View Full Version : High-End Valuables
- VLA Pinworn
- A Hedgehog
- an umbral shade-anole
- a notched kroderine cutlass with a rolaren basket hilt
- darkened zelnorn cuirass set with fine eahnor barbs - 11lbs MBP - 2x/2x
- 8x, swcw, max-light cleaver
- 7x perm fire resist scripted robes
- 1000 lb bag
- +8 VCW Faenor Waraxe
- Jewelry Set (tier 4 hair bauble, hideable locket, scripted box)
- 6x fire flaring full zests
- A shadowy Urglaes-barbed paingrip
- Gem Eater: 430, 410, 405, Heal2
- 400 pound carryall
- sephwir longbow
- Big time now. 12-setting teleport ring with peer
- 7x fusion armor
- Max Light adamantine tower shield
- Max lightened 6x full
- You remove a bulging treasure sack from around your waist
- 5x DCP Krodera Platemail (Max Light and Dhyne Scripts)
- 7x Fusion Full Plate
- +23 (5x) 3 slot fusion pike
- 5x SWCP robes, fully unlocked zest
- Self mana 130 horn and 150k weightless Coin Pack
- Permablessed falchion/khopesh
- 8x HCP full leather
- 10x rolaren tower shield
- 2 FWI shops and 1 IMT shop
- 10k block of premium points
- 3 room landing shop...
- 7x morphing rigid leather
- Droughtman's Run
- 8x perfect star
- 6x exceptionally sighted composite bow
- 6x-11x trollbane bastard sword, 3x/orcbaned ECW shortsword, 7x perfect forged grapple
- DM Win - Stone Bust Self charging Spirit Guard
- Blink (1215) Self-Charger
- 8x blessable falchion, scripted
- +27 adamantine buckler
- UAC Boots
- Fixstat 28m
- One of the Seven Dwarven Warblades.
- +15/+15 Zelnorn Buckler
- DM prize 5x HCW maul giant bane
- Small grey-spined hedgehog
- Perfect 7x katar
- Spinning 4x-10x ball and chain
- a cloudy crystallized fossil, 5x+a day 1214(Brace) self charger
- 1/day 1750 - a convex crystal lens
- Gem-eater shortsword
- DM & EG Wins - 6x Doubles w/ Tier2 Ithzir flares, Chronomage Disk + more
- 5x HCW triton bane pike
- 3x setting tiny golvern amulet
- 5x HCW Veil Iron Moon Axe (handaxe) Ithzir bane flares (void)
- kroderine pavis
- 2x/2x Zelnorn Brig
- Dex orbs
- DM items, 6X Aug chain w/void flares, self filling/lighting pipe, ice ring...more
- DM Prizes: 6x FGB, 5x UAC boots: unbalance +6 agi, +6 str boots
- DM win 6x changing flare staff.
- 7x perfect kelyn dagger
- 5X HDP Eahnor MBP
- 10x permabless returning hammer
- EG Palestra handaxe (Otherwordly Bane)
- Dwarves crafted adamantine greatshield
- Altered FGB
- A twined faenor ivy band. +5 to ranged bonus
- +9 Ranged Bonus Aventail
- 8x ironwright(fire/mana distrupt) others
- 2x/week Chronomage Disk (any town)
- 9X Eahnor Full Plate. Max Light - Unbalance Flares
- Bandit Bane Blink Battle Axe
- 5x Palestra khopesh (extraplanar bane)
- 7x veil iron morning star (+35), temp HCW, +11 Stam. Recovery
- Tiny snub-nosed Hedgehog
- +7 to edged weapons MC neckchain
- curious about selling
- +35 ugly leathers (plain full leathers) max lightened
- 10x hcp robes
- Overpriced Junk
- very zested puppet
- a tall golden kroderine tower shield
- 4X racial longbow. a silk-wrapped carved ruic longbow inlaid with faenor leaves
- 5x heavily crit weighted veil iron axe with void flares against ithzir
- 7x Fusion chainmail and waraxe
- fixstat and dark elf earcuff
- Dwarven-crafted adamantine greatshield
- old Joranis morphing dagger & lockpick
- high end weapon and AsG17
- 7x heavily sighted composite bow
- 1x day 1750 lens
- Droughtman Sighted Long Bow Treasure
- +32 Dhyne scripted Disruption flaring runestaff with custom clench command
- 2x/2x zelnorn brig
- broke auction again
- an archaic vaalorn bastard sword
- self rechargable mindward (1208)
- 7x fusion hauberk - 14 lbs | 2x/2x zelnorn MBP - 11lbs
- 5 pound 4x fullplate
- 6x MCP Full Plate
- 6x max light fusion doubles
- 8x max lightened augmented chain
- 7x perfect glowing maul max light w/ snake zests
- "Trolldeath" 5x troll bane warsword max light
- 2x self recharging V'tulls Fury 1718
- Unique Gostahl gambling kit with functioning roulette and Adventure wheels
- Unique Gostahl gambling kit with functioning roulette and Adventure wheels
- I have a gambling problem auction...
- Bluish-Grey Kitten in a satchel
- 10x HCP leather breastplate, max-lightened
- spirit restoring orb (20 spirit or 5x rubs per day)
- 6x fusion brig
- 7x HCP Doubles
- 5x HDP Golvern Plate
- Fix Stat Potion
- Fully Unlocked Beard Clip w/ a Spider Monkey from Ebons 2011 w/ ambient messaging.
- A few weapons
- 7x rolaren plate with lightning flares, max light
- 5x max light AGI/DEX Fusion Brig
- +9 Spell Aim, +7 Spell Aim, +17 DCP robes, plus more
- Plate armors and a set of 6x double
- Fixskills from ADV Guild & Suede Jacket +2 AUR +2 WIS
- Spiked imflass full plate - Max Lightened, +22
- Palestra light 7x full plate flaring/zested
- Fixstat for sale
- +9 spell aiming,10 first aid,5 strength, 5 perception earring
- Auction Quality Tent with a Vaalor Theme
- Sephwir Composite Bow
- 7x 3 slot fusion lance
- +10 newstyle claidhmore
- 4x HCP max lightened robes
- A scorched villswood longbow - +18 heavily sighted longbow
- 7200 Premium Points
- +10 Spell Aim Bonus/+6 Elemental Lore (Fire) Bonus Crown
- 5x Fully unlocked Sirina Longbow
- Weightles pouch
- banded black alloy quarterstaff - Shadowdeath Quarter Staff - 4x to 5x
- Sheru-themed Paraphernalia!
- Sephwir short bow (5x heavily sighted)
- Couple of items, flat prices.
- 5-setting gold ring holder - DM prize
- 6x Hauberk DCP, max lightened
- 7x augmented chain, 2 fusion slots for sale
- 500lb Sack
- 7x maxlight lightning Palestra fullplate with zests.
- Animated Cauldron
- Infinite Hurling Bandolier
- a sleek grey tiger-striped kitten
- +14 dex, 6 dodge bonus bow
- Tier 5 EG win - golvern bastard sword
- +14 spell aim helm
- 6x-11x trollbane short sword
- Fully unlocked Beard-clip with blue-tinged muscular wendigo
- Fixstat potion
- Max light 7x fusion plate
- Be Batman the dark knight
- +11 brawling bonus earth flaring knuckle-duster
- +27 adamantine main gauche
- 3x/5x Permablessed Maul
- Winter- Themed Auction- Quality Tent
- Orb-Inset Fel Talisman - Unique Sheru Talisman
- High-End Valuables
- Ice age wearable self-charing major sanctuary item
- 2x kelyn claidhmore
- 7x and 4x morphing rigid leathers -- Perfect for CCF
- 10x MCP full leathers
- 5x SWC Soulpieced katana (falchion base)
- Couple of nice containers - VLA pinworn, VLA beltworn
- A Small Silver Star
- 5x Pure Black Ora Flail
- Self-mana 503 Thurfel's Ward Torc
- 5x Masterful Crit padded Torso Veil Iron Chain armor
- +8 Enhancive Faenor Claidhmore +9 THW Bonus, +12 Max Stam. +2 Agility Bonus
- 6x fusion longbow, /w +4 Strength bonus orb and +4 Ranged bonus orb
- 6x 23 pound MCP full plate
- 6x mcp robes for sale
- 10x DB an old leather belt
- Max light 7x fusion platemail
- A quicksilver-filled infinity symbol (crystal amulet)
- a vultite-edged white ora claidhmore
- sepwhir long bow
- 4x Perfect Mattock with HDP Bubble Flares
- Demonkilling 8x Ironwright handaxe -- blessed with fire/disruption flares
- Hedgehog
- 5x Heavily Sighted Composite Bow
- DR armor - Veil Iron Ringmail
- Stuff
- 5x a day Blink Orb
- Need coins to outbid Daiyon & Shaft
- 3.5x Heavily Crit Weighted Perfect Lance
- 5x HCW Perfect Lance
- Droughtan's win - dual spell wand
- 5x per day 1214 - Brace
- 5x HCW Superior Lance
- 4x sancted claidhmore, 7x HCP pauldroned brig,7x HCP LBP, ice ring
- 7x Perfect Maul
- 4x HCP plate
- +27 Adamantine Shield
- 15x Self Charging Wand, with your choice of spells 125, 120, 115, 111, and 103
- 7X robes very resistant to lightning
- 3 Sets of 7X plate to take to RTCF
- 7x maxlight fusion hauberk
- 2x Ora Claid - Zesty
- Self-Mana 406, Self-Chargring 503
- 4200 premium points
- 7x maxlight zested lightning Palestra plate
- Self-charging 202 item and self-charging 509 item
- 500 pound sack, zelnorn medium shield,
- Misc ICE Age gear
- 7x Perfect Maul
- 10x Golvern Buckler
- 10x Machete (Falchion). Actioned. Altered.
- 7x max light doubles (altered to shirt) and a shield
- 2x Ora Claid
- 8x racial falchion - ECW for elves
- self charging 515 amulet
- 2x HCP max light Robes
- 4x Exc dmg weighted warhammer.
- 6x and 3x HCP robes for sale
- 7x HCP doubles
- Fixstat and fixskill potions
- 5x golvern returning axe(thrown)
- 6x HCP chain, +32 Acid flaring sanct Falchion
- 2x Black Ora old-style Claid
- Several things
- Fixskill - 8 mil
- Hedgehog
- 3x new style claidh, max light, zesty
- +17 claidhmore, +12 max stam, +2 agi bonus
- 6x Black Crossbow
- a faenor-edged vultite claidhmore
- 7x perfect mattock, hcw
- 5X UAC Gloves with Unbalance Flares ( Black Swan Prize)
- Rolaren fusion full plate with heavy critical padding
- a fish spine sword (1x)
- stuff
- a heavy black linen harness embroidered with swans in flight
- +16 INF +7 Blessings Troll Claw Orb fodder
- +8 Decently Sighted heavy Crossbow
- 6x Rolaren full plate - HCW, Snakestone pauldrons, max light
- Bit of a fire sale
- 7X Robes - Permanent very resistant to shocking
- 6x MDP Golvern Full Plate
- 7x max light vibe flared and spiked fullplate
- Undead Bane and Gore Katana
- fixstat
- A resplendant golvern warsword 5x, Fire Flares, Grimbane (DCW)
- White satin gown Nalea gown with Black Swan Castle loresong
- 4x HCP MBP - a shiny steel breastplate
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