View Full Version : High-End Valuables
- Couple sets of Zelnorn Armor
- 5x/day 1711 glove
- Fully Unlocked Bag of Trixx
- Animalistic Tower Shield
- 9x MCP Double leather
- Sir Lance w/ a lot.
- My old monk armor - 6x T5 HCP & HDP robes
- 8x Trident T5 +11 defender bonus CER 12 HDW
- 10x enchant, 10x acuity, t5 ensorcell, returner script runestaff
- 8x T5 Exceptionally sighted bow, 7x zelnorn and more
- 7x, HCP, T3 ensorcell, full and double leathers
- selling (2) 1x a day heroism clasps
- UAC gear, 7x gloves, 6x boots
- NSA Mirror
- cash sales
- Some Armor
- Discount Ethereal Armor Cert (add to existing)
- 1m Ethereal Scrip for sale, get your padding flares
- 8x, T5, S6 - DR ready Bow!
- Upper Middle Class Hammer for Tradesies
- 6x MCW T5 handaxe with KO + grapple flares
- T5 Sigil Set - 10x T5 staff | 9x VHCP mana-infused robes | dramatic drapery cloak
- 7x padded armors/7x weighted daggers/short sword, 7x animalistic rune staff
- a large treasure sack with a blood crystal clasp (major bag of holding)
- 10x DB cloak
- 10x DB cloak
- 9x medium shield, +10 TD, T4, 10% crush resist, spiked
- Low steel tower shield
- 6x Day/Nightbringer Claidhmore
- T2 briar spear
- 7x T5 ECP Brigandine
- Stringed Returner Axe
- 10x Legacy GUB HCW T3 Dispel Spear Bandolier
- Few more items to move
- 10x,legacy GUB,sighted,terror flaring,T3 Briar, stamina recovery long bow
- 6x a day whale supercharger (Ronan alter)
- A couple items
- Raffle for: 9x MCP Double leather
- nice morning star
- Cestus of Doom
- Four 1x/day Phoen's strength symbols
- 5x/day Heroism Self-Charger
- 6x/day Heroism Self-Charger
- Some decent items walk into a bar..
- 10x/day Adrenal Surge (1107)
- 10x/day Barkskin (605), Tap Activated
- few higher end items
- Couple DB Items
- lightweight krodera mesh cloak ( fully unlock climatewear ) +5 to str & polearm
- 10x Low Steel, Holy, T5, VHCW, SWDW Falchion Splitter
- 7x enchant 6x acuity s6 holy fire flares fully unlocked nervestaff with +8 spell aim
- 2x pinworn db
- 2x DB Cloak
- Some Legendary Platemail!
- Some stuff
- Laen Flamberge/Greatsword
- Kroderine Greatshield and Full Plate (6 CER dmg/3 CER crit)
- Master Chronomage Ring (Perm Gold Ring)
- If you want to look like a crocodile then bid here
- a jet-streaked burnished lor runestaff marred by a single scarlet handprint
- Old style Coraesine Morning Star
- Perfect +35 T5 HCW Cold Flaring Maul
- 10x legacy gub perfect spikestar for sale
- 10x Legacy GUB S5 T5 Base bubble flares Espadon
- T3 Fusion Orbs (the good kind!) Get em before EG! (for swapping!)
- I'm out. Buy my shit.
- some decent brig
- Legendary Treasure - SK 709 + Illusion
- 10x T1 Voln Armor (coat-of-plates)
- 9x T2 S6 Gef/Lightning sephwir longbow
- There Can Be Only One! (runestaff
- +50 Sigil Gear
- Running list of items - open to offers
- Ancient Hunting Horn - SM 130
- +50, T5 Ensorcell, 15/10/10 resist, VHCP
- Peretta T3 - Gown of all Gowns (Ugly kilt)
- Thief . . . Cryogic . . . . . . Tashinas
- A massive dark rolaren claidhmore - 10x GEF Void
- Leaving the Realms
- holly whistle (mandrake)
- invite to eor
- Selling Icemule and River Rest Shop (silvers only)
- Adamantine Greatsword
- Essence Belt T3
- WerePuppy (Fire, Corgi)
- 10x HCW perfect mithril greatsword
- forbidden book (1x1750)
- a silver-twined black alloy spike - Shadowdeath dagger
- 7x fully unlocked ethereal doubles with 11 points of crit padding
- Fully Unlocked Bloodtooth Bands and Bracers
- FWI 3-Room Player Shop
- 10X MCW T5 ensorc/T3 dispell/Legacy GUB w/ plasma flares - Fish Spine Sword
- 3 Room Landing Shop
- Some Equipment
- master chronomage ring
- Gear for sale or trade.
- 2x/day 130 Runestone 30 Million silvers
- 4x T4(Revenge Flares)Animalistic T1 Ensorc +3 dispel flares +10Grimcritbane Claidhmor
- Selling whole account Prime/Platinum for Cash
- 10x / 10x Acuity T5 Ensorcelled T5 Fully Unlocked Sigil Staff
- 40% WR Cloak max light/deep (5lbs, 200lbs) 100m
- Home for the Holidays - Dragonfly/Ghost Puppy/Kitten
- 10x T5 spiked tower shield
- 15x ethereal strung rot flaring war hammer
- 7x T5 20 CER +10 perception/ambush terror flares hand crossbow
- List of people Zaoloo scammed/stole from.
- T3 metal arm
- Sand Elemental
- 10X MCW/T5 ensorc/T3 dispell/S5/Max light/Legacy GUB +10 AS w/plasma flares Broadswrd
- 50% Weight Reducing 200 lb fully unlocked climatewear (with feature conceal) cloak
- boots
- Mist Harbor shop and items not being used
- Items
- Solhaven player shop for sale
- A bow
- Twin Scripted Katar Set
- Influence Enhancement Items
- black ko'nag runestaff for sell
- 7x HCP unlocked ethereal plate
- Shadowdeath vambraces
- Legendary Treasure - SK 709 + Illusion
- Duskruin Projects up for grabs
- Soulhaven shop for sale or trade
- 3 room Landing shop
- T5 Sigil Staff with Martial Knowledge Dispel & Absorb Magic
- List of things to sell
- WTS X'aganjira Robes HCP +35 S4
- 730k reim scrip
- Baned HCW Stringed Returner Axe
- HCW Magic Bane Dispel 3 Returner Axe
- T3 Cursed Aug Chain/x3 Enhancive/T5/T1 Dispel/+45/padded/nature resist
- lance - 8x, 9 CER, T5, S6, 2x dispel, perfect forged
- 6x/day Bravery
- 7x hcw returner magic bane dispel 3 t5 returner axe dirt cheap
- 10x/16x HCW GUB old style coraesine morning star, S6, T5 Cheap
- Animalistic Tower Shield, 10x, T5, S5, spiked
- 8x low steel morning star
- 10x dispel flare shield animal script spiked
- Claid and Full Plate
- 10x T5 Mana-Infused Doubles, T5 ensorcell, 12.66 CER w/grapple, punct/slash resist
- 9x T5 fusion doubles (+15 wis orbs, 12 CER, 15% puncture resist), 7x/8x T5 nervestaff
- 10x, T5, Spiked Tower Shield, T2 Grobey
- 7x Full Plate, T5, 20 CER Dmg, 6 CER Crit
- T3 Fusion Orb - +15 Blunt Weapons Bonus
- 120 3x RPA orbs
- 10x, 11.6 cer crit, rot flare, t5 perfect fore handaxe
- TWC xbows in a cartridge
- WTS 2 slot Fusion Xaz Dagger (+40 S6T2) and 2 slot Fusion Zelnorn Buckler( +46 S6T5)
- WTS 10x +15TD max light PDP HCP ethereal plate w/slash and crush res
- 10x death flaring +13 Brawl/+14 Stamina S5 cestus
- 10x GUB (AS boost) HCW T3 Dispel Flaring Axe Bandolier
- 10 setting perm and scrying transport ring
- [For Sale] Tier 3 Orbs + 3 slot fusion armor
- [For Sale] T5 Mana-Infused Doubles w/ MK5 Armored Fluidity
- Beard Comb, altered goat pin, tart kiln, wisps, fancy morning star and more!
- martial knowledge shield throw rank 3 shield
- Troll Heart Pendant
- Perm unnavvable gold ring
- Horn to summon gremlin (Animated Disk)
- +48 dagger, t3 siolan script, extraplanar bane (crit weighting), sanctified
- +10 Picking Locks Bonus/+5 DEX Bonus self repairing urnon lockpick
- Weapon Alter Box
- Everything on this list for 400mil Flat
- 8x, S2, VHCW Coraesine handaxe
- 7x Dispel (3) Dagger Bandolier
- WTS 8x Greater Surita 5 Dispel Mania T5 Spore Staff +20 Dex Bonus
- tiny golvern demon relic (SK 1912+enhancives)
- Violet Orb (4X RPA)
- Selling a 4x lumnis brooch ($644.92 cost to make)
- Green witchhunter talons
- a mithril mesh weapons loop, +7 blunt bonus, ID sheath
- Selling/Trading
- 7x/day - 606
- T5 Sigil Staff & T5 Mana-Infused Doubles (both max unlocked)
- 10x ghezeye handaxe
- Low steel buckler
- storm surita staff: SK 1408, Greater surita, T5 sigil, +30
- t5 dispel animal shield
- WTB 80+ wizzie, cleric and sorc
- Animal style
- T3 Briar OHE + Dispel flares
- Somnis UAC Gloves KO/Boots Terror +40 etc
- 10x T5 low steel rot relic superb crit battle-axe
- WTB: Fox Bugle
- 7x, T5, S6, 15 CER Ghezyte Morning Star
- forehead gem - a polychromatic dragonfly saewehna etched with a firewheel blossom
- 8x Sephwir Hand Crossbow - Raffle Win
- 8x 34 CER Ridgid armor ithzir
- 1x a day flashie o ney
- Fire and Ice Gowns
- Perm +16 OHE/+2 INF Bonus neckworn
- 10x/16x Heavily Crit Weighted, Tier 3 Dispel, Legacy GUB Spear Bandolier
- 10x T9Ithzir T5 ensor, 6xTD 40pt punct/40pt shock/40pt impact/20pt acid HCP/DDP plate
- 8x T2 5x TD T2 ensorcelled T3 Anfelt Lesser Armor Moods medium shield
- a veniom-hilted white ora katana with a shimmering crystal edge
- WTS 6x GEF Claidhmore │ 7x VHCP Full Plate │ 9x T5 S5 Brig │ Other Stuff
- bergraham sledgehammer with everything
- Firewheel Longbow
- Hammered Copper Bell
- 5x/day 1208
- Full Plate.
- empty coffers sale/trade
- Few items for sale, MBP, Blink katana, Spear project
- WTB High-end Longbow
- A bunch of old stuff
- Enhancive Katana w/ Valence Script
- 50/S6/T5 MCP/DDP doubles (+30 Wisdom/+15 CM/+15 Dodge/10% Impact)
- Few Things for Sale or Trade
- [Armor]
- a suede scroll-stamped folio (Scroll portfolio)
- Lesser shadowdeath vambraces
- 10x +50 td Plate, other stats
- massive glowing sabar, 10x mattock, perfect forge, phenom weighted, blink, dispel, fl
- Bag of Holding: Nearly Complete, 40% WR
- A few things
- Licel Liquidation- surita runestaff, 906 doubles, stuff
- 10x Tower Shield, T5, Spiked.
- Yellow Talons
- 10x, S6, T5, highsteel, T4 elven, 10% crush resist armor: great deal
- [Weapons]
- bankpack with 60% WR
- Private Property Alteration Slip, Endless Keg, Fully unlocked picking bracer, etc..
- Ghezyte & Low Steel Hand Xbows
- An Enormous Eonake Gauntlet
- +65 Greater Surita Runestaff with 15x Acuity & more
- 21 T3 fusion Orbs
- 7,000 Premium Points for sale
- 13,700 PP - one block
- The Primo Fusion Orbs
- Greater Rhimar (T4) Katar (+31, Fairly Crit Weighted, T5 Sanct, 10x/Day Rime)
- Complete Bag of Holding
- 3x/day Supercharger
- SK515
- REIM Script for Bloodscrip
- fully unlocked compartment quiver
- 16,000 Premium Points
- 8x Claid, Legacy GUB, T1 ensorcel, dispel flares
- 1x/Day Fash'lo'nae's Gift (1750) pin
- xazkruvixis cestus
- Green witch hunter talons
- Low steel sigil staff
- Nice-ish Sigil Staff
- Animalistic + Dispel weapons, energy shield
- Account closeout of gear, characters, and currency
- MK surge of strength ( 5 ranks )
- 7x, 20 Crit CER (540), S6, T2, GEF Lightning, Lesser Moods, custom flare, Dagger
- self mana 215 & 1109
- 9x T1 spiked parasite full plate
- Shell doubles
- +38 Logic Runestaves
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