View Full Version : 5 months?

07-21-2004, 02:13 AM
Yeah, I was abusing game mechanics to get someone out of the stocks, but I didn't expect this much RT. Luckily, it only lasted until the constable grabbed me.

You attempt to throw Rayquaza!
MB: 238 vs MB: 21 = 217 -- Gain advantage!
Blinding speed! Moved behind opponent.
THT 80, d100 roll: 20, modified: 237
... +5 extra hits. Foe thrown to ground and stunned in a nice move.

The town official glances at Rayquaza and shakes his head. He says, "Well, at least you died of no fault of your own."

* Rayquaza drops dead at your feet!

The powerful look leaves Rayquaza.
The deep blue glow leaves Rayquaza.
The light blue glow leaves Rayquaza.

The city official says, "Never you mind about those questions, Rayquaza. It seems your time is up."

The city official says, "Well, Rayquaza, I hope you've learned your lesson now. You may go." With that, the official walks over to Rayquaza and sets him free.

The city official mutters something under his breath as two burly assistants come in and drag the set of wooden stocks and the basket away.
Roundtime: 14100046 sec.

Someone exclaims, "Murder by Zimrahn! Call the Guard Captain!"

* Rayquaza just bit the dust!
The Rayquaza disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.

The Guard Captain stiffly marches in, with a number of weapon-wielding guardsmen behind him.

With great ease, the Guard Captain grabs you and shackles your wrists.

"I have you now! You best come along quietly, or you'll face the consequences," says the Guard Captain.
The Guard Captain then drags you off.

Arriving at the Hall of Justice, the Guard Captain gestures to a nearby guardsman who strips you of your possessions and tosses them into a box.
The Guard Captain then drags you over to a metal grate that he quickly opens and throws you through. "Enjoy your stay until the judge is ready to talk to you!" he snickers softly.

With a dull thud the grate drops back into place, leaving you trapped.
[Hall of Justice, Pit of Doom]
Vaguely circular in structure, the pit is only approximately ten feet wide. What little light reaches the bottom of the fetid enclosure illuminates things better left unseen. Brackish water fills the bottom few inches of the room, and the constant sound of trickling can be heard as more seeps in through cracks in the pit's stony walls. The slick fungus on the walls makes them impossible to climb.
Obvious exits: none

07-21-2004, 03:51 AM
163.194 days. Heh.

07-21-2004, 03:57 AM

07-21-2004, 12:35 PM
163.19497685185185185185185185185 days, actually.

07-21-2004, 12:40 PM
Are you serious? They really do that?

07-21-2004, 05:44 PM
Yeah, it just seems to me someone was watching, knew what I was doing, and made sure I couldn't hide.

The Korean
07-21-2004, 05:49 PM
that is so wrong....though I probably would have gave you a higher number the way i type randomly on my numpad.

07-21-2004, 05:53 PM
I'd have given you a giant fine, but I'm sadistic and a bastard.

07-21-2004, 06:01 PM
i'd of just had you arrested for jail break, given you double Ray's time in the stocks, and umm, left Ray in there too even while dead.

07-21-2004, 06:13 PM
Whats funny though, is thinking about how it must look to throw someone while in the stocks..