View Full Version : The Fall of Jenovadeath.
04-30-2005, 01:02 AM
So, JD bring Psinet into game and instigates a fight with Stunseed. Someone can post a Psinet log, but here's the in-game log.
the puma, scratching her behind the ears.
Acohen just arrived.
Acohen just went through the wooden gates.
Gigantuous just came through the wooden gates.
Gigantuous just entered a Wayside Inn.
>say ::puma Get some rest, my Guen.
Speaking to a dark-coated puma, you say, "Get some rest, my Guen."
A kobold swings a short sword at you!
AS: +26 vs DS: +134 with AvD: +17 + d100 roll: +11 = -80
A clean miss.
Zanila's group just came through the wooden gates.
>tell companion to leave
Your thoughts and feelings stray outward, as they impinge upon your companion's thoughts, you edge a bit of tiredness to them and soon your companion feels the need to rest.
Zanila's group just went southwest.
A kobold hurries east.
Faydwen's group just arrived.
>wave puma
You wave to the puma.
Faydwen's group just went north.
Faydwen's group just arrived.
[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]
Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see a dark-coated puma, the Stunseed disk, some light leather, a wooden shield, a cloud sloth, a massive wheeled tower and a Wayside Inn.
Also here: Eclavdrea, Faydwen, Jenovadeath
Obvious paths: north, east, southwest, northwest
Faydwen's group just went southwest.
Jenovadeath removes a malevolent, bile-green onyx and veniom-hilted longsword splattered with the blood of gremlin-slayers from in his dark claret cape.
Jenovadeath moves into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
A slight whisper of wind is the only indication that a dark-coated puma has wandered off.
You yawn.
Revon just arrived.
Revon just went through the wooden gates.
Fuhji just came through the wooden gates.
Fuhji just went southwest.
Gonzaga's group just arrived.
Sogo just arrived.
You stretch.
Sogo just went through the wooden gates.
Paulaina perspires delicately.
Paulaina stares at Gonzaga.
* Snowstar was just incinerated!
* Snowstar just bit the dust!
Paulaina removes a black handkerchief from in her velvet skirt.
>chat Nor are mine.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Paulaina wipes her face with a black handkerchief, drying off the streaks left by tears.
Pikitt just arrived.
Pikitt just went through the wooden gates.
Revon just came through the wooden gates.
Revon just went north.
Paulaina presses a black handkerchief gently to her lips.
High Lord Clewan's group just came through the wooden gates.
High Lord Clewan's group just went southwest.
Paulaina put a black handkerchief in her velvet skirt.
You act puzzled.
[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]
Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see the Gonzaga disk, the Stunseed disk, some light leather, a wooden shield, a cloud sloth, a massive wheeled tower and a Wayside Inn.
Also here: Paulaina, Gonzaga, Jenovadeath
Obvious paths: north, east, southwest, northwest
>crack back
You twist slightly, cracking your spine. Much better.
Jenovadeath put a malevolent, bile-green onyx and veniom-hilted longsword splattered with the blood of gremlin-slayers in his dark claret cape.
Paulaina clasps Gonzaga's hand tenderly.
>chat Sure.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Amug's group just arrived.
Amug's group just went through the wooden gates.
Revon just arrived.
Revon just went through the wooden gates.
* Auriolus just bit the dust!
Gonzaga nods to Paulaina.
Paulaina's group just went southwest.
Great Lord Retyr's group just arrived.
Great Lord Retyr's group just went through the wooden gates.
You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.
Alemegod just trudged through the wooden gates.
Alemegod just trudged away moving east.
>"Oh, I am so tired..
You say, "Oh, I am so tired.."
Aquinas just came through the wooden gates.
Aquinas just went southwest.
Ismurii just arrived.
Asoma's group just arrived.
Ismurii just went through the wooden gates.
Asoma's group just went through the wooden gates.
[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]
Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see the Stunseed disk, some light leather, a wooden shield, a cloud sloth, a massive wheeled tower and a Wayside Inn.
Also here: Jenovadeath
Obvious paths: north, east, southwest, northwest
>turn stun
You turn around.
>crack back
You twist slightly, cracking your spine. Much better.
>turn stun
You turn around.
Speaking to you, Jenovadeath says, "Then sleep, fool."
>"One good stretch before bed..
You say, "One good stretch before bed.."
>lean forward
You lean forward.
>grin jenova
You grin at Jenovadeath.
>"I'm the fool?
You ask, "I'm the fool?"
>look jenova
You see Jenovadeath Nattak the Sorcerer.
He appears to be a Dark Elf.
He appears to be wizened with age. He has piercing dark eyes and pale skin. He has very short, shiny silver hair with a black streak running through it. He has a bony face, a small nose and thin-tipped pointed ears. He is inked with a wispy black visage of a wraith with blazing crimson eyes upon his face.
He has a krolvin slave ship tattoo on his neck, and a leering black demon tattoo on his arm.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a black coffin-shaped tower shield covered in bloody handprints in his left hand.
He is wearing some padded black leather boots intricately tooled with an image of a raging tempest, a heavy dark wool shirt with long narrow sleeves, a winged silver helm, an opal and white sunstone band, a hip-length fringed doeskin vest, a pair of grey wolfskin trousers with piping of deep green snakeskin running down the seams, some dark grey silver-insigiled casting gloves, a crimson tinted crystal sphere enclosing a tiny black rose, a spiraling black wire rose pin, an onyx-bound bloodjewel amulet, a shimmering dark claret cape ending in five intense points at its bottom, a weathered kobold ear fetish, a twisted silver-link anklet, a leather breastplate with a magnificent drake tooled on the chest, a hand-crafted dark leather rucksack faded from exposure to the elements, and a gold ring.
You act puzzled.
Amug just arrived.
Amug just went through the wooden gates.
Slysstan just arrived.
Slysstan just went through the wooden gates.
Jenovadeath says, "Proverbially and undeniably. I stumbled into this room only to catch you talking to yourself."
Lockrebezz just arrived.
Kenstill just arrived.
Kenstill just went through the wooden gates.
Lockrebezz just went southwest.
Jenovadeath removes a malevolent, bile-green onyx and veniom-hilted longsword splattered with the blood of gremlin-slayers from in his dark claret cape.
Stormyrain just came through the wooden gates.
Stormyrain just went north.
Jenovadeath traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Jenovadeath gestures at some light leather.
A wisp of sickly green magic flows from Jenovadeath's hand toward the light leather. It wraps itself around the leather, swirling momentarily before disappearing within it.
>"Ah, it's because I lacked any intelligence to converse with.
You say, "Ah, it's because I lacked any intelligence to converse with."
Jenovadeath traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Jenovadeath gestures at a wooden shield.
Nothing happens.
Speaking to you, Jenovadeath says, "Awfully bold words coming from a mere maggot."
Moander just came through the wooden gates.
Moander just went east.
>say ::jenova Bold words from the unperceptive.
Speaking to Jenovadeath, you say, "Bold words from the unperceptive."
>say ::jenova I believe I owe you something.
Speaking to Jenovadeath, you say, "I believe I owe you something."
Jenovadeath rummages around in his pockets.
Jenovadeath says, "I believe you're bluffing."
Dungath's group just arrived.
Dungath's group just went through the wooden gates.
>"You should be more careful with your pockets while in the wild.
You say, "You should be more careful with your pockets while in the wild."
Jenovadeath says, "Had you been stumbling upon my pockets, I'd have dismembered the arm."
Lord Darkstride just arrived.
>"Oh, I'm sure, sir.
You say, "Oh, I'm sure, sir."
Lord Darkstride just went through the wooden gates.
Togomu just arrived.
Togomu just went through the wooden gates.
Quivet just came through the wooden gates.
Quivet just went southwest.
Revon just came through the wooden gates.
Revon just went north.
Jenovadeath laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
>"Well, just this once, I'll make sure those silvers you're missing are returned.
You say, "Well, just this once, I'll make sure those silvers you're missing are returned."
Jeeves just strode purposefully through the wooden gates.
Jeeves just strode purposefully through the wooden gates.
Foxye just came through the wooden gates, dragging Andara with her.
Jenan just came through the wooden gates.
Foxye cackles!
Jenan waves.
>say ::jenova It's because you're so pretty, I can't help myself.
Jenan's group just entered a Wayside Inn.
Speaking to Jenovadeath, you say, "It's because you're so pretty, I can't help myself."
Togomu just came through the wooden gates.
Togomu just went southwest.
Jenovadeath says, "Hmph, do not feign ignorance, worm."
Foxye just went southwest.
Jenovadeath says, "Lest, of course, you wish for my to push your face through the back of your head."
Lady Innez just arrived.
Innez slings a silvery hammered tower shield over her shoulder.
Innez's sonic longsword dissipates.
Lady Innez just went through the wooden gates.
>say ::jenova So, this should cover any other pickpockets who come across your way.
Speaking to Jenovadeath, you say, "So, this should cover any other pickpockets who come across your way."
Jenovadeath loses some awareness.
>give jenova 100790 sil
You give Jenovadeath 100790 coins.
>616 jenova
*** TypoHelp: Converted "616 jenova" to PREP 616 and CAST AT jenova
Piran just arrived.
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Jenovadeath.
Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Jenovadeath! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 16 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur!
Jenovadeath screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled right leg!
He is stunned!
... hits for 34 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
Strike to left arm shatters elbow and severs forearm!
* Jenovadeath drops dead at your feet!
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Jenovadeath.
The light blue glow leaves Jenovadeath.
The air calms down around Jenovadeath.
Jenovadeath glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Jenovadeath.
A shadow seems to detach itself from Jenovadeath's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The bright luminescence fades from around Jenovadeath.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Jenovadeath.
The white light leaves Jenovadeath.
The very powerful look leaves Jenovadeath.
The deep blue glow leaves Jenovadeath.
The powerful look leaves Jenovadeath.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
* Jenovadeath just bit the dust!
You say, "Fool."
>chat ?
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Piran just went north.
* Zademus just bit the dust!
Darig just came through the wooden gates.
Jenovadeath's body decays into compost.
>go inn
[Wayside Inn, Dining Room]
This ramshackle hostel bears the signs of rough use by hard-bitten travellers and headstrong adventurers. Several blade-scarred tables and low stools are lined up against the walls, while the central area is dominated by a large firepit around which is a low platform covered with a few ratty bearskins. The clatter of clay tankards and the smell of humble victuals provide some small comfort to the steady stream of wayfarers who pause here to meet and greet one another. You also see a steep stair and some inviting tables.
Also here: Raijah who is sitting
Obvious exits: south, out
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
>go keyvon table
Lady Azzreala's group just arrived.
*** MoveAhead has not received a room description in 3 seconds. You may have gotten stalled. Type MOVE STOP or STOP to reset the movement queue so that you can send movement commands again, or if there is lag, you can wait for the movement to continue.
You wave to the people seated at the Bleeding Heart Table, hoping they will invite you to sit with them.
Alania waves to you, inviting you to join her.
Brackal hugs Azzreala, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Lady Azzreala's group just went out.
>go keyvon table
Keyvon waves at you and invites you to come sit at his table.
You head over to the Bleeding Heart Table.
[Bleeding Heart Table]
A wooden planter forms a square in the center of the table. Tiny, purple bleeding hearts bend over the rim of the planter box as though too shy to raise their heads. You also see an acid-pitted steel strongbox, a sturdy iron trunk, a battered brass trunk and the Alania disk.
Also here: Lady Alania who is sitting, Keyvon who is sitting
Obvious exits: out
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
As Alania's melody drifts onward, placid notes, like drops of water, fall into an ocean of beautiful song, eliciting a sigh of contentment from her listeners.
>chat So....
You focus on transmitting your thought.
chat How's that sound again? [OOC]-Jenovadeath: "As if your character could hardly put a dent in mine. I have no need for hesitation, ignorant dotard."
You focus on transmitting your thought.
You feel at full magical power again.
>wear aegis
You sling a deep ebon phoenix-shaped aegis over your shoulder.
[Bleeding Heart Table]
A wooden planter forms a square in the center of the table. Tiny, purple bleeding hearts bend over the rim of the planter box as though too shy to raise their heads. You also see the Stunseed disk, an acid-pitted steel strongbox, a sturdy iron trunk, a battered brass trunk and the Alania disk.
Also here: Lady Alania who is sitting, Keyvon who is sitting
Obvious exits: out
The quiet flow of the music seems restful, and Alania's face is serene as her piccolo's delicate tune floats past.
>get strong
You pick up an acid-pitted steel strongbox.
>put strong in my cass
You put an acid-pitted steel strongbox in your cream silk cassock.
>get trunk
You pick up a sturdy iron trunk.
>put trunk in my cass
You put a sturdy iron trunk in your cream silk cassock.
>get trunk
You pick up a battered brass trunk.
Speaking in broken common, Alania asks, "Did you kill him?"
>put trunk in double
You put a battered brass trunk in your silk doublet.
You say, "Mmhmm."
Alania's melody floats tranquilly, each note cascading like soft rain upon your senses.
[Bleeding Heart Table]
A wooden planter forms a square in the center of the table. Tiny, purple bleeding hearts bend over the rim of the planter box as though too shy to raise their heads. You also see the Stunseed disk and the Alania disk.
Also here: Lady Alania who is sitting, Keyvon who is sitting
Obvious exits: out
>chat Indeed I did.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
chat Well, you did ask for your silvers back, my friend.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
As Alania's melody drifts onward, placid notes, like drops of water, fall into an ocean of beautiful song, eliciting a sigh of contentment from her listeners.
>chat I just paid for any other pickpocket you'll ever see.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
chat No sir, I can roleplay.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Alania's melody floats tranquilly, each note cascading like soft rain upon your senses.
>chat You, however, got beaten by a better man.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
* Pogues just bit the dust!
Alania's delicate fingering of her piccolo brings forth a sedate and soft melody.
You've gained 1 mental training point.
(To use these new points, type GOALS and adjust your skills.)
* Enny is off to a rough start! He just bit the dust!
Alania's melody floats tranquilly, each note cascading like soft rain upon your senses.
[Bleeding Heart Table]
A wooden planter forms a square in the center of the table. Tiny, purple bleeding hearts bend over the rim of the planter box as though too shy to raise their heads. You also see the Stunseed disk and the Alania disk.
Also here: Lady Alania who is sitting, Keyvon who is sitting
Obvious exits: out
>look in stun disk
In the Stunseed disk you see a simple wooden box.
>get box from stun disk
You remove a simple wooden box from in the Stunseed disk.
>put box in my double
You put a simple wooden box in your silk doublet.
>look in stun disk
There is nothing in there.
>dismiss stun disk
You wave at the Stunseed disk in a dismissing gesture.
The Stunseed disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
>look in alania disk
There is nothing in there.
With quiet grace, Alania allows her piccolo's melody to drop off, ever softer, until there is nothing but the intense silence left in its wake.
>look in my cass
In the cream silk cassock you see a sturdy iron trunk, an acid-pitted steel strongbox, a masterfully crafted massive waraxe, a rotting wooden strongbox, a serrated vultite main gauche, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, a pair of dark rugged boots, a sleeveless white silk shirt, a lustrous deep golden amulet, a gold ring, a smooth bone wand, a star sapphire, some ambrominas leaf, a gold ring, a single snow white rose, a soft little green yarn poppet, some ambrominas leaf, an emerald, a silvery puma earcuff, a sitting iron puma clasp, a brown silver-edged card, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf and some acantha leaf.
Alania put a silver-gilt faewood piccolo in her snow white herb satchel.
>"Any boxes?
You ask, "Any boxes?"
And there you have it.
Liberi Fatali
04-30-2005, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by Stunseed
So, JD bring Psinet into game and instigates a fight with Stunseed. Someone can post a Psinet log, but here's the in-game log.
Brilliant induction. I had just fogged into that location, where, incidently, you were waiting with 100,000 silvers on hand? If anyone, you were the bringer of the OOCness, love.
Marvelous log, though.
[OOC]-Stunseed: "Also, if someone's been on Psinet for a long ass time, please feel free to provide a chat log."
[OOC]-Stunseed: "I've been booted a couple times."
04-30-2005, 01:08 AM
Don't forget the 790.
04-30-2005, 01:10 AM
Yeah don't mention the insane amount of shit you talked on PsiNet to him, telling him he was 'hiding' at a table between hunts, then coincidentally going into TK's where you knew he was hunting to mull around for 'real gems'. Personally, I think it was kind of funny how he got you in the end. Even more amusing that you had your other character report it.
Ah well, the game is to have fun right?
04-30-2005, 01:12 AM
I'd take 100k per death any day.
Liberi Fatali
04-30-2005, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by Jolena
Yeah don't mention the insane amount of shit you talked on PsiNet to him, telling him he was 'hiding' at a table between hunts, then coincidentally going into TK's where you knew he was hunting to mull around for 'real gems'. Personally, I think it was kind of funny how he got you in the end. Even more amusing that you had your other character report it.
Ah well, the game is to have fun right?
That was the stupidest statement I've ever read, hands down. I merely pasted what the GM sent me on my other character, which in no way implied that I reported with him. Why would ANYONE do that, honestly? You've got to be pretty damn retarded to think up such a scheme.
Liberi Fatali
04-30-2005, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by Hulkein
I'd take 100k per death any day.
04-30-2005, 01:16 AM
I'd say 100K wasted on his death was worth it personally. He talked a lot of smack and in the end he had to eat it. Still makes me giggle.
And way to skirt around everything else in my post JD but for the fact that your other character chatted the report and couldn't possibly have made the report. HOHO!
Jenovadeath's body decays into compost.
Would be been worth it if he had kept the coins.
04-30-2005, 01:17 AM
Haha, pwnt.
Liberi Fatali
04-30-2005, 01:24 AM
Originally posted by Jolena
I'd say 100K wasted on his death was worth it personally. He talked a lot of smack and in the end he had to eat it. Still makes me giggle.
And way to skirt around everything else in my post JD but for the fact that your other character chatted the report and couldn't possibly have made the report. HOHO!
[OOC]-Stunseed: "How'd troll blood gathering go, champ?"
[OOC]-Stunseed: "I mean, I certainly didn't see you gather any."
[OOC]-Ganalon: "blood, troll.. eh?"
[OOC]-Dainslef: "least it wasn't feras"
[OOC]-Stunseed: "Yes, JD is trying to bring OOC shit in-game."
I didn't respond, since I WAS INDEED collecting blood, and then he states:
[OOC]-Stunseed: "I think I hurt JD's feelings, though."
[OOC]-Saryann: "You did!"
[OOC]-Saryann: "why for you hurt my Jol?"
[OOC]-Stunseed: "Not Jolena. Jenovadeath."
[OOC]-Saryann: "ahh"
[OOC]-Saryann: "I was about to kick ya in the nuts *ducks*"
[OOC]-Jenovadeath: "This is an absolutely bare room. There's not even any dust on the floor. You also see an iron door."
[OOC]-Jenovadeath: "What the."
[OOC]-Alania: "nah he's good to me sary!"
[OOC]-Stunseed: "JD, to get out of there, hit Alt+F4 to run the darkstone script."
[OOC]-Jenovadeath: "Thanks."
[OOC]-Jenovadeath: "HEY WAIT A SECOND!!!!!!111"
[OOC]-Jenovadeath: "I'm on to you!"
[OOC]-Saryann: "Jol!"
[OOC]-Saryann: "babe"
[OOC]-Alania: "sary!"
[OOC]-Saryann: "I need you"
[OOC]-Alania: "sweetie"
[OOC]-Stunseed: "Oh damn, I'm caught! HOHO."
[OOC]-Jenovadeath: "Hoho."
[OOC]-Septus: "never hunting kiramon in darkstone jd?"
[OOC]-Alania: "ooo, not in front of the hubby!"
[OOC]-Saryann: "anyone one Teras?"
[OOC]-Bisco: "Ho hum"
[OOC]-Saryann: "feh!"
[OOC]-Ganalon: "Ctl+Alt+Del will make you find a gem if you hit it twice"
[OOC]-Jenovadeath: "I'm just wondering around looking for real gems."
[OOC]-Saryann: "he can wait"
[OOC]-Saryann: "ehe"
[OOC]-Jenovadeath: "Never been in this area in actuality, though."
[OOC]-Bisco: "Beer...the poor man's wine"
[OOC]-Septus: "er wait, that's not hte kiramon area"
[OOC]-Stunseed: "Of course, JD!"
[OOC]-Alania: "hehe"
[OOC]-Alania: "so what can I do ya for Sary? "
[OOC]-Septus: "I went all through rr and didn't find one :("
[OOC]-Stunseed: "Oh, I'm at the north gate again."
[OOC]-Jenovadeath: "Yeah, bastards can play hide and seek quite nicely."
[OOC]-Stunseed: "So, if you want those back, I'm at the north gate."
[OOC]-Jenovadeath: "Yeah, yeah, STFU."
[OOC]-Jenovadeath: "Let me finish my search first."
[OOC]-Alania: "HOHO HOHO"
[OOC]-Stunseed: "I'm sorry, I can't hear you, all the shit you were saying earlier, is clogging my ears."
[OOC]-Gemley: "let's all be friends again!"
[OOC]-Jenovadeath: "As if your character could hardly put a dent in mine. I have no need for hesitation, ignorant dotard."
[OOC]-Alania: "dotard.."
[OOC]-Jenovadeath: "Do I need to define that for you, bumble bee?"
Yes, it's clearly evident I'm the one instigating. Clearly.
04-30-2005, 01:25 AM
The picture is in reference to decaying with 100k, fyi.
[Edited on 4-30-2005 by Hulkein]
Liberi Fatali
04-30-2005, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by Hulkein
The picture is in reference to decaying with 100k, fyi.
[Edited on 4-30-2005 by Hulkein]
[Edited on 4-30-2005 by Tabor]
<Jenovadeath removes a malevolent, bile-green onyx and veniom-hilted longsword splattered with the blood of gremlin-slayers from in his dark claret cape. >
Too bad that longsword didnt disappear along with the coins when he decayed. That HAS TO BE the ugliest blade I've seen in a long time in these lands. I'll give you another 100k if you let me throw it down the well.
And yes, departing with the coins was smoooooooooooth. :lol2:
Liberi Fatali
04-30-2005, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by Ganalon
<Jenovadeath removes a malevolent, bile-green onyx and veniom-hilted longsword splattered with the blood of gremlin-slayers from in his dark claret cape. >
Too bad that longsword didnt disappear along with the coins when he decayed. That HAS TO BE the ugliest blade I've seen in a long time in these lands. I'll give you another 100k if you let me throw it down the well.
And yes, departing with the coins was smoooooooooooth. :lol2:
Heh, pssh, you'll have to do better than that!
Even if he had given me a million silvers, I still would have departed.
I'd rather swallow blood than pride.
Seany Analog
04-30-2005, 03:07 AM
Even if he had given me a million silvers, I still would have departed.
I'd rather swallow blood than pride.
That's cause you're a fucking dumbass.
04-30-2005, 03:16 AM
>give jenova 100790 sil
You give Jenovadeath 100790 coins.
>616 jenova
Haha I love that trick. You only need to give 50k to get them to max encumberance, just for your future coin spikings. Anyway, it's a waste of money on a pure, just ambush the head, even if he's running walls he is dead (just make sure you kill sorcs on the first shot).
For reference, a level 100 sorcerer self spelled minus WoF should have about 320-350 DS when ambushed, I know Stunseed can make a lot more AS than that.
04-30-2005, 05:18 AM
Heh, that was great.
The Cat In The Hat
04-30-2005, 06:15 AM
Jenova DID initially instigate it.
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Stunseed echo in your mind:
"I invite you to bring OOC things in game, JD."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Stunseed echo in your mind:
"Please be that stupid."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"How am I level-abusing? I've never interacted with your character yet, you pubescent douchebag."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Oh, I will now."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Run, run, or you'll be well done!"
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Blades echo in your mind:
"throw fruit at him when hes in the stocks then point and laugh, he likes that"
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Stunseed echo in your mind:
"Same fucking place as last time, genius."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Boomsplat echo in your mind:
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"Bringing OOC into game is the best thing you can do for your reputation, it will win you many friends"
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Anathemus echo in your mind:
"It's like saying "I want a broadsword!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Idyllica echo in your mind:
"but better"
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Boomsplat echo in your mind:
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Well, it just so happens I have to collect trolls blood."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Stunseed echo in your mind:
"Actually, I need to run into town, so if you'd like, the North Gate, easier for you."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"And it's in the same area as Stunseed."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Coincidence, I suppose."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Jayvn echo in your mind:
"mistook him for a troll?"
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"Who's taking the bets?"
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Anathemus echo in your mind:
"Stunseed has an unfair CMAN advantage."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Stunseed echo in your mind:
"I'll be back in TK's in about 10, lemme drop off some boxes and sell some gems."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Oh, honestly, Gothique. I've been around for nearly 10 years -- I'm not that ignorant."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"I know the 'rules' of the game."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Your lack of sophistication is not amusing, chickie."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Septus echo in your mind:
"eh..i've been around for 23 years."
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Hmph, in real life, perhaps. ;)"
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"I have a half eaten cookie my daughter decided she didn't want anymore somewhere if you want it"
>You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Septus echo in your mind:
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"And... when did I imply you were ignorant?"
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Dainslef echo in your mind:
"He's ignant"
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Velvette echo in your mind:
"oh you little boy you"
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"This rather indicated it: [OOC]-Gothique: "Who's taking the bets?""
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"if you gathered that from anything I said you must have a complex about being ignorant"
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Anticor echo in your mind:
"You raise your silver-studded leather skyward!"
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Anticor echo in your mind:
"Hell yes!"
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-You echo in your mind:
"Asking who was taking bets on a fight is implying your ignorance? Woah, step away from the computer there kid and go out and experience life a bit"
04-30-2005, 06:19 AM
< Yes, it's clearly evident I'm the one instigating. Clearly. >
Yes, let's post the whole fucking thing, including you talking shit for 3 hours, sweetheart. That was maybe 20 minutes of it. You got what was coming to. I'm glad you reported, even the GM's got to see you get your hot air head stuck with a pin.
My log's unedited, can you say your Psinet log is? I don't think so.
04-30-2005, 06:34 AM
Classic. :lol2:
I think Simu needs to invest in a "pwnd" cam feature.
Each time your character dies, a web cam snaps a series of pictures. GMs can sort through the pictures at the end of the week and post the best. I'm sure that in this case it would look something like ...
Dwarven Empath
04-30-2005, 06:50 AM
That was stupid
04-30-2005, 06:58 AM
Nice abuse of game mechanics there...
04-30-2005, 07:32 AM
Tabor posting another cut/edited log to make himself look better?
SAY IT ISN'T SO!!!!!! :spam:
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-30-2005, 08:08 AM
Tayber got pwned.
04-30-2005, 08:47 AM
So if Jenova came right back and cursed something out of Stunseed's hand, then bounced it off him as he tossed a void at him it would be alright?
04-30-2005, 08:58 AM
100k need to kill someone=pussy
04-30-2005, 09:03 AM
< So if Jenova came right back and cursed something out of Stunseed's hand, then bounced it off him as he tossed a void at him it would be alright? >
If he didn't want to quit while he was behind, he could. However, he's already reported, and I'm sure he doesn't want more of Stunseed. The fact he's reported about his own conflict HE created prolly won't look good to a GM.
I'm done with the conflict, he wanted some, he got some. If Tabor wants to continue his forcing of an issue, I am positive a GM would notice it. It seems for some reason *cough cough* some [most] of those above don't really care for his tactics of role-playing. It's up to him, really. But if he took your example, Fallen, without a doubt he would repay every single silver's worth of drama.
04-30-2005, 09:04 AM
< 100k need to kill someone=pussy >
100k well spent, IMHO. Unless you can kill a capped Sorceror who's OHE/Shield, I think you have zero room to talk.
04-30-2005, 09:06 AM
I find Tabor's in game seeming need to always want to believe he has the bigger penis tiresome, but yeah, the mechanics abuse does sadly detract somewhat from the owning.
04-30-2005, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
I find Tabor's in game seeming need to always want to believe he has the bigger penis tiresome, but yeah, the mechanics abuse does sadly detract somewhat from the owning.
I completely agree.
I found Stunseed's roleplaying "Hey, I want to return these coins to you" funny as hell though.
It's funny.. if Tabor / Jenovatard wasn't such a douchebag, we would be all over Stunseed for abusing game mechanics. We seem willing to overlook that though in this specific case.
04-30-2005, 09:34 AM
No, I cannot kill a capped sorceror, but regardless, don't bite off more than you can chew...or whatever. I guess you can spend 100k to kill someone, people spend more than that for an assassination.
04-30-2005, 10:13 AM
HAHAHAH nice one Stun. Always funny to see giant killers. Shame the coin giving is against policy, but probably no more against policy than using Psinet to start an in game conflict.
[Edited on 30-4-05 by StrayRogue]
04-30-2005, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Originally posted by Skirmisher
I find Tabor's in game seeming need to always want to believe he has the bigger penis tiresome, but yeah, the mechanics abuse does sadly detract somewhat from the owning.
I completely agree.
I found Stunseed's roleplaying "Hey, I want to return these coins to you" funny as hell though.
It's funny.. if Tabor / Jenovatard wasn't such a douchebag, we would be all over Stunseed for abusing game mechanics. We seem willing to overlook that though in this specific case.
^ Yeah, THAT.
(I'm too lazy to look for the smilie this early in the morning)
04-30-2005, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Originally posted by Skirmisher
I find Tabor's in game seeming need to always want to believe he has the bigger penis tiresome, but yeah, the mechanics abuse does sadly detract somewhat from the owning.
I completely agree.
I found Stunseed's roleplaying "Hey, I want to return these coins to you" funny as hell though.
It's funny.. if Tabor / Jenovatard wasn't such a douchebag, we would be all over Stunseed for abusing game mechanics. We seem willing to overlook that though in this specific case.
^ I'd hit it.
(I'm too lazy to look for the smilie this early in the morning)
It's this one:
I initially posted this for WARN INTERACT abuse but I thought it fit with a little modification.
You feel yourself being pulled away...
[Cry Baby Tantrum Room]
The solem surroundings of this simple toddler room provide the perfect place for a good cry. You notice several waterproof mats arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping to give ample space for your temper tantrum.
Also here: Nursmaid Alligatortears
Obvious exits: none
[SEND] Alligatortears: In response to your REPORTING a conflict that you started via PSINET-OOC that you then brought INGAME, you have been removed from the current situation and have been brought to a nice safe place for you to let it all out and have a nice cry. Since you obviously knew you had written a check for an amount greater than your ass can cash and had to result to REPORT to save face, we have fitted you with a plush size 10 cloth diaper as well as a bottle of formula and a pacifier for you to content yourself with after you settle down from your tantrum. You will remain here for 5 minutes so the other members if your little drama party can go on their merry way. During this time you can refresh yourself with the famous sayings of the infamous warrior thrak or you may browse through policy 4 of the SIMU policy handbook. If you feel you have received this in error, or run out of formula, please assist request using the key word WAH.
Liberi Fatali
04-30-2005, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
I find Tabor's in game seeming need to always want to believe he has the bigger penis tiresome, but yeah, the mechanics abuse does sadly detract somewhat from the owning.
That's like saying you find someone like Barumples form of roleplay 'tiresome'. You can't judge someone in a GAME how they're roleplaying, that's simply absurd.
04-30-2005, 10:29 AM
Um, how else are you meant to judge them then if them roleplaying is all you ever see?
Liberi Fatali
04-30-2005, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Originally posted by Skirmisher
I find Tabor's in game seeming need to always want to believe he has the bigger penis tiresome, but yeah, the mechanics abuse does sadly detract somewhat from the owning.
I completely agree.
I found Stunseed's roleplaying "Hey, I want to return these coins to you" funny as hell though.
It's funny.. if Tabor / Jenovatard wasn't such a douchebag, we would be all over Stunseed for abusing game mechanics. We seem willing to overlook that though in this specific case.
We, eh? Oh, you, Wezas, and Stray. That's an awe-inspiring council of hate, right there, cap'n.
04-30-2005, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by Skirmisher
I find Tabor's in game seeming need to always want to believe he has the bigger penis tiresome, but yeah, the mechanics abuse does sadly detract somewhat from the owning.
That's like saying you find someone like Barumples form of roleplay 'tiresome'. You can't judge someone in a GAME how they're roleplaying, that's simply absurd.
When your "roleplay" in game mirrors your antics here on an OOC message board.. I believe it's safe to assume that it's not really playing a role.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-30-2005, 10:49 AM
Add me to the list of people who is included in "we".
04-30-2005, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Originally posted by Skirmisher
I find Tabor's in game seeming need to always want to believe he has the bigger penis tiresome, but yeah, the mechanics abuse does sadly detract somewhat from the owning.
I completely agree.
I found Stunseed's roleplaying "Hey, I want to return these coins to you" funny as hell though.
It's funny.. if Tabor / Jenovatard wasn't such a douchebag, we would be all over Stunseed for abusing game mechanics. We seem willing to overlook that though in this specific case.
We, eh? Oh, you, Wezas, and Stray. That's an awe-inspiring council of hate, right there, cap'n.
You aren't worthy of my hatred pal.. far from it. My pity maybe.
And if you believe it's only 3 of us who think you are a Grade A douchebag.. you obviously haven't been reading this message board.
04-30-2005, 11:03 AM
Hurrah for being an idiot. If you really don't care, stop fucking posting.
I've never had to interact with JD in game... I've witnessed his alpha-male antics on the dais which made me feel like I was in the landing. But as evidenced by the OOC logs (unedited), what I saw on OOC yesterday, and how Stun smoked a capped sorcerer while keeping it within the hazy grey lines of RP/mechanics abuse, you can add me to the we.
Additionally, I've got a capped character (among my small army of) and yet I still dont feel the need to walk around showing everyone the size of my penis. So you can not use that as an excuse for your behavior or call it RP.
04-30-2005, 11:08 AM
Have you even seen my picture? Its hardly like you ARE British. Even if you claim to be so, I know you're full of shit. Equally so I AM a graduate. Are you? No. How many degree's have you got? Oh none.
Maybe I'm an idiot for lying about how long I've been playing, what college I go to and WHO I REALLY AM. Oh whoops, that was you. Doh, silly me.
[Edited on 30-4-05 by StrayRogue]
04-30-2005, 11:12 AM
Oh MAN, throwing out the, "I don't care what you people think" card!
Now I just can't wait to see how long it takes you to respond again to this thread.
04-30-2005, 11:12 AM
OMG who told him that I was an ugly 450 pound high school dropout?
There are some things I'd like to keep secret :flamed:
Yes, calling all of us overweight and uneducated/unsophisticated really makes you stand tall in the turnip patch.
Whatever keeps that frail ego stilted up for you works dude.
Now where are my donuts...
Sean of the Thread
04-30-2005, 11:16 AM
"a malevolent, bile-green onyx and veniom-hilted longsword splattered with the blood of gremlin-slayers" - that is one of the most retardo blades I've ever seen.
2) Nice abuse of game mechanics douchebag.
A. I don't care because you are both dumbasses.
04-30-2005, 11:17 AM
What was the line Arkans used?
Bragging about how much better looking, smarter, wealthy, etc on the INTERNET is about as appealing as watching a fat hairy man walking on the beach in a Speedo thong?
It was something like that.
04-30-2005, 11:20 AM
Tabor, I think you grant yourself far too much importance in our lives.
I used the word tiresome with a reason. I don't hate you, hate would require you meaning far more to me than you do.
To me, you are a big child still needing to try to act up and show off in an inane attempt to prop up your own seeming failing sense of self worth.
You may grow up someday and realize you don't have to do all this flailing about, but until then are simply annoying.
Sean of the Thread
04-30-2005, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
What was the line Arkans used?
Bragging about how much better looking, smarter, wealthy, etc on the INTERNET is about as appealing as watching a fat hairy man walking on the beach in a Speedo thong?
It was something like that.
Arkans wears his speedo thong backwards and I like to watch him walk the beach in it.
After the insulting global remark about the posters on these forums, I decided to investigate a little and found this. Needless to say I'm not even intimidated intellectually much less physically...
04-30-2005, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by Parkbandit
You aren't worthy of my hatred pal.. far from it. My pity maybe.
And if you believe it's only 3 of us who think you are a Grade A douchebag.. you obviously haven't been reading this message board.
Forgive me if I fail to post 30 times a day such as you. I really could care less about the opinion of ANYONE on this message board. The majority of you are overweight, unappealing to the human eye, and quite frankly, unsophisticated to the degree that you couldn't get accepted into college.
I'll take your pity the day you drop 300 pounds and clean up your miserable existence that is your life. ;)
1) 9.76 posts per day does not equal 30. So not only are you horrible at telling lies and playing a text game.. you also have trouble with simple math.
2) If you didn't care, you wouldn't post here and then repost how you don't care.
3) Hmm.. not overweight, not unappealing to the human eye.. but I guess I can be unsophisticated. Thankfully, being sophisticated isn't a requirement to get into college. You obviously don't know the meaning of the big word. When using a thesaurus.. sometimes the databases include words that are similar, but have quite different meanings. Run it by a grown up next time before posting it.
4) If I dropped 300 pounds, I would be -106 pounds. That would be impossible. Again, maybe it's a math learning issue with you. Perhaps you could get Warclaidhm to tutor you.. he knows vector calculus.
5) I'll pit my 'life' up against yours any day of the week.
04-30-2005, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Ganalon
After the insulting global remark about the posters on these forums, I decided to investigate a little and found this. Needless to say I'm not even intimidated intellectually much less physically...
Which part of that picture isn't photoshopped?
04-30-2005, 11:45 AM
Go tell Anticor he's fat, I hear he's in the Indiana area.
04-30-2005, 11:46 AM
And don't forget to insult his clothes.
04-30-2005, 12:34 PM
Great thread to read when I first wake up! Good job Stun. :thumbsup:
Teybour, get a life and some new insults please. Calling everyone fat is just lame, especially when you have no idea.
[Edited on 4-30-2005 by Snapp]
04-30-2005, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
OMG who told him that I was an ugly 450 pound high school dropout?
There are some things I'd like to keep secret :flamed:
Same one that ratted me out, I'll bet! 450 pound highschool dropouts, unite! :D
04-30-2005, 01:44 PM
What I don't get, is if you don't care what anyone here thinks about you then why do you post edited logs, retaliate to everything said about you, and make highschool blanket statements?
04-30-2005, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Axhinde
What I don't get, is if you don't care what anyone here thinks about you then why do you post edited logs, retaliate to everything said about you, and make highschool blanket statements?
Looks to me like Tabor may be someone whose "buttons" are pretty visible to anybody who's looking for one. Push his buttons and you get a knee-jerk reaction. It's sad, really. Some of his posts would lead me to believe he's got more sense than that, but....well, the proof is right here. :(
04-30-2005, 02:00 PM
Apparently, one of his "buttons" is truth.
04-30-2005, 03:09 PM
ROFL at the comments on Tabor's picture page.
From: Riyace (Sun 24 Apr 2005 09:54:15 PM PDT)
I say, "..."
The Cat In The Hat
04-30-2005, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by allen
100k need to kill someone=pussy
Jenova has like 40 or so levels on Stunseed. I think Stunseed did quite well for having such a gap between levels.
Seany Analog
04-30-2005, 05:02 PM
JD you're the biggest fucking tool in the history of everything and you're lucky my schedule is completely booked with TV celebrity shit or else I'd roll over there in my RX-7 and pistol whip your sorry ass for being a stupid piece of shit punk ass wannabe diahrrea steam. Your rank on the stupidity scale is like 100 trillon times higher than my rank on the awesomeness scale, and that's pretty fucking high cause we all know that I'm the fucking shit. It's too bad you'r just a slobbering drooling RX-7-not-having pussy that likes to fuck himself in the ass with sandpaper coated baseball bats.
I can't get over how fucking awesome I am. Fuck you all.
Dwarven Empath
04-30-2005, 05:16 PM
sanpaper covered baseball bat. LOL sounds like a dream of yours, or maybe you already do it?
Under worked minds can think up the wierdest stuff.
Seany Analog
04-30-2005, 05:22 PM
no dawg it's a fact he sent me an IM about it once and I was like GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE BEFORE I RUN YO ASS OVER IN MY RX-7
04-30-2005, 05:28 PM
Seany's post before his most recent was quite possibly the funniest thing I've ever read.
04-30-2005, 05:29 PM
I was with you until you started insulting the players behind the characters, Jenova. That shows little class.
Liberi Fatali
04-30-2005, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
I was with you until you started insulting the players behind the characters, Jenova. That shows little class.
Does it, Fallen?
Let me explain things to you from my perspective -- perhaps I'll be able to elaborate with clarity.
You see, there's only one reason why I result to 'petty' insults to the people behind the player:
Everytime I post a log, or I'm shown in a log posted by someone else, immediately someone will attempt to instigate an argument of some kind by stating things such as, "Jenovadeath is a tool!", "Jenovadeath's player sucks", etc.
I ponder at these statements, as I, the player, am being criticized on how I play a game. This seems rather petty to me, personally.
This is my reasoning behind my insults. To me, being criticized for playing a game is quite shrewd. So I think to myself, "What's an equally degrading insult I can whirl back?"
Ah, but of course! If I'm to be criticized for the way I play a game, I should criticized the criticizer for the way they play the game of life. It's only fair, hmm? I mean, in factuality, they're both rather obtuse statements, are they not? I see no difference between the two.
If you'll take a glance at the majority of threads where I obtain crippling anal-izations from the posters here, you'll see that I'll have posted a log, and someone will have made a statement derogatory in regard to said log. It's never (typically) me first instigating the argument. There will always be a comment such as, "Jenovadeath is a tool", followed by a reply of my own, rightfully.
I assure you I do not act the way I post here in real life. Irrefutably, I would never say some of the things I do on this message board to someone in person -- it's just not my nature. I'm quite shy in real life, and I hardly ever raise my voice or argue with people.
I'm an aspiring surgeon because I want to save people's lives. People that NO ONE else can help. Hmph, I have no use for this world, in actuality. Everyone's wearing a mask. Happiness is created, life is bestowed, and everyone turns to others for the future. What is the point of living unless you try to change the world as you see fit?
The only reason I act 'immature' and 'tactless' is to demonstrate the idioicy of someone criticizing me for playing a game.
04-30-2005, 06:50 PM
Let me pose a question, if you don't mind, Tabor.....
Did it ever occur to you simply to refuse to take the bait? Sometimes, more is said by silence than by all the insults one can generate. It takes no intellect to fling insults right and left. A great deal more intelligence is shown by the individual who can discern between the battles and the war.
Liberi Fatali
04-30-2005, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Let me pose a question, if you don't mind, Tabor.....
Did it ever occur to you simply to refuse to take the bait? Sometimes, more is said by silence than by all the insults one can generate. It takes no intellect to fling insults right and left. A great deal more intelligence is shown by the individual who can discern between the battles and the war.
Fair enough, I suppose.
Yo Jeeves, Harm’s board ninja tactics are correct.
04-30-2005, 07:11 PM
Whee! I'm a board ninja! Heeeeeyaaaaaahhhhh! (Is that ninjaish?) :smilegrin:
Doyle Hargraves
04-30-2005, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Whee! I'm a board ninja! Heeeeeyaaaaaahhhhh! (Is that ninjaish?) :smilegrin:
1. HarmNone is a mammal.
2. HarmNone edits posts ALL the time.
3. The purpose of HarmNone is to flip out and moderate people.
04-30-2005, 07:29 PM
Mammalian moderate post editor par excellence! I like that better than ninja. It has more letters in it! :whistle:
Originally posted by Doyle Hargraves
Originally posted by HarmNone
Whee! I'm a board ninja! Heeeeeyaaaaaahhhhh! (Is that ninjaish?) :smilegrin:
1. HarmNone is a mammal.
2. HarmNone edits posts ALL the time.
3. The purpose of HarmNone is to flip out and moderate people.
Awesome, awesome.
On topic, I've pulled the give them coins and then spike them thing before, "Here, to pay for your funeral expenses." give 50000 to WHOEVER, 616 WHOEVER.
It's cheap, but I feel like you already get penalized for it (you lose 50 or 100k) and if someone is being abusive sometimes you just need to take care of business.
04-30-2005, 10:34 PM
Its mechanics abuse. You can roleplay/justify it any way you wish, it is still against the policy of the game.
Similar tactics are:
1. Guild disarming another player and taking their weapon.
2. Cursing someone and taking their stuff.
04-30-2005, 11:50 PM
< it is still against the policy of the game. >
So, bringing OOG things into game is? I'm sorry if you feel like my actions weren't perfect. However, I'm not apologizing for it, and even though he's looking for trouble again as we speak, I don't regret my decision one bit.
05-01-2005, 12:33 AM
:lol: Smooth, JD.
You feel the mind of Zenogais touch yours, calling the memory of your location as you last saw it. You offer no resistance.
05-01-2005, 12:34 AM
Yeah and not only that, he's locating Jolena (who has never met him) as well as another character that is unrelated to this issue with JD and Stunseed. And he's had his demon giving both myself and the other character issues for the last hour or more. WTG JD. :clap:
[Edited on 5-1-2005 by Jolena]
05-01-2005, 01:07 AM
Perhaps you should recommend to him the use of a douche, so that way he can wash that sand out of his vagina.
Really, get a life.
05-01-2005, 01:21 AM
Well it's officially deteriorated. He killed Stun after hours of chasing him around with his demon, but not before he cursed him, making him drop his weapon and taking it to hold for a reward of course. What a fucking douche.
05-01-2005, 01:26 AM
Jesus, Jenova. Two wrongs don't make a right. Give that shit back and let the matter die. From what I have seen of you two in game and out, I expected a bit more respect for the game.
05-01-2005, 01:29 AM
Ya know be honest, you're making an awful lot of judgements. Stun was minding his own business tonight when JD started in with the bullshit demon stuff. That damned demon ran around our shop for hours whispering crap to us. Stunseed responded by saying he didn't know a Jenovadeath (as his character never got JD's characters name) and JD wouldn't let it go. Stunseed even went so far as to go to COL where JD would not find him so that this would die down. Finally he came out and was trying to handle his business while JD was sending his demon to MY table and harassing ME with locates etc. Mind you, Jo has never met JD nor was she there that night.
Long story short, he wanted this conflict tonight and it would have been let go at the death he gave Stun, I'm sure. But he had to take the weapon too and ask for a reward in order to give it back.
If that means we don't have respect for the game, then whatever. We both TRIED to RP this out. Jolena even went so far as to think and say outloud that perhaps this Jenovadeath wants to just buy something from her shop and that's why he seeks her. JD stood in invisibility, never stating his name and not coming out so that Stun could ID him physically and/or telling Jo he was JD. There was no much else we could do.
05-01-2005, 01:32 AM
Curse my weapon and hold it for ransom and your reward would be a report. I don't pay money for a subscription plus silvers for a weapon to have someone try that bullshit.
05-01-2005, 01:33 AM
Oh we didn't. And Stunseed did report him. The GM's are now looking into it.
Hell JD even bragged on PsiNet how he passed it off five times already and wanted a reward for it before he would give it back. Then he logged out. Imagine that.
05-01-2005, 01:35 AM
That's why I register my gear.
05-01-2005, 01:37 AM
Its registered as well. :)
05-01-2005, 01:40 AM
Glad to hear the weapon is registered. That should help. :)
05-01-2005, 01:40 AM
Ya know be honest, you're making an awful lot of judgements. >>
Jolena, which part of my judgement was incorrect? Stunseed committed mechanics abuse. It doesn't really matter if Jenovadeath broke the rules first. As I said, two wrongs don't make a right.
Right now, Jenovadeath is acting like a moron, and is risking a capped character over a stupid grudge. Report and Warn are the ways to handle this now. You look to have already got the ball rolling. Its just a shame the situation escalated this far.
05-01-2005, 01:41 AM
I agree, Fallen. It's a damned shame things had to come to this. :(
05-01-2005, 01:42 AM
Well I have to admit what Stunseed did was mechanics abuse. And he even stated he's willing to take a mechanics abuse warning if necessary over that death to JD. However this has just gone way overboard in my opinion. Not only does it involve those two, it now involves Jolena and another character who have nothing to do with it whatsoever. I'd say the 'lack of respect for the game' scales are tipping a lot more heavily towards JD at this point.
05-01-2005, 01:45 AM
Since it's in the hands of the GMs now, it'll be up to them to decide who's at fault and how punishments (if any are assessed) will be meted out. It's just too bad this all had to happen. It's so much easier to just walk away.
05-01-2005, 01:45 AM
I'd say the 'lack of respect for the game' scales are tipping a lot more heavily towards JD at this point. >>
Correct. Pride is an ugly thing at times. My guess is Jenovadeath couldn't let this situation end without him dealing the last blow. I know I often feel the same at times.
The most amusing part of all of this? Nothing major will come of it. Stunseed may AT MOST get a warning on his record, and Jenovadeath will give back the blade and get a warning as well. If he doesn't, then I hope to god I never go under his knife if he ever does become a doctor.
Anyone willing to take bets it will be any different?
05-01-2005, 01:49 AM
Yes, it is too bad. I don't see how Stunseed won't get his weapon back and without having to pay to do so. Its registered, it's very much possible for the GM's to look back and see that JD cursed him to get it into his grimy little hands. Even if they both get warnings, the weapon should still go back to Stun without a problem, I would think.
05-01-2005, 01:51 AM
One thing Im curious about. JD claims to have passed it off five times since he obtained the weapon. What happens then? Someone said the GM's have a way to track who it went to since its registered. Is that the same even if JD sold it by chance?
05-01-2005, 01:53 AM
Unfortunately, my one act will balance his multiple infractions of the game's TOS. I think you're right, Fallen. Doesn't make it the correct judgement, but we will both get warnings. I'd like to think due to his past experiences, the GM's would look into further, but if not, no worries.
I'm still not sorry for standing up to him. Even if I never got my weapon back, and I eventually got locked out because of my earlier decree, I'm a man of my word and if this is not made right, I will make the remainder of his time difficult, by any means needed.
05-01-2005, 01:53 AM
If it's registered, they can track it (as I understand it) no matter where it is, or in whose hands it currently resides.
05-01-2005, 02:02 AM
One thing Im curious about. JD claims to have passed it off five times since he obtained the weapon. What happens then? Someone said the GM's have a way to track who it went to since its registered. Is that the same even if JD sold it by chance? >>
Its a process people have developed to hide items from GMs. You give an item to a throw away character, place the item in a whole bunch of containers, give it to another throw away character, ect ect, then delete all of the throw away characters.
Makes it VERY hard for GMs to pin the item down.
05-01-2005, 02:03 AM
Even if the item is registered?
05-01-2005, 02:04 AM
I don't know, honestly. With GS4, this tactic may have become moot. Ask someone like Tsin or Ardwen. Not saying that they do this type of thing, but they would know FAR more about it.
05-01-2005, 02:06 AM
Well apparently when Stunseed reported, he got a send back from the GM's who said that JD had just sent them a description of the weapon so they have what it looks like PLUS its registered. I spose JD reported as well, which is just fine. Makes it easier I think to get this whole thing handled.
Sylvan Dreams
05-01-2005, 02:23 AM
Originally posted by Fallen
One thing Im curious about. JD claims to have passed it off five times since he obtained the weapon. What happens then? Someone said the GM's have a way to track who it went to since its registered. Is that the same even if JD sold it by chance? >>
Its a process people have developed to hide items from GMs. You give an item to a throw away character, place the item in a whole bunch of containers, give it to another throw away character, ect ect, then delete all of the throw away characters.
Makes it VERY hard for GMs to pin the item down.
Doesn't make it all that harder, just makes the process take longer because they have to look up more character files.
Originally posted by Jolena
Well it's officially deteriorated. He killed Stun after hours of chasing him around with his demon, but not before he cursed him, making him drop his weapon and taking it to hold for a reward of course. What a fucking douche.
Not Betsy I hope?
Originally posted by Fallen
Its mechanics abuse. You can roleplay/justify it any way you wish, it is still against the policy of the game.
Similar tactics are:
1. Guild disarming another player and taking their weapon.
2. Cursing someone and taking their stuff.
The coins/spike tactic only kills someone, it doesn't take anyone's gear. That's two whole different realms there ace. A more apt comparison would have been flipping a disk loaded with full-plate and then open imploding. We die all the time in the game and it means nothing, losing valuable gear means a lot.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-01-2005, 08:45 AM
Aww, Tayber got all pissy and took his toys and went home. Poor wittle Tayber. Now mommy and daddy will have to get involved and force him to give back the weapon.
Someone didn't get spanked enough as a child, it's greatly apparent.
PS -- JD, I'm Tayvin in game, never met you, think you are a douche (both in game and out) and would love if you tried that shit with me!
You'll just encourage him to come back and whine more. I think Harmnone talked him out of that. Let's help her, eh.
05-01-2005, 09:46 AM
The silence from Tabor is deafening, I wonder what he is doing now.
I'm amazed, Tabor posts this long post about how intellectual he is and that he's going to be a doctor and yet he pulls the old curse items routine.
Taking another players gear without consent via mechanics abuse DOES NOT EQUAL having a character death by mechanics abuse.
I think its a matter of pride and childishness. JD's player is acting like a spoiled kid. Suck it up man, then drive on. I hope you get a nice 30 day vacation from being a whiney high maintenance player. Its sad that the GM's have to waste their time on your antics rather than do more important things like real customer service or God forbid actual product development.
Your lack of judgement and inablity to eat crow definately shows you're on the shallow end of the intellectual gene pool. Which in turn calls everything else you've made claim to doubtful and highly inprobable.
What a tool. I'm glad none of my characters have had the opportunity to interact with you in the past, because I sure wont allow them to interact with you in the future, unless I see an opportunity to help get you banned.
[Edited on 5-1-2005 by Ganalon]
05-01-2005, 11:05 AM
Agreed. What a fucking child. As for the will you get your weapon back I will explain the experience I went through when I did the same to Solescapes staff:
A GM pulled me and asked me simply did you do what someone is claiming. I said yes. He said will you give it back. I said no. He then said if you don't give it back, I'll take it off you and give you an official warning. I said you can take it if you give it back to him. He agreed.
Basically if he can't get it back he's looking at a warning. It may even be in the GM's power to get it back anyway if it IS registered.
05-01-2005, 12:11 PM
< Not Betsy I hope? >
If I'd been smarter, I'd used a pretty +2 weapon or something.
And as for it all, I'm willing to man up to mechanics abuse ( and have been the entire time ) if the GM's are willing to acknowledge the conflict was on JD's side. JD came from the Rift, stalked my character, went to my hunting area to harass me further. And to be honest, someone who thinks I did something wrong, I stood up to him. Because he got his ass handed to him, he reported. Of course he informed the GM's of the hours of aggression and IG stalking, right?
He talked shit, and forced conflict. I did nothing to him last night, I ran a citizenship script so I could claim my new shop. HE instigated again, last night, bringing a demon into my shop, holding his eye so he could Evil Eye Stunseed. What I find great is how JD knew Stunseed's name and such, even though Stun has no idea as to his. Just another awesome set of RP skills there, Tabor.
I then took Stunseed to a place Jenovadeath could not go, the Men's Room. He used his MA to locate me at this point, just another kudo of great RP for Tabor. At this point, it'd been another 2 hours of stalking and agression, so I stepped out and stood there so he could get his jollies and beat off by killing my character. ( At this point was my stupidity, I should have stayed inside the town gates ) I was then Mind Jolted, Symbol of Calm'd, Symbol of Sleep'd, Cursed, and as JD stood there bragging holding my weapon he Imploded me into TSC. He then proceeded to offer my weapon back with a reward, and taunted the character, then he logged out.
That, in a nutshell, is that.
05-01-2005, 12:23 PM
Haha, and so the JD U2U's begin. Good luck, buddy.
05-01-2005, 12:28 PM
What a fucking douche....:rolleyes:
05-01-2005, 12:30 PM
Just do a report/assist then warn interact the fucking cock, Stun. Its all he deserves. Knowing how much of a tool JD has become I'm fairly certain he's had warnings before. This might be the big number three...
05-01-2005, 12:32 PM
< Just do a report/assist then warn interact the fucking cock, Stun >
It's all taken care of, with the exception of the warn, because he was invisible. I don't think he is stupid enough to continue this, however, he proved me wrong last night.
05-01-2005, 12:33 PM
Good. Don't even try to Roleplay shit like this with them. Hard mechanics and enforcement is all these fucking retards understand. I learned that the hard way with Solescape.
05-01-2005, 12:41 PM
The fucking pussy has begun with his U2U's on me now. What a loser.
05-01-2005, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by Ganalon
Taking another players gear without consent via mechanics abuse DOES NOT EQUAL having a character death by mechanics abuse.
Exactly my thoughts on it. The weapon is registered and JD already admitted to having it to the GM's I'm sure as the GM handling Stunseed's report gave him a SEND saying JD gave them the desc. of Betsy already. Hopefully we just sit back now and wait for them to handle it and the weapon to be returned.
As to the warnings, both Stunseed and myself sincerely hope he is officially warned at the least for this mess. However, if he's not, then so be it.
Talked to James (Stun) a long time last night on the phone after this was all over with and we both agreed that the best way to deal with this douche from now on is to just ignore his characters. He will be receiving a WARN INTERACT from Stunseed a.s.a.p. to which Stun will follow it to the letter every time he happens upon JD or vice versa. Perhaps if the GM's don't warn him for this instance they will have the chance to for him violating a 'interact warn' instead. If not, well then we win either way as we don't have to deal with JD ever again.
It's too bad though really. Betsy is an integral part of Stunseed's RP as a character and this is a pretty harsh blow for him character wise. I hope he gets the weapon back.
Sounds like a douche. Act's like a douche. Is a douche.
Sean of the Thread
05-01-2005, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Dave
Sounds like a douche. Act's like a douche. Is a douche.
Dont forget smells like a douche.
smells like a douche. In the end, he is a douche.
05-01-2005, 01:55 PM
<<Talked to James (Stun) a long time last night on the phone after this was all over with and we both agreed that the best way to deal with this douche from now on is to just ignore his characters. >>
LOL and you call Tabor a douche.
If I ever talk to anyone over the phone about Gemstone, remind me to jab my right carotid with a fork.
05-01-2005, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
The fucking pussy has begun with his U2U's on me now. What a loser.
For those who haven't read my posts on this before, you can't ignore posters on the boards, but you CAN ignore posters in U2Us. The means to do so is the farthest to the right on the list at the top of your inbox on your U2U screen. Use it, and you won't have to deal with unwanted U2Us. :)
05-01-2005, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
It's too bad though really. Betsy is an integral part of Stunseed's RP as a character and this is a pretty harsh blow for him character wise. I hope he gets the weapon back.
I'm pretty certain Stun will get Betsy back, hon. It may take a bit, but the weapon can be retrieved and returned. :)
Sean of the Thread
05-01-2005, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Originally posted by StrayRogue
The fucking pussy has begun with his U2U's on me now. What a loser.
For those who haven't read my posts on this before, you can't ignore posters on the boards, but you CAN ignore posters in U2Us. The means to do so is the farthest to the right on the list at the top of your inbox on your U2U screen. Use it, and you won't have to deal with unwanted U2Us. :)
Like the from splumppunk.
05-01-2005, 02:10 PM
< If I ever talk to anyone over the phone about Gemstone, remind me to jab my right carotid with a fork. >
No one's stopping you from doing it now.
05-01-2005, 02:14 PM
Yeah you know, couples tend to speak to each other about all kinds of aspects of their lives. Including the games they play together. Sorry if that seems foreign to you. :D
05-01-2005, 02:48 PM
Did he call you fat yet?
05-01-2005, 02:48 PM
My thoughts on this matter are as follows :
JD is being a moron.
That is all.
05-01-2005, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
Yeah you know, couples tend to speak to each other about all kinds of aspects of their lives. Including the games they play together. Sorry if that seems foreign to you. :D
Eh, Makkah takes needless potshots at people from time to time is all.
Pay him little mind when he is in one of his pissy moods.
05-01-2005, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Originally posted by Skirmisher
I find Tabor's in game seeming need to always want to believe he has the bigger penis tiresome, but yeah, the mechanics abuse does sadly detract somewhat from the owning.
I completely agree.
I found Stunseed's roleplaying "Hey, I want to return these coins to you" funny as hell though.
It's funny.. if Tabor / Jenovatard wasn't such a douchebag, we would be all over Stunseed for abusing game mechanics. We seem willing to overlook that though in this specific case.
We, eh? Oh, you, Wezas, and Stray. That's an awe-inspiring council of hate, right there, cap'n.
I count a shitload more than 3 by the way. Thank you for once again proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that you sir, are nothing more than a fuckstain who doesn't have to stretch at all roleplaying a fuckstain in game.
05-02-2005, 01:15 AM
A more apt comparison would have been flipping a disk loaded with full-plate and then open imploding. >>
This isn't mechanics abuse.
Liberi Fatali
05-02-2005, 01:20 AM
[Edited to add: I know I promised I wouldn't post again, but I had several requests for this log -- I assure you, I shall remain silent after this post, regardless of the comments it may generate.]
A few people have requested that I post the log of the 'thieving' incident (I assume most of the peopel have a dislike for Stunseed, or were just curious).
I'd make note of some of the lies Stunseed has been saying, however, I do not believe many people would take faith in my remarks, letalone care. (For instance, he claimed I had my eye after him to 'Evil Eye' him, when in actuality, the only way to have your demon see is via the eye, which, of course, is why my demon had it.)
I particularly enjoyed the statement in regard to you 'letting me kill you' by coming out into the open. As my log clearly demonstrates, you were ready for something -- god only knows what. I don't know many people that just sit in one spot with 117 up for no reason. I assume you had another 100k on you ready to dish it in my face.
Anyway, here's the log.
[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]
Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see a rolton pelt, some light leather, a wooden shield, a short sword, a field mouse, a kobold skin, the Vulterith disk, a wooden shield, a massive wheeled tower and a Wayside Inn.
Also here: Kondus, Mooder who is kneeling, Siierra, the body of Symminian who is lying down, Vulterith, Zanila, Damacius
Obvious paths: north, east, southwest, northwest
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
You can hear the noisy bustle around the land gates to the west. Over the din, you can just barely hear the sound of the surf from the northeast. You also see a sun-bleached pine gate.
Obvious paths: northeast, west
You can't go there.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
The jagged shoreline of the bay becomes more evident here along the path as the cool waters of the Bay rush up almost to your feet.
Obvious paths: east, southwest
Sorry, you may only type ahead 1 command.
>[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
Recreational fishermen have beached their vessels on this sandy stretch of beach. To the south, you can see the wooden palisade that surrounds the Landing. You also see an abandoned wooden dinghy and a wooden sign.
Obvious paths: east, west
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
The shore extends into a small, sandy promontory that juts into Darkstone Bay. The Landing's great river gate lies southeast of here, guarded on either side by tall twin towers. To the west, this path continues on between Wehnimer's wooden palisade and the sandy beaches along the bay. You also see a heavy backpack, a small wooden cart with a long gleaming wire on it and a small rabbit skeleton.
Also here: Lord Stunseed
Obvious paths: west
>706 stunseed
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Mind Jolt...
Your spell is ready.
You are visible again.
You gesture at Stunseed.
CS: +496 - TD: +187 + CvA: -8 + d100: +65 == +366
Warding failed!
His eyes flash with a searing jolt of light!
He is massively stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
* Chastittee just bit the dust!
>'My, my, my.
You say, "My, my, my."
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
The shore extends into a small, sandy promontory that juts into Darkstone Bay. The Landing's great river gate lies southeast of here, guarded on either side by tall twin towers. To the west, this path continues on between Wehnimer's wooden palisade and the sandy beaches along the bay. You also see a heavy backpack, a small wooden cart with a long gleaming wire on it and a small rabbit skeleton.
Also here: a stunned Lord Stunseed
Obvious paths: west
>'I thought something intriguing was afoot. And here we meet again.
You say, "I thought something intriguing was afoot. And here we meet again."
>l stun
You see Lord Stunseed.
He appears to be a Human.
He appears to be mature and of towering stature for a human. He has piercing golden-flecked deep green eyes and slightly weathered, deeply tanned skin. He has shoulder length, windswept chestnut hair accented by rich golden undertones. He has a strongly-contoured, clean-shaven face and broad shoulders.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a masterfully crafted massive waraxe in his right hand.
He is wearing a sleek elven bow with flying dragons carved on the limbs, a supple suede faenor-clasped pack, an intricate crescent moon talisman, a crossed double sword belt, a silver-pinned black cavalier hat, a heavy leather coin bag clasped with a gold bank seal, a suit of heavy chain armor, a weathered mountaineer's kit, an ankle-length cream silk cassock, a pair of soft almond leather boots, some crisply pleated silk breeches clasped with a burnished silver buckle, a snow white eahnor wedding band, a moonlight silver silk doublet with cerulean cording and crescent moon buttons, a black diamond pendant etched with a silvery regal puma constellation, a deep ebon phoenix-shaped aegis, a majestically carved family crest, an opalescent crescent moon locket, and a gold ring.
* Hemingr just bit the dust!
Your link to the PsiNet has been disrupted.
(There is a problem with your internet connection to the PsiNet.)
Your connection with the PsiNet is broken.
The guiding force leaves Stunseed.
>'How does that saying go, curiously?
You ask, "How does that saying go, curiously?"
>'Oh, a guiding force? Interesting!
You exclaim, "Oh, a guiding force? Interesting!"
>sym of calm stun
You draw a glowing pattern in the air before Stunseed.
CS: +379 - TD: +159 + CvA: -8 + d100: +11 == +223
Warding failed!
Stunseed's face loses all expression as a calmness sweeps over him.
>sym of sleep stun
You draw a glowing pattern in the air before Stunseed.
CS: +435 - TD: +165 + CvA: -8 + d100: +80 == +342
Warding failed!
Stunseed's eyes roll up into his head as he slumps to the ground.
* Semiera just bit the dust!
>'An eye for an eye, perhaps?
* Piggles just bit the dust!
You ask, "An eye for an eye, perhaps?"
Your mind extends outward in an attempt to link with the PsiNet, but fails.
(Client will attempt reconnection every 5 minutes. You may disable this by typing PSINET UNLINK.
'A tooth for a tooth, is it?
You ask, "A tooth for a tooth, is it?"
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
The shore extends into a small, sandy promontory that juts into Darkstone Bay. The Landing's great river gate lies southeast of here, guarded on either side by tall twin towers. To the west, this path continues on between Wehnimer's wooden palisade and the sandy beaches along the bay. You also see a heavy backpack, a small wooden cart with a long gleaming wire on it and a small rabbit skeleton.
Also here: a stunned and calmed Lord Stunseed who is sleeping
Obvious paths: west
>'I must commend you for killing me, though unexpected.
You say, "I must commend you for killing me, though unexpected."
>'However, I do not intend to go down in defeat so disgracefully.
You say, "However, I do not intend to go down in defeat so disgracefully."
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
The shore extends into a small, sandy promontory that juts into Darkstone Bay. The Landing's great river gate lies southeast of here, guarded on either side by tall twin towers. To the west, this path continues on between Wehnimer's wooden palisade and the sandy beaches along the bay. You also see a heavy backpack, a small wooden cart with a long gleaming wire on it and a small rabbit skeleton.
Also here: a stunned and calmed Lord Stunseed who is sleeping
Obvious paths: west
* Kkorrik just bit the dust!
>slap stun
Stunseed awakens startled.
You give Stunseed a warning slap against the shoulder.
You feel at full magical power again.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
The shore extends into a small, sandy promontory that juts into Darkstone Bay. The Landing's great river gate lies southeast of here, guarded on either side by tall twin towers. To the west, this path continues on between Wehnimer's wooden palisade and the sandy beaches along the bay. You also see a heavy backpack, a small wooden cart with a long gleaming wire on it and a small rabbit skeleton.
Also here: a stunned and calmed Lord Stunseed who is lying down
Obvious paths: west
>stance neut
You fall back into a neutral stance.
>715 stunsee
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Curse...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Stunseed.
CS: +496 - TD: +187 + CvA: -8 + d100: +12 == +313
Warding failed!
A thread of swirling gray magic issues forth from your hand toward Stunseed. It coils itself around him, whirling malevolently before disappearing within his body.
Stunseed shivers weakly and looks very uncomfortable!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You trace a simple rune while intoning the mystical phrase for Elemental Wave...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A wave of dark ethereal ripples moves outward from you.
Stunseed is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>108 stun
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Stun Relief spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Stunseed.
Stunseed is able to move again.
The glazed look leaves Stunseed.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
The shore extends into a small, sandy promontory that juts into Darkstone Bay. The Landing's great river gate lies southeast of here, guarded on either side by tall twin towers. To the west, this path continues on between Wehnimer's wooden palisade and the sandy beaches along the bay. You also see a heavy backpack, a small wooden cart with a long gleaming wire on it and a small rabbit skeleton.
Also here: Lord Stunseed who is lying down
Obvious paths: west
Stunseed scratches himself uncontrollably!
Stunseed drops his waraxe!
>stow right
You put a malevolent, bile-green onyx and veniom-hilted longsword splattered with the blood of gremlin-slayers in your dark claret cape.
>sym of sleep stun
You draw a glowing pattern in the air before Stunseed.
CS: +435 - TD: +165 + CvA: -8 + d100: +74 == +336
Warding failed!
Stunseed's eyes roll up into his head as his body goes limp on the ground.
>get my war
Get what?
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
The shore extends into a small, sandy promontory that juts into Darkstone Bay. The Landing's great river gate lies southeast of here, guarded on either side by tall twin towers. To the west, this path continues on between Wehnimer's wooden palisade and the sandy beaches along the bay. You also see a masterfully crafted massive waraxe, a heavy backpack, a small wooden cart with a long gleaming wire on it and a small rabbit skeleton.
Also here: Lord Stunseed who is sleeping
Obvious paths: west
>get war
You pick up a masterfully crafted massive waraxe.
>'You are contaminated beyond salvation. Your annihilation is inevitable. This is not a warning, Stunseed. This is a sentence.
You say, "You are contaminated beyond salvation. Your annihilation is inevitable. This is not a warning, Stunseed. This is a sentence."
>prep 720
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Implosion...
Your spell is ready.
>'Death gods carving life, take their souls! Implosion!
You exclaim, "Death gods carving life, take their souls! Implosion!"
You gesture.
[Spell Hindrance for a leather breastplate with a magnificent drake tooled on the chest is 5% with current Armor Use skill, d100= 1]
Your armor prevents the spell from working correctly.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 720
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Implosion...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture.
You cast into the air above you and the sky rips open into a void! The fissure begins to feed on the air around you!
A heavy backpack is sucked into the void.
Stunseed is sucked into the void!
Rather abrupt decompression causes Stunseed to explode!
Billions and billions of tiny bits of flesh shower everything.
Quite severely dead.
* Stunseed has been vaporized!
* Stunseed drops dead at your feet!
Stunseed no longer looks so weak.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
The shore extends into a small, sandy promontory that juts into Darkstone Bay. The Landing's great river gate lies southeast of here, guarded on either side by tall twin towers. To the west, this path continues on between Wehnimer's wooden palisade and the sandy beaches along the bay. You also see a black void, a small wooden cart with a long gleaming wire on it and a small rabbit skeleton.
Obvious paths: west
* Stunseed just bit the dust!
>417 void
You trace a simple rune while intoning the mystical phrase for Elemental Dispel...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a black void.
You use the flows of essence to seal the tear in space.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
The shore extends into a small, sandy promontory that juts into Darkstone Bay. The Landing's great river gate lies southeast of here, guarded on either side by tall twin towers. To the west, this path continues on between Wehnimer's wooden palisade and the sandy beaches along the bay. You also see a small wooden cart with a long gleaming wire on it and a small rabbit skeleton.
Obvious paths: west
[Edited on 5-2-2005 by Tabor]
05-02-2005, 02:11 AM
Sheesh, that's the 2nd time i've seen you try to pwn someone and get a hinderance effect.
First you belch out disease to pwn someone and nothing happens.. Then implosion with stun. :lol:
Originally posted by Tabor
Way to go, Goku.
Still not impressed.... and yes, that really is blatant mechanics abuse. But what can be said that hasnt already?
05-02-2005, 03:40 AM
Any progress with getting the weapon back? What did the powers-that-be do about all of this? And does the harassment continue?
It's pretty sad. It seems the only thing JD learned through the years of playing, was how to fuck up really badly. Now that he's capped, it seems he's doing anything he can to try to remain interested in the game. Stealing peoples items, taking something too far becouse he has nothing else to do, creating water-thin RP quests in his head and all topped off with some strange attraction to fucked up talking+casting.
He needs to roll a dwarven empath, then remember why the game encourages working together, friendship and overall a fun experience.
I imagine it's been too long since he needed any of those things.
If Stun hadn't started with the silver transfer + Spikethorn I would have almost expected everyone here to pledge a million each, towards getting him another weapon.
Then fuck Jeno, since he'll be banned forever in about 1 weeks time.
WTF am I waffling on about.
Stunseed must have fourty times the millions I have. Forget the pledging part of my post.
05-02-2005, 08:10 AM
I'd really hope to see this end here. There's no reason for two intelligent, adult individuals duking it out in an on-line game. It's petty, it's childish, and it's boorish. Find something else to do. Find something enjoyable. If the only way you can find enjoyment is by destroying that of others, you have issues you really need to look into.
C'mon guys. Just put it aside.
05-02-2005, 08:25 AM
I'd have to agree with Harmnone. But it seems like things have turned into a "You killed me so I'll kill you, and kill you again for killing me first." In turn the other person starts to think "for killing me I'll kill you, and kill you again for killing me that one time" It goes on and on.
Grow up.
That made sense in my head. Let's hope everyone else gets it.
05-02-2005, 09:19 AM
I got it.
05-02-2005, 09:30 AM
Jenovadeath - (Adj) -
1) Of or pertaining to the art of of training 100 times in a week without bathing, and then trying to pwn people while smelling like a fresh turd.
2) Rank; Disgusting to view or be around
3) Missing an important appendage, and having it replaced by a smelly stump of dried feces, thus preventing normal breeding.
Usage: When that little Irish boy drank his own piss, it was extremely Jenovadeath!
(secondary, adj)
1) Relating to the art of eating shit.
See also: Warclaidhm, Penis Envy, Inferiority Complex.
[Edited on 5-2-2005 by HarmNone]
05-02-2005, 10:45 AM
Well, I'll tell you all what I told Stunseed about this after speaking to an SGM for about an hour the other evening. Right now it's in the GM's hands. We have nothing more we can do.
Stunseed and JD both were being silly by taking something OOC into the game. When JD starting messing with Stunseed in game the VERY first night, he should have just reported him and ignored his antics. It would have solved a lot of issues and this wouldn't even be happening. However, he let JD push his buttons, responded by breaking the rules of the game to kill JD due to that anger, and so now we're here.
JD, being the asshole egomaniac that he is, pushed Stunseed's buttons, took OOC into the game as well, and came back to kill Stunseed for revenge. From a RP perspective, it's perfectly understandable that he would kill Stunseed for his character's death. Noone should expect to kill someone and then not have retribution to pay for it. (Ie. another death)
The thing that the GM's have to be involved for is sad at best and disgusting at worst. Which is that not only did Stunseed break mechanics rules by dropping 100K on JD, but JD went even further by breaking those rules and stealing Stunseed's weapon. That is the ONLY thing they will be looking at. Not whether or not PsiNet was used to bring conflict into the game between two characters who have never seen each other in game and have no reason to fight. Not that there was harassment involved. None of that is going to even be considered, and it should not be either.
The only thing to be considered is that two grown men pushed each other's buttons and that rules were broken. I'm really hoping that JD gets the harsher end of the stick in this instance. And that's not because James is my boyfriend. It's because what JD did with the weapon in MY mind at least, is much more severe, then a death. Trading deaths is indeed fair and would be expected in this situation. Stealing someone's property is not.
In the end, hopefully the weapon will be returned, both men will have learned to follow the rules of the game as we agreed to and both will go their separate ways. I know I certainly never intend to have any interaction with JD ever again. I'm pretty sure James feels the same way.
As to the 'what's going on now with the weapon' question. We spoke to the SGM, he's been put into the referral process, and we wait. That is all we can do. I just hope it was worth it for both parties involved in this entire sad, tired mess.
05-02-2005, 10:59 AM
You keep forgetting that you are dealing with a boy with an extreme inferiority complex and a penchant for being an asshole. He trained 100 times in a week, and he wants his due respect for it. So if you kill him, he'll steal your weapon, or your shield, or whatever he can steal from you to escalate matters further so he can get his last laugh. He is a high maintenance character already, and more than one person who's been around a while, including myself will be speaking to GMs at the con this year specifically about people like him trying to break rules of the game for his own enjoyment at the expense of others.
05-02-2005, 11:11 AM
Well, if JD has a history of GM interaction that is not pleasant, and a list of complaints and/or warnings, I hope the GMS take that into consideration. As to Stunseed, he has none. The point still remains though.
I'm not by any means excusing what JD has done. It angers me, makes me sad for Stunseed as a character and a player to have to go all this time with something so integral to his RP and history taken from him in petty revenge. However, from a GM perspective, they don't have any reason to look at the rest of the incident with the exception of the facts that I listed in my previous post. The problem is not that Stunseed killed JD, it's how he did it. The problem is not that JD killed Stunseed the next day in revenge, it's that he took his weapon in the process.
Nothing we say will change that unfortunately. And although I understand how Stunseed got angry and why he felt he needed to stand up to JD that night, no matter how he accomplished it, I do realize that rules are there for a reason.
05-02-2005, 11:19 AM
People in the past have been locked out for stealing a high profile weapon. For someone who is known to be HMA, it would be likely that he will face a similar type of punishment. If enough people complain about him making the game not fun at the con this year, his leash will go from short to nonexistant. The game is better without the inferiority complex suffering newbies that train 100 times in a week and then try and assert themselves at the expense of others. People like him are only slightly better than the Kryblue/Skinlessman type, who go out and buy 100 train characters to push people around. Usually people like that have some sort of past that haunts them. Skinlessman, for example, you may remember as the original Tsin. He was stupid enough to lose everything in that mess. Boy was he fucking stupid. JD probably has something similar that caused his inferiority complex, probably relating to the time he was born without a dick.
05-02-2005, 11:28 AM
Well, I couldn't be a GM, I must admit. The main reason why is because I do have feelings that I couldn't suppress most likely about things like this. Betsy is a high profile weapon I spose, I've never really thought about it. But as one person said to me in IM's this morning, "Like Betsy and Stun are a boxed set, have been forever. Its kinda like losing a limb or something, metaphorically speaking". I have to agree. And that's just how I'm sure Stunseed (the character and possibly the player) feel. If I were a GM, it'd be very hard if not impossible, for me to not sympathize with that and try to throw the proverbial book hard and fast at the person who would sink low enough to steal it.
Mind you, it would be incredibly different, if say Stunseed had dropped it for some unthinkable reason, or had it disarmed by a critter in an invasion, etc. That wasn't the case however. And that is what makes me so angry right now.
And yeah, I agree with most of what you have said here Tamral, but the logical side of me is saying that both Stun and myself have to approach this situation with my earlier post's mindset in order to get this resolved quickly and efficiently.
05-02-2005, 11:31 AM
Also, not excusing Stunseed's method of killing JD mind you, but Stunseed honestly is just tired of people like JD who are capped, pushing others around because 'they can and have the levels to do so'. I completely understand that. If he had it to do all over again, he would still have stood up to JD in the game, he says. I can completely understand that and support it. I just wish he had been able to do so without abusing mechanics to do so. Unfortunately, his chances of killing JD without doing what he did, are slim to nonexistant in the situation that he was put into.
05-02-2005, 11:56 AM
Actually, you hit the nail on the head with one of those statements Jolena. He's one of those guys who capped real fast so he could push other people around. And he always tries to have the last laugh, he just doesn’t realize people are laughing at him, thus why he stole the weapon to one-up the death from before. To get to the root of the behavoir, do nothing more than look to his past.
He comes from a bullshit country that everyone knows is just an extension of England. The really poor and stupid district.
His country speaks bullshit english that nobody understands or cares to try and understand, because nothing intelligent ever came from there, other than how to grow a potato. They try to make up for this by using carbombs and other methods of terrorism.
He bullshitted about where he went to college to mask his lack of intelligence.
He bullshitted about how long he played gemstone to try and get people to worship him.
He bullies people to make up for the fact that in reality, most toddlers could kick the bullshit out of him.
Humanity would do better without folks like him. But they just figured, people like him should be restricted to places like Ireland and Iran, etc.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-02-2005, 12:11 PM
Tamral, your bigotry is showing. Assholes come from everywhere, wouldn't want to denigrate a country/race based on that.
Hey Tamral, how about you stop bashing the Irish, eh? Bash JD, not them though.
- Arkans
05-02-2005, 12:18 PM
Yes you're nearing JD on the stupidity scale there Tamral.
[Edited on 2-5-05 by StrayRogue]
05-02-2005, 12:34 PM
Tamral, your bigotry is showing. Assholes come from everywhere, wouldn't want to denigrate a country/race based on that.
Actually, just throwing JD's racism and bigotry back at him. He's been on a bit of a "you're a mexican go back to your country" assault on me in U2U's, so I figured two can play that game. It's just too bad he's too stupid to realize I'm not mexican, or even Hispanic.
05-02-2005, 12:35 PM
Ah, I'll retract my own racist comments then. He likes to insult folk baselessly. You know, the typical "you're fat" etc. Sorry there Tamral.
Because two wrongs definately make a right.
- Arkans
05-02-2005, 12:39 PM
I don't understand why he's saying go back to your country. Is JD in the U.S or Ireland? If it's the latter, I don't see why he'd be telling minorities in the U.S to go back to their country, he's not even a u.s citizen. I don't see how being white entitles him that.
Liberi Fatali
05-02-2005, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by GSTamral
Actually, you hit the nail on the head with one of those statements Jolena. He's one of those guys who capped real fast so he could push other people around. And he always tries to have the last laugh, he just doesn’t realize people are laughing at him, thus why he stole the weapon to one-up the death from before. To get to the root of the behavoir, do nothing more than look to his past.
He comes from a bullshit country that everyone knows is just an extension of England. The really poor and stupid district.
His country speaks bullshit english that nobody understands or cares to try and understand, because nothing intelligent ever came from there, other than how to grow a potato. They try to make up for this by using carbombs and other methods of terrorism.
He bullshitted about where he went to college to mask his lack of intelligence.
He bullshitted about how long he played gemstone to try and get people to worship him.
He bullies people to make up for the fact that in reality, most toddlers could kick the bullshit out of him.
Humanity would do better without folks like him. But they just figured, people like him should be restricted to places like Ireland and Iran, etc.
I just wanted to clarify that I am, indeed, from England -- not Ireland. I hail from Leicester, England.
05-02-2005, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
I just wanted to clarify that I am, indeed, from England -- not Ireland. I hail from Leicester, England.
I think your previous post regarding not posting anymore regardless of the comments it will generate comes into play.
Liberi Fatali
05-02-2005, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by Lady Shalla
Originally posted by Tabor
I just wanted to clarify that I am, indeed, from England -- not Ireland. I hail from Leicester, England.
I think your previous post regarding not posting anymore regardless of the comments it will generate comes into play.
Perhaps I should have clarified in regard to GS matter, then. Heritage is a different scenario, chickie.
05-02-2005, 12:47 PM
You're full of shit.
Liberi Fatali
05-02-2005, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
You're full of shit.
Perhaps it's time for you to use a dictionary when you post, StrayRogue. I've witnessed your replies among various threads lately, and all I've found you saying are the words, "Shit, fucking, cock, cunt, and bullshit".
More politely, I'm full of fecal matter.
You're full of shit. -- StrayRogue.
He's done it to everyone whose outed him on being a piece of useless shit more or less. -- StrayRogue.
Its nice to know how easy it is to buy your support regardless of how much a cunt the person is. -- StrayRogue
You're a lying piece of shit Xcalibur. You know exactly what I'm talking about. -- StrayRogue.
Agreed. But then he's admitting to being a lying fuck already. -- StrayRogue.
No, you just chat bullshit. Why waste time on scum? -- StrayRogue.
Hurrah for being an idiot. If you really don't care, stop fucking posting. -- StrayRogue.
[Edited on 5-2-2005 by Tabor]
05-02-2005, 12:50 PM
No, you just chat bullshit. Why waste time on scum?
05-02-2005, 01:02 PM
How about listening to WHAT he's saying rather than HOW he's saying it. He calls it the way he sees it. You talk shit. There is basically no other way to explain that. I think he worded it beautifully. :D
05-02-2005, 01:05 PM
Again, why are you posting "IF YOU DON'T CARE?". Are you retarded? Or perhaps just maybe all this little flak you're taking is making you hurt deep down inside. Obviously you do care about the perceptions of people here because if you didn't you wouldn't give a shit and waste your own time posting.
As for outing liars...I maintain that lying is wrong and that idiots like you and X who think its "OK" are the type of people who deserve their legs broken.
05-02-2005, 01:50 PM
I just wanted to clarify that I am, indeed, from England -- not Ireland. I hail from Leicester, England.
That's even worse. You came from England but got kicked out of there into Ireland. No wonder you kept lying about what University you didn't get into.
Seany Analog
05-02-2005, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
Perhaps it's time for you to use a dictionary when you post, StrayRogue. I've witnessed your replies among various threads lately, and all I've found you saying are the words, "Shit, fucking, cock, cunt, and bullshit".
More politely, I'm full of fecal matter.
Yeah full of fecal matter. Guess what asshole you're not a doctor youre never going to be a doctor and you don't go to Perdue you probably go Frank Perdue college so you can learn how to sell chickens cause youre a stupid jackass that spends more time reading MEDICAL TERMS FOR DUMMIES and THESAURUS FOR LOSERS when you post so you can pull out big stupid words that nobody cares about hoping that people will think youre not a dumb fuck that was dickslapped by his dad as punishment when you were a kid. And lay off the dumb DBZ shit when you cast spells cause its stupid and makes you look like some Klaive anime ninja wannabe which is probably the case cause you suck that guys big huge ballsack on Not only is your name ripped from FF7 and completely unoriginal but your life sucks major assholes. If you could be like me dawg youd be straight but you cant cause you suck and youll never have an RX-7 and be the masterpiece of awesomeness that I am but maybe one day Klaive will let you wash his bicycle while Warclaidhm jerks off in your eye.
Rodney King
05-02-2005, 02:14 PM
Can't we all just get along?
05-02-2005, 02:18 PM
Someone get that man a Pulitzer.
05-02-2005, 02:36 PM
:lol: :lol:
Daytime drama anyone. Tabor, you've got nothing on Erica Kane.
05-02-2005, 02:45 PM
05-02-2005, 02:50 PM
Ummm. Tabor does go to Purdue.
He had JD 70ish in 1999 when I was playing my wizard.
Can someone get Tamral a shoehorn to remove his head from his ass?
05-02-2005, 03:27 PM
Not to med school he doesn't. Wow, 1999. That sure is 10 years ago. Perhaps we should learn how to count or subtract first. Now, considering he himself stated he trained 90+ times his first year, that would make his character 6 years old, now wouldn’t it? And if I remember correctly, that was just shortly after the time a young Cawen was making his money on Glaes Brig runs to Teras. Before he was sold, of course.
05-02-2005, 03:31 PM
If you check the other threads, the claim was he went to IUSM. I can't remember which folder it was on the official boards as well, but when I called him out on being an undergrad he responded by saying that he would gladly e-mail me his transcript, as if those aren't easily forgeable.
05-02-2005, 03:55 PM
It's soon as tabor knew he lost the argument, he started hurling retarded insults. Grow up, fuckstick.
PS: Tabor, my avatar is 4 j00!
05-02-2005, 06:23 PM
< You say, "You are contaminated beyond salvation. Your annihilation is inevitable. This is not a warning, Stunseed. This is a sentence." >
Your log is altered, because you fucked up and said this twice. Even using macros you have a style no one wants to imitate. Next time, if you want to impress people, Jenovadeath should scream and go into Super Saiyan mode. I bet that would make the ladies swoon for you, Tabor ( by swoon, I mean lunge and stab your jugular vein multiple times in a non-fatal yet comical manner ).
Hey, let's hear another grand idea! Why don't you post up how you sat in TSC for an hour goading Stunseed into further action? Or better yet, how much of an attention whore you made yourself into by using your other character to help in your battle?
* Stunseed has been vaporized!
* Stunseed drops dead at your feet!
Stunseed no longer looks so weak.
Yep, I was seriously out to kill you, wearing absolutely no spell but 117. Clearly.
05-02-2005, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by GSTamral
Not to med school he doesn't. Wow, 1999. That sure is 10 years ago. Perhaps we should learn how to count or subtract first. Now, considering he himself stated he trained 90+ times his first year, that would make his character 6 years old, now wouldn’t it? And if I remember correctly, that was just shortly after the time a young Cawen was making his money on Glaes Brig runs to Teras. Before he was sold, of course.
Oh shit. Let's begin ....
To the best of my knowledge, Toobz is pre-med at Purdue. That is all he's ever told me. We used to be closer when we were both in HS, but I quit GS when I went to college and hadn't talked till this summer when I came back for a brief period. That is when we caught up and I learned what he was doing. I do not know what he has told you -- so don't get your panties in a bunch.
My wizard and he used to have plenty of duels on the boulder back in the day when they were like-age. Which would put the time frame in the 98ish period. I also assume he had 90 GS3 trainings in the first year. When there was no cap, fuck face.
Cawen was rolled in 1994. He and Porcell merchanted glaes brig in the 96 era. I quit playing him in 98. I made my money hunting with Jaialias and by merchanting high-end items and then by enchanting. And yes, I sold my lot of GS shit when it had been unused for two years and I wanted to visit my future wife in Toulouse, in 2002.
So, you remember what?
[Edited on 5-2-2005 by Keller]
05-02-2005, 06:27 PM
<<Yep, I was seriously out to kill you, wearing absolutely no spell but 117. Clearly. >>
You wearing spells against a capped sorcerer is pointless; surely you knew such.
Doyle Hargraves
05-02-2005, 06:27 PM
Jenovadeath reminds me of that pre-med guy from National Lampoon's Van Wilder.
05-02-2005, 06:32 PM
< You wearing spells against a capped sorcerer is pointless; surely you knew such. >
I wasn't wearing signs, nor was I Camo'd. If I were seriously going to go after him, you would think I would put more effort into being battle-ready? Hell, I even traveled outside the gate so there wouldn't be a fine, the same that I got.
05-02-2005, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Doyle Hargraves
Jenovadeath reminds me of that pre-med guy from National Lampoon's Van Wilder.
Never saw the movie -- was it any good?
Doyle Hargraves
05-02-2005, 06:45 PM
Yeah. Funny shit.
05-02-2005, 06:46 PM
It is utterly astounding to me that we have two intelligent adult males still playing "wave the wienie" with each other. Neither Stun nor Tabor are stupid people, yet the game continues. :rolleyes:
I have no inkling what started this whole farce but, by the Grove, you two! Get over it! GemStone is a game. If the only thing you find enjoyable is to fight amongst yourselves, there's probably a sandbox waiting for you somewhere. They have little pails and cool shovels.
Tabor, if you really plan to be a doctor, you've got a lot of growing up to do. I know a lot of 'em, and they don't find much fascination in sitting around goading people into foolish fights, or in playing sandbox games. They've got better things to do, and more intellect than to lower themselves to that level. Word.
Stun, if the goading begins, do what I told Tabor to do here. Walk the fuck away. Ignore it. Words are not harmful to you unless you let them be. The GMs will take care of the matter of Betsy. Let the rest of it die the death it needs to die, and do it now.
05-02-2005, 06:49 PM
Harmnone used the most devestating weapon ever created by her pagan imagination. The F-Bomb.
I expect this thread to wither away and die like Tamral's wienie in the face of a beautiful woman.
Liberi Fatali
05-02-2005, 06:51 PM
For what it's worth, there's one respectable person that can confirm I've been around since 1996. Her name is Angela, and she is the player of Jemstra-Jasia. She was my first character's 'mom' (my name was Sweetelf, hoho). This was back on AOL, right after they changed over to the monthly rates. I used the white screen, not the Wizard. I rerolled Sweetelf into Jenovadeath. Angela always remembered me because the first time I left, I said something note-worthy which I won't repeat.
If you'd like, I can have her come here and confirm it for you. ;)
05-02-2005, 06:53 PM
Tamral, and the size (or lack of same) of his wienie, has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of this thread. He doesn't like Tabor. Fine. Who cares? Just him. I'm sure his opinion holds no weight with Tabor.
HarmNone, who didn't invent the word "fuck", but thinks it applies from time to time :D
05-02-2005, 07:05 PM
And on that same note, I seriously doubt anyone (I certainly don't anyhow) gives a flying fadoodle how long Tabor has been playing the game nor where he went or didn't go to school. It has nothing to do with the subject of the thread whatsoever.
05-02-2005, 07:10 PM
Obviously people do give a flying fadoodle (wtf that is) if there are multiple people discussing it.
05-02-2005, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
For what it's worth, there's one respectable person that can confirm I've been around since 1996. Her name is Angela, and she is the player of Jemstra-Jasia. She was my first character's 'mom' (my name was Sweetelf, hoho). This was back on AOL, right after they changed over to the monthly rates. I used the white screen, not the Wizard. I rerolled Sweetelf into Jenovadeath. Angela always remembered me because the first time I left, I said something note-worthy which I won't repeat.
If you'd like, I can have her come here and confirm it for you. ;)
I, for one, am well aware you've been around for quite awhile, Tabor. That still has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of this thread. Can we please stay on topic and stop with the wienie waving? It's getting bloody boring!:break: :banghead:
05-02-2005, 07:12 PM
Alright then, I concede that there are a few who care about it, however it doesn't change the fact that it has NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS THREAD SUBJECT. Kthx. <insert sweet smile here>
Doyle Hargraves
05-02-2005, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
For what it's worth, there's one respectable person that can confirm I've been around since 1996. Her name is Angela, and she is the player of Jemstra-Jasia. She was my first character's 'mom' (my name was Sweetelf, hoho). This was back on AOL, right after they changed over to the monthly rates. I used the white screen, not the Wizard. I rerolled Sweetelf into Jenovadeath. Angela always remembered me because the first time I left, I said something note-worthy which I won't repeat.
If you'd like, I can have her come here and confirm it for you. ;)
05-02-2005, 08:00 PM
Tabor's post: For what it's worth, there's one respectable person that can confirm I've been around since 1996. Her name is Angela, and she is the player of Jemstra-Jasia. She was my first character's 'mom' (my name was Sweetelf, hoho). This was back on AOL, right after they changed over to the monthly rates. I used the white screen, not the Wizard. I rerolled Sweetelf into Jenovadeath. Angela always remembered me because the first time I left, I said something note-worthy which I won't repeat.
05-02-2005, 08:11 PM
On topic, dammit! Otherwise, I'll start deleting all off-topic posts. This has gotten downright silly. :banghead:
Originally posted by Doyle Hargraves
Jenovadeath reminds me of that pre-med guy from National Lampoon's Van Wilder.
He reminds me of that sales clerk in that English sit-com “Are You Being Served”.
Sorry, Harm. You posted while I was. Delete away.
[Edited on 5-3-2005 by Backlash]
05-02-2005, 08:51 PM
No prob. You're, at least, talking about Jenovadeath and not how long Tabor has been in-game. ;)
Doyle Hargraves
05-02-2005, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
No prob. You're, at least, talking about Jenovadeath and not how long Tabor has been in-game. ;)
Huh? What's the difference?
[Edited on 5-3-2005 by Doyle Hargraves]
05-02-2005, 09:23 PM
It was just a comment, mostly made in jest, Doyle. Backlash was posting at the same time I was. It wasn't as though he went off-topic on purpose after being asked to stay on topic, now was it? :saint:
[Edited on 5-3-2005 by HarmNone]
Doyle Hargraves
05-02-2005, 09:36 PM
Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-02-2005, 09:45 PM
It's nice to have someone around that everyone universally dislikes. X, Tayber, Idiothm. It's nice on rough days to come home and realize... I'm not them, my life has meaning, I don't need to lie about what I do.
Must suck, sucking at life.
05-02-2005, 09:48 PM
Please hush about this. I really don't want to have to start deleting off topic posts. Just let it go. Please.
Liberi Fatali
05-02-2005, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
It's nice to have someone around that everyone universally dislikes. X, Tayber, Idiothm. It's nice on rough days to come home and realize... I'm not them, my life has meaning, I don't need to lie about what I do.
Must suck, sucking at life.
Typically I would make a retort to such a naive post, but I think your factory job has worn you out -- and I promised Harm I would stop. Consider yourself pardoned. ;)
05-02-2005, 10:39 PM
And that's not..stopping, Tabor. :moon:
05-04-2005, 05:34 PM
Khaladon offers Stunseed a masterfully crafted massive waraxe. :)
05-04-2005, 05:42 PM
Yet Jenovadeath received no warning whatsoever. I'd say he won.
EDIT to further qualify my response:
If it's attention Tabor is looking for, the 9+ pages of discussion about him has definitely made him the victor, along with the fact that you undoubtedly spent minutes upon minutes trying to get the waraxe back by talking to GMs, writing feedback, etc.
In other words: :troll:
[Edited on 5-4-2005 by Makkah]
05-04-2005, 06:09 PM
Putting feathers in your ass doesn't make you a chicken. Equally so him not getting a warning doesn't make what he did any less retarded.
05-04-2005, 06:45 PM
I wasn't aware he didn't get a warning to be honest. The GM obviously can't speak to us about that and we didn't bother to ask. Honestly? I wish he would have gotten one and was surprised Stunseed didn't get one as well. However, if you Makkah, expected Stun not to spend the time to speak to GM's in assists and reports to get his weapon back, you're a moron. Perhaps you would have let it go and just chalked up the loss of the weapon to experience or whathaveyou, but we would not. And as to the post I just made about him getting the weapon back. It was for those that were asking us what happened, not necessarily for you. Feel free to "Stop feeding the Trolls" yourself and not post in this 9 page thread if you so desire. :)
05-04-2005, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
Khaladon offers Stunseed a masterfully crafted massive waraxe. :)
I was pretty sure he'd get his weapon back. Glad to see that was the case. :)
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Putting feathers in your ass doesn't make you a chicken...
I have so got to remember that line. :lol: :lol:
05-04-2005, 07:15 PM
Apparently Jolena didn't read a single word of my post.
05-04-2005, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Makkah
Apparently Jolena didn't read a single word of my post.
Obviously she did as she quoted you, but I would surmise that she was still feeling the impact of your more tersely worded initial post that intended or not had an almost mocking feel to it.
05-04-2005, 07:39 PM
I have to agree with her. If some douche abused mechanics to steal something of mine I'd "waste time" writing to the GMs to try and get it back.
Nice to know that when I fancy a decent pole-arm I can just come and disarm you Rhett and get no trouble afterwards ;)
Liberi Fatali
05-04-2005, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
"If some douche abused mechanics,"
"I can just come and disarm you."
Your ignorance is showing, my little papillon d'amore.
Conversely, all of Rhett's characters would wipe the floor with you, ma peche.
05-04-2005, 07:47 PM
Doubtful retard. Very doubtful. I've had to rescue the bastard a few times already.
05-04-2005, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
Your ignorance is showing, my little papillon d'amore.
Conversely, all of Rhett's characters would wipe the floor with you, ma peche.
Oh stop trying to cause more fights and run along now little one.
05-04-2005, 07:50 PM
Punk kids never learn Skirm.
Liberi Fatali
05-04-2005, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Doubtful retard. Very doubtful. I've had to rescue the bastard a few times already.
Curiously, how old are you in the game of 'real life'? Your 'insults' are quite distasteful. I emphasize the quotes, seeing as though I clearly do not suffer from FMR1 (fragile X mental retardation 1), Aniridia Cerebellar Ataxia Mental Deficiency, Alpha-Thalassemia, or any other mental retardation syndrome.
05-04-2005, 07:55 PM
And you care why? So you can spend five minutes on a post trying to act more educated than you clearly are again?
Liberi Fatali
05-04-2005, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
And you care why? So you can spend five minutes on a post trying to act more educated than you clearly are again?
And that, as they say, is that.
05-04-2005, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
And that, as they say, is that.
Originally posted by Tabor
[Edited to add: I know I promised I wouldn't post again, but...
05-04-2005, 08:05 PM
<<I emphasize the quotes, seeing as though I clearly do not suffer from FMR1 (fragile X mental retardation 1), Aniridia Cerebellar Ataxia Mental Deficiency, Alpha-Thalassemia, or any other mental retardation syndrome. >>
Sounds like someone read a journal article. STFU.
And Stay, you're like level 15. STFU.
As a matter of fact, everyone in this thread (yes, including me) needs to just STFU.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-04-2005, 08:07 PM
This should stop discussion...
05-04-2005, 08:09 PM
:rofl: :lol2:
05-04-2005, 09:03 PM
Wait.. wait.. THIS is the guy who's talking shit about what everyone looks like????
:lol: no, that mug shot was of Dave (Edine)... someone's just throwing out a rather large speed bump in this thread for the purpose of derailing.
Right around page 1 or 2 is a shot of Jenovadeath as posted on the OOC picture pages by Toy... along with the link.
05-04-2005, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
Wait.. wait.. THIS is the guy who's talking shit about what everyone looks like????
Yah, as was stated above, that photo is not Tabor, and in all fairness, Dave normally is a bit better put together.
That photo was taken right after he had taken a rifle butt to the teeth during training.
[Edited on 5-5-2005 by Skirmisher]
Seany Analog
05-05-2005, 12:42 AM
I emphasize the quotes, seeing as though I clearly do not suffer from FMR1 (fragile X mental retardation 1), Aniridia Cerebellar Ataxia Mental Deficiency, Alpha-Thalassemia, or any other mental retardation syndrome.
I emphasize the quotes, seeing as though I clearly do not suffer from FMR1 (fragile X mental retardation 1), Aniridia Cerebellar Ataxia Mental Deficiency, Alpha-Thalassemia, or any other mental retardation syndrome.
There you go again trying to impress people with your MEDICAL TERMS FOR DUMMIES book that nobody gives a fuck about. Face it, until you own an RX-7 as sweet as mine you're going to be nothing but a worthless Final Fantasy 7 fanboy geek loser cheese smelling pile of fat slut shit. Since I'm booked for the next few months doing Hollywood celebrity TV shit as always, consider yourself lucky I don't send you a spring loaded pistol-whip-in-the-box.
Dickbag. I'd kick your ass and have my supermodel girlfriend that fucks me all day long in my RX-7 jerk me off til I blew my nut straight up your nose while you were knocked out from these deadly weapons I posses called fists because while there is nobody in this world as awesome as I am, they also know that you are the complete opposite of that.
Which means you're never going to have a chance at being nearly as awesome as me cause you suck horse cock. And love it.
05-05-2005, 12:49 AM
<< consider yourself lucky I don't send you a spring loaded pistol-whip-in-the-box. >>
05-05-2005, 12:51 AM
This guy is pretty funny.
05-05-2005, 01:11 AM
I know I shouldn't... but I laugh every time he posts.
05-05-2005, 01:28 AM
Hey seany you have an RX-7 too? what year brother?
05-05-2005, 01:33 AM
Oh god
05-05-2005, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by Syberus
Oh god
05-05-2005, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
Originally posted by Kainen
Wait.. wait.. THIS is the guy who's talking shit about what everyone looks like????
Yah, as was stated above, that photo is not Tabor, and in all fairness, Dave normally is a bit better put together.
That photo was taken right after he had taken a rifle butt to the teeth during training.
[Edited on 5-5-2005 by Skirmisher]
Dont get me wrong.. that guy isnt hidious.. but he isnt prince charming either. I was only saying that if THAT was the assmonkey thats been talkin crap.. well you know.
05-05-2005, 02:41 AM
Anyone that has their picture taken from two inches away isn't going to look great.
05-05-2005, 08:10 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by StrayRogue
"If some douche abused mechanics,"
"I can just come and disarm you."
Your ignorance is showing, my little papillon d'amore.
Conversely, all of Rhett's characters would wipe the floor with you, ma peche.
That's what I got from your post.
Thankfully, I live in the real world and don't give two shits what Rhett's text characters could do to mine.
05-05-2005, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by RangerD1
You do. Don't lie
Fine, you caught me. I really do care if Makkah can beat Falgrin or Arziw up.. even though I don't play Gemstone any longer. Now I am sad.
05-05-2005, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by Parkbandit
"Thankfully, I live in the real world and don't give two shits what Rhett's text characters could do to mine."
Care to put some real life money on that bullshit claim?
The things you say, Parkbandit; you're so ineffable.
Peculiarly, you do not care about Rhett's text character, however, you do care about this fellows?
What a happy little word you live in. Dream on, fool. Dream on.
Two different things, my inept thesaurus using friend.
You post that a text based character can beat another, which was intended for real life intimidation.. is re-tar-ded.
The other quote was that his text based character couldn't be beaten by a like level text based character.. which, while retarded, doesn't blur the lines between reality and fantasy game playing.
[Edited on 5-5-05 by Parkbandit]
05-05-2005, 11:49 AM!-pic-4-1607164.jpg
...Stare at that a while, children, and then realize what it says on the shirt!
No need for everyone to be arguing over something, that in the end, matters little, if at all.
Let's instead all agree that Seany needs to drop the fascination with his goes places, has four wheels and engine and a gas pedal...nuff said.
05-05-2005, 12:01 PM
You're new.. so I'd image the Seany thing doesn't make much sense... as you were not here for the actual sean before. Trust me, it's hilarious if you know what's going on.
05-05-2005, 12:06 PM
God damn it. Why is all this about MY text-based characters???
05-05-2005, 12:12 PM
I was just thinking the same thing, Makkah. Let's get back to topic, folks.
05-05-2005, 12:18 PM
In a moment, HarmNone!
I wanted to beg information..
Since the situation surrounding this car is hilarious, I'd think it worth the read...
someone point me to the thread that it lives in?
05-05-2005, 04:50 PM
The Sean stuff is spread out over about 3 years worth of threads. Might as well just ask someone for a brief summary.
The latest sean-y impersonation is absolutely hillarious.
Doyle Hargraves
05-05-2005, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by Parker!-pic-4-1607164.jpg
...Stare at that a while, children, and then realize what it says on the shirt!
No need for everyone to be arguing over something, that in the end, matters little, if at all.
Let's instead all agree that Seany needs to drop the fascination with his goes places, has four wheels and engine and a gas pedal...nuff said.
I would like to insert my penis into her vagina.
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