View Full Version : Drag

02-13-2004, 08:31 PM
Tillmen exclaims, "I'm rich!"
Tillmen beams!
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Iyaz comes out of hiding.
Iyaz picks up a rapier.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen flails his arms about.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
The voice of Iyaz melodically says, "You will never find me."
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen returns to normal speed.

[Leaving rest mode.]

[Entering rest mode...press any key to resume.]

Tillmen recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Tillmen gestures.
Tillmen begins moving faster than you thought possible.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.

[Leaving rest mode.]

Tillmen searches around for a moment.

[Entering rest mode...press any key to resume.]

Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
The voice of Iyaz melodically says, "Be right back."
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen fidgets.
Lord Iyaz just arrived.
Tillmen gives a slight flick of his wrist, and some ambrominas leaf suddenly appears in his hand!
Tillmen takes a bite of his ambrominas leaf.
Tillmen's right arm looks better.
The voice of Iyaz melodically says, "Heh."
The voice of Iyaz melodically says, "Go ds."
Tillmen put some ambrominas leaf in his mildewed cloak.
The black cat yawns.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
A rapier flies out of the shadows toward Tillmen!
AS: +303 vs DS: +308 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +19 = +51
A clean miss.
a rapier flies past Tillmen, disappearing into the local environs.
A rapier flies out of the shadows toward Tillmen!
AS: +303 vs DS: +308 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +17 = +49
A clean miss.
a rapier flies past Tillmen, disappearing into the local environs.
The voice of Iyaz melodically says, "Heh."
Tillmen scowls.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen finds a rapier that had been obscured from view!
Iyaz comes out of hiding.
Iyaz picks up a rapier.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen finds a rapier that had been obscured from view!
Iyaz picks up a rapier.
The voice of Iyaz melodically says, "Heh."
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
The voice of Iyaz melodically says, "Twc ohe and thrown weapons ROCKS."
Tillmen returns to normal speed.
Tillmen scratches his head.
Tillmen says, "Thats so strange."
Tillmen loses some awareness.

[Leaving rest mode.]

>sym courage
You feel more courageous.
Tillmen says, "I Almost see you every single time, but never see you."
The voice of Iyaz melodically says, "Right."
The voice of Iyaz melodically says, "Almost nothing."
Tillmen stares off into space.
A rapier flies out of the shadows toward Tillmen!
AS: +303 vs DS: +323 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +35 = +52
A clean miss.
Momentum carries a rapier past Tillmen to land nearby.
A rapier flies out of the shadows toward Tillmen!
AS: +303 vs DS: +328 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +7 = +19
A clean miss.
Momentum carries a rapier past Tillmen to land nearby.
Tillmen makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Tillmen gestures.
Tillmen appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Iyaz comes out of hiding.
Iyaz picks up a rapier.
Iyaz picks up a rapier.
Tillmen recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
The voice of Iyaz melodically says, "Heh."
Tillmen gestures.
Tillmen begins moving faster than you thought possible.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen searches around for a moment.
Tillmen points at Iyaz, ruining his hiding place.
Iyaz melodically says, "Bah."
Tillmen fidgets.
Iyaz melodically exclaims, "Lucky!"
Iyaz crouches, sweeps a leg at Tillmen and connects!
MS: +271 - MD: +139 + MAvA: +8 + d100: +43 == +183
Tillmen falls to the ground! Iyaz deftly regains his footing.
Iyaz melodically says, "Heh."
Tillmen thrashes around on the ground.
Iyaz drops a rapier.
Tillmen stands up.
Iyaz grabs Tillmen and drags him down.
Tillmen just arrived.
Lord Iyaz just arrived.
Tillmen picks up a rapier.
Iyaz comes out of hiding.
Iyaz points at Tillmen, ruining his hiding place.
Iyaz grabs Tillmen and drags him down.
Tillmen just arrived.
Tillmen looks around for a moment before sighing disappointedly.
Lord Iyaz just arrived.
Tillmen sneezes.
Tillmen looks around for a moment before sighing disappointedly.
Iyaz grabs Tillmen and drags him down.
Lord Iyaz just arrived.

[Entering rest mode...press any key to resume.]


[Leaving rest mode.]

yell Heh

[Entering rest mode...press any key to resume.]

You belt out, "Heh!"
>Tillmen fades into visibility.
Tillmen points at Iyaz, ruining his hiding place.
With deliberate force, Tillmen hurls a rapier!
Tillmen throws a rapier at Iyaz!
Iyaz evades the missile!
Momentum carries a rapier past Iyaz to land nearby.
Iyaz grabs Tillmen and drags him down.
The black cat rubs up against an engraved monir strongbox.
Lord Iyaz just arrived.
Iyaz looks around for a moment before sighing disappointedly.
Your vocal cords feel fully rested from all those war cries.
Iyaz looks around for a moment before sighing disappointedly.
A rapier suddenly slides off, heading down.
Tillmen fades into view.
With deliberate force, Tillmen hurls a rapier!
Tillmen throws a rapier at you!
AS: +75 vs DS: +122 with AvD: -3 + d100 roll: +74 = +24
A clean miss.
Momentum carries a rapier past you to land nearby.
Lord Iyaz just arrived.
Iyaz comes out of hiding.
Iyaz picks up a rapier.
Tillmen gasps.
Iyaz comes out of hiding.
Iyaz points at Tillmen, ruining his hiding place.
A quick flick of Iyaz's wrist sends a rapier into flight!
Iyaz throws a rapier at Tillmen!
Tillmen blocks the missile with his buckler!
a rapier flies past Tillmen, disappearing into the local environs.
A quick flick of Iyaz's wrist sends a rapier into flight!
Iyaz throws a rapier at Tillmen!
Tillmen evades the missile!
Momentum carries a rapier past Tillmen to land nearby.
Tillmen picks up a rapier.
Tillmen looks around for a moment before sighing disappointedly.

[Leaving rest mode.]

Tillmen gasps.

[Entering rest mode...press any key to resume.]

You chuckle.
The voice of Iyaz melodically says, "Heh."
Iyaz comes out of hiding.
Iyaz grabs Tillmen and drags him down.
Lord Iyaz just arrived.
Tillmen just arrived.
Iyaz points at Tillmen, ruining his hiding place.
With deliberate force, Tillmen hurls a rapier!
Tillmen throws a rapier at Iyaz!
AS: +75 vs DS: +162 with AvD: +15 + d100 roll: +34 = -38
A clean miss.
a rapier flies past Iyaz, disappearing into the local environs.
Iyaz comes out of hiding.
Iyaz grabs Tillmen and drags him down.
Lord Iyaz just arrived.
Tillmen just arrived.
Tillmen returns to normal speed.
Tillmen stares off into space.
Iyaz comes out of hiding.
Iyaz bites Tillmen!
Iyaz grins.
Tillmen just kicked Iyaz!
Iyaz whines.
Tillmen gives a slight flick of his wrist, and some cactacae spine suddenly appears in his hand!
Iyaz chuckles.
Tillmen takes a bite of his cactacae spine.
Tillmen's right arm looks better.
Iyaz removes a feras rapier from in his golvern-studded satchel.
The black cat yawns.
Iyaz put a feras rapier in his golvern-studded satchel.
Iyaz just closed a black golvern-studded satchel.
Iyaz searches around for a moment.
Iyaz finds a rapier that had been obscured from view!
Tillmen put some cactacae spine in his mildewed cloak.
Tillmen picks up a rapier.
A swish of air heralds a rapier from somewhere nearby.
A rapier flies out of the shadows toward Iyaz!
AS: +37 vs DS: +162 with AvD: +15 + d100 roll: +96 = -14
A clean miss.
a rapier flies past Iyaz, disappearing into the local environs.
Iyaz melodically says, "Bah."
Iyaz points at Tillmen, ruining his hiding place.
Iyaz crouches, sweeps a leg at Tillmen and connects!
MS: +271 - MD: +139 + MAvA: +8 + d100: +15 == +155
Tillmen falls to the ground! Iyaz deftly regains his footing.
Tillmen gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Iyaz searches around for a moment.
Iyaz finds a rapier that had been obscured from view!
Iyaz melodically exclaims, "Rapier!"
Tillmen stands up.
Tillmen picks up a rapier.
You notice Tillmen slip into a hiding place.
Qwynthalien stands up.
Iyaz points at Tillmen, ruining his hiding place.
Tamir stands up.
Qwynthalien's group just went down.
Iyaz scowls.
Tillmen flails his arms about.
Iyaz comes out of hiding.
Iyaz grabs Tillmen and drags him down.
Lord Iyaz just arrived.
Tillmen just arrived.
Tillmen sneezes, trying vainly to keep from spraying you.
Iyaz comes out of hiding.
Iyaz grabs Tillmen and drags him down.
Lord Iyaz just arrived.
Tillmen just arrived.

