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  1. Selling a fixstat potion for 16m (0 replies)
  2. a sleek ebonwood quiver (1 replies)
  3. Ora Greathelm +14 one hand edge bonus (5 replies)
  4. 1 armor piece & 3 weapons (17 replies)
  5. 8x, max light, T5 ensorcell perfect steel morning-star w/ fire flares (18 replies)
  6. T2 8x ECP (+30) fusion aug chain w/ 30% impact resistance (21 replies)
  7. "A Frost-Edged Handaxe" 9x ice flares, T3 ensorc. Max lightened. (7 replies)
  8. a shimmering rainbow cloak - "living" cloak (12 replies)
  9. Unlimited hurling bandolier (5 replies)
  10. sighted duskruin crossbow (5 replies)
  11. 8x gauntlets [UAC] (3 replies)
  12. +33 Superior Bubble/Grapple Flaring Falchion T2 (6 replies)
  13. Dhu Kitten - a shorthair midnight black kitten with wide amber eyes (3 replies)
  14. Fully unlocked Simucon Auction Block able to do raffles - 15m Flat (3 replies)
  15. Selling a weathered leather cloak that holds at least 650 pounds. (20 replies)
  16. Lots of Stuff (26 replies)
  17. Ghule Teleport Cloak - an old veil iron clasped burnoose (10 replies)
  18. 4900 Premium Points 25m flat (cash at $8 per) (1 replies)
  19. 7x perfect forged, permablessed, scripted vultite spikestar (11 replies)
  20. Solhaven players shop (1 replies)
  21. Self Use chrism holder with chance at retaining the gem (can use while dead) (5 replies)
  22. a suit of mirror-finish silvery kroderine platemail (23 replies)
  23. Iorake claidhmore (24 replies)
  24. Animated Cauldron - The Joker Edition (8 replies)
  25. 5x permablessed falchion, T2 ensorcelled (6 replies)
  26. 5300 PP (0 replies)
  27. 4x lightning flaring handaxe bandolier/4x T1 hcw/mcw undead bane gory weapon waraxe (3 replies)
  28. Duplicity Win - 22 verb unlocked Peretta gown & cloak, Vanne fan, & Veiled Hat (20 replies)
  29. Portable dance floor -- Wooden cube. (10 replies)
  30. [RAFFLE] - 1k bag (40 replies)
  31. Raffle for a 1k bag! (0 replies)
  32. a gnarled fireleaf runestaff - 610/616 (tangle weed/spike thorn) +22 w/fire flares (4 replies)
  33. 1k bag (0 replies)
  34. 5 custom EzScript Package (5 replies)
  35. Hedgehog (5 replies)
  36. 5x partially lightened permanent HCP veil iron half plate (4 replies)
  37. A Pink Scrip - Custom Signature (QUICK AUCTION) (2 replies)
  38. Price Check on Gigantic Container. (9 replies)
  39. Zelnorn Buckler (29 replies)
  40. 5700 PP (14 replies)
  41. Vultite Claidhmore (13 replies)
  42. Light attuned glamour crystal (1 replies)
  43. Lesser Shadowdeath Vambraces (some silvered black alloy vambraces) (5 replies)
  44. 6x altered perfect maul (0 replies)
  45. 10x Partial ICE age broadsword. (14 replies)
  46. +38 perfect vaalorn maul, T5 ensorcell (3 replies)
  47. +15 decently crit padded glaes brigandine (close to FGB stats) (2 replies)
  48. Permanent EG Shovel (19 replies)
  49. A shard of deep purple sea glass (forehead gem) (0 replies)
  50. a black leather bandolier (3 replies)
  51. VLA boots (17 replies)
  52. 6x HCP T5 Augmented Chain (6 replies)
  53. 5x HCW T5 Superior Forged Lance (4 replies)
  54. 7x/day 606 Self-charger (pin worn) (6 replies)
  55. Self Charging 1x Day Rapid Fire (515) Amulet (3 replies)
  56. Selling Cap Sorcerer Account (11 replies)
  57. 6x, Sephwir, (HCW) long bow (0 replies)
  58. Self Chargers 7x Day 613 (Self Control) Pinworn 211 (Bravery) 7x Day Raise Wand (30 replies)
  59. Axe, spell holding band and chain, logic gloves (3 replies)
  60. Kitten (1 replies)
  61. hedgehog (1 replies)
  62. white ice ring (2 replies)
  63. Forehead Gems (3 replies)
  64. boots - holds lg amt; max light and deep (6 replies)
  65. scripted trousers - hold sig amt; max light and deep (1 replies)
  66. pin worn blouse container - holds sig amt; max light and deep (2 replies)
  67. 7x T2 returning scepter (runestaff) (1 replies)
  68. 10x SWCP some vaalin threaded robes (reinforced leather, not robes) (3 replies)
  69. Gem Chisel (19 replies)
  70. 5x, Perfect Forged, MCW vaalorn lance (10 replies)
  71. 8x hcp t3 voln fulls, enhancives (moved) (7 replies)
  72. a wave-shaped blue sea glass - belly gem (0 replies)
  73. Buy my stuff, 8x T5 perfect lance, 6x HCP Aug chain, Polearm enchancives (16 replies)
  74. 1k sack, t3 voln leathers, enhancives, 25k gambling kit (11 replies)
  75. WTB Large Block of Premium Points (0 replies)
  76. 5x/4x/T4 Nerve/T4 ensorc staff and +38 perfect vaalorn maul t5 ensorc (18 replies)
  77. Glaes Arm Greaves. (4 replies)
  78. Expensive Enhancives (2 replies)
  79. DBs! (26 replies)
  80. Fully Unlocked Concealing Backpack + Satchel --- Both Max Deep & Max Light (1 replies)
  81. TWC Dream - 8x/7x MCW/Blessable OHE Katana - Falchion Base. (12 replies)
  82. Bardly Things (30 replies)
  83. A few things (9 replies)
  84. Give me all your millions! (10 replies)
  85. Weighted Daggers (11 replies)
  86. Wine Press! Released at the Festival of the Fallen (14 replies)
  87. Silvers Are Fun (10 replies)
  88. Black Rapture Cloak [Auction]. (4 replies)
  89. fully unlocked 16 verb with feature concealer climatewear cloak (1 replies)
  90. Matched set: Blue fire and ice rings (6 replies)
  91. 5800 Premium Points (1 replies)
  92. A black rapture cloak, taking offers. (20 replies)
  93. Light attuned glamour crystal (9 replies)
  94. Stuff (109 replies)
  95. Just in time for Ebon Gate - 7x Fusion items (1 replies)
  96. The I need silvers for Ebon Gate Sale ... (12 replies)
  97. 5x/4x Acuity Rotflaring Nervestaff with T5 Ensorcell, max light (27 replies)
  98. +27 runestaff T4 ensorc disrupt flares ROT FLARES +3 wis +1 aur bonus to bonus 70m mb (15 replies)
  99. Cleaning House Sale (18 replies)
  100. a square auction block - hold your own auctions! MUST SEE! (26 replies)
  101. a billowy cloak of shadows (25 replies)
  102. 6x/6x nervestaff (4 replies)
  103. Rapture Cloak (21 replies)
  104. Selling two kroderine short swords (23 replies)
  105. Icemule shop (1 replies)
  106. 8x halfling full plate (5 replies)
  107. 10 million silvers for $80 (0 replies)
  108. 10000 Premium Points. (1 replies)
  109. 4x HCP 2-slot Fusion Full Plate - Max Light (1 replies)
  110. "a longcoat" cloakworn 5/180 max l/d w/ Skellie actions MB 1 coin (25 replies)
  111. Blue Ice Ring (39 replies)
  112. Cap Sale (7 replies)
  113. Wehnimer's Landing 3-room Shop (3 replies)
  114. a thin wyrwood composite bow (7 replies)
  115. 5760 PPs (11 replies)
  116. 7x fusion doubles, maxlight, hcp option (3 replies)
  117. 5x/7x undead bane maul (2x slot fusion ) (7 replies)
  118. enruned blue ice shard - gem powered spells (602, 903, 907, 1709) (20 replies)
  119. Forehead gem (1 replies)
  120. 225k Bloodscrip (2 replies)
  121. 350k Bloodscrip (0 replies)
  122. Neckworn: +6 Edged Weapons Bonus +6 Blunt Weapons Bonus Persists (8 replies)
  123. Bloodscript (1 replies)
  124. Elemental Bow of Lightning (Banthis) (6 replies)
  125. T3 6x Iasha lance (3 replies)
  126. +13 to strength stat, +4 to transformation bonus, +1 to blessing bonus arm greaves (0 replies)
  127. +7 OHE bonus, +7 Blunt bonus, +7 HP bonus ring & +13 STR fodder (6 replies)
  128. +9 blunt weapon bonus, +7 armor use bonus crumbly pin (5 replies)
  129. +10 to spell aim bonus, +5 to HP bonus, +5 to earth lore bonus crumbly pin (1 replies)
  130. greater elemental flaring warhammer (2 replies)
  131. ~ 200k bloodscrip for sale (6 replies)
  132. ~150k Bloodscrip (2 replies)
  133. +4 ranged weapon bonus, +7 brawling bonus, +7 edged weapon bonus crumbly neckchain (3 replies)
  134. Perm Disintegration Flaring Fletching Razor (1 replies)
  135. 7x T5 greater weapon mood warsword (6 replies)
  136. 8x dcp Brig (1 replies)
  137. decent armor to get padded (18 replies)
  138. Smells Like Duskruin (4 replies)
  139. 7x perfect heavily crit weighted T-5 ensorcelling waraxe (sanct) (16 replies)
  140. Some nice armor to add padding to and a few other possessions (11 replies)
  141. 8x, +30 defender, 2 slot fusion, extraplanar bane bastard sword and +8 DB ring (1 replies)
  142. cute little greataxe (5 replies)
  143. Runestaff: +35, fusion, void flares, T2 ensorcell (11 replies)
  144. Armor and THW (9 replies)
  145. Stuff (7 replies)
  146. Various Armor (6 replies)
  147. 11700 Premium Points (5 replies)
  148. 6x, max light, t5 ensorcelled, sanct, banshee flaring, spiked tower shield. MB:10mil (35 replies)
  149. Good Shit for Sale (35 replies)
  150. Logic orbs (8 replies)
  151. A thin wyrwood composite bow - 6x Exceptional Sighting (9 replies)
  152. 5x/7x(undead bane), 2 slot fusion, max light, maul base, named, Bergraham original (2 replies)
  153. 6x hcp brig, max light (0 replies)
  154. A drake-carved witchwood runestaff +32 w/Disruption Flares/Dhyne Scripts (2 replies)
  155. 8x HCP Armor (0 replies)
  156. 4x sancted katana (0 replies)
  157. Japhrimel's Higher End Sales (35 replies)
  158. Icemul shop (0 replies)
  159. a few nice items (2 replies)
  160. +19 vaalorn claidhmore (15 replies)
  161. Almost Unattuned 6x/6x acuity fully unlocked nervestaff w/ t5 ensorcell (4 replies)
  162. 4x MCW T1 Maul with Grimbane Weighting (16 replies)
  163. Bard Animated Music Stand (8 replies)
  164. +17 3-slot fusion HCP Fulls (8 replies)
  165. Fully attuned 6x/6x acuity t4 nerve t4 ensorcel runestaff (24 replies)
  166. Landing Shop (3 replies)
  167. 8x perfect handaxe (14 replies)
  168. Icemule Shop (5 replies)
  169. Two +40 to stat/+20 to bonus fusion logic dagger sets (2 replies)
  170. Auto bundling pelt satchel - enhancive, fully unlocked, 2/70; Fusion skinning dagger (6 replies)
  171. Permanent Gold Ring (1 replies)
  172. 2 bows.... 1 armor? (14 replies)
  173. 5X Sephwir Heavy Crossbow (1 replies)
  174. Animated Cauldron - a viridian scaled dragon-shaped brewing vat (7 replies)
  175. Possibly permablessed, 4x, unlimited dagger bandolier. Unlimited dagger sniping! (40 replies)
  176. Droughtman's Reserve - Endless Cigar Humidor (1 replies)
  177. Premium Points (7 replies)
  178. Some decent stuff (3 replies)
  179. 7x Perfect Lance (1 replies)
  180. 8x HCP double leathers (2 replies)
  181. +13 logic bonus composite bow ... (4 replies)
  182. 6x robes +20 TD, mod resist to lightning, cold, fire, t2 ensorcell, Xojium scripts (32 replies)
  183. 10,000 Premium Points (32 replies)
  184. some decent stuff (11 replies)
  185. +30 Max Light, Spiked, Unbalance Flaring, T0 Ithzir Script Hauberk (3 replies)
  186. +7 spiked adamantine tower shield max light (2 replies)
  187. Some very nice full plate (1 replies)
  188. +16 S/H +14 Trading Greaves, and Kroderine Short Sword (8 replies)
  189. Icemule playershop (0 replies)
  190. Two nice falchions - 5x T2 permabless / 6x cold flaring sancted (4 replies)
  191. 7x max light T1 enc T1 Grobey tower shield - a battle-worn black tower shield (1 replies)
  192. Various armor pieces (1 replies)
  193. 6x Rolaren Full Plate - HCP, Snakestone Pauldrons, Max Light ::LOWERED:: (8 replies)
  194. 5x lor runestaff with 4x acuity and T4 Nerve staff script (0 replies)
  195. +32 hauberk t2 ithzir flares t5 ensorcell (6 replies)
  196. +12 Adamantine short sword w/ sheath. Fusion. Grapple flares. Bergraham originals (27 replies)
  197. +23 Racial lance (Pike) HCW/ECW (22 replies)
  198. 5x/2x acuity runestaff with Life Keep script(wave/raise to LK people) (16 replies)
  199. Some stuff you should buy (37 replies)
  200. 7x t5 Fusion Staff (1 replies)
  201. 4x Fusion, +40 Logic Dagger Set (Extra 4xp per tick) (3 replies)
  202. Assassin Themed Set - 4x HCW T2 OHE & Facial Concealer (7 replies)
  203. 7x HCP Brig - T5 Ensorcelled, Max Light, Spiked (2 replies)
  204. 6x t4 ensorcell chainspear (3 replies)
  205. +43 augmented chain t4 ithzir t5 ensorcell HCP lightning resistance (18 replies)
  206. Elemental Focus Self-Charger (2 replies)
  207. 9.5x Blackened timeworn shield (1 replies)
  208. 1750 and 618 self-chargers; 7x MBP Self-Mana Undisease (2 replies)
  209. 4x Fusion, Max light +40 Logic Dagger Set (Extra 4xp per tick) (40 replies)
  210. Self mana Quake short sword (2 replies)
  211. 8x Perfect, Tier 3 Ensorcelled, Blessable/Max Light Mithril Lance (3 replies)
  212. 5x/6x Acuity, Lesser Armor & Weapon Moods, Ambient Scripts, Max L - Altered Runestaff (10 replies)
  213. Looking for T1 on armor (0 replies)
  214. Few things (1 replies)
  215. 10x Tower Shield (6 replies)
  216. 10x broadsword (6 replies)
  217. 8x perma warblade (0 replies)
  218. 30k Bloodscript (4 replies)
  219. Stuff (9 replies)
  220. 8x DCP AUG Chain (10 replies)
  221. 9x SWCP Veil Iron Plate (18 replies)
  222. 7x T3 newstyle katana with superb crit weighting (+22) (30 replies)
  223. Familiar Talisman with unique familiar (3 replies)
  224. 55k bloodscrip (1 replies)
  225. 5x handaxe bandolier with acid flares. (8 replies)
  226. +13 spell aim helm, +12 agi leg greaves (0 replies)
  227. Adamantine platemail with unbalance flares (6 replies)
  228. 30K Bloodscrip (6 replies)
  229. 20k bloodscrip (2 replies)
  230. 5x veil iron hauberk HCP (5 replies)
  231. Hoarder Therapy Part I - Taking bloodscript or silvers (25 replies)
  232. 6x/per 3 day - 602 earstud (2 replies)
  233. 6x sephwir long bow (4 replies)
  234. Scroll Portfolio (49 replies)
  235. 6x Major (T3) Black Ora Falchion (23 replies)
  236. +17 Logic Fodder (5 replies)
  237. Impulse Buy Kitten (2 replies)
  238. some ora-chased amber full leather 7x fusion, T1 (2 replies)
  239. 6x Rolaren Full Plate - HCP, Snakestone Pauldrons, Max Light (1 replies)
  240. 5200 Premium Points for sale (13 replies)
  241. Ugh, 10X HCP tier 5 FULL LEATHER (32 replies)
  242. Some Items (4 replies)
  243. 8200 Premium Points (5 replies)
  244. black-masked hedgehog (2 replies)
  245. 6x, T3 (perm sorc ensorcelled), max lightfull plate (1 replies)
  246. max DEX with 2 orbs (0 replies)
  247. fire-hardened dwarven battle leathers 7x full leather 2 slot fusion 30 impact resist (26 replies)
  248. altered, fully unlocked beard clip (8 replies)
  249. 7x fully unlocked fusion brig - max light (10 replies)
  250. 8x Max Light Hauberk - Spitfire Sale! Priced to sell! (3 replies)