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  1. Ithzir Flaring Full Leather, Tier 2 Voln HCP robes (1 replies)
  2. Ora claidhmore (3 replies)
  3. 5x blink claidhmore (67 replies)
  4. 7x fusion full plate (12 replies)
  5. 7X a perfect vultite handaxe (1 replies)
  6. 4x heavily sighted fusion longbow w/ T1 ensorcell, 15 million (1 replies)
  7. Whittling Knife (3 replies)
  8. 5x vhcw lance w/ 2 banditbane spots (+32 weighting total vs bandits) (10 replies)
  9. a veniom mesh robe - 5lb pinworn VLA (14 replies)
  10. Bloodlust: +27 VHCW Morning Star - 1x per HOUR V'tull's Fury (22 replies)
  11. Bergreham Original - Dying Light (6 replies)
  12. Platemail and FGB (1 replies)
  13. +8 OHE Bonus / +5 Strength Bonus Longcoat (9 replies)
  14. 6x perfect morning star (4 replies)
  15. 7x Fusion Fulls (4 replies)
  16. 5x sephwir long bow, Scripted T5 EG win, new thread (5 replies)
  17. Tier 3 Spider Bag (19 replies)
  18. 7x 3 slot fusion lance (0 replies)
  19. Matching 6x permanent mechanical flaring katars (8 replies)
  20. Full Plate Armors and Axes (38 replies)
  21. self charging 225 (1 replies)
  22. Any Ensorcell (and limitbreaker) (5 replies)
  23. 4-7x Enchant (and fusion) (4 replies)
  24. 6x Heavily sighted 2-slot fusion T3 Ensorcelled longbow (1 replies)
  25. 9x full plate, unbalance flares, max light (6 replies)
  26. A sorcerer's fund raiser (14 replies)
  27. 5x sephwir (5 replies)
  28. 2x VHCP brig, w/eahnor plates and bad ass scripts (10 replies)
  29. a silver-edged serving case (makes contents 1 item, can be phased) (0 replies)
  30. 10x 15pt DP 35lb Rolaren Full plate (9 replies)
  31. 7x max light perfect lance - ironwright flares (impact/acid/web) mithril base mb 24m (12 replies)
  32. Shadowdeath Vambraces: Opal-edged black allor armguards, lesser vembraces (14 replies)
  33. 3x per day 107 ring (10 replies)
  34. Thread: +8 THW bonus +5 Strength Bonus VLA longcoat (0 replies)
  35. +8 THW bonus +5 Strength Bonus VLA longcoat (5 replies)
  36. bromin potion (11 replies)
  37. 5x-7x fusion enchant service (4 replies)
  38. 6x perfect forged 2-slot fusion mattock (94 replies)
  39. 7x HCP T1 Voln Half Plate ML, 7x Golvern Wakizash grapple flares T2 + elegant forging (4 replies)
  40. An Elven Infantry Longbow, 6x, Heavily Sighted (17 replies)
  41. Spell aiming and Dexterity Bonus Longcoat, MAX Light/MAX deep! (0 replies)
  42. Max L/D +8 Polearm +5 ST Bonus (12 replies)
  43. Max L/D Longcoat +8 Polearm Bonus +6 ST Bonus (1 replies)
  44. hollow soulstone wand Auction! (40 replies)
  45. Exploding spore creating mushroom. Tier 5 EG prize (1 replies)
  46. hollow soulstone wand (EB T5 win) (12 replies)
  47. a rowan-handled veil iron mace (5 replies)
  48. baby needs new shoes! Kroderine full plate (3 replies)
  49. Tier 5 Crate Whistle (3 replies)
  50. 6x HCP ML altered full plate, 7x fusion ML altered full plate, 7x perfect maul (10 replies)
  51. Kroderine Tower Shield (6 replies)
  52. Zested mechanical goggles (9 replies)
  53. tiny snub-nosed hedgehog (2 replies)
  54. Coraesine War Hammer (3 replies)
  55. 6400 PP (0 replies)
  56. 5x Very heavy crit padded platemail (0 replies)
  57. Bergreham - 2 slot fusion adamantine main gauche w/unbalance flares (13 replies)
  58. a twisted lor staff capped with a glowing blackish-violet orb (19 replies)
  59. Fusion Items all 7x (22 replies)
  60. 6000 premium points (6 replies)
  61. 1000lb satchel, 10x flared, 8x permabless w/flares (13 replies)
  62. 5x True Black Ora Longsword T1/5x Unbalance Dagger (2 replies)
  63. Claidhmore sale (7 replies)
  64. Kingsfury, Haste Flaring Crowbill, SWCW Golvern Morning Star (17 replies)
  65. Zelnorn brig for trade/sale (12 replies)
  66. 3x every 8 hours 610/616 runestaff (0 replies)
  67. +11 OHE Bonus Fusion Orb (0 replies)
  68. 7x Perfect Mallet - Maul base, flared, T1 (6 replies)
  69. 8x / 2x Max Lightened Doubles (1 replies)
  70. SELLING an ice ball ring (0 replies)
  71. UAC gloves and 613 for cash (1 replies)
  72. 7x disintegration flaring T2 voln double chain (5 replies)
  73. 8x max light full plate with steam flares and t2 voln flares (9 replies)
  74. 6x fusion fulls, 15/15 perm fire/ice resist. 8 aura stat 5 wis bonus orbs. (12 replies)
  75. Account sellout list (45 replies)
  76. +10 ranged fusion orb (9 replies)
  77. 3x Oldstyle Claidhmore (19 replies)
  78. a razor-edged vultite discus (+22 HCW returner) (21 replies)
  79. RTCF Forearm Guard (2 replies)
  80. 4x hcw eonake spear (5 replies)
  81. Tier 2 Voln Full Plate (0 replies)
  82. Three Room Mist Harbor Shop (5 replies)
  83. 13800 PPs (0 replies)
  84. 7x black alloy field-plate (scripted) (6 replies)
  85. 4x-7x fusion enchanting service (4 replies)
  86. 5x Superior Forged HCW Lance (2 replies)
  87. 7x fusion robes (1 replies)
  88. 6x HCP Fusion chain shirt (5 replies)
  89. 3 room Icemule Shop (4 replies)
  90. 7x HCP Doubles (6 replies)
  91. 6x Grapple Flaring Fusion Full Plate (7 replies)
  92. 10x Med Shield and 7x grapple flared, 2 slot fusion double chain (0 replies)
  93. Looking to sell 6300PP (2 replies)
  94. Suff (12 replies)
  95. SD Warsword (OHE/THW) (11 replies)
  96. Three Room Landing Shop (8 replies)
  97. 10x Ironwright, 6x void flaring dagger bando. (1 replies)
  98. Iorake Claidhmore(ice age eonake) (5 replies)
  99. Items (3 replies)
  100. 4100 PP's and 4000 PP's (3 replies)
  101. 5x Longbow w/ T1 Ensorcell & Perm Heavy Sighting (3 replies)
  102. 7x T2 Voln Full Plate w/Grapple Flares (0 replies)
  103. a couple items (12 replies)
  104. Danle's extra gear (4 replies)
  105. Flat Price: 7x/day 613 recharger (20 replies)
  106. Flat Prices - +6 Dex Bonus Orb, 2x Self Control Bowtie, Chronomage Disk. (3 replies)
  107. 6x/3x TD large enhancive shield - +4 health recovery, +7 STR, +4 armor bonus, spiked (1 replies)
  108. 2x - DB Ring - Small Pocket (3 replies)
  109. Permabless bastard sword, with holy flares, 2x/5x vs undead. 1h/2h weapon, max light (3 replies)
  110. 7x per day Self Control 613 pin - a faceted dragonmist crystal pin (11 replies)
  111. 2900-5800 Premium Points (3 replies)
  112. 3x/8 hrs. 610/616 (tangle weed/spike thorn) +22 runestaff w/fire flares & scripts (23 replies)
  113. 7x Fusion Aug Chain (0 replies)
  114. 7x (+33) eahnor 3 slot fusion T1 ensorcelled permablessed pike. (15 replies)
  115. 4x heavily sighted 2 slot fusion T1 ensorcelled longbow (10 replies)
  116. Curse/Voodoo Doll (14 replies)
  117. HDP Augmented BP w/accessories (2 replies)
  118. 5x elegant forged golvern handaxe with T1 ensorcell and super bubble flares (8 replies)
  119. Tier 3 Iasha lance - all verbs/enhancives (19 replies)
  120. 10200 Premium Points (15 replies)
  121. Possible fire sale (7 replies)
  122. 7x hcp t1 max light doubles (3 replies)
  123. 470 pound satchel & pin worn vla jacket with 25 percent reduction and working hood (0 replies)
  124. 3x newstyle Claid, Max Light (1 replies)
  125. Items (5 replies)
  126. Bundle of great stuff (8 replies)
  127. Perfect Coraesine-shot pike (0 replies)
  128. 5000 PPs (3 replies)
  129. SALE: HCP 5x Brig- HCW 4x Dagger - Jackal head ring (2 replies)
  130. Hollow Soulstone Wand - Animate Dead Wand (41 replies)
  131. 7x fusion lance MB 23m (8 replies)
  132. 3x max light glaes claidh (4 replies)
  133. 10x Gory Scripted Self-Knowledge Zealot Undead Bane UAC Handwraps (1 replies)
  134. 6x Poison Elemental Bow (0 replies)
  135. Icemule shop (3 replies)
  136. Bottomless Quiver - 4x Random Flaring/Blessed (45 replies)
  137. Self Recharging Wand (15 replies)
  138. Two Things (0 replies)
  139. 7x HCP Fusion Double Leathers, 2x Ora Claidhmore (16 replies)
  140. 6x T3 Iasha Handaxe (0 replies)
  141. 7x HCP MBP (1 replies)
  142. Self-Charging 225 Item (0 replies)
  143. 7x 2 slot fusion brig (7 replies)
  144. A barbed veil iron dagger - +27 MCW dagger the "Ripper" (25 replies)
  145. 6x HCP brigandine armor (3 replies)
  146. Nordred's stuff, cheaper prices (1 replies)
  147. silver-hilted black alloy warsword with a soulstone pommel - SD warsword (OHE/THW) (11 replies)
  148. Shadowdeath Lance (2 replies)
  149. Voln Weapon - a gleaming white ora moon axe (11 replies)
  150. Xmas in August: Mithglin Claidhmore, 3300 PP's, altered lightened FGB and more (8 replies)
  151. a grim black executioner's axe (1 replies)
  152. 5x HCP Doubles (1 replies)
  153. Bows, Mist Harbor shop, premium points (5 replies)
  154. 5x robes +15 spell aiming bonus (orb fodder?) (4 replies)
  155. 6x, spiked, disintegration flaring, 37lb and can still be lightened. (13 replies)
  156. 5x/7x undead bane/2-slot fusion macl (7 replies)
  157. An aleteh potion (8x-9x) (5 replies)
  158. 8x HCP full leather (2 replies)
  159. 7x perfect rolaren mattock MCW (16 replies)
  160. 7x Two Handed Sword & 7x Heimer Script Staff (5 replies)
  161. A silver-hinged golden rosewood kit painted with an albatross - fully unlocked (0 replies)
  162. small lot (0 replies)
  163. Icemule shop (6 replies)
  164. 7x HCP doubles (2 replies)
  165. 5x Heavily Sighted Long Bow- Zesty (2 replies)
  166. 6x, perfect, blessable, bubble flaring greataxe. (18 replies)
  167. 7x Perfect Oversized Mallet - Maul Base (6 replies)
  168. 3x OLD STYLE CLAID (18 replies)
  169. THE Vathor Plate +32 HCP FP, Rare Alter Material, Max Light, Spiked, Scripted (15 replies)
  170. couple items (1 replies)
  171. Mist Harbor Shop (3 replies)
  172. 7x HCP MBP (4 replies)
  173. a folded muddy canvas tent - auction quality tent (16 replies)
  174. Rolaren War Horn - old style self mana 130 (37 replies)
  175. 5x/5x acuity flaring T2 Ensorcelled LOR Staff (1 replies)
  176. 6x Disintegration Flaring Spiked Full Plate, 38lbs (0 replies)
  177. 4x/8x acuity flairing runestaff (10 replies)
  178. 7x Tier 4 ensorcelled Tower shield. (0 replies)
  179. 8x MBP (2 replies)
  180. 6x Full Plate - Voln/Void Flaring/Spiked/Max Light (1 replies)
  181. 10x HCP Robes and stuff (5 replies)
  182. 7x MCP full leathers with resistances (4 replies)
  183. 7x T1 Ensorcelled Earth/Vibe Flare Dhyne scripted 38 lb Full Plate (8 replies)
  184. an embossed leather bracer - hidden weapons bracer (6 replies)
  185. Entertaining offers --- 8x full plate and runestaff with 6x acuity (0 replies)
  186. 10x ohe/shield, hcp doubles, 2x/day auto-hide and camo cloak, dice of fate, and more (14 replies)
  187. 4x Full Plate - HCP, 2 Fusion slots, & Max Light (2 replies)
  188. 5x vhcp full plate max lightened (8 replies)
  189. 7X a perfect steel-handled mithril spikestar (0 replies)
  190. 5x/7x Fusion Undead Bane Sledgehammer (Bergraham original) (28 replies)
  191. epic deepened feature concealing robe (12 replies)
  192. A couple of alright leather armors (3 replies)
  193. 5x T4 ensorcelled masterfully crit weighted thrown returner axe (26 replies)
  194. a few things (8 replies)
  195. 6x disarm-returning grapple flaring waraxe (1 replies)
  196. need refunding for a bow glove (7 replies)
  197. 10x - Pocketed - Ironwright Flaring - T5 - UAC Gloves (22 replies)
  198. 10x - Returning Axe - 3 pounds - Vacuum Flaring (12 replies)
  199. 4x Claidhmore (12 replies)
  200. Bromin Potion (7x-8x) (23 replies)
  201. 4x - Masterfull Damage Padded Doubles - Max Light (14 replies)
  202. +10 Aura orb (15 replies)
  203. Landing shop... (4 replies)
  204. an ancient silvery sephwir longbow (3 replies)
  205. 10x Medium Shield (7 replies)
  206. 10x - Full Leathers - Max Light (1 replies)
  207. Dhu Kitten (1 replies)
  208. +12 DEX stat orb (0 replies)
  209. 7x well crafted fire flaring mcw against grimswarm fist-scythe (1 replies)
  210. few items (4 replies)
  211. Bergraham golvern broadsword (+27, fusion, fire flares, troll bane) (11 replies)
  212. 7x mcw weapons (14 replies)
  213. Account with CCF ticket. Last run. (30 replies)
  214. 6x, fusion, grapple flaring, max light, spiked full plate. For sale or trade. (7 replies)
  215. lesser shadowdeath vambraces (10 replies)
  216. 4x to 10x Spinning and Sancted Morning Star (12 replies)
  217. a tri-headed veil iron pike 5x, HCW, triton bane lance (2 replies)
  218. 2000 PPs and 5x Racial Lance - Low Prices (0 replies)
  219. Selling a MCP +36MBP (23 replies)
  220. sephwir composite bow (1 replies)
  221. 6x HCP plate armor, 38 lbs (10 replies)
  222. 5x Heavily Sighted Long Bow- Zesty (1 replies)
  223. 6x and 7x perfect lances, faenor claid (10 replies)
  224. Ta'Illistim Shop for Sale (0 replies)
  225. Mist Harbor Shop for Sale (5 replies)
  226. 7x HCP half-plate, max light (8 replies)
  227. Landing shop for sale (10 replies)
  228. Couple of items (14 replies)
  229. a dark faenor ring inset with a frost-covered rhimar rune - black ice ring (9 replies)
  230. 8x heavily crit padded doubles & 6x heavily crit padded brig (1 replies)
  231. Landing shop for sale (1 replies)
  232. 4x/day 1712 (14 replies)
  233. 5x handaxe bando (1 replies)
  234. Premium Points (0 replies)
  235. +12 crossbow +14 Ranged Enhancive (16 replies)
  236. Altered 10X Tower Shield T3 Ensorcelled (5 replies)
  237. 5x - HCP - Aug Chain (11 replies)
  238. Selling a few things (2 replies)
  239. +14 THW Bonus Fusion Orb (3 replies)
  240. Couple of self Chargers (7 replies)
  241. A couple items (4 replies)
  242. Kali style whittling knife (11 replies)
  243. 7x perfect dagger (9 replies)
  244. MCW falchion (27 replies)
  245. a set of brushed mithril platemail - 6x HCP fusion plate (1 replies)
  246. HCP armor - 8x brig, 7x brig, 7x doubles, 4x fusion full plate (0 replies)
  247. A few good weapons just waiting for embellishment (23 replies)
  248. A soot-hued krodera bastard sword: 7x fusion with scabbard (11 replies)
  249. unlimited discus bandolier, asg changing chain armor and Blackswan full plate (20 replies)
  250. An ornate leather vambrace (9 replies)