View Full Version : 7x T3 Voln Full Plate

02-12-2014, 02:42 PM
Landing pickup.

some black steel plate armor-
7x t3 Voln full plate. +35 DS flares w/17 points of phantom critical padding vs undead (Right in the middle of the exceptional range of 15-19 points). Further enchantable, padding increases with enchant. Still able to be padded, flared, TD'd, and then will still take resistances on top of that. Personally, I like it as is and use the AG temp heavy damage padding. About 49 lbs. Locate undead, sheer fear resistance, great zests.

>analy my plate
You analyze your steel full plate and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

This armor has been designed to provide mechanical benefit to members of the Order of Voln. Some FLUFF verb traps are available to non-members, but unique abilties are bestowed ONLY on members. Due to its nature, the steel full plate will repel anyone converted to Luukos who attempts to touch it, as well as preventing usage to anyone wearing or holding Shadow Death, Black Ora Jewelry, or Rapture Cloak items. Furthermore, it CANNOT be ensorcelled, which is by design.

The steel full plate is currently TIER 3 and has the following options available:


Fluff: PUSH, and EXHALE

* DS flares against undead foes. Base chance to flare of 15%, +5% for Voln Masters, +5% for Voln converts. Amount of DS applied equal to armor enchant, min. of +10, max. of +50.

* +10 passive Shear Fear resistance against undead.

* Automatic Symbol of Need upon death - half normal favor cost. Must already possess knowledge of the Symbol. Toggled on/off with WHISPER.

* Phantom critical padding augments DS flare. If flare triggered and attack goes through, it does so with critical padding in place. Amount of padding applied equal to half armor enchant, min. of 5 points, max. of 25 points.

* Locate nearby undead ability - cost of 5 units of favor. Activated with PONDER.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the steel full plate for you.



>bow plate
You forcefully cross one arm over your steel full plate, and offer a formal bow.
>tap plate
You lift your chin slightly and, in a display of solidarity, tap your fist against your steel full plate twice in quick succession.

>stare plate
You bow your head and stare grimly at your steel full plate, lost deep within your own thoughts.

>clutch plate
You stare outward, your expression black and tinged with melancholy, as you clutch the steel full plate at your breast.

>kneel plate
In an extreme display of respect, you fall to one knee and bow your head in reverence.

>push plate
Every bone in your body seems to ache as you shift your stance, ever stoic. Lifting a wearied hand, you press your palm down over your heart, and silently turn your thoughts toward your devotion to Voln's path. In response, a hazy white glow rises from your steel full plate and spreads, bathing you in a rejuvenating light that leaves you stronger and steadier in its wake.

>exhale plate
You tense slightly as the spiritual force of your steel full plate swells, its powerful current manifesting as a flash of brilliant light. As you exhale the light coalesces around you, bathing you in white-hot radiance.

Locate Undead:

>ponder plate
Using your steel full plate as a focus, you draw on your spiritual connection to the Paladin to locate undead abominations in need of release, and detect 3 nearby.

02-12-2014, 02:50 PM
Any chance you could post a clip of what the undead-locate ability looks like?

02-12-2014, 03:06 PM
Any chance you could post a clip of what the undead-locate ability looks like?

Edited op for zests & this.

02-12-2014, 03:43 PM
out of curiosity, how much does the temp AG padding last/cost when you get it? I had the same thought, just curious. Damn nice armor though. Wonder how many people went from unconverted to voln just for these :D

02-12-2014, 04:07 PM
out of curiosity, how much does the temp AG padding last/cost when you get it? I had the same thought, just curious. Damn nice armor though. Wonder how many people went from unconverted to voln just for these :D

>order 16 heavy
Duane takes your plate and carefully inspects it, inside and out. He hands it back, saying, "I can add heavy damage padding to this. It'll cost 6300 of your bounty points, though."

Padding lasts for 50 hits.

02-12-2014, 04:23 PM
Unless they have changed it, you can still wear black ora jewelry, rapture cloaks, etc, with Voln armor. Mentioned it to Wyrom, but I don't know that it has been fixed. No longer have my old set or I'd test it out.

02-13-2014, 01:43 PM
seems rather harsh though.. You can't take off black ora, or rapture cloaks and voln armor came out AFTER so it's not like you knew you had to make a choice between wearing those items or voln armor. It's like saying oh hey we made the first ever airplane but too bad you can't be on one if you've ever been on a boat. WTF?

02-13-2014, 02:05 PM
Mostly thought/think it's dumb in general, too. One doesn't need to be on the good side of things to be all for putting down the undead, nor must one be inherently evil or something to use a rapture cloak, black ora, etc. Someone that follows Luukos, sure. Inability to be ensorcelled is also kind of funny considering it works just fine on holy weapons. Done as a balance mechanic I imagine, just from the RP side it is fairly senseless.

02-13-2014, 02:17 PM
seems rather harsh though.. You can't take off black ora, or rapture cloaks and voln armor came out AFTER so it's not like you knew you had to make a choice between wearing those items or voln armor. It's like saying oh hey we made the first ever airplane but too bad you can't be on one if you've ever been on a boat. WTF?

lol and I'll take cash at 8 per bump. This came from the first RtCF, so it's the earliest incarnation of its kind. Not sure if that was fixed in the couple of months before the second prime run, or ever, or if a blanket fix would be able to be done down the road on all Voln armors... That said, if someone wants to test that out before bidding, I'm fine with that. I converted my sunfist pally to Voln for these armors, and I've really enjoyed them.

02-13-2014, 02:53 PM
...and this is sold for a generous buyout offer from a return customer. A pleasure, my incognito friend.