hilted imflass greatsword at Wilvar!
Wilvar evades the attack!
[Roll result: 100 (open d100: 31)]
Wilvar feints high, Warclaidhm almost buys the ruse, but recovers just in time.
>,LOL Indica
You focus on transmitting your thought.
[Roll result: 106 (open d100: 37)]
Wilvar feints to the right, Warclaidhm buys the ruse and moves to block the blow that never came!
[Roll result: 110 (open d100: 26)]
Wilvar charges towards Warclaidhm and attempts to grasp him in a ferocious bearhug!
Wilvar manages to catch Warclaidhm in a weak bearhug!
Wilvar crushes Warclaidhm mercilessly!
...23 points of damage!
You chuckle.
[Upper Dragonsclaw, Boulder]
The crest of the towering boulder affords a good view of the surrounding countryside. To the north, you see the dense forests of the Lower Dragonsclaw. Looking northeast, the verdant grasslands sprawl down towards the coast. Gazing southward at the slopes, in the distance you see the snow-covered summits of the Dragonsclaw mountain range, shrouded in perpetual mist. You also see the Warclaidhm disk.
Also here: Wilvar, Great Lord Warclaidhm
Obvious paths: down
Wilvar crushes Warclaidhm mercilessly!
...25 points of damage!
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Wilvar's unnatural rage is once again replaced by his natural demeanor.
Wilvar exclaims, "He just touched my bum!"
You feel more refreshed.
Warclaidhm manages to take advantage of a momentary weakness in Wilvar's grip to break the bearhug and escape!
>,Wilvar is PWNING Warclaidhm
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Warclaidhm leaps from hiding to attack!
Warclaidhm swings a jade-hilted imflass greatsword at Wilvar!
Wilvar evades the attack!
Wilvar swings a silver-hilted dark steel katana at Warclaidhm!
AS: +336 vs DS: +130 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +26 = +253
... and hits for 23 points of damage!
Slash to Warclaidhm's shield arm!
Shears off a thin layer of skin!
Warclaidhm says, "Bah."
Warclaidhm says, "Dont use that."
Warclaidhm chuckles.
Wilvar looks determined and focused.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, Wilvar engages Warclaidhm in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
Wilvar swings a silver-hilted dark steel katana at Warclaidhm! A hit!
Slash to Warclaidhm's chest!
Breathe deep, it'll feel better in a minute.
He is stunned!
Wilvar swings a silver-hilted dark steel katana at Warclaidhm! A hit!
Banged Warclaidhm's left shin.
That'll raise a good welt.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Warclaidhm says, "Good job."
>,Oh god
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Wilvar put a silver-hilted dark steel katana in his spidersilk cloak.
Warclaidhm put a jade-hilted imflass greatsword in his claidhmore harness.
>,Wilvar is LE PWN PWN
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Warclaidhm removes a claw-hilted black ora claidhmore from in his claidhmore harness.
>clap wilv
You applaud Wilvar.
Warclaidhm asks, "How much do you have in dodge?"
You hear someone chuckling.
Wilvar faces Warclaidhm and smartly brings his right fist up to his chest. Holding it there, he bows deeply.
The first duel was awesome.
10-07-2004, 02:44 AM
kewl duel.
Warclaidhm removes a claw-hilted black ora claidhmore from in his claidhmore harness.
:sniffle: I want that claidhmore.
10-07-2004, 04:58 AM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
:sniffle: I want that claidhmore.
That's fine, but make sure you know it doesn't come with the harness.
Just playin'!
10-07-2004, 07:36 AM
If you want the claid just wait for him to drop it and then pick it up.
10-07-2004, 09:55 AM
Or go well diving in about a week.
10-07-2004, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by Nakiro
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
:sniffle: I want that claidhmore.
That's fine, but make sure you know it doesn't come with the harness.
Just playin'!
Im already making plans for it, too. Sukara token + nifty black ora sword = uber ceremonial killer sword of DOOM.
WC, sell it to me or I will send stupid Luukosians after you. See following thread for further details.
10-07-2004, 10:54 AM
Warclaidhm asks, "How much do you have in dodge?" :shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug:: shrug::shrug::shrug:
Nice roleplaying here!:coffee::coffee:
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