View Full Version : High-End Valuables
- Voln Weapon - a gleaming white ora moon axe
- Shadowdeath Lance
- silver-hilted black alloy warsword with a soulstone pommel - SD warsword (OHE/THW)
- Nordred's stuff, cheaper prices
- 6x HCP brigandine armor
- A barbed veil iron dagger - +27 MCW dagger the "Ripper"
- 7x 2 slot fusion brig
- Self-Charging 225 Item
- 7x HCP MBP
- 6x T3 Iasha Handaxe
- 7x HCP Fusion Double Leathers, 2x Ora Claidhmore
- Two Things
- Self Recharging Wand
- Bottomless Quiver - 4x Random Flaring/Blessed
- Icemule shop
- 6x Poison Elemental Bow
- 10x Gory Scripted Self-Knowledge Zealot Undead Bane UAC Handwraps
- 3x max light glaes claidh
- 7x fusion lance MB 23m
- Hollow Soulstone Wand - Animate Dead Wand
- SALE: HCP 5x Brig- HCW 4x Dagger - Jackal head ring
- 5000 PPs
- Perfect Coraesine-shot pike
- Bundle of great stuff
- Items
- 3x newstyle Claid, Max Light
- 470 pound satchel & pin worn vla jacket with 25 percent reduction and working hood
- 7x hcp t1 max light doubles
- Possible fire sale
- 10200 Premium Points
- Tier 3 Iasha lance - all verbs/enhancives
- 5x elegant forged golvern handaxe with T1 ensorcell and super bubble flares
- HDP Augmented BP w/accessories
- Curse/Voodoo Doll
- 4x heavily sighted 2 slot fusion T1 ensorcelled longbow
- 7x (+33) eahnor 3 slot fusion T1 ensorcelled permablessed pike.
- 7x Fusion Aug Chain
- 3x/8 hrs. 610/616 (tangle weed/spike thorn) +22 runestaff w/fire flares & scripts
- 2900-5800 Premium Points
- 7x per day Self Control 613 pin - a faceted dragonmist crystal pin
- Permabless bastard sword, with holy flares, 2x/5x vs undead. 1h/2h weapon, max light
- 2x - DB Ring - Small Pocket
- 6x/3x TD large enhancive shield - +4 health recovery, +7 STR, +4 armor bonus, spiked
- Flat Prices - +6 Dex Bonus Orb, 2x Self Control Bowtie, Chronomage Disk.
- Flat Price: 7x/day 613 recharger
- Danle's extra gear
- a couple items
- 7x T2 Voln Full Plate w/Grapple Flares
- 5x Longbow w/ T1 Ensorcell & Perm Heavy Sighting
- 4100 PP's and 4000 PP's
- Items
- Iorake Claidhmore(ice age eonake)
- 10x Ironwright, 6x void flaring dagger bando.
- Three Room Landing Shop
- SD Warsword (OHE/THW)
- Suff
- Looking to sell 6300PP
- 10x Med Shield and 7x grapple flared, 2 slot fusion double chain
- 6x Grapple Flaring Fusion Full Plate
- 7x HCP Doubles
- 3 room Icemule Shop
- 6x HCP Fusion chain shirt
- 7x fusion robes
- 5x Superior Forged HCW Lance
- 4x-7x fusion enchanting service
- 7x black alloy field-plate (scripted)
- 13800 PPs
- Three Room Mist Harbor Shop
- Tier 2 Voln Full Plate
- 4x hcw eonake spear
- RTCF Forearm Guard
- a razor-edged vultite discus (+22 HCW returner)
- 3x Oldstyle Claidhmore
- +10 ranged fusion orb
- Account sellout list
- 6x fusion fulls, 15/15 perm fire/ice resist. 8 aura stat 5 wis bonus orbs.
- 8x max light full plate with steam flares and t2 voln flares
- 7x disintegration flaring T2 voln double chain
- UAC gloves and 613 for cash
- SELLING an ice ball ring
- 8x / 2x Max Lightened Doubles
- 7x Perfect Mallet - Maul base, flared, T1
- +11 OHE Bonus Fusion Orb
- 3x every 8 hours 610/616 runestaff
- Zelnorn brig for trade/sale
- Kingsfury, Haste Flaring Crowbill, SWCW Golvern Morning Star
- Claidhmore sale
- 5x True Black Ora Longsword T1/5x Unbalance Dagger
- 1000lb satchel, 10x flared, 8x permabless w/flares
- 6000 premium points
- Fusion Items all 7x
- a twisted lor staff capped with a glowing blackish-violet orb
- Bergreham - 2 slot fusion adamantine main gauche w/unbalance flares
- 5x Very heavy crit padded platemail
- 6400 PP
- Coraesine War Hammer
- tiny snub-nosed hedgehog
- Zested mechanical goggles
- Kroderine Tower Shield
- 6x HCP ML altered full plate, 7x fusion ML altered full plate, 7x perfect maul
- Tier 5 Crate Whistle
- baby needs new shoes! Kroderine full plate
- a rowan-handled veil iron mace
- hollow soulstone wand (EB T5 win)
- Exploding spore creating mushroom. Tier 5 EG prize
- hollow soulstone wand Auction!
- Max L/D Longcoat +8 Polearm Bonus +6 ST Bonus
- Max L/D +8 Polearm +5 ST Bonus
- Spell aiming and Dexterity Bonus Longcoat, MAX Light/MAX deep!
- An Elven Infantry Longbow, 6x, Heavily Sighted
- 7x HCP T1 Voln Half Plate ML, 7x Golvern Wakizash grapple flares T2 + elegant forging
- 6x perfect forged 2-slot fusion mattock
- 5x-7x fusion enchant service
- bromin potion
- +8 THW bonus +5 Strength Bonus VLA longcoat
- Thread: +8 THW bonus +5 Strength Bonus VLA longcoat
- 3x per day 107 ring
- Shadowdeath Vambraces: Opal-edged black allor armguards, lesser vembraces
- 7x max light perfect lance - ironwright flares (impact/acid/web) mithril base mb 24m
- 10x 15pt DP 35lb Rolaren Full plate
- a silver-edged serving case (makes contents 1 item, can be phased)
- 2x VHCP brig, w/eahnor plates and bad ass scripts
- 5x sephwir
- A sorcerer's fund raiser
- 9x full plate, unbalance flares, max light
- 6x Heavily sighted 2-slot fusion T3 Ensorcelled longbow
- 4-7x Enchant (and fusion)
- Any Ensorcell (and limitbreaker)
- self charging 225
- Full Plate Armors and Axes
- Matching 6x permanent mechanical flaring katars
- 7x 3 slot fusion lance
- Tier 3 Spider Bag
- 5x sephwir long bow, Scripted T5 EG win, new thread
- 7x Fusion Fulls
- 6x perfect morning star
- +8 OHE Bonus / +5 Strength Bonus Longcoat
- Platemail and FGB
- Bergreham Original - Dying Light
- Bloodlust: +27 VHCW Morning Star - 1x per HOUR V'tull's Fury
- a veniom mesh robe - 5lb pinworn VLA
- 5x vhcw lance w/ 2 banditbane spots (+32 weighting total vs bandits)
- Whittling Knife
- 4x heavily sighted fusion longbow w/ T1 ensorcell, 15 million
- 7X a perfect vultite handaxe
- 7x fusion full plate
- 5x blink claidhmore
- Ora claidhmore
- Ithzir Flaring Full Leather, Tier 2 Voln HCP robes
- Items for Auction and Flat Prices
- 8x MCP robes with15/slash/15 fire resists
- 7x T2 Voln Full Plate w/Grapple Flares MB: 15m
- 7x HCP Fusion Max Light Aug Chain - 4 Slot
- Magical Seed Pouch, 2x Claid, 5x/7x OrcBane THW.
- 6x HCP Fulls
- 4x heavily sighted fusion longbow w/ T1 ensorcell
- 11 Accounts - 13 Capped characters and stuff.
- 6900 PPs
- Forehead Gem
- Exploding Mushroom
- Premium points, pin-worn VLA, belt-worn LA
- Dhu Kitten w/ carrier
- +5 WIS Bonus Orb
- Landing Shop
- +8 to bonus spell aiming ring
- 73 cleric, 7x shield, forest green brig, etc =
- Dhu Kitten, Goat Pin Need new home.
- Fire sale - mostly fusion + enhancives
- +40 Dex Package - MB:1m
- 8x permablessed falchion, tier 3 ensorcelled, max light. Perm unphased demon killer.
- Kroderine splitting handaxe. Dispell/plasma flare. Named Bane of Mages. Max Light.
- 7x(+32) HCP, max light, tier 1 ensorcelled, +3 Stam regain, +3 Health regain.
- Mana Battery
- takeing offers on a enruned dark imflass scabbard blessing self rechargeing
- Feature Concealing Cloak - A Tattered Deep Black Cloak
- 6x HCP Brig - Lightened - Fiery Attack Resistant
- +30 Veil-Iron Hilted Khopesh w/permanent Mechanical flares
- 7x - Heavy Crit Padded Double Leather
- Forehead Gem, Disintegration Fletching Razor, 4x Snake Flaring Longsword
- Dexterity and Spell Aiming enhanced Longcoat that is MAX deep/light!
- 1x per day Fash'lo'nae's gift (1750), spirit staff, self-charger, Nalfein stuff etc.
- 10 spider T2 bag
- Selling Out (Mostly) Sale - 5x Blink Claidh, 7x 3-slot fusion MBP, much more
- 10x Acid Flaring Falchion
- Mithglin Claidhmore
- Spell aiming, fire lore & elemental mana bonus RARE firestone ring
- Pin Worn - VLA Surcoat
- Emerald Forehead Gem
- +2 Strength, Dexterity, Agility, Constitution, +3 Stamina Rec cloak
- an iron-reinforced wyrwood heavy crossbow +24 fusion w/ 10 points of sighting
- 6x SWCP scripted full leathers / 6x Double leathers with voln scripts
- Ithizir Bane/Greater Elemental 6x kris and 8x maul
- Coraesine War Hammer
- +40 kelyn pike, maze win
- 6x 2 slot fuison HCP chain shirt
- enhancive quiver with suction cup bow set
- DM Prize - a distressed leather-wrapped bludgeon weighted with kelyn
- DM Prize - a blackened leather harness traced with argent scrollwork (CM/Dodge)
- +5 SA +5 Earth Boots - DMC prize
- +10 dex belt
- 7x sanctified vacuum flaring lance
- 6x hcp augmented chain maxlight
- a black rapture cloak
- 6x HCP Brig
- DM 5X 130 self charger
- +4 to strength BONUS & 6 range bonus protectors
- 7x glowing fusion platemail maxlight
- DM Honey Badger Armors - Ful Plate and Brig
- A few high-ends: 6x HCP T3/T5 chain, perm gold ring, seed pouch, 7x fusion enchanter
- a faded silver spidersilk belt clasped with a circular eahnor buckle +10 AURA
- DM Honey Badger Pelt Robes
- 7x 2-slot fusion robes and very resistant to impact
- 4x/6x undead bane gauntlets
- Red Will-O'-Wisp from RTCF
- some vultite full plate 7x and maxlight
- fixstat
- Selling: 4x Heavily Sighted Fusion T1 Ensorcell Longbow
- Fixstat
- 3 Room Landing Shop
- honey badger full leather
- 2 Feature Concealing cloaks (Both VLA, one enhancive (+5 Dodge Bonus, +1 AGI Bonus))
- 7x maxlight 3 slot fusion lance
- FGB, wrist Guard, +12 Dex Warhelm, 5x HCW Longbow, Tons of enhancives
- 7X fusion double leather
- 7X fusion MBP
- 5x Superior HCW Lance, 5x Perfect DCW Maul, 7x Perfect Maul, 5x Sephwir Composite Bow
- a pair of lead-weighted leather gauntlets (0x MCWed)
- 4200 pps
- 3X per day Sanct Breaker
- 4x racial longbow
- +2 DB belt with unlimited multiple fragrances when rubbed
- self rechargable sneaking (617)
- 3-8x Cycling trollbane flamberge (double fire flares)
- Adamantine Sai
- 10x axe returner blessable T5 ensorcelled
- Locker cleanout
- 0x MCW javelin
- Self Charger (225-Transference)
- armor, shield, and broadsword
- Two sephwir bows for sale!
- max logic enhancive set, two fusion daggers
- 5x (+23) perfect lance with super bubble flares
- Decently Valuable Locker Contents
- Bromin potion
- Some things...
- 8x full leathers
- Two nice, non cookie-cutter Two-Handers
- Fixstat potion
- King of spell aiming rings! +11
- Fully unlocked (Tier 4) hair bauble with ponytail and braid options
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