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  1. 6x perfect t3 vultite maul (3 replies)
  2. a moon-filled veniom pendant (celestial blue) (7 replies)
  3. Undead Bane UAC Gloves - 10x - SK Zealot (1617) - Fire Flares - and more! (36 replies)
  4. Alter box, Auction block, Gambling Kit, Poker Dice, & More! (26 replies)
  5. My 1m MB auction-TD shield, veil iron plate and nice enhancives (17 replies)
  6. kroderine full plate with resistances (22 replies)
  7. Few things for sale - aug 3 slot fusion, greater void staff, hcw uac gloves, etc (14 replies)
  8. A resplendant golvern warsword 5x, Fire Flares, Grimbane (DCW) T1 Ensorcelled (0 replies)
  9. 6x Brig - HCP - Max Lightened - Anfelt Scripts (fully unlocked) (5 replies)
  10. 4x perfect trollbane maul (2 replies)
  11. 8x UAC blessable Gauntlets (17 replies)
  12. 6x/6x T4 Nervstaff (4 replies)
  13. EG Custom Spell Prep - a small black leather-bound tome (8 replies)
  14. horn inlaid black mithril case, permanent model rod maker (10 replies)
  15. 1x a day encumberance reducing backpack, holds 140 (31 replies)
  16. 5x fusion full-plate (9 replies)
  17. ENORMOUS (191) 25% reduction; a black veniom-scaled cloak (5 replies)
  18. Chainspear (11 replies)
  19. Discounted Stuff (13 replies)
  20. Self ammo crossbow,splitter, +15 spell aim enhancive (9 replies)
  21. 8x Double Chain (2 replies)
  22. 5 setting permanent gold ring - 100M (1 replies)
  23. 2/1100 belt-worn satchel - 20% weight reducing (40 replies)
  24. 10x MCP Brig (14 replies)
  25. Permablessed OHE - Prepare for Reim! (1 replies)
  26. a moon-filled gornar pendant (0 replies)
  28. a miniature Makiri moon- completed with the segment (2 replies)
  29. 7x/6x Acuity 2 Slot-Fusion, T5 ensorcell - Runestaff. 60M (5 replies)
  30. Another Spectral Butterfly (1 replies)
  31. 10x Waraxe (3 replies)
  32. 10x Weapon (1 replies)
  33. Help me stay alive in my current life. (95 replies)
  34. blank moon pendant + 3 moons (0 replies)
  35. Eahnor Moonshard Pendant - Ooh, ahhh, eahnor (14 replies)
  36. Teaser. (1 replies)
  37. New - Heavy Golvern Slab (2 replies)
  38. T5 win: a thin green portfolio (scroll/spell holder) (24 replies)
  39. 7x T2 perfect maul (4 replies)
  40. A Spectral Peacock Butterfly (12 replies)
  41. a four-ringed metal pendant (1 replies)
  42. a heavy eahnor slab (3 replies)
  43. Fresh Golvern Slab (7 replies)
  44. For sale: Blank pendant + all moon pieces (golvern segment included) (16 replies)
  45. a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment (20 replies)
  46. a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment (3 replies)
  47. 7x/6x Acuity 2 Slot-Fusion, T4 ensorcell - Runestaff. 60M (2 replies)
  48. Buying Sorc, Rogue Paraphernalia (126 replies)
  49. Unique Transforming Jewelry (0 replies)
  50. Unique 6x T4 Runestaff with Ensorcells (4 replies)
  51. 4900 PPs (4 replies)
  52. Permanent disintegrate fletching razor (22 replies)
  53. 2x mdp full plate with moderate nature resist & t-3 ensorcelling (1 replies)
  54. Stuff (30 replies)
  55. a perfect maoral-hilted steel greatsword 6X with T5 ensorcellment plus padded armor (2 replies)
  56. 9x handaxe (w/temp poison flares) (17 replies)
  57. Fully unlocked auction quality telescope (10 replies)
  58. 6x HCP brig - a set of coal black brigandine studded with shards of onyx (1 replies)
  59. Sephwir long bow : 5x, heavyily sighted, 3lb (1 replies)
  60. 8x hcp t-3 voln full leathers (0 replies)
  61. +17 3 slot hcp fusion brigandine (0 replies)
  62. 10x (+50) Mace (3 replies)
  63. T4 Voln Doubles (7 replies)
  64. Fully Altered Feature Concealer Epic Deepened Climatewear with Show (14 replies)
  65. a moon-filled eonake pendant (shimmering silvery grey) - Glamour Crystal (10 replies)
  66. +17 heavily crit padded 3 slot fusion full plate (5 replies)
  67. Pin Worn Dragon Winged Vest, Significant Amount (3 replies)
  68. Any collectors of typos here? I have a very old and equally egregious one. (14 replies)
  69. 6x golvern chain hauberk with permanent plasma flares (11 replies)
  70. locker stuffs (12 replies)
  71. 4800pp (1 replies)
  72. Shutting down for now? (47 replies)
  73. Max light +32 Hauberk with T5 ensorcell and T2 Ithzir Flares (once over base) (19 replies)
  74. 0x MCP breastplate w/10% void resistance (DM honey badger plate) (15 replies)
  75. 7x Fusion Brig w/15% electrical resist & 6x Aug Chain w/10% fire & 5% steam resists (4 replies)
  76. 8x Permablessed T5 warblade (19 replies)
  77. 6x/6x acuity 2 slot fusion T4 ensorcelll runestaff (4 replies)
  78. Three-Room Shop in Wehnimer's Landing (2 replies)
  79. 8x HCP Double Leathers (12 replies)
  80. 6x heavily sighted longbow (9 replies)
  81. 5x/2x acuity runestaff with rare LK zest - lets you LK individuals and rooms (9 replies)
  82. Bergraham Original, Dying Light (4 replies)
  83. Black Ice Ring (7 replies)
  84. Solhaven Shop (8 replies)
  85. 8x MCP Voln T2 ML Double Leather (0 replies)
  86. Alchemy (0 replies)
  87. 10x OHB/8x black ora large shield (5 replies)
  88. VHCP'd 4xLeather Breastplate - T3 Ensorcell - Max Light 8 pounds (0 replies)
  89. 6x VHCP max light T5 ensorcel AsG 10 (cuir leather) (1 replies)
  90. Mega Enhancive Arm Greaves (12 replies)
  91. 7x Full plate with T3 Voln and Grapple Flares (0 replies)
  92. Max Light 7x Brig Armor HCP (3 replies)
  93. Max Light 6X HCP Full Plate (0 replies)
  94. 7x 6x Acuity t5 enscrolled Fusion Staff (7 replies)
  95. 3 slot fusion HCP plate +17, a suit of imflass platemail (3 replies)
  96. Max 6x HCP scripted full plate (2 replies)
  97. Fully Unlocked Climatewear Cloak - 3 slot fusion FGB -- T4 Nerve Staff (3 replies)
  98. Auction Block (0 replies)
  99. Logic Daggers (13 replies)
  100. Shop Stuff (0 replies)
  101. Golvern Segment / Makiri Moon (45 replies)
  102. 7x/MCP/Brig (7 replies)
  103. a shirt of vruul leather +17 Full leather HCP w/3 slot fusion (1 replies)
  104. 7x 2 slot fusion runestaff w/ void flares t3 ensorc sancted max light (0 replies)
  105. T2 max light/deepened spider sack (5 replies)
  106. T1 Spider Backpack (7 replies)
  107. Bloodscrip sale, Wyrom style (1 replies)
  108. a four-ringed metal pendant (Moonshard Pendant) (0 replies)
  109. 6x/6x T4 nervestaff w/ T2 ensorcell (8 replies)
  110. 100-150k Bloodscrip (0 replies)
  111. [WANTED] Awesome upgradable items for Duskruin 4.23.15 (7 replies)
  112. 6x HCW bastard sword (2 replies)
  113. a four-ringed metal pendant (1 replies)
  114. 8700 Premium Points. (5 replies)
  115. A moon-filled silver and kelyn pendant (Complete Duskruin Pendant - Glamour Crystal) (0 replies)
  116. a soft shadowsilk backsack shot through with a web of silver threads (0 replies)
  117. Duskruin Pendant (not full) (5 replies)
  118. Auction-Quality Tent (20 replies)
  119. 1000lb capacity bag (0 replies)
  120. 3 Room Landing shop. (5 replies)
  121. 6200 Premium Points. (3 replies)
  122. +18 ECW T1 Trident. (25 replies)
  123. Decent Items Collecting Dust (13 replies)
  124. 7x (+35) Acid Flaring Runestaff with Snake Zests (7 replies)
  125. immolation fist scythe (7 replies)
  126. Fixstat potion (1 replies)
  127. Bloodscrip (7 replies)
  128. some crimson silver-buckled leathers, 8x Doubles, HCP, T1 ensorcell, Max Light (2 replies)
  129. Illthorn Runestaff - 7x T2 ensorcell (6 replies)
  130. a set of coal black brigandine studded with shards of onyx, 6x, max light, HCP (3 replies)
  131. Few Items (4 replies)
  132. hoy took all my money auction (7 replies)
  133. Chronomage Dagger (38 replies)
  134. some sleek ebon stalking leathers, 7x doubles, HCP, T3 unlocked based race zests (5 replies)
  135. a well-balanced eonake short sword, 5x (+21), DCW, +9 OHE, +5 perception, +4 dex (9 replies)
  136. 7x Fulls, max light, perm HCP (1 replies)
  137. Some unused items (26 replies)
  138. selling 7x (+35) altered maul with perm T1 ensorc (4 replies)
  139. Gwen cut me off auction! (0 replies)
  140. a lacquered scrollworked illthorn runestaff, 6x/6x acquity, T4 nerve staff, T2 Ensorc (2 replies)
  141. Unlimited random Drink container (1 replies)
  142. 7x perfect maul (5 replies)
  143. 5x VHCW lance, phenomenally weighted vs bandits (+32), T5 ensorc, poleaxe flares (97 replies)
  144. Blue Fireball ring and Blue Lightning ring (25 replies)
  145. 10x falcata (41 replies)
  146. 10x Perfect T5 Ensorcelled Handaxe (0 replies)
  147. Nightmare & Sleep flaring Broadsword (7 replies)
  148. a glowing black diamond runestone 3x self charging 920 (39 replies)
  149. Around 45k in Bloodscrip (3 replies)
  150. God auction khopesh, "Shadow Slave" (27 replies)
  151. 124772 bloodscrip (25 replies)
  152. +10 DB ear stud. Auctioning for DB enchanting spot in Duskruin on Sunday (13 replies)
  153. 40k bloodscrip (7 replies)
  154. Couple of items (20 replies)
  155. 8x T1 Perfect Awl-Pike (Ranseur) (13 replies)
  156. 2500 PPs (4 replies)
  157. 2500 BPs (0 replies)
  158. Few Odds & Ends (14 replies)
  159. T4 Unlocked Forest Armor (18 replies)
  160. 3600 PPs (4 replies)
  161. Demon Rattle (7 replies)
  162. 6x perfect white ora falchion, T4 (0 replies)
  163. 6x steam flaring t4 ensorc max light runestaff (13 replies)
  164. steam flaring t4 ensorc max light runestaff (0 replies)
  165. 10x MCP T5, Impact Resist, T0 Ithzir, 5 lbs Full Plate (21 replies)
  166. 2x MCW Battle-axe stunning skull (5 replies)
  167. 2,300 (or 2,400) Premium points for sale (5 replies)
  168. 7x masterfully crit padded fusion aug chain (13 replies)
  169. 10x T4 Falchion & 6x T4 Perfect Falchion (6 replies)
  170. FGB (+17, HCP, maxlight, T1, 3-slot fusion) (15 replies)
  171. fully unlocked snow satchel (10 replies)
  172. Mana Battery (10 replies)
  173. 6x plate, 4x claid, 8x runestaff (5 replies)
  174. Fealoke's Junk - Ithzir Krod etc (26 replies)
  175. x6 HCP full leathers Voln tier 1 max light (4 replies)
  176. 7x(+35) T4 nerve runestaff, max light, altered, no affinity (8 replies)
  177. 6700 PPs (8 replies)
  178. 7x(+30) T4 nerve runestaff, no affinity, max light and altered (0 replies)
  179. 6x HCP, T3 Hauberk with a nice description (0 replies)
  180. Althaz's decent item sale (2 replies)
  181. A couple permanent enhancives (2 replies)
  182. 8x T5 Lance (4 replies)
  183. +23 MCW Perfect T2 lance, 6x HCP fulls (18 replies)
  184. chain-linked steel jazerant - 8x, DCP, T5 ensorcell (0 replies)
  185. Tier 5 Daxela Jewelry Box (31 replies)
  186. 6x T2 Fusion Longbow (2 replies)
  187. 7x Perfect Sledgehammer T5 Ensorc T2 Gorey Scripts Altered with 2 shows, Max light (1 replies)
  188. Deep blue twin crossbow with glaes shard accents (+21, dual crossbow) (1 replies)
  189. Middian's Crossbow Set (3 replies)
  190. Selling Basic and Prem account (10 replies)
  191. 7x perfect maul (2 replies)
  192. Two +40 to stat/+20 to bonus fusion logic dagger sets (11 replies)
  193. 5x urnon longsword with perm mechanical flares (22 replies)
  194. Shadowdeath short sword (17 replies)
  195. Leaving the lands stuff! - Part 3 (40 replies)
  196. High end OHE weapons (0 replies)
  197. spectral butterfly pouch (1 replies)
  198. 1x per day heal all and restore spirit/mana token (10 replies)
  199. Mass heal runestone (3 replies)
  200. A knotted driftwood rune staff set with spirals of colorful pearls, 5x/6x acuity, T2 (7 replies)
  201. Leaving the lands stuff! - Part 2 (39 replies)
  202. 31139 Duskruin bloodscrip (8 replies)
  203. permanent gold ring (14 replies)
  204. veil iron full plate heavy damage padded max light (11 replies)
  205. thief chomping anti-theft goblin head voodoo head. (0 replies)
  206. 6x t2 exceptional sighted composite bow (2 replies)
  207. Leaving the lands stuff! - Part 1 (45 replies)
  208. deadly sickle (8x, permabless, Blades' old gaudy sickle) (6 replies)
  209. 6x void flaring runestaff +2 to WIS AUR (5 replies)
  210. Tier 5 Jewelry Box (0 replies)
  211. Charl Transporter (2 replies)
  212. T1 7x perfect maul w/ grimbane (crit) + regular bubble flares (2 replies)
  213. 6x full plate w/ unbalance flares (4 replies)
  214. Few choice items (HCP, Masterfully Sighted, etc) anda couple others (7 replies)
  215. masterfully sighted 6x fusion longbow (0 replies)
  216. 8x permablessed urnon stiletto (4 replies)
  217. Highish End Stuff (42 replies)
  218. A pristine rolaren razor (Permanent scarring razor) - Duskruin Item (4 replies)
  219. A dark crimson kelyn dagger, 5x, Siolan Dagger, CMAN / Ambush Bonus- Black Swan Prize (3 replies)
  220. A lacquered twisted lor runestaff 5x, 4x Acuity, T4 Nerve Staff (Duskruin) (11 replies)
  221. House (2 replies)
  222. Chaos Bow (6 replies)
  223. +17 permablessed greatsword (0 replies)
  224. Animated Music Stand - Bard Only (2 replies)
  225. Black Leather Backpack, 1x a day encumbrance reducer / max light / deep (5 replies)
  226. Duskruin Pirate Bandolier (4 replies)
  227. Master Quality Fife (0 replies)
  228. 5x Veil Iron Katana - a ruby-pommeled veil iron katana (0 replies)
  229. 6x T1 Voln Double Leather (4 replies)
  230. 2x Extraplanar Bane Claidhmore (19 replies)
  231. 2 blocks of PP (5 replies)
  232. ko'nag staff: 8x/4x acuity, T5, zested, mood messaging runestaff (6 replies)
  233. 10x falc, altered with show, max light, flares (2 replies)
  234. 4x HCP 2 Slot Fusion Double Leather (+20) (2 replies)
  235. Tier 3 Daxela Jewelry Box - Creates new jewelry/imbeddables (14 replies)
  236. 8x HCP T3 Voln Full Leather (2 replies)
  237. 4x Katana, Fusion, "The Rising Dawn" (3 replies)
  238. +20 HCP shadowy black brigandine (8 replies)
  239. 4x Katana, Undead Bane, "Misery Released" (2 replies)
  240. 6x T3 Iasha White Ora Lance T1 Ensorcell (2 replies)
  241. 7x (+33) Tier 3 Voln MBP DCP (3 replies)
  242. Voln Weapon - a gleaming white ora moon axe (4 replies)
  243. +17 HCP 3 Slot Brigandine (6 replies)
  244. altered tool belt - holds exceptional, weighs 6, waist-worn, closeable (31 replies)
  245. 9X Minor Cold Flaring Handaxe, T2 Ensorc, Max Light (2 replies)
  246. 5m Reward for lost t5 jewelry box- No questions asked. (17 replies)
  247. 4900 premium points (0 replies)
  248. Two DB items (21 replies)
  249. Spell Porfolio (5 replies)
  250. belly jewel - a star-shaped mistvein diamond (12 replies)