View Full Version : some lame ass GM
06-06-2004, 02:33 AM
A tour guide in a pristine tight uniform appears out of no where and liltingly says, "We're walking... we're walking..."
Alarke just vanished.
Qahaar just vanished.
Rarr just vanished.
Ondartha just vanished.
Niomar just vanished.
Savaard just vanished.
You feel yourself pulled away.
[Melgorehn's Reach, Water Tunnel Racecourse]
Water gyrates wildly about you, carrying you down the slippery tunnel.
Reltov just materialized from nowhere.
Lyca just materialized from nowhere.
You feel more refreshed.
Reltov loses some awareness.
PsiNet is done spelling you up.
The water carries you further down the tunnel! The tunnel banks to the right.
The water threatens to drown you, but you keep gulping at air pockets as you rocket down the water tube.
Sylphsyte comes out of hiding.
[Melgorehn's Reach, Water Tunnel Racecourse]
Water gyrates wildly about you, carrying you down the slippery tunnel.
06-06-2004, 02:38 AM
Hee! Looks more to me like a GM with an engaging sense of humor. :lol:
HarmNone, laughing her ass off
06-06-2004, 02:40 AM
Ya except for those just sitting there watching are now in an endless loop of water slide that you can't get out of easily, and nobudy onduty to answer assists, so now the rest of my night of playing just ended.
-Varsus (dumb ass gm's)
06-06-2004, 02:42 AM
Heh. Yeah, I remember the waterslide with less than fondness myself, Varsus. However, you've got to admit it was funny as hell. :D
HarmNone is still laughing, and would have been laughing had she been sliding down the waterslide with ya
06-06-2004, 02:44 AM
Besides, even if there WAS somebody answering ASSISTs, they wouldn't get you out of the waterslide. GameHosts can't, and I doubt very seriously that any GameMaster would agree to do so, considering it was one of their number what put ya there. ;)
HarmNone thinks they may have decided to move the boulder to the waterslide...
06-06-2004, 03:01 AM
I wonder if some "lame ass GM" would have taken time to invade the boulder would you still be complaining?
You had a unique GM interaction. Enjoy.
06-06-2004, 03:02 AM
Its the fact that some player who could have been resting resting, afk, was transported to an area where they can die from drowning.. and then when they finally get out, have a lvl 2 head wound so they can't cast, then they have to figure out where they are, and get out.
It just seems rude.
06-06-2004, 03:11 AM
Oh, Varsus, for pity's sake! People who go to the boulder should realize that they might just become a target. This is certainly not the first time it's happened. If you're stupid enough to rest, especially AFK, at the freaking boulder...a head wound is the least of your worries!
HarmNone...just enjoy the freaking ride, dammit!
06-06-2004, 04:54 AM
I know its been a while since I've been to the Reach..but. If you can drown there, thats a fairly new change. I was stuck in the damn tunnels for like 9 hours, and I never drown. Just takes time and a willingness to solve a puzzle. ::shrug::
That interaction is not unique. It's just as scripted as most GM boulder invasions.
Red Devil
06-06-2004, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Oh, Varsus, for pity's sake! People who go to the boulder should realize that they might just become a target. This is certainly not the first time it's happened. If you're stupid enough to rest, especially AFK, at the freaking boulder...a head wound is the least of your worries!
HarmNone...just enjoy the freaking ride, dammit!
your such a dumbass, it's not funny nor is it cool, you thinking it's funny is your god damn opinion, quit trying to forcing it on other people, having to go through that puzzle is Red Devil and that GM IS a dumbass THE END. that's the end of that. PERIOD.
[Edited on 7-18-2004 by Tsa`ah]
06-06-2004, 09:10 AM
Whatley coded the water tunnels. Proof that he is, indeed, the most evil man ever.
06-06-2004, 10:38 AM
Why do people that sit on the boulder bitch about anything that happens to them, ever? If you were out hunting, or picking boxes, or doing something constructive to begin with, I could see your complaint.
06-06-2004, 10:56 AM
Yeah, I'm sorry, but if that happened anywhere else BUT the boulder I could understand the irritation.
But not there.:bye:
Pick better resting spots perhaps. Good luck getting out.
06-06-2004, 12:49 PM
I think the boulder should be perma-sancted. Just my opinion, though.
Another issue I have is people making pissed off posts about GM's doing something about problems. Yet people make threads about "random killing"? No wonder they did something. Luckily it wasn't banning the morons.
06-06-2004, 12:51 PM
They tried sancting, invasion to drive the people out, putting the area within the city limits...these people always flock to a new spot to cause chaos.
Thats how they enjoy the game, even if you don't agree with it, if it doesn't affect you directly then whats the big deal?
06-06-2004, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Stunseed
I think the boulder should be perma-sancted. Just my opinion, though.
Another issue I have is people making pissed off posts about GM's doing something about problems. Yet people make threads about "random killing"? No wonder they did something. Luckily it wasn't banning the morons.
Sancting the boulder is just about the dumbest thing the GM's can do. Then they just bring all that shit from the boulder to other places, like TSC and the Park. As long as they keep everything on the boulder..... good. Don't go there if you don't want to deal with it.
06-06-2004, 12:56 PM
The boulder people were causing problems and mass death all night (even if you didn't see the scrolling of names-just check all the threads from last night). I think that was a hilarious way for them to solve it. Have to agree though, waterslides are harsh..and no, you can't die there.
06-06-2004, 12:58 PM
Sadly I have come to a similar conclusion...I wish they would silence any who felt the need to advertise for bouts on the net, but as long as they keep it confined to there....I at this point will grudgingly accept it as the lesser of other evils.
Just no whining if some GM takes you for a ride at times as you clearly are throwing all RP to the winds when you go there.
You can die there if your wounded from being on the boulder.
06-06-2004, 12:59 PM
It is my opinion, nothing more, Kitsun. If I felt it were that much of an issue, I'd prolly be more active in its solution. Also, I feel it gives weighting to people's arguments about Psinet. Because the LAST time Reltov did something to this extent, it was so he could look cool with the crowd. He was banned last time for the foolishness of his actions. I'd personally be joyous I was let off with a tunnel ride to cool off, instead of a ban.
06-06-2004, 01:06 PM
You're right, Sintik. People will act the way the will, no matter where.
Sylvan Dreams
06-06-2004, 03:21 PM
Why ARE people so adamantly against dueling on the boulder?
06-06-2004, 03:57 PM
I, personally, have no problem with dueling on the boulder. Better there than all over the lands. However, if the GMs decide to get "playful", that's often where they go to do it. If you do not know that, and go there, you will learn eventually.
06-06-2004, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Sylvan Dreams
Why ARE people so adamantly against dueling on the boulder?
I don't think it is the dueling in itself; its the people that keep do the dueling. They seem to tend to keep dieing or asking for healers, or asking for more duelers over and over and over.
Plus they have a reputation for being jackasses, quick to kill and not roleplaying worth spit.
06-06-2004, 08:03 PM
I think that's a generalization. I can name a lot of duelers who I *love*. I find myself on the boulder a lot too. I think it's good practice and far more challenging then hunting. I mean, sure, you can over hunt but a script can only go so far. At least with the boulder you are in the middle of some real-time action that is unpredictable.
Not to mention, I find the boulder to be a great place to make friends. My first hour since I have gotten back was spent on the boulder and I found two new, awesome friends who were very helpful.
Speaking about them, anyone seen Dethcom around lately?
06-06-2004, 08:21 PM
Yes, very perceptive. It was a generalization based on what I have witnessed there and from review of posts concerning these ultra cool battles.
Maybe you don't find hunting challenging because you use 'scripts' to do all the work for you?
Last I checked, hunting occurred in real-time as well. Maybe not getting spelled to the gills so you can auto-bot through areas is a solution to your problem.
I didn't actually find the dialogue there mentally stimulating or even entertaining, but again different strokes for different folks. This is only my opinion.
06-06-2004, 08:45 PM
06-07-2004, 12:38 AM
How about the fact that it was pretty much senseless from an IC standpoint?
06-07-2004, 01:11 AM
I stand on what I said.
If you use the excuse "rest somewhere else" that is retarded. I should be able to rest anywhere I want that is not "in a hunting area" and not have to worry about people (or lame ass gm's) messing with me for no reason.
If people do mess with me, well I don't cause problems with my char IG so it was unprovoked... and don't tell me I gave the GM a reason to do it.
I hope that fat ass chokes.
You guys think its all funny, but what if your thrak table got hit, you would be here saying the same thing, just because it was somewhere you don't like you side with something that I honestly can't say an intelligent person would justify as "acceptable" use of GM power.
06-07-2004, 01:22 AM
It wouldn't happen at a Thrak Table. And untill a GM starts pulling people from just anywhere then yeah, I'm fine with GM's occasionally having fun with people who insist upon the right to have an area that is totally ooc.
Rest elsewhere or dont complain next time as you are now warned.
06-07-2004, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by Kitsun
Yes, very perceptive. It was a generalization based on what I have witnessed there and from review of posts concerning these ultra cool battles.
Maybe you don't find hunting challenging because you use 'scripts' to do all the work for you?
Last I checked, hunting occurred in real-time as well. Maybe not getting spelled to the gills so you can auto-bot through areas is a solution to your problem.
I didn't actually find the dialogue there mentally stimulating or even entertaining, but again different strokes for different folks. This is only my opinion.
I am self-casted only. Which means no spells, only Voln symbols since i'm a warrior... And I don't script hunt. I do script over to a hunting area, but that is that.
06-07-2004, 02:33 AM
That isn't what you implied with your previous post.
I mean, sure, you can over hunt but a script can only go so far.
06-07-2004, 03:11 AM
Originally posted by Sylvan Dreams
Why ARE people so adamantly against dueling on the boulder?
Because some (not all) of the regulars there are total idiots that have no clue what RP is, and openly talk about OOC things. They sit, swear, and then when they get bored, they ambush someone (normally a sitting, AFK person half their train) just for the hell of it. Those people give the place a bad name. If I ever go, I make sure I put on plate first, because I don't trust the place.
06-07-2004, 05:25 AM
Originally posted by Red Devil
your such a dumbass, it's not funny nor is it cool, you thinking it's funny is your god damn opinion, quit trying to forcing it on other people, having to go through that puzzle is Red Devil and that GM IS a dumbass THE END. that's the end of that. PERIOD.
No one's trying to force anything, and no shit we talk about our opinions. So are you, sport.
The boulder got no more RP than a chatroom. Anything to fuck over boulder squatters I'm down with. Mebbe they'll all be driven away so they can go play Quake. In the meantime
[Edited on 7-18-2004 by Tsa`ah]
06-07-2004, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by Sylvan Dreams
Why ARE people so adamantly against dueling on the boulder?
If it was actually roleplayed.. then that's great. I have no problem with CvC whatsoever.
It's when it's PvP and "Hey, I'm level 30, anyone want to duel"... "What's your AS?" "No using COL or CMAN, because that's not fair"... that it get's annoying.
And no, the GMs shouldn't put a perm sanctuary on the boulder. They did that to the Dingy.. and look at it now. The boulder is a good place for them.
06-07-2004, 12:56 PM
Snapp: You can die in the tunnles, every so often your head will hit the top of the tunnle causing a level 2 on yer head, if you continue through and you are unlucky enough to hit yer head again, you'll die.
06-07-2004, 01:23 PM
Yeah if you try to stand up or something. If you lie down, you won't hurt yourself.
06-07-2004, 03:44 PM
Eh, let 'em drown. They like dying anyway.
06-07-2004, 03:46 PM
And no, the GMs shouldn't put a perm sanctuary on the boulder. They did that to the Dingy.. and look at it now. The boulder is a good place for them.
Exactly. They should just make it clear that boulder denizens may want to be prepared, should the boulder decide to eat them or something equally unpleasant.
06-07-2004, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Galleazzo
Originally posted by Red Devil
your such a dumbass, it's not funny nor is it cool, you thinking it's funny is your god damn opinion, quit trying to forcing it on other people, having to go through that puzzle is Red Devil and that GM IS a dumbass THE END. that's the end of that. PERIOD.
No one's trying to force anything, and no shit we talk about our opinions. So are you, sport.
The boulder got no more RP than a chatroom. Anything to fuck over boulder squatters I'm down with. Mebbe they'll all be driven away so they can go play Quake. In the meantime
There is plenty of RP done on the boulder, just because some of the people there are retarded does not mean that there are not people who do RP. I find it funny that so many people show there ignorance by just generalizing everyone by where they are located.
I have seen much worse RP (or none) like a "chartroom" in many other places. Sure it happens everywhere, but to say that everyone who goes to the boulder can not RP, or does not, is incorrect.
Yes a lot of people go there just to kill each other, but a lot of times it is just two or three people sitting around having a nice RP’d Conversation. The character I have been playing for the last few weeks does not duel at all, but hangs out there because he knows at least 3 others who hang out there between hunts.
[Edited on 7-18-2004 by Tsa`ah]
Originally posted by Galleazzo
Eh, let 'em drown. They like dying anyway. That's one way to look at it.
06-07-2004, 03:48 PM
but a lot of times it is just two or three people sitting around having a nice RP’d Conversation.
Making veiled references to OOC mechanics is not RP.
06-07-2004, 03:50 PM
As my grandmother would tell me (loosely translated) "Tell me who you hang out with and I'll tell you who you are."
If you're an intelligent person and tend to hang out with stupid people, chances are people will group you with the stupids because, hey, you ARE with the stupids. What's an intelligent person doing around stupid people?
Same principle here. If they are such good roleplayers, why do they dwell in an area that is known as an OOC pit? If people want to duel there, that's fine, but to say it's a roleplaying area is totally untrue, regardless of who makes the attempt.
06-07-2004, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Artha
but a lot of times it is just two or three people sitting around having a nice RP’d Conversation.
Making veiled references to OOC mechanics is not RP.
You just proved your ignorance to the situation I was referencing.
If you really want to challenge my characters ability to RP with his friends that’s great. All I am stating is that you, and everyone else, who just generalizes people by where they hang out need to re-assess your view on the situation.
I don’t challenge others abilities to RP, I just watch them act in game and know that even if they can, they are not.
I try to always keep my characters IG because well… It’s a RP game.
And as I stated before: You have no idea what you’re talking about. YES people don’t RP on the boulder, but they also don’t do it in many other places.
06-07-2004, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
As my grandmother would tell me (loosely translated) "Tell me who you hang out with and I'll tell you who you are."
If you're an intelligent person and tend to hang out with stupid people, chances are people will group you with the stupids because, hey, you ARE with the stupids. What's an intelligent person doing around stupid people?
Same principle here. If they are such good roleplayers, why do they dwell in an area that is known as an OOC pit? If people want to duel there, that's fine, but to say it's a roleplaying area is totally untrue, regardless of who makes the attempt.
So your grandmother profiled to? Must run in the family.
Why do I hang out there when there are so many OOC people there?
Well. I was there first. I don’t want to bring other chars into this, since there views might be different. But I can only name a few people who I still remember from the “old days” of playing gemstone. But I enjoy my interactions with Tijay and others (sorry to mention you man) a lot. It is not our fault that a bunch of 10yr olds can’t rp and hang out where we do. But to say that just because we like to hang out somewhere makes us incapable of RP is… ignorant.
Tell me where you hang out and Ill show you OOC things that happen there.
06-07-2004, 03:59 PM
YES people don’t RP on the boulder, but they also don’t do it in many other places.
Which makes it ok?
06-07-2004, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Artha
YES people don’t RP on the boulder, but they also don’t do it in many other places.
Which makes it ok?
If you read my posts and gathered that I was promoting not RP'ing... Go read them again.
No i don't think lack of RP is ok, but it goes on in many places, and just because someone is standing next to me having an OOC conversation with someone else does not mean that I am OOC.
If I was standing next to a terrorist in a supermarket, who was talking to his friend in “another language” about blowing up a building. Does that make me a terrorist to just for being there? I was shopping at that supermarket before them! Just because they are terrorists and shop there to does not make me one, and does not mean I have to leave or be one.
06-07-2004, 04:04 PM
If I was standing next to a terrorist in a supermarket, who was talking to his friend in “another language” about blowing up a building. Does that make me a terrorist to just for being there?
No. It does, however, mean there's a disturbing number of terrorists in your supermarket.
06-07-2004, 04:06 PM
Right. So if OOC was "terrorism" there are terrorists everywhere in Gemstone. Just because there are more per capita on the boulder, does not mean that everyone there is one.
06-07-2004, 04:07 PM
Using the terrorist analogy, which isn't that great...if there were a town of mostly terrorists, and the government moved them all to Canada...I wouldn't shed a tear.
06-07-2004, 04:08 PM
The places that I did roleplay were never vagrantly as OOC as on the boulder. However it was enough to cause me to quit.
06-07-2004, 04:08 PM
Well see that’s your personal opinion, which I do agree with... but since if that was in the US, and they were "citizens" even though they were terrorists, I would be against deporting them because its against there "rights" which would also be the rights that I would have. If they can do it to someone, they can do it to anyone.
06-07-2004, 04:20 PM
06-07-2004, 04:20 PM
Er... if I found out that Connecticut is crawling with terrorists, I'm moving. I'm not going to sit here and be a sitting duck because I'm not an actual terrorists. I don't want to be here when the shit hits the fan.
06-07-2004, 04:23 PM
I think you, Varsus, have no right to complain about "lame GM's" when you make threads about pointless killing. Not only do you do this shit, you influence the 10 year olds, because they want to be cool, just like you.
06-07-2004, 04:26 PM
I know that when I bring Falgrin to the boulder.. I do so with the risk of:
Being killed for standing there
Being killed because the GM wants to flush
Being a puppet to any GM whim
If you don't wish any of those things to happen to your character.. simply stay away from the boulder. You know as well as I do that the GMs will screw with most of the dolts that hang out there.. and if your character is there, you are judged by the company you keep.
Deal with it and move on. If you are really that irritated with it, then write Feedback (
06-07-2004, 04:26 PM
-Varsus (I’m influential now!)
Also I was not talking about my character Varsus (who can't even log in since I didn't pay the bill) Yes he dues duel, but he also stays IC.
06-07-2004, 04:27 PM
Deal with it and move on. If you are really that irritated with it, then write Feedback (
I did.
-Varsus (I think gm's should pick who they mess with, not generalize)
06-08-2004, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by Artha
but a lot of times it is just two or three people sitting around having a nice RP’d Conversation.
Making veiled references to OOC mechanics is not RP. Yeah, no shit. Neither is sitting down and shooting the breeze just because it's done ingame.
And ya know something, Varsus? If the RP is so great on the boulder, why is it that all the logs guys like you and Kuyuk post from there are about who pwned who? What's the last thread you started? "More random killing." What's the one before that? "challenges." The one before that? "Dun do dat," about a duel at the boulder. The one before that? "plink," about a duel at the boulder.
Lessee ... there's "cleaning up and taking names," "Me killing newbies," "Bah I killed my friend," "Me versus somebody younger," a whole shit load of others.
If you give a shit about RP instead of pwning, you got a funny way of showing it.
06-08-2004, 12:39 AM
LMAO I love that dead horse smiley. That's fucking great.
06-15-2004, 06:53 AM
where's the best place to find ny form of RPing in GS4 ?
06-15-2004, 07:02 AM
Rather than looking for a place to roleplay, you'll do better to look for other roleplayers. There are a number of posters here who roleplay. Perhaps you can arrange to meet some of them and get some roleplay going. What town are you in? :)
06-15-2004, 12:25 PM
HrmNone the ever helpful !
06-18-2004, 03:38 PM
The boulder was a great place to hang out and get to know people.
Hunting to me was too easy, since I was hunting 40 trains above me with no issues.
Dueling provided another form of entertainment. Critters are scripted, but Players are not. Randomness is always a joy to toy with.
If you enjoyed the Gladiator games that Simu puts together, then the boulder was a place to get action like that. We use to join up in teams and use each other's abilities to fight.
Lastly, when dueling on the boulder, one of the unspoken rules was to stop at a hard stun unless detailed prior.
Who had lots of fond memories on the boulder.
07-18-2004, 04:03 PM
I enjoy duelling myself occassionally. I don't see the point to whining if the GMs muck with you there though.
07-18-2004, 04:10 PM
When you duel yourself, do you win?
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