View Full Version : High-End Valuables
- Mana battery
- Fel hafter axe. 4x heavy crit weighting
- 7x enhancive longbow
- Greater Iashara Maul (sledgehammer)
- Spiked felcour dueling gauntlets
- 10% off high-end items until 10/13!
- 7X Longbow and 7x Perfect Greatsword
- Dmac's High End Items
- Expertly Crit Weighted 2.5X Flamberge
- Want to Buy Fix Skill Potion
- Kroderine Waraxe
- 1x a day Champions might +15 CS
- Complete set of fletching razors (5) - rare flares!
- Greater Iasha Scythe
- bunch of droughtmans and other high end items
- 8x Medium Shield (Zelia alter)
- Tempered Heavy Greataxe
- Cleaning house: 8x HCP, FGB, Fel-hafter, 7x leathers and more
- 7x Doubles & 4x HCP Reinforced
- 2 6x perm mech flaring katars and unlocked banolier(harness)
- SD vambs, rapture cloak, capped wizard, splitting sais
- 6x splitting longsword
- 4 Capped Characters High End Gear
- Kroderine full plate
- Animated Music Stand
- 1x per day Rapid Fire amulet
- 7x max lightened fusion full plate
- 6200 Premium Points
- Splitting Estocs
- Bromim potion
- Aleteh Potion
- Grenshol Potion
- Chaos Katar
- DM: leather bound silvery tome
- 6x HCW Bastard Sword
- 7x max light HCP Brig and poker dice
- 7X fusion full plate - 49 lbs
- 6x Speed Crossbow
- 8x perfect lance & 7x unbalance flaring chain
- SD Sica (short sword)
- 2 weapons
- Zelnorn breastplate
- Auction/raffle quality tent
- EG Tier 5 Pouch - +4 Ranged Bonus, +3 Brawl Bonus
- Gem Eater Medallion - 606 + others
- EG Tier 5 bracers - +2 STR Bonus, +3 Shield Bonus, +2 Stam Recovery
- 10X Tower shield and 6x HCW Bastard Sword
- Volcano-themed raffle tent
- 7x hcp brig
- 11700 premium points
- 6x max light fusion plate *grapple flares*
- 3800 Points, etc
- Shadowdeath Polearm
- major enchant slot available
- +12 to polearm bonus orb
- Giggler orb 508,1711,1612
- Dark themed glamour crystal
- +16 Perception, +8 OHE orbs
- Footwear (and belt) altering coffer
- 7x altered perfect mithril handaxe
- 6x chainspear
- 4x HCW sancted spear
- Altered faenor waraxe
- 6x handaxe w/ perm mech flares
- Altered FGB
- 7x Shell doubles.
- an eahnor scimitar, self cast V'Tull's Fury
- Quick armor sale - FGB, 5x HCP double, 7x HDP double
- a polished crystal sphere - Seeing Crystal
- Morphing neckwear - multiple configurations
- Elemental Poison Bow 6x-10x
- Menos' gear list.
- 2 blocks of PP
- 7x fusion brig
- Couple useless things for sale
- 8x altered and lightened brig
- Rapture Cloak Auction
- 8x HCP Fulls, 8 lbs
- 8x - Less then 1lb Doubles
- 7x - HCW Perfect Mattock
- Ranger pavis
- Druid staff w/Fire Flares, +37 Brig, Speed Crossbow
- Raffle-quality tent
- Sephwir Composite Bow
- 10x tower shield 5lbs
- Dmac's High end Items - Lower prices!
- 4 slot fusion augmented chain. 7x
- 2x mcw skulled greataxe
- Ranger Dice of Fate
- 7x max lightened fusion plate
- 12,400 Premi Points
- 2x per day dauntless 1606
- Racial Sylvan or Halfling Composite Bow
- Raffle-Quality Tent (fully lightened)
- 10x perfect lance
- Items
- New Year? New Gear!
- Useless Things Such Junk, sheesh...
- Skinning knife courtesy of Droughtman
- chronomage dagger & unlimited 602 scarf
- 1x a day rapid fire amulet
- ?
- 10x Permabless Returning Hammer
- keratin-edged skinning knife (self-knowledge 604)
- 7x HCW Splitting Axe
- PB maul
- 6x Ebow and (2) 2x DB items
- +40DS/+10TD medium shield with scripted weapon straps
- Hollow soulstone wand
- 7x chronomage dagger
- 8400 PP
- glamor crystal
- 10x returning hammer other crap
- Items
- 6x HCP 12lb Brigandine
- 10x Perfect Maul, SD Quaterstaff
- 10x tower shield and altered fgb
- 8x vhcp full leather
- Zelia Cloak
- exceptionally sighted longbow
- 7X DCW bastard axe
- a keron-edge white eog blade
- Elemental Void Bow and other items (new thread)
- 2x a day wearable lorminstra teleporter.
- 12 Settings Teleport Ring and 4x DB Cloak
- Ugly Armor
- Dhu Kitty!
- Looking for Padra
- Twice a day Phoen's Strength Self-Charger
- 8x HCP Doubles
- Chalk Pouch
- 1711 (Mystic Focus) Gloves
- Chomper Plant.
- Tent
- WTB: Amazing 2handed weapon
- Couple THW's
- +10 VHCP Brig Equiv: "Some Urglaes Cinched Armor'
- a pulsating sapphire bracelet
- SD Quarterstaff MB:1m
- 4x 30 point mattock poison bow
- +17 Expertly Damage Weighted Maul
- Who has the gold-veined glowbark seige arbalest?
- Weapons & Armor
- fgb
- mist hauberk band
- 10500 premium points
- 7x chronomage dagger
- urglaes pavis self mana ewave rangers only
- Self-knowledge, self-charger, gem-eater, and more.
- Fully unlocked Ishma maul
- a dark urnon key - unlocks a box every 12 hours
- 7x cuirass
- 5x per day locate person page
- Old Rare Items
- 7x MCW falchion, 8x racial falchion
- 10x heavily crit padded brigandine
- 14,100 Premium Points
- Liquidation Services
- 1x a day rapid fire & 1x a day chamions might
- 3 setting demon visage draconic basinet
- 7x heavy crit padded max light chain
- +2 db veil iron plated utility belt
- master instrument -lute
- need coins again
- 8X Chain Hauberk - Low MB
- shadowdeath jeddart-axe
- Make an offer on these items - Need to sell
- Racial weighted Lance
- a xenium hilted serrated laen claidhmore
- 10x vhcp brig
- 3x (+15) swcp ring hauberk, 20m flat
- Points-
- +4 agility, +5 blunt, +2 SMC Bracelet + Mage Rechargeable Eyespy enhancive
- +16 Aura Orb
- 9x small shield
- 6x DCW Maul
- OMG stuff!
- 8x hcp full leathers
- 8x prefect vultite maul
- 7x perfect vultite dagger with unbalance flares
- 7X Fusion MBP
- 8x hcp brig resistant to lightning, vulnerable to slash
- Fixstat Potion
- 5x splitting fist-scythe
- 7x perfect falchion w/ unbalance flares
- Dark Urnon Key
- 7x ICE age permablessed morning star
- 3x claid
- coraesine flamberge
- some zelnorn full plate
- 2x/day Phoen's Strength self-charger and ShadowDeath Quarterstaff
- 5x sighted longbow, faenor claid, FGB and crit weighted lance
- 4x/day Disk, 3x/day Invis, 2/120 belt-worn, and 6/140 pin-worn for sale
- Ring of misty black essence
- +27 plate 'morphing' armor, somewhat crit padded
- Fixstat
- Live squirrel pet and fireworks press
- Containers
- WANTED: High End MBP
- 7x max lightened full plate
- 7x runestaff w/ wand holder, 3x/day Invis talisman
- *GS-IV PLATINUM* 5x Glove bow for cash please
- Price Check
- Shirt based 8X Aug Chain/DCP/+4 DEX/12 lbs
- 6x ECP Doubles - 2 lbs
- Fixstat
- giggler orb 509,215,1119
- broke again
- Stuff
- Loot for Sale
- Landing 3 Roomed Shop - Room 3
- Have too many Toys
- Some nice things
- A pair of fiery deep crimson wings
- Greater poison flaring 5.5x maul
- 2x Claid
- +8 Claid. MB 1M
- Fixskill potions.
- Urnon-cinched shroud
- 7x HCP chainmail
- animated music stand
- Earcuff - +3 Stam Recovery, +3 STR, +2 THW Ranks
- +22 VR to lightning 1x Lightened MBP
- Self-filling, unlimited pipe
- Trollbane maul
- Morphing clothing from Droughtsman's, a "white silk gown"
- 10x - HCP Robes - 4 Pounds
- a pair of mithril-framed spectacles inlaid with eahnor along the frames - Read Elvish
- 8X Aug Chain DCP/max lightened 12 lbs/+4 Dex/Shirt based "white silk shirt"
- +5 AUR bonus leg greaves
- 5500 Points and 2000 or so Points back up for sale
- 1 coin MB - "Orc Skewer": +12 HDW lance, +27 against orcs
- Dissapointed with Droughtman's? Check here: Sephwir Composite & 6x HCP Brig
- 7x maxlight fusion full plate
- 8x - Less than 1 pound - Double Leathers
- the witchwood box
- Animated cauldron
- For Sale: 8X Aug Chain
- Whittling Knife
- DM Prize - elven reading spectacles
- Gigantic Container - 400+ pounds
- Disarm Returning Waraxe
- self knowledge 904 runestaff
- a pair of thick invar-framed spectacles - Dwarven Reading Glasses
- Fully Unlocked EG hair bauble - an ebon-veined white marble bauble
- a keratin-edged skinning knife - Self Knowledge 604
- Sheru Scripted VLA Cloak
- Couple items
- a hip-length fringed doeskin vest - 6/140
- Raffle Hair Bauble
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