View Full Version : High-End Valuables
- Greater Elemental Flares Token
- Banshee Flare Token
- +35 Bubbble flare Token
- a scaled eonake gauntlet inset with black doomstones
- a pair of dark gloves trimmed with golden leather - T1 Parasite Falchion
- Soft velvet black wand harness
- 7x VHCP T2 Brig w/void flares, spikes, unlocked anfelts & maxlight
- Knockout flare token
- Raffle Win: Signet ring kit.
- 6x T1 Voln Doubles
- Fash'lo'nae Gift Book
- High Steel Maul - Flat Price
- Knockout flare token
- +10 bubble flare token
- High Steel Maul - Reduced Price (Thanks for the feedback)
- +15 Physical Fitness Bonus Cloak (Jackpot)
- +2 Max Spirit Item - T6 Jackpot
- 10x DB boots
- +5 OHE T3 fancy sheath
- 7x perfect T5 handaxe
- Two 8x medium shields
- a giant boot
- T4 Voln armor (brig)
- "Scholarly" fancy book
- Unlimited Use Digging Shovel for Caligos Isle
- 6x/6x Nervestaff
- Forbidden Knowledge Book
- Nice set of VHCP & FDP padded 7x Full leathers
- 6x\6x T4 unlocked Nervestaff
- Tier 3 FancyBook with "sacred" flavor
- Auction Quality Chronomage Capsule
- Selling good stuff
- Permanent cold flaring Fletching Razor
- T2 Arkati Beads
- T6 Daxela Jewelry box
- 8x t5 tier 3 parasite gloves and 8x t5 swcw hdp bubble boots
- LF 3x+ claid or nice 2hander (3-6x enchant with lots of weighting)
- neat permanent ranged enhancives
- Permanent Fletching Razor - Grapple Flares
- LF Great set of 4-6x crit padded doubles or leather breastplate. Also LF DBs
- 6x HCW unbalance flaring double leather
- some jet leather gloves articulated with flat steel finger bones
- 5x a day 1107 pendant
- a gnomish clockwork wine press
- 7x mist armor double leathers
- Low Steel Shield, Hollow Soulstone Wand, and more
- Razor-Thin Coraesine Dory - 4x Old Style Coraesine Spear - 19 WPS Services
- an empty scuffed leather binder with stamped brass edges - Unlocked Scroll Codex
- 6x/6x nervestaff, custom alter/show, t5 ensorc
- sd vambrace/blink fist/6xt5hcp 3 slot plate
- Dhu Kitten
- A few more things
- 2 6x/6x nervestaffs - T1
- Hand Of Light
- T5 +32 (T4 Globus Elanthias) Prism-Topped Bent Witchwood Staff
- 6x/6x T4 unlocked T1 Ensorcelled Nervestaff
- red talons
- an ebon glaes periapt set in a braider leather wristband
- full plate: 7x T2 150 crit services, 20 damage services
- 8x t5 hcp 2 slot fusion brig
- Landing shop
- The House Renovation Auction
- 2 sips +500 enchanting skill potion
- 6x VHDP T5 Ensorcelled Plate - 220 Services total, altered and maxlight
- Teclys's High End Enchanting and Ensorcelling work
- 7x T5 +1 Stam Recovery Fully Unlocked Splitter
- A suit of myklian scale armor - Ithzir Brig
- old style self mana 130
- 10x Tier 4 Voln full plate armor with VHCP and perm incredible lightning resist
- Just documenting the location of a few items
- A few items for sale
- a perfect mithril-handled mithril morning-star - 6x LCW max light
- Weapon/Armor/stuff (low end through high end gear
- 2-3x/day Scrying Mirror: a carved obsidian mirror with an inlay of diamond slivers
- 6x/6x T4 unlocked, T1 ensorcell runestaff
- 3x/a day 414 wrist worn EG Trove Win: deep blue glaes periapt
- fash lo nae teleport cloak( gold ring/teleport cloak)
- EN Shop
- 0.5 lb / 200 lb / 20% WR cloak
- KO + Bubble UAC Set
- A perfect hickory-hilted mithril main-gauche, 6x perfect with greater void flares
- 6x VHCP Brigandine - Max Light, T1 ensorcelled, 12 CER (20 of 30 to 13)
- An axe
- 7x t5 15 cer hatchet
- Awesome Wares! You Buy Now!
- 3x a day 606 pin
- 4x DB, 20% WR, 3/200lb, fully unlocked climatewear cloakworn w/ feature concealing
- 3x/day 130 ("a broken compass")
- 5x/10x Acuity Parasite Rotflare T5 Maxlight
- Delirium Manor Hat/Rabbit pet
- Stuff for sale
- Wanted: Very high end brig armor
- Nervestaffs, 6x VHCP fulls, 6x VHCP brigandine, 6x HCW maul, 7x fusion shield,
- 4x Etched Vultite Plate maxlight 10 cer damage 8 crit T2
- 7x T5 Perfect Maoral-hilted warsward W/ Magma flares & 9 HCW
- High end double (since everyone hates brig)
- OTS Tinnoc Hurling Box
- Silver-Bound Ancient Cuirass - +35 - slight resist to cold, fire, shock, impact
- golven embossed kite shield +35 medium shield
- 4400 and 5200 premium points
- Big Blink Brawler
- 7x Tier 4 forest Brig T5 ENS, LCP
- 6x 13 cer fulls
- Fully-Unlocked Ranger Treat Pouch 6x random treats/day
- 6x VHCP Doubles
- A couple of THW
- 11 cer damage padded Full plate
- 7x perfect altered handaxe - T2 Ensorcell, 5 CER crit weighting
- Ranged Arm Greaves + Enhancive Bow Set: +12 Ranged Bonus, +15 Ambush Bonus
- VHCP(12CER) & FDP(4CER) 7x Full Leathers
- Master Quality Familiar Instrument
- HCP Kroderine armor 7x perfect T5 axe VHCW
- Selling a fixstat potion
- +22 T4 Sigil Staff with 10x acuity, T5 ensorcelling
- 7x/10x Rotflare Nervestaff T5 ensorcell
- 6x T3 parasitc glove - 4300 PP
- new style enchanting potions
- 7x T4 Voln Armor (ensorcelled and crit padded)
- 8900 PPs
- 6x T3 unlocked parasite maul
- Silver smelter - melt up to 10K silvers down into 2 lb slabs in the field per use
- 7x T5 fitted leather hunts 7 CER Crit and multiple resistance
- T3 Parasite Runestaff w/ T3 ensorcell and lightning flares on top of slash flares.
- 6x crit padded dispel flaring full plate - Morphing armor- fully unlocked - max light
- 7x fusion brig
- Sellin armors n junk
- 7x , 6 CER crit weight (70 services), Grapple Flares handwraps
- a black survival kit
- Skinning Knife
- Unattuned Phoenix Pet, Fully unlocked trap detecting bracer, unlimited all perfume
- Premium Points - 5700
- 8X VHCW fully unlocked rikelle full plate
- 3x/day 617 socks and some 7x +50 banshee flaring brig
- Sile's Trade Bait
- some items before DR
- 3 ICE AGE Metal Weapons Auction: Shaalk and Laen
- Chaos Falchion and 7x Pavis
- +26 HDP Golvern Plate Tier 1 Ensorc
- Elemental bow of lightning
- +27 adamantine (ASG 9) leather breastplate with goodies
- +35 T4 Super Bubble Flare Maul
- ghost bucks (reim scrip)
- Maxlight Fullplates. Flat pricing
- 8x t5 hcp 2 slot brig
- 3x/day 130 band
- 7x t5 ensorc t2 parasite uac gloves
- 7x (+32), T5, D&C padded, maxlight, altered, aug chain (ASG15)
- Self Ammo x 2
- 10x/11x GUB T5 6CER disintegrate fusion greatsword
- 5x/8x acuity staff
- +40 Double leather with goodies for sale
- some stuff for sale
- WL shop
- t5 sigil staff cert
- Plate and Mattock
- Things you cannot have
- Decent metal breastplate
- WTS Capped Empath
- 7x auction quality Grobey, kitten, skink, and more
- +30 Long bow with nice enhancives
- 7x HCW boots
- 3x Fantastically crit weighted war mattock, with blink
- Fire gown, unattuned phoenix and 7x T5 ensorc sephwir longbow
- T4 Voln brig, T3 parasitic lance, unlimited leech jar EG raffle win
- 10x vhcp zelnorn aug chain
- Sanctified Low Steel Tower Shield
- 7x T3 ~MCW axe
- low steel handaxe
- 6x self camo double leathers - just in time for LAM
- selling tokens
- Two Nice Chain Hauberks
- 9x VHCP t5 ensorcelled troll spine augmented chain
- 7x T5 ensorcelled rot flaring heavily sighted longbow
- 5x/4x T4 Nervestaff T5 ensorcell
- Stuff
- T1 Twin Weapons handaxe + longsword, fire
- Items at sale
- +32 T4 Voln brig w/2 CER crit padding
- 2 +5 enchant doc
- 10x 30 cer dp, 8 cer cp, max light w/ grapple flares and spiked
- 10x perfect dcw (8cer)maul with unbalance and ko flares.
- Lance
- +50, T2 Medium shield for sale
- Aug chain, cloak, wakizashi, and sigil staff
- 10x low steel splitters
- 6x t5 almost 13 cer longbow
- 6x HCP brig
- 6x HCP Fire flaring doubles with SK 906
- Two blocks of premium points
- 4000 PPs
- Splitting morning star
- +35 6x acuity t5 ensorcell t5 sigil staff
- 7x t5 hcp reinforced leathers /w 13 spellaim and 12 dex t3 orbs
- 40 crit weighted war mattock $1500
- Higher end sales
- 7x VHCP (12 CER) maxlight doubles
- SELLING zelnorn chainmail, 10x taking offers
- SELLING ethereal string, taking offers
- 8x t5 perf shortsword
- 7x T3 AUCTION quality Grobey tower shield
- 6x Almost HCP Full Leathers, T1 Ensorcell
- Good stuff for sale
- Some higher end things for sale and trade
- Druid staff
- Some DM Crap
- It's a +22 T4 Sigil Staff with 10x acuity, T5 ensorcelling, 6 (maxed)scroll slots etc
- 7x t5 vhcp reinforced /w 13 spellaim and 12 dex
- a scrollworked mithril vambrace thingy
- 6x greater void runestaff
- 7x Greater Frost Flaring Morning Star
- an enormous veil iron-hilted claidhmore - 3x
- Large Locker Expansion Contract
- Masterfully Crit Padding 7x Doubles
- a black ora half moon pendant.
- stuffing
- Greater black ora rings
- Selling 4600 Premium points
- Hidden Ammo Bracer
- Donut Box
- mid-high items
- a lacquered scrollworked illthorn runestaff
- 10x Full Ethereal SCP, DDP, Grapple full plate
- Large Locker Expansion Contract - 100 slots
- a small firework press
- an enruned veniom band
- low steel handaxe
- a full leather codex with stamped gold corners - fully unlocked scroll codex
- Demon-Killer Twin Katars "Catch & Release"
- 5x hcw blessed spear bando
- T2 10x medium shield
- 10x T5, Blink, GUB (plasma flares) 6 CER great axe
- Old-Style Katana, 7x, 4 CER
- MCW 20 CER Battle Axe with stunning skull
- selling 4000 Premium Points
- 7x 2-slot fusion Brig
- 6x, T1 ensorcell, 12 CER (20 of 30 to 13) crit padded brigandine
- thrown returner other chicken head stuff
- 8x T5 20 CER crit, 11 CER damage 10/10 resist grapple flaring brig
- 6x Sephwir Heavy Crossbow
- Rare Ghezyte Trident - 6x custom flares with special loresong
- Excellent AGIDEX Pinworn Enhancive
- +5 MoC T3 Orb
- 8x perfect T5 GE void flaring crit weighted morning star
- A Few items
- A dark carmiln long bow with a soft silver sheen
- Pristine 8-10x Enchanting Potions
- KO boots
- 3k premium points
- 7x, enhansive, damage padded, morphing into garments, T4, full plate
- 7x T5 Sanctified Spiked Tower Shield
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