View Full Version : khordan

02-12-2004, 09:07 PM
Khordan rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Nakiro murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Nakiro gestures.
An aura of resolve suddenly fills Nakiro's expression.
Alfador recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Dominiq takes a bite of his summerberry tart.
Alfador gestures.
Alfador appears considerably more powerful.
Alfador nods.
Crio rubs a crystal amulet.
Crio gets an odd look on his face.
As Crio pulls on his crystal amulet, his expression grows darker.
Alfador's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...
Nakiro traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +225 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +77 = +263
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Burst of flame to right hand singes knuckles.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 1 point of damage!
Flames brush foe's neck. Some sweat but not much else.
Nakiro gestures.
A brilliant aura surrounds Nakiro.
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +225 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +17 = +203
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Flames tickle left arm. Hair singed.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 1 point of damage!
Burst of flames to chest. Didn't hurt much.
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +225 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +19 = +205
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Blast of flames to back. More bother than pain.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 1 point of damage!
Burst of flames to chest. Didn't hurt much.
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +225 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +15 = +201
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Burst of flame to right hand singes knuckles.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 1 point of damage!
Blast of hot air to head dries foe's hair.
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +225 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +26 = +212
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Flames tickle left leg. Feels warm.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to chest. That hurts a bit.
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +225 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +38 = +224
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Blast of flames to back. More bother than pain.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to right leg. That hurts a bit.
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +219 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +12 = +204
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Burst of flame to right hand singes knuckles.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to chest. That hurts a bit.
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +219 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +98 = +290
... and hits for 2 points of damage!
Flames brush foe's neck. Some sweat but not much else.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to left eye. Foe blinks back the tears.
Astern sniffs at Dominiq.
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +212 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +60 = +259
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Flames tickle right arm. Hair singed.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right hand burns fingers bright red.
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +212 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +30 = +229
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Burst of flames to abdomen. Didn't hurt much.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 2 points of damage!
Minor burns to neck. Looks uncomfortable.
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +206 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +26 = +231
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Flames tickle left leg. Feels warm.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 3 points of damage!
Minor burns to right arm. That hurts a bit.
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +206 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +4 = +209
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Burst of flame to left hand singes knuckles.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to abdomen toasts skin nicely.
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +206 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +70 = +275
... and hits for 2 points of damage!
Blast of flames to back. More bother than pain.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to head. That hurt a bit.
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +206 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +94 = +299
... and hits for 2 points of damage!
Flames brush foe's neck. Some sweat but not much else.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 3 points of damage!
Minor burns to right arm. That hurts a bit.
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +206 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +26 = +231
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Flames brush foe's neck. Some sweat but not much else.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to right arm. That hurts a bit.
Keya says, "Well now."
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +206 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +74 = +279
... and hits for 2 points of damage!
Flames brush foe's neck. Some sweat but not much else.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right hand burns fingers bright red.
Leahlynn blinks.
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +200 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +23 = +234
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Flames tickle right arm. Hair singed.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to back. Looks uncomfortable.
Alfador gestures at Khordan.
Alfador hurls a roaring ball of fire at Khordan!
AS: +389 vs DS: +200 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +5 = +216
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Blast of flames to back. More bother than pain.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Khordan, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 3 points of damage!
Minor burns to right arm. That hurts a bit.
Nakiro traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Khordan hurls himself at Alfador and connects!
MS: +414 - MD: +275 + MAvA: -5 + d100: +6 == +140
Khordan knocks Alfador flat and quickly jumps to his feet!
Showal gasps.
You snicker.
>wave alf
Nakiro gestures.
Nakiro stands tall and appears more confident.
Ariond glares at Alfador and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow!
Alfador is unaffected!
Seaaira coughs.
Brimzstone says, "Ack."
Ashren laughs!
Respital chuckles.
Haxley gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Alixi sighs.
Dgry says, "Heh."
Turinrond coldly says, "That's annoying."
You wave to Alfador.
Kalishar chuckles.
Shakrean looks thoughtfully at Alfador.
Washee's face contorts as he unleashes a guttural, deep-throated growl at Alfador!
Alfador is unaffected!
Khordan glares at Alfador and lets out a nerve-shattering bellow!
Alfador is startled enough to lose initiative!
Showal applauds Khordan.
Ardea nods to Turinrond.
Zadya chuckles.
Washee cackles!
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Triffid.
Khordan removes a monstrous mithril claidhmore with a serrated golvern edge from in his leather warharness.
Ariond removes a silver-hilted white vultite no-dachi from in his leather weapon harness.
Kalishar says, "End it."
Dgry waves to Alfador.
Kalishar nods.
Dahlisar takes a few graceful steps backwards.
Murp gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Jacinto says, "Uh oh."
Murp gestures.
A dense fog gathers around Murp, but soon fills the area.
Washee says, "Oh yea."
Brimzstone laughs at Khordan!
Turinrond waves to Alfador.
Keya says, "Oh me."
Khordan swings a mithril claidhmore at Alfador!
AS: +480 vs DS: +366 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +69 = +217
A layer of shifting stone shatters!
... and hits for 81 points of damage!
Hard blow to Alfador's ear!
Deep gash and a terrible headache!
He is stunned!
Nordred waves to Alfador.
Treden says, "Boom."
Zanys clearly says, "Oh boy."
Washee says, "This should be good."
Alixi quietly says, "And people wonder why I dislike the landing."
Showal applauds Khordan.
Mykayl just came through a thick wooden door.
Triffid becomes solid again.
Washee cackles!
The very powerful look leaves Avidleigh.
The white light leaves Avidleigh.
Erkin grins coldly, his eyes reflecting no emotion.
Murp gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Turinrond coldly says, "Have a good eve, blunt ear."
Murp gestures at Alfador.
The glazed look leaves Alfador.
Settium cackles!
Treden exclaims, "Get em khordan!"
Khordan swings a mithril claidhmore at Alfador!
AS: +480 vs DS: +326 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +17 = +205
... and hits for 65 points of damage!
Fast slash to Alfador's neck exposes his windpipe.
Quick anatomy lesson, anyone?
He is stunned!
Rimlin shifts his weight.
Avidleigh laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Augie says, "It's a lil pastry, got some flakyness to the crust and then ya fill it with a bit of jam of any kind."
Respital exclaims, "Hurl it!"
Ariond moves to stand in front of Khordan.
Triffid flashes a wide grin.
Seaaira rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Turinrond nods to Alfador.
You say, "Er."
Murp exclaims, "Run!"
Khordan snickers.
Murp gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Jacinto says, "Heck with the Landing."
Murp gestures at Alfador.
The glazed look leaves Alfador.
Seaaira says, "I aint rezzin."
Washee laughs!
Ashren asks, "You don't like the bloodshed?"
Alfador stands up.
Plur splutters a fine mist upon his face.
Mykayl raises an eyebrow.
Ashren peers quizzically at Alixi.
Karzak chuckles.
Speaking to Khordan, Showal exclaims, "Get him good!"
Seaaira stands there stubbornly, folding her arms over her chest.
Speaking in Dark Elven, Erkin says something you don't understand.
Jacinto says, "Don't blame him on us."
Ardea grins at Respital.
Khordan swings a mithril claidhmore at Alfador!
AS: +480 vs DS: +483 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +2 = +33
A clean miss.
Erkin grins at Khordan.
Zadya amusedly says, "My silvers are on the dwrf."
Alesse raises an eyebrow in Plur's direction.
Augie says, "Send em to the rift."
Mykayl just went through a thick wooden door.
Khordan snickers.
Jacinto says, "He's a product of Jantalar."
Nakiro works his way into some well oiled brigandine.
Mykayl just came through a thick wooden door.
Khordan hurls himself at Alfador and connects!
MS: +414 - MD: +275 + MAvA: -5 + d100: +19 == +153
Khordan knocks Alfador flat and quickly jumps to his feet!
Jaresh makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Alfador chuckles.
Mykayl just went through a thick wooden door.
Stay chuckles.
Alixi gazes heavenward.
Ariond removes a pure potion from in his tiger skin cloak.
Ariond takes a drink from his pure potion.
Ariond stands tall and appears more confident.
Ariond joins Khordan's group.
Ariond looks about and lets loose an echoing shout!
Brimzstone says, "This is funny."
Murp says, "Oh well, I tried."
Jaresh gestures.
Nothing happens.
Khordan feints to the right, Alfador almost buys the ruse, but recovers just in time.
Turinrond nods to Haxley.
Murp folds his arms over his chest.
You chuckle.
Khordan snickers.
Caralain just came through a thick wooden door.
Alfador suddenly appears less powerful.
Alfador stands up.
Aulus raises an eyebrow in Ariond's direction.
>l alfad
Ariond removes some deathstone earrings from in his tiger skin cloak.
You see Alfador Stelong the War Mage.
He appears to be a Human from Jantalar.
He appears to be very young. He has tired dark eyes and fair skin. He has a shaven head of dark brown hair. He has a triangular face, a thin nose and a pronounced jawline.
He has snapped bones and serious bleeding from the neck, and severe head trauma and bleeding from the ears.
He is bleeding profusely from the neck, and from the head.
He is holding an orange rolaren falchion in his right hand and a small spiked rolaren shield edged with rubies and black onyx in his left hand.
He is wearing a weathered survival pack, a white straight jacket, a single gilded steel manacle, a cast iron ball and chain, a crystal amulet, some black leather boots, a large sack, a gnarled and twisted thanot crown barbed with a number of sharp thorns, some pitch black leather, a gold ring, a silver and feystone medallion, and a glossy black willow longbow set with three mithril-rimmed fire pearls.
Haxley taps his foot impatiently.
Speaking in Guildspeak, Astern says something you don't understand.
Ariond hangs some deathstone earrings from his earlobes.
Astern nods to Murp.
Augie gives Alfador a friendly little kick.
Ariond rubs Earandil.
Errethe frowns.
Caralain smooches Brimzstone on the cheek.
Khordan says, "I think you learned the lesson."

-Varsus (my claid is betta)

02-12-2004, 09:28 PM
Nice going, he couldn't even kill you. Sad.

EDIT: You = Alf, not Varsus

[Edited on 2-13-2004 by Edaarin]

02-12-2004, 09:41 PM
heh if I was dumb id give it a shot.

haste with my weighted bastard sword would cut through that dux, id bleed em to death real fast.

-Varsus (but im not dumb)

02-12-2004, 10:04 PM
I diagnosed him after the fight. He wasn't missing any blood. He had cheated by regenerating himself.

02-12-2004, 10:26 PM
or used a society ability. you don't need to cheat to have full health real fast.


02-12-2004, 10:28 PM
Given his status, I don't think he'd use a society ability.

But yes I'm aware that is a possibility.

02-12-2004, 10:31 PM
I don't really understand.... he shoulda used something other then a bolt.

02-13-2004, 11:45 AM
Alfador is was the best trained wizard I ever saw in GS3, not sure what his training looks like now but he's the man.

02-13-2004, 12:17 PM
tactics aren't his thing then, there are better way to kill warriors. But I wasn't there I don't know the deal was.

02-13-2004, 02:51 PM
Anything involving CS works well on squares, my guess is he was just bolting for the hell of it.

02-13-2004, 03:12 PM
Khordan swings a mithril claidhmore at Alfador!
AS: +480 vs DS: +366 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +69 = +217
A layer of shifting stone shatters!
... and hits for 81 points of damage!
Hard blow to Alfador's ear!
Deep gash and a terrible headache!
He is stunned!

It looks like that stone skin just shattered without absorbing any damage. Is that the case when the blow is too great, or is there some hidden amount that was absorbed, but is not shown once the skin is shattered?


02-13-2004, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Meos
tactics aren't his thing then, there are better way to kill warriors. But I wasn't there I don't know the deal was.
We saw the deal. The mutt threw something like umpteen straight fireballs with decent rolls and just about no effect. You have to be stupid as pigshit not to get that it isn't fucking working.

02-13-2004, 04:39 PM
yea this wasnt the brightest candle was it... After my first cast i would have said hmm guess i need to try a CS based spell. maybe 519 or 415.....

02-13-2004, 04:40 PM
hehe, I like to watch 519 work while I sit back and enjoy the show.

[Edited on 2-13-2004 by Meos]

02-13-2004, 04:41 PM
519 owns. its my you pissed me off so im gonna watch you squirm spell heh.

10-04-2004, 11:25 PM
I'll put a couple 708's and a 719 through him if I don't get my stickpin back. Stole my shit in a rescue in Ta'Faendryl and skipped town before I was even breathing again.

10-04-2004, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by Kaeynne
I'll put a couple 708's and a 719 through him if I don't get my stickpin back. Stole my shit in a rescue in Ta'Faendryl and skipped town before I was even breathing again.

nice old topic, dbag.

10-05-2004, 08:21 AM
Alfador is an idiot for rapid-firing major fire. Learn how to duel high end people. Christ.


10-05-2004, 01:51 PM
I was bolting with very few spells even up... I wasn't gonna boil or 519 him just out of principle. Obviously, it was a mock duel. Retards.

As far as you, Kaeynne... I'll skullfuck you for talking down at me like that. If you really got a problem in game, holler at me.


10-05-2004, 01:58 PM
It didn't seem like a moc duel when he imbedded that claidmore in your skull.

10-05-2004, 02:20 PM
He wasn't tryin to kill. He's smart enough to see off the first cast that death wouldn't happen that route. Besides we all know the easiest way to destroy a warrior is with a CS based attack.

10-05-2004, 02:53 PM
<<It didn't seem like a moc duel when he imbedded that claidmore in your skull. >>

You mean the one that didn't even kill me? Har.
