View Full Version : High-End Valuables
- Cleanup Time
- 167k Bloodscrip
- Hair-worn 1x DB item
- Fusion Longbow
- WANTED: something close to a +20 THW orb, agility enhancives, twohander enhancives
- SELLING some wings and armor
- Stylized Golden Griffin Pin
- Stylized Golden Griffin Pin
- self charging neckworn 117
- RPA orbs. Buying 4x for 11 mil each
- Lesser SD Vambraces
- Fixstat potion
- coral-carved ebon yumi
- Buying SK/self mana celerity,heroism items, DB items, make some XMAS MONEY
- DB, BS, ice age, x/days, UAC set for cash
- High-End Valuables: v12.09.17
- 6x/6x nerverot staff
- 5x Gem-Eating Runestaff
- Wearing individual armor pieces over full body armor
- Veil Iron Moonshard Pendant (shadowy black)
- fix skill and fix stat potions
- Exit Strategy
- 5x t4 forest armor (double leather)
- 5300 Premium Points
- 7x HCP max light platemail
- Couple items
- selling 97630 BS. $700
- A few nice things
- Lightning Ring
- fresh 6x/6x acuity nerve staff
- A few higher end containers
- 10x self-ammo random-flaring bow
- Leaving GS Selldown
- a lacquered twisted lor runestaff - 5x, 4x Acuity, T4 Nerve Staff - barely used
- an archaic gornar-veined crosier
- 100,000 bloodscrip
- E(cross)bow and adamantine armor for sale
- 2/200 backpack
- 6x/6x Nervestaff, 5x altered fel hafter
- Bit of everything
- kroderine greatshield, kroderine plate
- 7x Fusion Full Plate
- 6x hcp/hcw items/auction quality tent/branding iron
- Account for Sale - Flat Price
- 8x t5 3 slot tower shield
- 6x t5 greater air flare runestaff
- +17 HCP 3-slot fusion platemail
- Hollow soulstone wand
- Things
- 69k bloodscrip
- Perfect Kelyn Sarissa (Lance): 10x, T5, Perfect Forging, Tier 3 Gore (max), Max Light
- 6x/6x T4 Nervestaff
- 200 capacity 50% weight reducing cloak
- Cleanout
- weightless shoulder/backworn pack 80 lbs
- 6x MCP T5 double leather
- Altered 3-room Landing shop
- Anti thief head
- 3500 premium points
- Selling EG T5: +5 Mana Flaring witchwood runestaff with illthorn grip
- a blackish blue crooked vaalorn knife Tier 2 ritual dagger.
- BUYING Bloodscrip. large quantities
- lirion bow and shadowdeath vambracers
- 250k bloodscrip
- Elemental Bow of Lightning
- 550k Bloodscrip
- Everything must go!
- Process for buying for cash?
- 10x T5 Ensorcelled, T1 Goby, Max Light, Medium Golvern Shield
- 97630 BS for $800
- 60K bloodscrip $450
- 7x runestaff greater fire flares
- THW Project pieces for Sale
- Tier 3 Spider Backpack with 10 Spiders - Holds 200+
- 10x undead bane old coraesine greatsword
- 8x Heavily Critical Padded, Tier 3 Ensorcelled, Max Light Illegal "Robes" (ASG 6)
- 7500 Premium Points
- +40 logic set
- 250k Bloodscrip
- 10x DB
- Looking for a few high end things and questions
- Rapid Fire (515) SK
- 6000 Premium Points
- pure white eonake claidhmore
- Downsizing
- 8x Reinforced Crit padded Leathers
- 6x HCP Doubles, 6x HCW tetsubo - T1 max light
- For sale: 10x Masterfully Crit padded full plate
- 6x HCW lance & 6x HCW augmented chain
- 8x Phenomenally Crit Padded Doubles (2 Enhancive Slots/T3ed)
- Rot Flare Staves! 10x Acuity or Max Mana Nerve!
- shield.. 7x 2 slot fusion w/orbs, tower, T2
- Perfect weapons, fusion orbs, 6x hcp armor, bloodscrip
- bloodscrip for sale
- exceptional damage padded plate
- 5 Setting Teleporter
- +41 Logic Wearable Set
- 20x a day ewave pin
- Full Plate: 10x, T5, HCP, +5 TD, Max Light and Banshee Flares (+10-50 TD for 10 secs)
- 300k BS
- 10x/2x T5 HCP Full Plate, 16x HCW+ Lance GFF T5 (Enhancive), 8x Perfect Lance EP Bane
- Some stuff
- 7x Greater Undead Bane, +3 dex, +3 str, sighted against undead Long Bow
- 9X Fusion Full Plate - MCP - T3 ensorc - Max light
- 8x DCP Fully unlocked Voln Brig
- Three High End Mauls for Cash or Bloodscrip
- 30k bloodscrip - mb $250
- +32 enchant/+5TD wall shield, T6 dig prize from glowing chest, MB 1 coin
- T6 Prize from the Dig - a tiny stone cottage amulet
- SELLING 7x a day 535 neck worn
- 170k bloodscrip
- Cross Realm Teleporter - 1x per 12 hours. Teras to Illistim and Back
- Lor-hafted coraesine pike. +43 and other stuff. Except for coraesine.
- Some fancy 8x hauberk with extras
- Acid Immolator Jeddart-axe, sanctified, T5 ensorcelled
- 4x decently sighted longbow with +8 ranged bonus
- Top tier Eviscerating Knife - ie, D'yer Organ Makr from EG
- a round-windowed oak treehouse amulet
- Buying enhancives
- +35 tier 1 support ithziri ML hauberk
- buying RPa orbs, high end enhancives , large AG task waiver packs
- 9x 30.29 point damage padded plate, 10x perfect axe(vultite)
- Kroderine Buckler w/ Dispel Abilities
- 7x MCP Brigandine
- 10x glowing blue throwing hammer - returner etc
- Greater UB UAC Gloves Back For Sale
- 8x T5 Grapple Flaring Plate, 6x T3 HCP MBP Sancted
- 2 runestaffs
- Splitter and blink for sale
- 5x Permablessed Waraxe (Handaxe base)
- some bark-textured mahogany leathers... 7x tier 4 forest armor (doubles)
- A few alt items I am not using.
- BUYING RPA orbs 15 million each
- T4 Masterfully Crit-weighted Maul (plus Grimbane crit)
- Excess of High-end weapons/armor
- Black Oak Longbow (self-ammo Lirion bow w poison flares)
- Unloading Everything
- 8x perfect lance w/ greater fire flares, T4, LCW
- Altered FGB, spiked, max lightened, and with fully unlocked anfelt scripts
- Stuffing
- demon talisman (101,107,202,219 gem eatter)
- Burnoose W/Feature Concealing Hood
- Ghezyte Axe, Gem Eating Axe, and 100k Bloodscrip
- Kitten for sale
- 8x Perfect Morning Star
- Veil iron moonshard pendant
- An elegant elven runeblade
- Selling 6x pefect lance and 7x 2slot fusion aug chain
- Fireworks press
- 8x perfect T5 maul and 7x LCP full plate
- locker cleanout
- Some Dragon-Etched Golvern Platemail 7X HDP T2 Max Light
- Private Property Deed - New Custom Build! (xpost to Auction folder)
- Dhu Kitten (a longhaired flame point kitten)
- a lacquered scrollworked illthorn runestaff 6x/6x acuity t4 nerv t2 ensorc (MB: 25m)
- 7x Full Plate, 3 slot fusion, FCP, T5, ML
- Enhancives Close-out (Personal Vault) Logic, Thrown, Ranged, Dex, Strength
- Selling: grey silk scallop-hemmed petticoat--FULLY unlocked
- Selling: plumed black willow mask
- a lacquered scrollworked illthorn runestaff 6x/6x acuity t4 nerv w/t2 ensorc 22m flat
- [Forest Armor] 8x ECP T5 Ensorcell T4 Forest
- 7x Max Light T3 full plate
- need silvers again
- bow gauntlet (composite version)
- A Dhu Kitten - Jade-eyed white kitten
- An enhancive sephwir harp
- 5x VHDP Ithzir Fullplate Armor
- Reim Doubles (T2 fluff/T3 DS)
- +22 HCW fully unlocked Gory Weapon, T3 ensorcell, maxlight
- 7x vanilla fusion runestaff
- 6x HCP Dark vultite augmented chain
- Enhancives, orbs, perfect weapons, shields, hcp armor etc
- Logic; Bloodscrip; Forest Armor; Fixskills
- 10x T4 Steam/Light -an ancient elven warblade with dark runes scrawled upon the blade
- an urnon-faced skull ring (Self-stunning ring)
- T3 Chaos Jewelry Fully Altered and Unlocked, Self Invisibility
- Consolidated List of High End Stuff
- Taking cash offers on account with high end weapons/armor/fluff
- HCP 3-slot fusion armors and Vruul hide gloves
- WTS: FixSTAT Potion
- Leaving the Lands Auction
- black silk satin cape
- Ranged Weapons
- 6x HCW lance
- Katana, Wakizashi, Sash
- Two perfect weapons.
- Stuffing
- Endless Halfling/Tart Themed Beer Keg
- High-End Valuables: v4.29.18
- ( selling my own hand for silvers)
- Auction Quality Feature-Concealing Climate Wear
- 10x expertly padded brig with slash & puncture resist
- 6x HCP brig
- Retirement Sale
- ShadowDeath Weapon (OHE) - a slender black alloy longsword
- Epic Deep Containers
- 10x Perfect Lance with some fun work done to it.
- 8x mcp/swdp t3 ensorc chain hauberk
- 10x T5 Ensorcelled, +10 Perm TD, Max Light, Small Shield
- Few things for sale...
- HCP/DCP Armors- Bags - fluff - Goat Pins Discount for multiple purchases
- 6x/7x/8x HCP armor + 7x tower shield
- Selling a Few Things.
- Planetarium Lantern, all 4 seasons
- buy this stuff!
- $ preferred
- 7x perfect T5 ensorc vultite maul
- Flash CCF Sale -Rock Bottom Prices - Resell after CCF for big profits
- 2x DB Cloak
- Master Quality Instrument - Lute
- 8x HCP Fulls, T4 ensorcell, T0 Ithzir
- 6x HCP Robes
- CCF Acuity/Mana Flare slot up (delayed service)
- Dhu Kitten
- 8x T5 ensorcell spiked med shield
- Dark Sigil-Etched Blade v3.0 - MCW Falchion
- Falchion for sale
- need silvers for blood
- T1 Parasite Lance
- Taking offers on a few things
- Fresh 6x/10x acuity nervestaff, ready for duskruin
- Black ora moonshard pendant for Lasik (cash only)
- (Permanent) Disintegration Fletching Razor - Arrows or bolts
- Bloodscrip for goa
- 200 capacity 50% weight reducing cloak
- ruby-hilted blue shaalk claidhmore (4x)
- Spikestar and shield
- Sales of trades for a returner/Bando/chainspear
- +17 T5 adamantine full plate
- 8x dagger - unbalance flares, sanctified, 3 pts LCW, T3 Anfelt Scripts
- 10x fire flaring/trollbane fire flaring T1 ensorc scripted falchion
- Kroderine Buckler w/ Dispel Abilities
- WTT / WTS the Following
- 8x dagger unbalanced flares sanctified 3 pts LCW T3 Anfelt scripts
- +22 kroderine T0 ithzir full plate
- 7x 2-slot fusion Augmented Chain w/ perm. moderate nature resistance
- +38 T5 perfect maul and 6x VHCP plate
- Items
- Moonshard pendant
- 7x t5 hcp 3 slot fusion full plate
- Girl on Fire Gown
- A few things
- A few things
- 300k Bloodscrip
- High-End Valuables: v6.12.18
- 200k bloodscrip
- Taking a leave of absence--interested in super high end ranged stuff and some armor?
- set of 6x HCP Plate / HCW warblade
- 100k Bloodscrip
- Fully unlocked climatewear with feature concealing hood
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