View Full Version : High-End Valuables
- Droughtman gladius pair
- 7x T3 Voln Full Plate
- Auction Quality tent
- 7x t2 Ensorcelled Spiked Glaes Full Plate w/Void Flares & +3 Stamina/Health Recovery
- 7x Fusion Brigandine - Lightened
- 5x and 6x HCP breastplates
- 6x Chronomage Dagger
- Moving on...
- Stuff for Sale
- x4 HCP fusion full plate
- 6x eahnor augmented chain and perfect vaalorn falchion
- An ornate leather vambrace (RtCF) and Kroderine Sabre w/ Dhyne
- enchant slot up to 7x fusion
- 4300 PPs
- Fixstat potion
- 8x perfect maul
- 2x/day 130 Runestone
- 3x/day Sanc Breaker!
- 10x, HCP, T1 Voln, max light Brig
- 3x every 8 hours 610/616 runestaff
- Waraxe and Shield
- 7x HCP T1 Full Plate
- 7X HCP T2 Doubles (Max light)
- 6X (+27)/3X acuity T2 Fireleaf Runestaff (Max light)
- self-knowledge lockpick enhancement gloves
- 7600 PPs
- Few items all at 5m MBs
- 10x MBP - max light - ready for CCF
- Fix stat potion
- Wizgem3 List
- Ensorcell
- Shields/Armors for CCF.
- +18 MCW perfect lance and 6600 PPs
- 10x Tier 5 Ensorcell Zested Golvern Shield
- Floating Disk 5X per day
- 5X Short Sword, 2 slot fusion, orbs, SCW, Magical Creature Bane
- 7x 3 slot fusion lance
- Lesser Shadowdeath Vambraces
- summoning orb
- 4X Undead bane/Permablessed Waraxe +8 points crit weighting vs. undead
- Some perfectly good weapons (and a few pieces of armor) just waiting for embellishmen
- 5x and 2x DB items
- Undeadbane Two-hander HCW/MCW with Gory Scripts
- Is it worth reactivating for a month to sell stuff?
- goods for sale - come and get em.
- 7x perfect permablessed lance + 5x HCW veil iron dagger
- Self mana mobility leg greaves
- Couple of items
- Archery Gear--40M worth of Items
- 10x Ironwright broadsword T1 Ensorcelled
- Taking Offers: perfect 8x lance w/ Meta alter
- +10 wisdom stat belt
- A Few Items
- Animated Music Stand
- 5x MCP brig
- 9x Vultite heater
- Bard only enhancive a round-back glowbark lute (non crumbling)
- Licel liquidation!
- Two 7x fulls, 7x HCP doubles, FGB, 10x shield
- 7x Lirion ebow
- +30 decently crit padded brig, 18 lbs
- +20 decently crit weighted polearm - 5m
- Altered BSC hcp fusion full plate
- 6x 3-slot fusion composite bow - perfect piece for CCF
- A pudgy niveous-bellied hedgehog
- A gold-tipped Glaes Claid
- Kroderine Plate
- twc blink T5 fist scythe set, Undead bane zealot 10x gloves
- 4x Sancted, T1, ECW Trident with best alter ever, and 4x HCW Greataxe
- 25% Weight Reduction & Epic Deepened Cloak
- epic deepened cloak holds 180 +3 max mana +1 mana recovery no lvl req
- 5x HCP Augmented Veil Iron Chain
- 4 HCW Greataxe
- 4x HCW gladius, 7x perfect short, glaes claid mb 10m
- 7x Grapple Flaring Hauberk
- 10x Veil Iron tower shield.
- 4x Old Style Coraesine Flamberge
- 2 Maces
- +32 switchable fire, ice, steam flaring runestaff.
- 7x katana
- 6x hcp Aug chain 3 resistances
- 4x HCW spear, Elegant forging (2%), Sancted, with Metamorphosis alters.
- Locker Expansion Contract - 100 items perm.
- Feature Altering 5x Hairstick Splitting Sai's
- Scroll combining spell book
- a gleaming set of rolaren field plate etched with a small black swan
- 6x fusion full leathers 15% ice/fire resists
- 3-Room Landing Shop
- fixstat
- 7x T2 ensorcelled max light vultite fullplate
- 8x maxlight pike with poleaxe flares - still blessable!
- 7x Double Chain - Altered- Fusion - Max Light
- 3 Room Icemule Player Shop
- Fealoke's Junk
- 6x (+28) Claidhmore
- 606 self-mana ankle worn spurs - "some golden sunburst spurs"
- 2800 Premium Points
- 0x, MDP, 15% nature resistant, T3, Lightened Full Plate
- a twisted and melted imflass rod, self charging Disk (511)
- a scorched and charred vellum page, self recharging Disk (511)
- 6x T3 Iasha Handaxe
- 5x Veil Iron Mana Vial Flaring Harpoon
- 4,800 Premium Points
- 7x (+35) SWCP, full leathers
- 7x 3 Slot Fusion HCW T5 Lance w/orbs, 13 STR stat, 12 Cman Bonus, 13 Polearm Bonus
- Golvern Greathelm - +9 Polearm Bonus
- 7x Full Plate T4 Ensorcelled 15% Lightning Resistant Maxlight
- Few Items
- 6x HCP Brig
- Do people still buy Premium Points for cash?
- 7x fusion doubles and 6x fusion full leathers
- 1x a day Invisibility, Shadow scripted shroud, weighs 2 holds 150.
- 5x Tier 2 Ithzir Hauberk
- 3x claid & 9x OHE (acid,fire,vibe flares)
- 6x HCP full leather
- 6x MCW Falchion
- landing player shop
- 8x platemail, hcp, max light, 2-slot fusion
- 4x - Max Light - VHCP - T2 LBP
- weapon, armor, stuff
- 7x disruption flaring T5 ensorc runestaff ambient Dyhne scripts + 3 custom zests
- 7x, HDP fusion full plate T3 ensorcell, 30% impact resistance, puncture fittings.
- 7x fusion runestaff, 2x acuity, T1 ensorcell
- 7x rotating flares runestaff
- Shinoo's Ranged Weaponry Auction
- 8x perfect T2 mithril maul
- 2-slot fusion sephwir longbow and flat fixtstat
- some spiked vultite studded leather, +30, studded leather, spiked, +6 to TD
- landing shop for sale
- 7x Sancted THW Whip, flail based.
- +12 20lb halfing sized full plate
- 6x bubble flare mattock
- high end aug chain
- 4x HCP plate, fusion orbs
- Golvern stuff! 5x HDP plate, 7x grapple flaring short sword
- 5x mcp fulls +3 dodge 10% resist slash/crush 10% vuln to puncture
- 6x T2 bubble flare mattock
- Orbs, higher end Runestaves, armor, weapons
- 4100 premium points.
- 4x, 9 to Spell Aiming Bonus, 12 to Max Mana, 3 to Magic Item Use Bonus runestaff
- 7x (+33) Tier 3 Voln MBP with DCP
- a black ora anklet
- 6x HCP Brig
- 9x Med Shield, +11 Ranged Bns Crossbow, +7 SA Bns staff, Orc Bane Bastard and More
- ash rose shade-lizard
- FixStat
- 6x, T3, Heavily Sighted Composite Bow
- 2x/Day Unpoison/Undisease - A Crystal-Domed Green Scarab Ring
- 1x/Day Transference Scroll
- 6x heavy sighted T3 bow
- 9x vultite heater
- 450lb Capacity Backworn Container
- deeply hooded chainsil cloak - self knowledge 608 - Fully unlocked climmate wear
- Fixstat
- Beltworn satchel - "Gigantic amount" - ~600 lbs - MB 1m
- 300 pound backworn container
- self charging 1x a day 515 amulet
- A number of decently high end items.
- 6x Sephwir Longbow (+11 hiding ranks, +6 dex stat)
- a gold-edged golvern katana, +25, perm HCW
- Few Odds & Ends
- 6x claidhmore with blink flares
- Couple Mauls for Sale
- 6x, T3, Heavily Sighted Composite Bow
- 6x T2 bubble flaring mattock
- 8x scripted ko'nag runestaff
- 4x-4x-t5 an ironwood staff capped with a glowing quartz orb
- missing 6x waraxe
- 150k weightless coinpack
- Sexy Augmented Chain
- 5x vhcp half plate
- 7x fullplate
- Sephwir heavy crossbow (+25, Heavily sighted)
- more stuff
- 3 PP blocks
- garnet medallion - +10 Spell Aim Bonus, +2 Dex Bonus, +1 AS Bonus, +3 EMC Bonus
- Looking to purchase a few items - Mostly weapons for now
- 7x moderate vacuum/natural attack resistance fulls
- 10x Blessable Waraxe (OHE)
- [Locker Cleanout]
- Altered 7x/Heavy Crit Padded/T2 Voln/Max Light Double Chain
- A Catnip Pouch - Self-Recharging Call Familiar (3x/day, No MIU Req)
- Looking for Wizard/Magic Items
- 7x vultite full plate, max lightened
- 4x HCP MBP
- 6x, T3, Heavily Sighted Composite Bow
- 4x HCP max lightened T1 voln full plate
- 8x Halfling/Burghal Gnome Spiked Below Max Light Full Plate
- 10x Lance With Stuff
- Druid staff and Quake Sword
- 4x claid T1 and 1x Grimbane (+10 weighting)
- Ultimate Perfume/Scent Vial
- 6x, T3, Heavily Sighted Composite Bow
- 6x HCP Brig Voln T1
- Quite a few items
- Returning axe T4 ensorcell, 5x MCW returner
- Undead bane katana 4x MCW vs undead
- 4.5X MCP Full Plate
- 4x cold flare handaxe bando
- All 7x fusion 2 slot - Platemail, Double Leathers, Longbow
- 4x Returning Bola
- 5x Returning bolas, permabless
- 1 Lb Gigantic (200 lb) capacity Longcoat
- a twisted kroderine warsword
- Altered Feature Concealing Heavily Scripted Climate Weather Cloak
- Shade Skink ( Bonus Alter Scroll)
- +50?+50?+37
- +22 to Polearm Weapon Bonus, +10 Agility Stat, + 5 Aura, and more in 3 items.
- Solid Invar Dice (Loaded)
- 7x Fusion Lance
- 5x T4 MCW (20-24 points) Returning Handaxe
- im going to be a FATHER sale
- 8x max light tower shield
- 7x max lightened plate
- 7x T1 tower shield
- tart themed ESP medallion
- cookie jar themed container
- 8x HCP brig vh resist fire/scald, mod res lightning/plasma, t5 ensorc 3 ithzir-t2 sup
- +32 - T3 VOLN - very resistant to shocking attacks - 38lb - invar - full plate armor
- An elven infantry longbow, 6x, heavily sighted
- Gambling kit: Self knowledge 1204 + holds 50k weightless
- Cleric Pavis - A purple-flecked urglaes pavis bound with zorchar edging
- Warrior Pavis - silver-flecked urglaes pavis bound with invar edging, 5x casts HEAL.
- Self-charging opals cloak
- Hidden Bracer for thrown users
- +27 halfling plate ... 20lbs, burghal gnome and halfling only
- 6/4x undead bane gauntlets (crush flares)
- WTB Casting leathers
- a xenium hilted serrated laen claidhmore
- 5x mechanical heavy crossbow with temp sighting
- 10x returner
- A collection of bastard axes
- Enhancives and Orbs for sale, and some gnome only 7x max light LBP
- 10x medium shield
- Some seksay augmented chain and brig....
- Buying your Stat Potion
- Bergreham Original Krodera fusion maul dis-spell flares
- Prized Possessions Auction
- fusion faenor claid
- 6x HCP brig
- super bubble flare perfect lance
- 10x SWCP Brig
- Expensive Things
- 5500 Premium Points
- 8x 23lb spiked halfling full plate
- 8300 Premium Points
- +22 MDP T2 Voln Full Plate
- four winds isle shop
- 5500 Premium Points
- ICE age full plate, 7x, 36 lbs, 12M OBO
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