View Full Version : High-End Valuables
- Selling a fixstat potion for 16m (0 replies)
- a sleek ebonwood quiver (1 replies)
- Ora Greathelm +14 one hand edge bonus (5 replies)
- 1 armor piece & 3 weapons (17 replies)
- 8x, max light, T5 ensorcell perfect steel morning-star w/ fire flares (18 replies)
- T2 8x ECP (+30) fusion aug chain w/ 30% impact resistance (21 replies)
- "A Frost-Edged Handaxe" 9x ice flares, T3 ensorc. Max lightened. (7 replies)
- a shimmering rainbow cloak - "living" cloak (12 replies)
- Unlimited hurling bandolier (5 replies)
- sighted duskruin crossbow (5 replies)
- 8x gauntlets [UAC] (3 replies)
- +33 Superior Bubble/Grapple Flaring Falchion T2 (6 replies)
- Dhu Kitten - a shorthair midnight black kitten with wide amber eyes (3 replies)
- Fully unlocked Simucon Auction Block able to do raffles - 15m Flat (3 replies)
- Selling a weathered leather cloak that holds at least 650 pounds. (20 replies)
- Lots of Stuff (26 replies)
- Ghule Teleport Cloak - an old veil iron clasped burnoose (10 replies)
- 4900 Premium Points 25m flat (cash at $8 per) (1 replies)
- 7x perfect forged, permablessed, scripted vultite spikestar (11 replies)
- Solhaven players shop (1 replies)
- Self Use chrism holder with chance at retaining the gem (can use while dead) (5 replies)
- a suit of mirror-finish silvery kroderine platemail (23 replies)
- Iorake claidhmore (24 replies)
- Animated Cauldron - The Joker Edition (8 replies)
- 5x permablessed falchion, T2 ensorcelled (6 replies)
- 5300 PP (0 replies)
- 4x lightning flaring handaxe bandolier/4x T1 hcw/mcw undead bane gory weapon waraxe (3 replies)
- Duplicity Win - 22 verb unlocked Peretta gown & cloak, Vanne fan, & Veiled Hat (20 replies)
- Portable dance floor -- Wooden cube. (10 replies)
- [RAFFLE] - 1k bag (40 replies)
- Raffle for a 1k bag! (0 replies)
- a gnarled fireleaf runestaff - 610/616 (tangle weed/spike thorn) +22 w/fire flares (4 replies)
- 1k bag (0 replies)
- 5 custom EzScript Package (5 replies)
- Hedgehog (5 replies)
- 5x partially lightened permanent HCP veil iron half plate (4 replies)
- A Pink Scrip - Custom Signature (QUICK AUCTION) (2 replies)
- Price Check on Gigantic Container. (9 replies)
- Zelnorn Buckler (29 replies)
- 5700 PP (14 replies)
- Vultite Claidhmore (13 replies)
- Light attuned glamour crystal (1 replies)
- Lesser Shadowdeath Vambraces (some silvered black alloy vambraces) (5 replies)
- 6x altered perfect maul (0 replies)
- 10x Partial ICE age broadsword. (14 replies)
- +38 perfect vaalorn maul, T5 ensorcell (3 replies)
- +15 decently crit padded glaes brigandine (close to FGB stats) (2 replies)
- Permanent EG Shovel (19 replies)
- A shard of deep purple sea glass (forehead gem) (0 replies)
- a black leather bandolier (3 replies)
- VLA boots (17 replies)
- 6x HCP T5 Augmented Chain (6 replies)
- 5x HCW T5 Superior Forged Lance (4 replies)
- 7x/day 606 Self-charger (pin worn) (6 replies)
- Self Charging 1x Day Rapid Fire (515) Amulet (3 replies)
- Selling Cap Sorcerer Account (11 replies)
- 6x, Sephwir, (HCW) long bow (0 replies)
- Self Chargers 7x Day 613 (Self Control) Pinworn 211 (Bravery) 7x Day Raise Wand (30 replies)
- Axe, spell holding band and chain, logic gloves (3 replies)
- Kitten (1 replies)
- hedgehog (1 replies)
- white ice ring (2 replies)
- Forehead Gems (3 replies)
- boots - holds lg amt; max light and deep (6 replies)
- scripted trousers - hold sig amt; max light and deep (1 replies)
- pin worn blouse container - holds sig amt; max light and deep (2 replies)
- 7x T2 returning scepter (runestaff) (1 replies)
- 10x SWCP some vaalin threaded robes (reinforced leather, not robes) (3 replies)
- Gem Chisel (19 replies)
- 5x, Perfect Forged, MCW vaalorn lance (10 replies)
- 8x hcp t3 voln fulls, enhancives (moved) (7 replies)
- a wave-shaped blue sea glass - belly gem (0 replies)
- Buy my stuff, 8x T5 perfect lance, 6x HCP Aug chain, Polearm enchancives (16 replies)
- 1k sack, t3 voln leathers, enhancives, 25k gambling kit (11 replies)
- WTB Large Block of Premium Points (0 replies)
- 5x/4x/T4 Nerve/T4 ensorc staff and +38 perfect vaalorn maul t5 ensorc (18 replies)
- Glaes Arm Greaves. (4 replies)
- Expensive Enhancives (2 replies)
- DBs! (26 replies)
- Fully Unlocked Concealing Backpack + Satchel --- Both Max Deep & Max Light (1 replies)
- TWC Dream - 8x/7x MCW/Blessable OHE Katana - Falchion Base. (12 replies)
- Bardly Things (30 replies)
- A few things (9 replies)
- Give me all your millions! (10 replies)
- Weighted Daggers (11 replies)
- Wine Press! Released at the Festival of the Fallen (14 replies)
- Silvers Are Fun (10 replies)
- Black Rapture Cloak [Auction]. (4 replies)
- fully unlocked 16 verb with feature concealer climatewear cloak (1 replies)
- Matched set: Blue fire and ice rings (6 replies)
- 5800 Premium Points (1 replies)
- A black rapture cloak, taking offers. (20 replies)
- Light attuned glamour crystal (9 replies)
- Stuff (109 replies)
- Just in time for Ebon Gate - 7x Fusion items (1 replies)
- The I need silvers for Ebon Gate Sale ... (12 replies)
- 5x/4x Acuity Rotflaring Nervestaff with T5 Ensorcell, max light (27 replies)
- +27 runestaff T4 ensorc disrupt flares ROT FLARES +3 wis +1 aur bonus to bonus 70m mb (15 replies)
- Cleaning House Sale (18 replies)
- a square auction block - hold your own auctions! MUST SEE! (26 replies)
- a billowy cloak of shadows (25 replies)
- 6x/6x nervestaff (4 replies)
- Rapture Cloak (21 replies)
- Selling two kroderine short swords (23 replies)
- Icemule shop (1 replies)
- 8x halfling full plate (5 replies)
- 10 million silvers for $80 (0 replies)
- 10000 Premium Points. (1 replies)
- 4x HCP 2-slot Fusion Full Plate - Max Light (1 replies)
- "a longcoat" cloakworn 5/180 max l/d w/ Skellie actions MB 1 coin (25 replies)
- Blue Ice Ring (39 replies)
- Cap Sale (7 replies)
- Wehnimer's Landing 3-room Shop (3 replies)
- a thin wyrwood composite bow (7 replies)
- 5760 PPs (11 replies)
- 7x fusion doubles, maxlight, hcp option (3 replies)
- 5x/7x undead bane maul (2x slot fusion ) (7 replies)
- enruned blue ice shard - gem powered spells (602, 903, 907, 1709) (20 replies)
- Forehead gem (1 replies)
- 225k Bloodscrip (2 replies)
- 350k Bloodscrip (0 replies)
- Neckworn: +6 Edged Weapons Bonus +6 Blunt Weapons Bonus Persists (8 replies)
- Bloodscript (1 replies)
- Elemental Bow of Lightning (Banthis) (6 replies)
- T3 6x Iasha lance (3 replies)
- +13 to strength stat, +4 to transformation bonus, +1 to blessing bonus arm greaves (0 replies)
- +7 OHE bonus, +7 Blunt bonus, +7 HP bonus ring & +13 STR fodder (6 replies)
- +9 blunt weapon bonus, +7 armor use bonus crumbly pin (5 replies)
- +10 to spell aim bonus, +5 to HP bonus, +5 to earth lore bonus crumbly pin (1 replies)
- greater elemental flaring warhammer (2 replies)
- ~ 200k bloodscrip for sale (6 replies)
- ~150k Bloodscrip (2 replies)
- +4 ranged weapon bonus, +7 brawling bonus, +7 edged weapon bonus crumbly neckchain (3 replies)
- Perm Disintegration Flaring Fletching Razor (1 replies)
- 7x T5 greater weapon mood warsword (6 replies)
- 8x dcp Brig (1 replies)
- decent armor to get padded (18 replies)
- Smells Like Duskruin (4 replies)
- 7x perfect heavily crit weighted T-5 ensorcelling waraxe (sanct) (16 replies)
- Some nice armor to add padding to and a few other possessions (11 replies)
- 8x, +30 defender, 2 slot fusion, extraplanar bane bastard sword and +8 DB ring (1 replies)
- cute little greataxe (5 replies)
- Runestaff: +35, fusion, void flares, T2 ensorcell (11 replies)
- Armor and THW (9 replies)
- Stuff (7 replies)
- Various Armor (6 replies)
- 11700 Premium Points (5 replies)
- 6x, max light, t5 ensorcelled, sanct, banshee flaring, spiked tower shield. MB:10mil (35 replies)
- Good Shit for Sale (35 replies)
- Logic orbs (8 replies)
- A thin wyrwood composite bow - 6x Exceptional Sighting (9 replies)
- 5x/7x(undead bane), 2 slot fusion, max light, maul base, named, Bergraham original (2 replies)
- 6x hcp brig, max light (0 replies)
- A drake-carved witchwood runestaff +32 w/Disruption Flares/Dhyne Scripts (2 replies)
- 8x HCP Armor (0 replies)
- 4x sancted katana (0 replies)
- Japhrimel's Higher End Sales (35 replies)
- Icemul shop (0 replies)
- a few nice items (2 replies)
- +19 vaalorn claidhmore (15 replies)
- Almost Unattuned 6x/6x acuity fully unlocked nervestaff w/ t5 ensorcell (4 replies)
- 4x MCW T1 Maul with Grimbane Weighting (16 replies)
- Bard Animated Music Stand (8 replies)
- +17 3-slot fusion HCP Fulls (8 replies)
- Fully attuned 6x/6x acuity t4 nerve t4 ensorcel runestaff (24 replies)
- Landing Shop (3 replies)
- 8x perfect handaxe (14 replies)
- Icemule Shop (5 replies)
- Two +40 to stat/+20 to bonus fusion logic dagger sets (2 replies)
- Auto bundling pelt satchel - enhancive, fully unlocked, 2/70; Fusion skinning dagger (6 replies)
- Permanent Gold Ring (1 replies)
- 2 bows.... 1 armor? (14 replies)
- 5X Sephwir Heavy Crossbow (1 replies)
- Animated Cauldron - a viridian scaled dragon-shaped brewing vat (7 replies)
- Possibly permablessed, 4x, unlimited dagger bandolier. Unlimited dagger sniping! (40 replies)
- Droughtman's Reserve - Endless Cigar Humidor (1 replies)
- Premium Points (7 replies)
- Some decent stuff (3 replies)
- 7x Perfect Lance (1 replies)
- 8x HCP double leathers (2 replies)
- +13 logic bonus composite bow ... (4 replies)
- 6x robes +20 TD, mod resist to lightning, cold, fire, t2 ensorcell, Xojium scripts (32 replies)
- 10,000 Premium Points (32 replies)
- some decent stuff (11 replies)
- +30 Max Light, Spiked, Unbalance Flaring, T0 Ithzir Script Hauberk (3 replies)
- +7 spiked adamantine tower shield max light (2 replies)
- Some very nice full plate (1 replies)
- +16 S/H +14 Trading Greaves, and Kroderine Short Sword (8 replies)
- Icemule playershop (0 replies)
- Two nice falchions - 5x T2 permabless / 6x cold flaring sancted (4 replies)
- 7x max light T1 enc T1 Grobey tower shield - a battle-worn black tower shield (1 replies)
- Various armor pieces (1 replies)
- 6x Rolaren Full Plate - HCP, Snakestone Pauldrons, Max Light ::LOWERED:: (8 replies)
- 5x lor runestaff with 4x acuity and T4 Nerve staff script (0 replies)
- +32 hauberk t2 ithzir flares t5 ensorcell (6 replies)
- +12 Adamantine short sword w/ sheath. Fusion. Grapple flares. Bergraham originals (27 replies)
- +23 Racial lance (Pike) HCW/ECW (22 replies)
- 5x/2x acuity runestaff with Life Keep script(wave/raise to LK people) (16 replies)
- Some stuff you should buy (37 replies)
- 7x t5 Fusion Staff (1 replies)
- 4x Fusion, +40 Logic Dagger Set (Extra 4xp per tick) (3 replies)
- Assassin Themed Set - 4x HCW T2 OHE & Facial Concealer (7 replies)
- 7x HCP Brig - T5 Ensorcelled, Max Light, Spiked (2 replies)
- 6x t4 ensorcell chainspear (3 replies)
- +43 augmented chain t4 ithzir t5 ensorcell HCP lightning resistance (18 replies)
- Elemental Focus Self-Charger (2 replies)
- 9.5x Blackened timeworn shield (1 replies)
- 1750 and 618 self-chargers; 7x MBP Self-Mana Undisease (2 replies)
- 4x Fusion, Max light +40 Logic Dagger Set (Extra 4xp per tick) (40 replies)
- Self mana Quake short sword (2 replies)
- 8x Perfect, Tier 3 Ensorcelled, Blessable/Max Light Mithril Lance (3 replies)
- 5x/6x Acuity, Lesser Armor & Weapon Moods, Ambient Scripts, Max L - Altered Runestaff (10 replies)
- Looking for T1 on armor (0 replies)
- Few things (1 replies)
- 10x Tower Shield (6 replies)
- 10x broadsword (6 replies)
- 8x perma warblade (0 replies)
- 30k Bloodscript (4 replies)
- Stuff (9 replies)
- 8x DCP AUG Chain (10 replies)
- 9x SWCP Veil Iron Plate (18 replies)
- 7x T3 newstyle katana with superb crit weighting (+22) (30 replies)
- Familiar Talisman with unique familiar (3 replies)
- 55k bloodscrip (1 replies)
- 5x handaxe bandolier with acid flares. (8 replies)
- +13 spell aim helm, +12 agi leg greaves (0 replies)
- Adamantine platemail with unbalance flares (6 replies)
- 30K Bloodscrip (6 replies)
- 20k bloodscrip (2 replies)
- 5x veil iron hauberk HCP (5 replies)
- Hoarder Therapy Part I - Taking bloodscript or silvers (25 replies)
- 6x/per 3 day - 602 earstud (2 replies)
- 6x sephwir long bow (4 replies)
- Scroll Portfolio (49 replies)
- 6x Major (T3) Black Ora Falchion (23 replies)
- +17 Logic Fodder (5 replies)
- Impulse Buy Kitten (2 replies)
- some ora-chased amber full leather 7x fusion, T1 (2 replies)
- 6x Rolaren Full Plate - HCP, Snakestone Pauldrons, Max Light (1 replies)
- 5200 Premium Points for sale (13 replies)
- Ugh, 10X HCP tier 5 FULL LEATHER (32 replies)
- Some Items (4 replies)
- 8200 Premium Points (5 replies)
- black-masked hedgehog (2 replies)
- 6x, T3 (perm sorc ensorcelled), max lightfull plate (1 replies)
- max DEX with 2 orbs (0 replies)
- fire-hardened dwarven battle leathers 7x full leather 2 slot fusion 30 impact resist (26 replies)
- altered, fully unlocked beard clip (8 replies)
- 7x fully unlocked fusion brig - max light (10 replies)
- 8x Max Light Hauberk - Spitfire Sale! Priced to sell! (3 replies)
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