01-05-2006, 02:30 AM
The only time i've ever seen anyone just cut and run in the middle of a scheduled duel. I just thought it was funny.
Kythe says, "I'm already late.."
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
Kythe smiles.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
J>l kythe
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
You see Lord Kythe Helmaker the Dark Elf.
He appears to be in his 60's, has long, straight white hair, dark eyes, and fair skin.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a blackened longsword etched with shimmering blue runes in his right hand and a vultite buckler in his left hand.
He is wearing a black maoral amulet, a crystal amulet, a ruby wedding band, a jet black glove, a gleaming black onyx rose, a mithril juggernaut pin, a tightly woven spidersilk sack, ditty bag, an ivory and ruby buckle, a blackened rolaren weapon harness, a dusty miner's satchel, some studded eonake gauntlets, some steel-rimmed spectacles, a veniom bound vruul skin scabbard, a pair of rugged hiking boots, some full leather, a deep black embroidered cloak, some black silk trousers, a translucent spidersilk backpack, and a glass amulet.
J>l kron
* Dgry just bit the dust!
You see Lord Kronious Haecheon the Dark Elf.
He appears to be in his 60's, has shoulder length, wavy dark brown hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a deep red vultite falchion in his right hand and a vultite wall shield in his left hand.
He is wearing some studded eonake gauntlets, a gold wedding band set with two tiny crossed ruby blades, a pair of vruul skin boots, a ruby Lornon medallion, a veniom bound vruul skin sheath, a gold-trimmed xenium scabbard, a shadowy black warlock's cloak etched with swirling runes of sorcery trimmed in gleaming golvern thread, a gold-stringed thraak skin sack, a pulsating blue sunstone earring, a translucent spidersilk backpack, a braided spidersilk satchel, a midnight black wand harness etched with the image of a dark elven sorcerer battling a host of shadowmares, a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles, a glass amulet, and some shadowy veniom stitched robes embroidered with the blackened image of a wild-eyed sorcerer.
Kronious says, "Okies"
* Luckyjaklyn just bit the dust!
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures.
His body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures.
Kythe stands taller, as if bolstered with a sense of confidence.
Kythe asks, "Okay...ready?"
Kythe smiles.
Kronious says, "Say go Dan"
J>'Alright.. ready..
You say, "Alright.. ready.."
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
You exclaim, "Go!"
Kronious mumbles something that you don't quite catch.
Kythe rubs a black maoral amulet.
Kythe begins moving faster than you thought possible.
Kronious gestures.
A wave of dark ethereal ripples moves outward from Kronious.
Kythe is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
The air calms down around Kythe.
Kythe says, " e-wave."
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
J>'Erm, wait up
You say, "Erm, wait up"
Kythe growls ferociously!
Kythe says, "That's it."
J>'He called no e-wave, heh
You say, "He called no e-wave, heh"
Kronious exclaims, "Doh!"
Kythe taps a gleaming black onyx rose.
Kythe stands up.
Kronious says, "Sorry"
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures.
The air thickens and begins to swirl around Kythe.
Kythe growls ferociously!
Kythe says, "Okay...let's move.."
Kythe taps his foot impatiently.
Kronious says, "Okies, say go again Dan"
* Zorkell just bit the dust!
Kythe says, "Time is something I don't have alot of."
You exclaim, "Go!"
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
The air calms down around Kronious.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
CS: +218 - TD: +293 + CvA: +14 + d100: +9 - -5 == -47
Warded off!
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
Kythe blinks and looks around in confusion for a moment.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
CS: +218 - TD: +293 + CvA: +14 + d100: +3 - -5 == -53
Warded off!
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
CS: +218 - TD: +293 + CvA: +14 + d100: +59 - -5 == +3
Warded off!
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
CS: +243 - TD: +294 + CvA: +15 + d100: +91 - -5 == +60
Warded off!
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
CS: +243 - TD: +281 + CvA: +15 + d100: +80 - -5 == +62
Warded off!
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe returns to normal speed.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
CS: +218 - TD: +293 + CvA: +14 + d100: +3 - -5 == -53
Warded off!
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Kronious.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe rubs a black maoral amulet.
Kythe begins moving faster than you thought possible.
His amulet suddenly shatters!
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
The very powerful look leaves Kythe.
J>'Uh oh.
You say, "Uh oh."
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
Kronious blinks and looks around in confusion for a moment.
A flare can be seen high above where it hangs for a few moments before exploding into a breathtaking array of colors. The sheer brightness of the image before you lingers in your sight for several seconds after the explosion can no longer be seen.
[Darkstone Bay, Dinghy]
The tiny boat is beached on the shore, but the waves and tide still reach beyond its bow. As the waves break behind you, the dinghy rocks slightly and shifts in the swirling, bubbling sand. Finding no oars on board, you are thankful that the dinghy is anchored with a rope tied around a large rock on the beach.
Also here: Lord Kronious, Lord Kythe
Obvious paths: out.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
The bright luminescence fades from around Kronious.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
The white light leaves Kythe.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
d100 == 1 FUMBLE!
Kronious says, "What the.."
Kronious asks, "White Light?"
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
CS: +243 - TD: +259 + CvA: +15 + d100: +77 - -5 == +81
Warded off!
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Kythe.
Kythe says, "Alkars."
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
CS: +218 - TD: +243 + CvA: +14 + d100: +27 - -5 == +21
Warded off!
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Kronious.
J>'Lesser shroud
You say, "Lesser shroud"
* Azaare just bit the dust!
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
The bright luminescence fades from around Kythe.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
Kronious glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
The light blue glow leaves Kythe.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Kronious.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
CS: +204 - TD: +223 + CvA: +14 + d100: +10 - -5 == +10
Warded off!
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
The light blue glow leaves Kronious.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
J>whisper kron Get him now, quick
Kythe says, "Ye mine."
Kronious says, "Ok, I give up"
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
CS: +243 - TD: +214 + CvA: +15 + d100: +14 - -5 == +63
Warded off!
Kronious says, "Forget this"
Kythe flails his arms about.
Lord Kronious's group just went out.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
Recreational fishermen often beach their vessels on this sandy stretch of beach. To the south, you can see the wooden palisade that surrounds the Landing. You also see an abandoned wooden dinghy.
Also here: Lord Kronious
Obvious paths: east, west.
You laugh out loud!
>'Oh come on
You say, "Oh come on"
Lord Kythe just arrived.
Lord Kythe just went west.
Lord Kythe just arrived.
>'At least let yourself get smashed
You say, "At least let yourself get smashed"
Kythe returns to normal speed.
Kythe asks, "Where'd he go?"
Kythe flails his arms about.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
Recreational fishermen often beach their vessels on this sandy stretch of beach. To the south, you can see the wooden palisade that surrounds the Landing. You also see an abandoned wooden dinghy.
Also here: Lord Kythe
Obvious paths: east, west.
>'dont know
You say, "dont know"
Kythe grumbles.
* Addisonshadow just bit the dust!
Kythe says, "I'm pressed for time.."
Kythe growls ferociously!
>'Hey Kythe, I got you next.
You say, "Hey Kythe, I got you next."
You are holding a bone pommeled rolaren dagger in your right hand and a black vultite shield in your left hand.
You are wearing some dark gold mithril bracers, a dark oilskin cloak, a veniom bound centaur hide scabbard, a beaded black stone belt, some tanned doeskin britches, a canvas miner's pack, a silver V'Tull symbol, a midnight black sack, a dwarven wand harness, a mummy shroud ribbon, a glass amulet, some polished black leather boots, some full leather and a gold ring.
You grin.
Kronious comes out of hiding.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe says, "Okay...I'll be back in 1 hour."
Kronious gestures.
Kronious suddenly looks a lot more powerful.
Kronious is surrounded by a white light.
Kythe says, "Later."
Kythe waves.
>sign of dissipation
Magic flows towards you, but does not reach you.
Kronious whistles tunelessly to himself.
Kythe just left.
* Kanarai just bit the dust!
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Kronious.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
Recreational fishermen often beach their vessels on this sandy stretch of beach. To the south, you can see the wooden palisade that surrounds the Landing. You also see an abandoned wooden dinghy.
Also here: Lord Kronious
Obvious paths: east, west.
You say, "Bah"
* Demoneyes just bit the dust!
Kronious asks, "He ran off.. I win?"
Kronious starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.
You chuckle.
Gairo just arrived.
>"Actually I think YOU ran first.
You say, "Actually I think YOU ran first."
Gairo just went east.
Kronious says, "Lets not do that again anytime soon"
Lord Kronious just went west.
>'You almost had him!
You exclaim, "You almost had him!"
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
The jagged shoreline of the bay becomes more evident here along the path as the cool waters of the Bay rush up almost to your feet.
Obvious paths: east, southwest.
>join kron
Lord Kronious just arrived.
You join Kronious.
Lord Kronious's group just went east.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
Recreational fishermen often beach their vessels on this sandy stretch of beach. To the south, you can see the wooden palisade that surrounds the Landing. You also see an abandoned wooden dinghy.
Also here: Lord Kronious
Obvious paths: east, west.
You can't go there.
J>join kron
You are already a member of Kronious's group.
* Tanisof just bit the dust!
Lord Kronious's group just went west.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
The jagged shoreline of the bay becomes more evident here along the path as the cool waters of the Bay rush up almost to your feet.
Also here: Lord Kronious
Obvious paths: east, southwest.
Lord Kronious's group just went southwest.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
You can hear the noisy bustle around the land gates to the west. Over the din, you can just barely hear the sound of the surf from the northeast.
Also here: Lord Kronious
Obvious paths: west, northeast.
Lord Kronious's group just went west.
[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]
Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see a wayside inn.
Also here: Lord Kronious, Krute, Phanorc, Moonus
Obvious paths: north, east, northwest, southwest.
Ryael just arrived.
J>'You almost had him!
You exclaim, "You almost had him!"
Ryael went through the wooden gates.
Kronious's group went through the wooden gates.
[Wehnimer's, Land's End Rd.]
You are scrutinized by vigilant soldiers as you arrive at the wide gateway guarding the land route to Wehnimer's Landing. The frenetic pace of the city to the south is a far cry from the deceptive calm of the wilds of Elanith outside. Two daunting towers survey the countryside and protect the town, flanking the road to the east and west. You also see[1m a trapper[0m and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Lord Kronious, Ryael, Fratmere, Lord Hollowell, Dufforvia who is seated, Lady Satrn, Fauvret who is seated, Caellia, Ellisadril who is lying down, Vermelian, Mithosicery, Lord Maleis, Chasmyr, Llinos, Rugad, Teripi, the body of Luckyjaklyn who is lying down, Tepple who is lying down, Elioris, Lady Reeshia who is seated
Obvious paths: south.
Ryael just went south.
Lord Kronious's group just went south.
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
This road girds the town along the inner side of the north palisade. To the north are the two high spires of the land guardtowers. Militia come and go, marking the changing of the watch. You are just within the main gates, caught in a press of people of all races going off in many directions. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier.
Also here: Lord Kronious, Ryael, Cirvien, Sretis, Chichun, Apacadeth, Fogin
Obvious paths: north, east, west.
Hollowell's group just arrived.
Lord Kronious's group just went west.
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The road turns gradually at this point as it forms the northwest corner of the city. The path continues along the north wall and the west wall and another leads south into town. The massive oak and modwir logs of the city palisade tower above you. You also see[1m a grizzled old warrior[0m.
Also here: Lord Kronious, Bellophorus, Fitolito, Heresheo who is lying down
Obvious paths: south, east, southwest.
Hollowell's group just arrived.
Ryael just arrived.
Lord Davydd just arrived.
Hollowell's group just went southwest.
Ryael just went southwest.
Bellophorus just went east.
Brilnor just arrived.
Lord Kronious's group just went south.
[Wehnimer's, Talon St.]
The street runs between the northern wall and the central square that contains the main bazaar. The traffic is more varied, as shoppers, traders, travellers and merchants mix with the ever-present and watchful militia men. You hear rowdy cries and raucous laughter, as well as eerie sounds you cannot quite identify, coming from the building along the road. This is the infamous Cholgar's Bathhouse.
Also here: Lord Kronious
Obvious paths: north, south.
Brilnor just arrived.
Lord Kronious's group just went south.
[Town Square, NW]
This corner of the square is lively and hectic. You pass a cross-section of the Landing's population. Several elven loggers loiter around the door of the Raging Thrak Inn, while the rowdy cheers of patrons and voices raised in songs of many sorts, from snatches of heroic ballads to blushingly bawdy tunes, beckon you to enter.
Also here: Lord Kronious, Lady Guendal, Kasshann, Sighful
Obvious paths: north, south, east, southeast.
Brilnor just arrived.
Lady Guendal just went north.
Brilnor entered the inn.
Lord Felnarn just arrived.
Lord Kronious's group just went southeast.
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end of the space, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a dented silver coffer, a plain silver strongbox, an engraved iron coffer and some stone benches with a belt pouch on it.
Also here: Lord Kronious, Aelixa, Bosix, Merylu who is lying down, Oddessias, Shalnot, Kopokapelli, Carnale who is kneeling, Gweenaveer, Sinasti, Lord Ramladu, Harsmilp, Lidera, Fanion who is lying down, Magicblood, Gnutblunt, Naralis who is seated, Stilous who is lying down, Eleanoria, Aschren who is kneeling, Lothmo, Onyxfyre, Faeronn, a stunned Jkal who is lying down, Balamani who is lying down, Sanae, Desplexus who is lying down, Riammon, Grumbler, Ellistra who is seated, Ealex who is kneeling, Teceles, Lady Sugarsweet, Vainamoynen, Gondalph who is seated, Hovun who is lying down, Bornier who is kneeling, a stunned Arf who is kneeling, Karex, Illude who is lying down
Obvious paths: east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest.
Kronious's group went over to an old well.
[Town Well]
The old well is made of flat stones built up around a circular opening. A slate roof overhangs the opening, keeping the drinking water clear and refreshing. Several skin water buckets, with long ropes attached, are scattered on the hard-packed earth surrounding the well. You also see a stout rope hanging over the rim of the well.
Also here: Lord Kronious, Fredero, Ethryn who is lying down, Vyer, Rolner who is lying down, Cronuss who is lying down, Saye
Obvious paths: south.
J>'With one more dispel, you coulda gotten him with mana disrupt
You say, "With one more dispel, you coulda gotten him with mana disrupt"
Kronious says, "He almost had me as well"
Ethryn says, "3 more pulses till we can go"
* Aranix just bit the dust!
J>'True, it was whoever got there first..
You say, "True, it was whoever got there first.."
Ethryn peers quizzically at Kronious.
Gweenaveer just arrived.
Ethryn says, "Wha happend"
J>'I think i'll fight him next.
You say, "I think i'll fight him next."
Kronious says, "Er.."
You stretch.
J>You are holding a bone pommeled rolaren dagger in your right hand and a black vultite shield in your left hand.
You are wearing some dark gold mithril bracers, a dark oilskin cloak, a veniom bound centaur hide scabbard, a beaded black stone belt, some tanned doeskin britches, a canvas miner's pack, a silver V'Tull symbol, a midnight black sack, a dwarven wand harness, a mummy shroud ribbon, a glass amulet, some polished black leather boots, some full leather and a gold ring.
Kronious says, "He had to run"
Kronious whistles tunelessly to himself.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Kronious.
J>'Uh huh.
You say, "Uh huh."
Kythe says, "I'm already late.."
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
Kythe smiles.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
J>l kythe
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
You see Lord Kythe Helmaker the Dark Elf.
He appears to be in his 60's, has long, straight white hair, dark eyes, and fair skin.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a blackened longsword etched with shimmering blue runes in his right hand and a vultite buckler in his left hand.
He is wearing a black maoral amulet, a crystal amulet, a ruby wedding band, a jet black glove, a gleaming black onyx rose, a mithril juggernaut pin, a tightly woven spidersilk sack, ditty bag, an ivory and ruby buckle, a blackened rolaren weapon harness, a dusty miner's satchel, some studded eonake gauntlets, some steel-rimmed spectacles, a veniom bound vruul skin scabbard, a pair of rugged hiking boots, some full leather, a deep black embroidered cloak, some black silk trousers, a translucent spidersilk backpack, and a glass amulet.
J>l kron
* Dgry just bit the dust!
You see Lord Kronious Haecheon the Dark Elf.
He appears to be in his 60's, has shoulder length, wavy dark brown hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a deep red vultite falchion in his right hand and a vultite wall shield in his left hand.
He is wearing some studded eonake gauntlets, a gold wedding band set with two tiny crossed ruby blades, a pair of vruul skin boots, a ruby Lornon medallion, a veniom bound vruul skin sheath, a gold-trimmed xenium scabbard, a shadowy black warlock's cloak etched with swirling runes of sorcery trimmed in gleaming golvern thread, a gold-stringed thraak skin sack, a pulsating blue sunstone earring, a translucent spidersilk backpack, a braided spidersilk satchel, a midnight black wand harness etched with the image of a dark elven sorcerer battling a host of shadowmares, a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles, a glass amulet, and some shadowy veniom stitched robes embroidered with the blackened image of a wild-eyed sorcerer.
Kronious says, "Okies"
* Luckyjaklyn just bit the dust!
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures.
His body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures.
Kythe stands taller, as if bolstered with a sense of confidence.
Kythe asks, "Okay...ready?"
Kythe smiles.
Kronious says, "Say go Dan"
J>'Alright.. ready..
You say, "Alright.. ready.."
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
You exclaim, "Go!"
Kronious mumbles something that you don't quite catch.
Kythe rubs a black maoral amulet.
Kythe begins moving faster than you thought possible.
Kronious gestures.
A wave of dark ethereal ripples moves outward from Kronious.
Kythe is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
The air calms down around Kythe.
Kythe says, " e-wave."
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
J>'Erm, wait up
You say, "Erm, wait up"
Kythe growls ferociously!
Kythe says, "That's it."
J>'He called no e-wave, heh
You say, "He called no e-wave, heh"
Kronious exclaims, "Doh!"
Kythe taps a gleaming black onyx rose.
Kythe stands up.
Kronious says, "Sorry"
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures.
The air thickens and begins to swirl around Kythe.
Kythe growls ferociously!
Kythe says, "Okay...let's move.."
Kythe taps his foot impatiently.
Kronious says, "Okies, say go again Dan"
* Zorkell just bit the dust!
Kythe says, "Time is something I don't have alot of."
You exclaim, "Go!"
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
The air calms down around Kronious.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
CS: +218 - TD: +293 + CvA: +14 + d100: +9 - -5 == -47
Warded off!
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
Kythe blinks and looks around in confusion for a moment.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
CS: +218 - TD: +293 + CvA: +14 + d100: +3 - -5 == -53
Warded off!
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
CS: +218 - TD: +293 + CvA: +14 + d100: +59 - -5 == +3
Warded off!
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
CS: +243 - TD: +294 + CvA: +15 + d100: +91 - -5 == +60
Warded off!
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
CS: +243 - TD: +281 + CvA: +15 + d100: +80 - -5 == +62
Warded off!
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe returns to normal speed.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
CS: +218 - TD: +293 + CvA: +14 + d100: +3 - -5 == -53
Warded off!
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Kronious.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe rubs a black maoral amulet.
Kythe begins moving faster than you thought possible.
His amulet suddenly shatters!
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
The very powerful look leaves Kythe.
J>'Uh oh.
You say, "Uh oh."
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
Kronious blinks and looks around in confusion for a moment.
A flare can be seen high above where it hangs for a few moments before exploding into a breathtaking array of colors. The sheer brightness of the image before you lingers in your sight for several seconds after the explosion can no longer be seen.
[Darkstone Bay, Dinghy]
The tiny boat is beached on the shore, but the waves and tide still reach beyond its bow. As the waves break behind you, the dinghy rocks slightly and shifts in the swirling, bubbling sand. Finding no oars on board, you are thankful that the dinghy is anchored with a rope tied around a large rock on the beach.
Also here: Lord Kronious, Lord Kythe
Obvious paths: out.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
The bright luminescence fades from around Kronious.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
The white light leaves Kythe.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
d100 == 1 FUMBLE!
Kronious says, "What the.."
Kronious asks, "White Light?"
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
CS: +243 - TD: +259 + CvA: +15 + d100: +77 - -5 == +81
Warded off!
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Kythe.
Kythe says, "Alkars."
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
CS: +218 - TD: +243 + CvA: +14 + d100: +27 - -5 == +21
Warded off!
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Kronious.
J>'Lesser shroud
You say, "Lesser shroud"
* Azaare just bit the dust!
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
The bright luminescence fades from around Kythe.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
Kronious glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
The light blue glow leaves Kythe.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Kronious.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures at Kythe.
CS: +204 - TD: +223 + CvA: +14 + d100: +10 - -5 == +10
Warded off!
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
The light blue glow leaves Kronious.
Kythe gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
J>whisper kron Get him now, quick
Kythe says, "Ye mine."
Kronious says, "Ok, I give up"
Kythe gestures at Kronious.
CS: +243 - TD: +214 + CvA: +15 + d100: +14 - -5 == +63
Warded off!
Kronious says, "Forget this"
Kythe flails his arms about.
Lord Kronious's group just went out.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
Recreational fishermen often beach their vessels on this sandy stretch of beach. To the south, you can see the wooden palisade that surrounds the Landing. You also see an abandoned wooden dinghy.
Also here: Lord Kronious
Obvious paths: east, west.
You laugh out loud!
>'Oh come on
You say, "Oh come on"
Lord Kythe just arrived.
Lord Kythe just went west.
Lord Kythe just arrived.
>'At least let yourself get smashed
You say, "At least let yourself get smashed"
Kythe returns to normal speed.
Kythe asks, "Where'd he go?"
Kythe flails his arms about.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
Recreational fishermen often beach their vessels on this sandy stretch of beach. To the south, you can see the wooden palisade that surrounds the Landing. You also see an abandoned wooden dinghy.
Also here: Lord Kythe
Obvious paths: east, west.
>'dont know
You say, "dont know"
Kythe grumbles.
* Addisonshadow just bit the dust!
Kythe says, "I'm pressed for time.."
Kythe growls ferociously!
>'Hey Kythe, I got you next.
You say, "Hey Kythe, I got you next."
You are holding a bone pommeled rolaren dagger in your right hand and a black vultite shield in your left hand.
You are wearing some dark gold mithril bracers, a dark oilskin cloak, a veniom bound centaur hide scabbard, a beaded black stone belt, some tanned doeskin britches, a canvas miner's pack, a silver V'Tull symbol, a midnight black sack, a dwarven wand harness, a mummy shroud ribbon, a glass amulet, some polished black leather boots, some full leather and a gold ring.
You grin.
Kronious comes out of hiding.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kythe says, "Okay...I'll be back in 1 hour."
Kronious gestures.
Kronious suddenly looks a lot more powerful.
Kronious is surrounded by a white light.
Kythe says, "Later."
Kythe waves.
>sign of dissipation
Magic flows towards you, but does not reach you.
Kronious whistles tunelessly to himself.
Kythe just left.
* Kanarai just bit the dust!
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Kronious.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
Recreational fishermen often beach their vessels on this sandy stretch of beach. To the south, you can see the wooden palisade that surrounds the Landing. You also see an abandoned wooden dinghy.
Also here: Lord Kronious
Obvious paths: east, west.
You say, "Bah"
* Demoneyes just bit the dust!
Kronious asks, "He ran off.. I win?"
Kronious starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.
You chuckle.
Gairo just arrived.
>"Actually I think YOU ran first.
You say, "Actually I think YOU ran first."
Gairo just went east.
Kronious says, "Lets not do that again anytime soon"
Lord Kronious just went west.
>'You almost had him!
You exclaim, "You almost had him!"
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
The jagged shoreline of the bay becomes more evident here along the path as the cool waters of the Bay rush up almost to your feet.
Obvious paths: east, southwest.
>join kron
Lord Kronious just arrived.
You join Kronious.
Lord Kronious's group just went east.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
Recreational fishermen often beach their vessels on this sandy stretch of beach. To the south, you can see the wooden palisade that surrounds the Landing. You also see an abandoned wooden dinghy.
Also here: Lord Kronious
Obvious paths: east, west.
You can't go there.
J>join kron
You are already a member of Kronious's group.
* Tanisof just bit the dust!
Lord Kronious's group just went west.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
The jagged shoreline of the bay becomes more evident here along the path as the cool waters of the Bay rush up almost to your feet.
Also here: Lord Kronious
Obvious paths: east, southwest.
Lord Kronious's group just went southwest.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
You can hear the noisy bustle around the land gates to the west. Over the din, you can just barely hear the sound of the surf from the northeast.
Also here: Lord Kronious
Obvious paths: west, northeast.
Lord Kronious's group just went west.
[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]
Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see a wayside inn.
Also here: Lord Kronious, Krute, Phanorc, Moonus
Obvious paths: north, east, northwest, southwest.
Ryael just arrived.
J>'You almost had him!
You exclaim, "You almost had him!"
Ryael went through the wooden gates.
Kronious's group went through the wooden gates.
[Wehnimer's, Land's End Rd.]
You are scrutinized by vigilant soldiers as you arrive at the wide gateway guarding the land route to Wehnimer's Landing. The frenetic pace of the city to the south is a far cry from the deceptive calm of the wilds of Elanith outside. Two daunting towers survey the countryside and protect the town, flanking the road to the east and west. You also see[1m a trapper[0m and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Lord Kronious, Ryael, Fratmere, Lord Hollowell, Dufforvia who is seated, Lady Satrn, Fauvret who is seated, Caellia, Ellisadril who is lying down, Vermelian, Mithosicery, Lord Maleis, Chasmyr, Llinos, Rugad, Teripi, the body of Luckyjaklyn who is lying down, Tepple who is lying down, Elioris, Lady Reeshia who is seated
Obvious paths: south.
Ryael just went south.
Lord Kronious's group just went south.
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
This road girds the town along the inner side of the north palisade. To the north are the two high spires of the land guardtowers. Militia come and go, marking the changing of the watch. You are just within the main gates, caught in a press of people of all races going off in many directions. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier.
Also here: Lord Kronious, Ryael, Cirvien, Sretis, Chichun, Apacadeth, Fogin
Obvious paths: north, east, west.
Hollowell's group just arrived.
Lord Kronious's group just went west.
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The road turns gradually at this point as it forms the northwest corner of the city. The path continues along the north wall and the west wall and another leads south into town. The massive oak and modwir logs of the city palisade tower above you. You also see[1m a grizzled old warrior[0m.
Also here: Lord Kronious, Bellophorus, Fitolito, Heresheo who is lying down
Obvious paths: south, east, southwest.
Hollowell's group just arrived.
Ryael just arrived.
Lord Davydd just arrived.
Hollowell's group just went southwest.
Ryael just went southwest.
Bellophorus just went east.
Brilnor just arrived.
Lord Kronious's group just went south.
[Wehnimer's, Talon St.]
The street runs between the northern wall and the central square that contains the main bazaar. The traffic is more varied, as shoppers, traders, travellers and merchants mix with the ever-present and watchful militia men. You hear rowdy cries and raucous laughter, as well as eerie sounds you cannot quite identify, coming from the building along the road. This is the infamous Cholgar's Bathhouse.
Also here: Lord Kronious
Obvious paths: north, south.
Brilnor just arrived.
Lord Kronious's group just went south.
[Town Square, NW]
This corner of the square is lively and hectic. You pass a cross-section of the Landing's population. Several elven loggers loiter around the door of the Raging Thrak Inn, while the rowdy cheers of patrons and voices raised in songs of many sorts, from snatches of heroic ballads to blushingly bawdy tunes, beckon you to enter.
Also here: Lord Kronious, Lady Guendal, Kasshann, Sighful
Obvious paths: north, south, east, southeast.
Brilnor just arrived.
Lady Guendal just went north.
Brilnor entered the inn.
Lord Felnarn just arrived.
Lord Kronious's group just went southeast.
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end of the space, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a dented silver coffer, a plain silver strongbox, an engraved iron coffer and some stone benches with a belt pouch on it.
Also here: Lord Kronious, Aelixa, Bosix, Merylu who is lying down, Oddessias, Shalnot, Kopokapelli, Carnale who is kneeling, Gweenaveer, Sinasti, Lord Ramladu, Harsmilp, Lidera, Fanion who is lying down, Magicblood, Gnutblunt, Naralis who is seated, Stilous who is lying down, Eleanoria, Aschren who is kneeling, Lothmo, Onyxfyre, Faeronn, a stunned Jkal who is lying down, Balamani who is lying down, Sanae, Desplexus who is lying down, Riammon, Grumbler, Ellistra who is seated, Ealex who is kneeling, Teceles, Lady Sugarsweet, Vainamoynen, Gondalph who is seated, Hovun who is lying down, Bornier who is kneeling, a stunned Arf who is kneeling, Karex, Illude who is lying down
Obvious paths: east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest.
Kronious's group went over to an old well.
[Town Well]
The old well is made of flat stones built up around a circular opening. A slate roof overhangs the opening, keeping the drinking water clear and refreshing. Several skin water buckets, with long ropes attached, are scattered on the hard-packed earth surrounding the well. You also see a stout rope hanging over the rim of the well.
Also here: Lord Kronious, Fredero, Ethryn who is lying down, Vyer, Rolner who is lying down, Cronuss who is lying down, Saye
Obvious paths: south.
J>'With one more dispel, you coulda gotten him with mana disrupt
You say, "With one more dispel, you coulda gotten him with mana disrupt"
Kronious says, "He almost had me as well"
Ethryn says, "3 more pulses till we can go"
* Aranix just bit the dust!
J>'True, it was whoever got there first..
You say, "True, it was whoever got there first.."
Ethryn peers quizzically at Kronious.
Gweenaveer just arrived.
Ethryn says, "Wha happend"
J>'I think i'll fight him next.
You say, "I think i'll fight him next."
Kronious says, "Er.."
You stretch.
J>You are holding a bone pommeled rolaren dagger in your right hand and a black vultite shield in your left hand.
You are wearing some dark gold mithril bracers, a dark oilskin cloak, a veniom bound centaur hide scabbard, a beaded black stone belt, some tanned doeskin britches, a canvas miner's pack, a silver V'Tull symbol, a midnight black sack, a dwarven wand harness, a mummy shroud ribbon, a glass amulet, some polished black leather boots, some full leather and a gold ring.
Kronious says, "He had to run"
Kronious whistles tunelessly to himself.
Kronious gestures and utters a phrase of magic.
Kronious gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Kronious.
J>'Uh huh.
You say, "Uh huh."