View Full Version : Some perfectly good weapons (and a few pieces of armor) just waiting for embellishmen

03-09-2014, 12:11 PM
a golvern half-moon (polearm): +30 6m

a perfect hickory-hilted mithril dagger: +40 30m

a dir-hafted rolaren waraxe: +35 10m

a perfect mithril main-gauche: +30 12m

an eahnor crescent-bladed falcastra (Polearm): 8m with a plus of 23, +5 to polearm ranks, +10 to CON bonus, and +10 to PT bonus. It has 80 charges.
Show: Perched atop a shaft of golden oak, the half-moon crescent blade, with the sharpened edge arcing outward, tops the weapon in a swath of crimson eahnor. Supported by a trio of limbs that splay out from the shaft, the blade tips bow toward the shaft to embrace a secondary pair of blades that rise upward to form an almost continuous, tear-shaped cutting area. At midlength, the shaft is wrapped with tawny doeskin stitched with eahnor thread, while the base is capped with a rounded dome of the same metal. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

an ebony-hafted vultite falcasta with a red-eyed black mamba wrapped around it - 12m
It imparts a bonus of +30 more than usual.
After a careful inspection you determine that an ebony-hafted vultite falcasta with a red-eyed black mamba wrapped around it requires skill in edged weapons to use effectively. It appears to be a modified falchion.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of vultite.
You glance at your falcasta.
Wrapped around the falcasta is a red-eyed black mamba staring at you with malice in its eyes.

a vultite-studded maul: 2.5m
It imparts a bonus of +20 more than usual.
It is temporarily exceptionally weighted to inflict more critical blows.
It has been temporarily enhanced.
It's enhancement will degrade when it scores a successful strike.
It should have an incredible amount of uses left before the enhancement degrades away completely.
When it's enhancement has degraded away, the item will lose its special ability.

a mossbark long bow 6m
Looking closely at the mossbark long bow, you see that it will cost 6000000 coins.
It imparts a bonus of +30 more than usual.

7x spiked platemail max lightened 38 pounds. Anfelt Scripts/fully unlocked 12m

some shadowy grey spiked platemail : Black leather is nestled snugly between overlapping layers of dyed imflass throughout the armor, providing some insulation against noise. Along the arm and leg greaves, silver tendrils are etched in interwoven spirals up the length, creating a camouflage pattern. Upon the pauldrons, a symbol of a cracked skull is engraved - a murky shadowglass orb has been set into one eyesocket upon each side. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

7x spiked platemail max lightened 38 pounds. 12m

some polished mithril plate: This plate has been carefully crafted of smooth polished pieces of mithril that have been buffed to create an almost mirror like finish. Each piece slides perfectly into the next for the highest amount of articulation and movement. Rising from the back of the arms and the front of the legs are small spikes that have been sharpened to fine points. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

some ivy-tooled supple leather armor: FGB 8m

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03-09-2014, 12:19 PM
I'm seeing no price on this one: an eahnor crescent-bladed falcastra

also what base are falcastra?

03-09-2014, 12:20 PM

03-09-2014, 04:38 PM
FGB is gone.

03-31-2014, 02:03 PM
+40 perfect handaxe is no longer available.