08-18-2014, 08:20 PM
A mauve shade-gecko
Twitching and shuddering at odd intervals, the tiny creature appears to be little more than a shadow lent feeble substance. Its mauve-cored form wavers like a candle's flame, but the shade-gecko maintains a rough lizard shape augmented by odd, elongated limbs. Each of the six tendril-like legs spreads into a trio of tiny black talons. Twin pinpoints of yellow luminescence shine from where the creature's eyes ought to be.
Looking at a mauve shade-gecko, you see a triplet moon-shaped mark framed by a bubble of darkly swollen flesh
Selling one of those living tattoos. Has many different “tattoo mark descriptions and locations when worn. Very interactive pet, with ambient messages when worn and held.
I know when you win them they can alter the color. If you take the buyout offer I will throw in one free Sadie Scroll alteration through my premium subscription. We can try to alter the gecko if you want OR any item of your choosing that is acceptable under the alteration guidelines. Alteration Scroll is for *buyout winner only.* There is no guarantee that Sadie will alter the gecko!
For More Information on Shade Skinks
>wear shade
You grip your mauve shade-gecko carefully about its neck and hold the creature over your other arm. The shade-gecko seems to sense what is about to happen, and it begins to twitch and quiver with terror. Its keening cries bite at your mind like daggers as you lower it into your skin. Instead of contacting your flesh like a solid being ought to, the shade-gecko sublimates into a slick, chill mist that bites into your waiting flesh. You feel something shift beneath your skin and rub at it, swiftly warming the area. As you withdraw your hand, you note with satisfaction that the lizard has metamorphosed into a vague moon-shaped mark on your arm.
>turn shade
You flip the mauve shade-gecko over on your palm. The little shadow creature struggles for a few moments like an overturned bug before its elongated limbs retract into its body and sprout anew from its underside. Rotating freely on the shade-gecko's torso, its head and tail simply flip themselves over so the little beast is standing once again. It winks a yellow eye at you.
>tap shade
You tap your mauve shade-gecko on its tiny shoulder, soliciting a wave of pastel hues that echoes along the length of its body before fading into shadow. The creature's yellow eyes narrow in what appears to be irritation.
>pet shade
You gently probe the body of the mauve shade-gecko. As your fingers press against its oily-slick skin, tiny aurorae ripple outward from the point of contact. They limn the nearby flesh in mother-of-pearl hues that are slow to fade.
>rub shad
You caress the mauve shade-gecko's spine, gently so as not to harm the fragile reptilian shape. A momentary burst of opalescence spreads along the creature's back in response to your touch before segueing into uniform darkness.
>kiss shad
Displaying far more impulse than sense, you raise your mauve shade-gecko to your lips and plant a kiss on its tiny head. Carmine light blossoms in the core of the shade-gecko as it keens its resistance.
>pull shade
As you pull on the mauve shade-gecko's tail, it loses substance! Your fingers slip into the shadows that compose the creature, chilling the offending digits to the bone.
>Looking at a mauve shade-gecko, you The trio of moons--sized, colored, and shaded to represent Liabo, Lornon, and Tilaok--peek out from behind a bank of roiling clouds that appear to billow independent of the skin beneath. The tattoo's edges blur in and out of existence, receding occasionally to show puffy, irritated flesh underneath.
>You grip your mauve shade-gecko carefully about its neck and hold the creature over your other arm. The shade-gecko seems to sense what is about to happen, and it begins to twitch and quiver with terror. Its keening cries bite at your mind like daggers as you lower it into your skin. Instead of contacting your flesh like a solid being ought to, the shade-gecko sublimates into a slick, chill mist that bites into your waiting flesh. You feel something shift beneath your skin and rub at it, swiftly warming the area. As you withdraw your hand, you note with satisfaction that the lizard has metamorphosed into a vague moon-shaped mark on your arm.
>Your moon-shaped mark takes on the form of a shade-gecko as it oozes into your free hand.
>You focus your thoughts on your moon-shaped mark.
Responding to your mental command, your mark glides along your skin like liquid ice, twitching toward the flesh of your hand.
Your moon-shaped mark takes on the form of a shade-gecko as it oozes into your free hand.
TO change the shape of your TATTOO MARK >>>>
>pinch mark
You pinch your moon-shaped mark, but its substance wells up around your fingers. Instead of moving in unison with the solid flesh beneath, the outline of the tattoo shatters, sprouting inky tendrils of shadowstuff that twitch like spiders' legs before reforming into a seven-tined crown-shaped mark.
a thorny vine-shaped mark.
a clenched fist-shaped mark.
a veined leaf-shaped mark.
a gnarled talon-shaped mark.
a jagged bolt-shaped mark.
a vague lizard-shaped mark.
a spider-shaped mark.
a triplet moon-shaped mark.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
(This was over a 30 minute period)
*A mass of writhing tendrils bursts from the back of your mauve shade-gecko before arcing back into its shadowed form.
*Your shade-gecko keens into the air. Its song is haunting, flowing around the highest reaches of the audible scale. The glissandi and cascading mordents with which the song is rife display an uncanny musical talent, or perhaps a rare instinct. Multicolored radiance thrums through the creature, keeping time with its alien tune.
* Your shade-gecko closes its yellow eyes. Its head and tail retract into its core. Seconds later, they swell out of the dark bulk of its body, one in place of the other.
* With sudden fury, your mark breaks away from its current resting place and hurtles towards your right leg. Your pulse hastens. Lightheadedness threatens to consume your consciousness as blood races away from your other extremeties and pools around the ophidian mark.
*The shade-gecko in your hands pads across your palm on claws that feel like tiny ice shards, leaving cold, shadowy prints behind. A strange sensation tugs at your skin, and the dark pools slide across your palm to rejoin the mass of the creature.
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>Shimeria lovingly strokes her moon-shaped mark. The mark's blurry form shudders as it emits a high-pitched whine.
>Shimeria flexes her arm, her eyes narrowing. The moon-shaped mark on her arm darkens abruptly, its change in hue emphasized by the sudden pallor of the surrounding skin.
>Shimeria drums her fingers on her moon-shaped mark. Its dark surface roils with a succession of shadow-rainbows.
>Shimeria traces the lines of her moon-shaped mark.
>Shimeria pinches her ophidian mark, but her fingers pass right through its wavering form! The mark's lines shatter into inky tendrils and reform into a different shape.
>Shimeria raises two fingers overhead. She jabs the digits into her crown-shaped mark and exhales sharply. The mark detaches itself from its current resting place on Shimeria's arm and begins an agonizing migration through her skin. Once settled in its new home on Shimeria's neck, the mark shudders to a halt.
>Looking at a mauve shade-gecko, Shimeria Twitching and shuddering at odd intervals, the tiny creature appears to be little more than a shadow lent feeble substance. Its mauve-cored form wavers like a candle's flame, but the shade-gecko maintains a rough lizard shape augmented by odd, elongated limbs. Each of the six tendril-like legs spreads into a trio of tiny black talons. Twin pinpoints of yellow luminescence shine from where the creature's eyes ought to be.
>Shimeria pinches her fingers around her shade-gecko's neck and holds it over her other arm. The mauve shade-gecko's claws score the air as its tiny form twitches and keens in frantic protest. Heedless, Shimeria lowers the creature onto her skin. The tail, claws, body, and head of the shadowy lizard sublimate into greasy black mist as they pass through the flesh until the entire creature is submerged. Shimeria rubs the resulting vague moon-shaped mark tattooed onto her arm.
>Shimeria taps her mauve shade-gecko on its shoulder. A wave of hues--pale scarlet, viridian, turquoise, cream, and gold--ripples across the creature's dark body, and its yellow eyes narrow in clear irritation.
>Shimeria probes the body of her mauve shade-gecko with one finger, causing the flesh near the point of contact to fluoresce with a fragile rainbow of mother-of-pearl hues.
>Shimeria gently strokes the back of her mauve shade-gecko. The shadowy flesh along its spine is relieved by a momentary burst of quick-fading opalescence.
> Shimeria's moon-shaped mark breaks away from its current resting place and hurtles towards her right leg, leaving a trail of bloodless flesh in its wake.
>The mauve shade-gecko in Shimeria's hand flashes a livid shade of scarlet as she plants a kiss on its head. The creature voices its discontent a high-pitched keening sound.
>The shade-gecko in Shimeria's hand pads across her palm on miniscule claws, leaving a series of shadowy tracks behind. The inky pools slide, as if of their own volition, toward the creature before rejoining its body.
>A faint keening sound emanates from the gut of Shimeria's shade-gecko. Its haunting melody flits about the highest reaches of the audible scale, glissandi and waterfall notes exemplifying an uncanny musical talent. Pools of multicolored radiance thrum through the creature's form in concert with its song.
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6 Million - Loxe, SOLD!
Buy Out 10 Million **Includes 1 free Sadie Scroll service**
I will accept silvers or PayPal at $10 per Million.
Delivery anyplace including FWI
I will update daily, auction will go once, twice, and sold!
Twitching and shuddering at odd intervals, the tiny creature appears to be little more than a shadow lent feeble substance. Its mauve-cored form wavers like a candle's flame, but the shade-gecko maintains a rough lizard shape augmented by odd, elongated limbs. Each of the six tendril-like legs spreads into a trio of tiny black talons. Twin pinpoints of yellow luminescence shine from where the creature's eyes ought to be.
Looking at a mauve shade-gecko, you see a triplet moon-shaped mark framed by a bubble of darkly swollen flesh
Selling one of those living tattoos. Has many different “tattoo mark descriptions and locations when worn. Very interactive pet, with ambient messages when worn and held.
I know when you win them they can alter the color. If you take the buyout offer I will throw in one free Sadie Scroll alteration through my premium subscription. We can try to alter the gecko if you want OR any item of your choosing that is acceptable under the alteration guidelines. Alteration Scroll is for *buyout winner only.* There is no guarantee that Sadie will alter the gecko!
For More Information on Shade Skinks
>wear shade
You grip your mauve shade-gecko carefully about its neck and hold the creature over your other arm. The shade-gecko seems to sense what is about to happen, and it begins to twitch and quiver with terror. Its keening cries bite at your mind like daggers as you lower it into your skin. Instead of contacting your flesh like a solid being ought to, the shade-gecko sublimates into a slick, chill mist that bites into your waiting flesh. You feel something shift beneath your skin and rub at it, swiftly warming the area. As you withdraw your hand, you note with satisfaction that the lizard has metamorphosed into a vague moon-shaped mark on your arm.
>turn shade
You flip the mauve shade-gecko over on your palm. The little shadow creature struggles for a few moments like an overturned bug before its elongated limbs retract into its body and sprout anew from its underside. Rotating freely on the shade-gecko's torso, its head and tail simply flip themselves over so the little beast is standing once again. It winks a yellow eye at you.
>tap shade
You tap your mauve shade-gecko on its tiny shoulder, soliciting a wave of pastel hues that echoes along the length of its body before fading into shadow. The creature's yellow eyes narrow in what appears to be irritation.
>pet shade
You gently probe the body of the mauve shade-gecko. As your fingers press against its oily-slick skin, tiny aurorae ripple outward from the point of contact. They limn the nearby flesh in mother-of-pearl hues that are slow to fade.
>rub shad
You caress the mauve shade-gecko's spine, gently so as not to harm the fragile reptilian shape. A momentary burst of opalescence spreads along the creature's back in response to your touch before segueing into uniform darkness.
>kiss shad
Displaying far more impulse than sense, you raise your mauve shade-gecko to your lips and plant a kiss on its tiny head. Carmine light blossoms in the core of the shade-gecko as it keens its resistance.
>pull shade
As you pull on the mauve shade-gecko's tail, it loses substance! Your fingers slip into the shadows that compose the creature, chilling the offending digits to the bone.
>Looking at a mauve shade-gecko, you The trio of moons--sized, colored, and shaded to represent Liabo, Lornon, and Tilaok--peek out from behind a bank of roiling clouds that appear to billow independent of the skin beneath. The tattoo's edges blur in and out of existence, receding occasionally to show puffy, irritated flesh underneath.
>You grip your mauve shade-gecko carefully about its neck and hold the creature over your other arm. The shade-gecko seems to sense what is about to happen, and it begins to twitch and quiver with terror. Its keening cries bite at your mind like daggers as you lower it into your skin. Instead of contacting your flesh like a solid being ought to, the shade-gecko sublimates into a slick, chill mist that bites into your waiting flesh. You feel something shift beneath your skin and rub at it, swiftly warming the area. As you withdraw your hand, you note with satisfaction that the lizard has metamorphosed into a vague moon-shaped mark on your arm.
>Your moon-shaped mark takes on the form of a shade-gecko as it oozes into your free hand.
>You focus your thoughts on your moon-shaped mark.
Responding to your mental command, your mark glides along your skin like liquid ice, twitching toward the flesh of your hand.
Your moon-shaped mark takes on the form of a shade-gecko as it oozes into your free hand.
TO change the shape of your TATTOO MARK >>>>
>pinch mark
You pinch your moon-shaped mark, but its substance wells up around your fingers. Instead of moving in unison with the solid flesh beneath, the outline of the tattoo shatters, sprouting inky tendrils of shadowstuff that twitch like spiders' legs before reforming into a seven-tined crown-shaped mark.
a thorny vine-shaped mark.
a clenched fist-shaped mark.
a veined leaf-shaped mark.
a gnarled talon-shaped mark.
a jagged bolt-shaped mark.
a vague lizard-shaped mark.
a spider-shaped mark.
a triplet moon-shaped mark.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
(This was over a 30 minute period)
*A mass of writhing tendrils bursts from the back of your mauve shade-gecko before arcing back into its shadowed form.
*Your shade-gecko keens into the air. Its song is haunting, flowing around the highest reaches of the audible scale. The glissandi and cascading mordents with which the song is rife display an uncanny musical talent, or perhaps a rare instinct. Multicolored radiance thrums through the creature, keeping time with its alien tune.
* Your shade-gecko closes its yellow eyes. Its head and tail retract into its core. Seconds later, they swell out of the dark bulk of its body, one in place of the other.
* With sudden fury, your mark breaks away from its current resting place and hurtles towards your right leg. Your pulse hastens. Lightheadedness threatens to consume your consciousness as blood races away from your other extremeties and pools around the ophidian mark.
*The shade-gecko in your hands pads across your palm on claws that feel like tiny ice shards, leaving cold, shadowy prints behind. A strange sensation tugs at your skin, and the dark pools slide across your palm to rejoin the mass of the creature.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>Shimeria lovingly strokes her moon-shaped mark. The mark's blurry form shudders as it emits a high-pitched whine.
>Shimeria flexes her arm, her eyes narrowing. The moon-shaped mark on her arm darkens abruptly, its change in hue emphasized by the sudden pallor of the surrounding skin.
>Shimeria drums her fingers on her moon-shaped mark. Its dark surface roils with a succession of shadow-rainbows.
>Shimeria traces the lines of her moon-shaped mark.
>Shimeria pinches her ophidian mark, but her fingers pass right through its wavering form! The mark's lines shatter into inky tendrils and reform into a different shape.
>Shimeria raises two fingers overhead. She jabs the digits into her crown-shaped mark and exhales sharply. The mark detaches itself from its current resting place on Shimeria's arm and begins an agonizing migration through her skin. Once settled in its new home on Shimeria's neck, the mark shudders to a halt.
>Looking at a mauve shade-gecko, Shimeria Twitching and shuddering at odd intervals, the tiny creature appears to be little more than a shadow lent feeble substance. Its mauve-cored form wavers like a candle's flame, but the shade-gecko maintains a rough lizard shape augmented by odd, elongated limbs. Each of the six tendril-like legs spreads into a trio of tiny black talons. Twin pinpoints of yellow luminescence shine from where the creature's eyes ought to be.
>Shimeria pinches her fingers around her shade-gecko's neck and holds it over her other arm. The mauve shade-gecko's claws score the air as its tiny form twitches and keens in frantic protest. Heedless, Shimeria lowers the creature onto her skin. The tail, claws, body, and head of the shadowy lizard sublimate into greasy black mist as they pass through the flesh until the entire creature is submerged. Shimeria rubs the resulting vague moon-shaped mark tattooed onto her arm.
>Shimeria taps her mauve shade-gecko on its shoulder. A wave of hues--pale scarlet, viridian, turquoise, cream, and gold--ripples across the creature's dark body, and its yellow eyes narrow in clear irritation.
>Shimeria probes the body of her mauve shade-gecko with one finger, causing the flesh near the point of contact to fluoresce with a fragile rainbow of mother-of-pearl hues.
>Shimeria gently strokes the back of her mauve shade-gecko. The shadowy flesh along its spine is relieved by a momentary burst of quick-fading opalescence.
> Shimeria's moon-shaped mark breaks away from its current resting place and hurtles towards her right leg, leaving a trail of bloodless flesh in its wake.
>The mauve shade-gecko in Shimeria's hand flashes a livid shade of scarlet as she plants a kiss on its head. The creature voices its discontent a high-pitched keening sound.
>The shade-gecko in Shimeria's hand pads across her palm on miniscule claws, leaving a series of shadowy tracks behind. The inky pools slide, as if of their own volition, toward the creature before rejoining its body.
>A faint keening sound emanates from the gut of Shimeria's shade-gecko. Its haunting melody flits about the highest reaches of the audible scale, glissandi and waterfall notes exemplifying an uncanny musical talent. Pools of multicolored radiance thrum through the creature's form in concert with its song.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
6 Million - Loxe, SOLD!
Buy Out 10 Million **Includes 1 free Sadie Scroll service**
I will accept silvers or PayPal at $10 per Million.
Delivery anyplace including FWI
I will update daily, auction will go once, twice, and sold!