View Full Version : 2x/Day Unpoison/Undisease - A Crystal-Domed Green Scarab Ring

06-21-2014, 01:25 AM
MB: 10mil, Cash offers considered

a crystal-domed green scarab ring ~ Inside the domed crystal compartment of this ring, a brilliant sapphire has been cunningly carved into the perfect likeness of a green scarab. Its tiny shimmering carapace is covered in finely etched runes. As you stare at it, your mind starts to wander and you lose track of what you were doing.

2x a day Unpoison(green)/Undisease(blue)

An image forms of a red carpeted room with tall mullioned windows on one wall.

Yellow firelight rises and falls on the walls of this paneled library, like sea waves lapping at the shore. A pale woman, her breath coming unevenly, sits in a green damask chair, leaning back in apparent exhaustion. Next to the chair, a silver tray sits on a small table. A wine glass, now empty, has fallen over and rolls slowly side to side. A young man rushes about the room, pulling open drawers and tossing aside books. Twice, he crosses back to the woman, and stares at her bare hand, as if he cannot believe what he sees. Both times, he lifts her limp and unprotesting body to look through the pockets of her dress. Finally, after one convulsive breath, the woman breathes no more. The man falls to his knees beside her, weeping as he clutches her hand. The firelight continues its slow dance on the dark wood walls.

In the background, a grey-clad serving maid stands unnoticed. As she draws her own hand from behind her back, her lips curl almost imperceptibly and a blue-green spark flashes from between her closed fingers.

The vision dissolves into a swirl of shifting shadows and then fades.

An image forms of a dark dining room. Several candelabra on the sideboard are bristling with lit candles, but their flickering flames do little to light the room.

An old man sits at the head of a long table laden with a feast. He speaks loudly and makes large gestures as the members of his family watches from their seats around the table. One young man speaks to him, receiving a slap to the face in response.

A servant, ladling soup, spills it on the white tablecloth and there is a sharp intake of breath from everyone. Pale faces ring the table. The old man pauses in his diatribe, and turns slowly to the servant, who has by now begun to shake. He forces the servant to kneel and he pours hot soup over his head, laughing. The servant does not cry out. Instead, his mouth is firmly closed. When the old man is done with his punishment and has turned his attention back to his dinner, the servant quickly and furiously rubs his mouth.

Nervous looks fly around the table as the others wait in apparent anxiety. They fiddle with their soup spoons, but none drink. The old man, not noticing, slurps his soup with relish. Spoonful after spoonful go into his grey-lipped old mouth. Finally his arm slows and he begins to shake violently. Comprehension lights his features and he howls in rage, but his outburst only serves to speed the spread of the poison. As his skin grows pale and his breathing erratic, he fumbles with a large gold ring he wears on his finger.

Like lightning, three of the men jump up from the table to hold him. The old man struggles to reach the ring with his other hand, but the men pin his arms roughly. Finally, as the rest watch in eerie quiet, the wretched old man goes rigid.

The vision ends abruptly with the thud of his dead body hitting the floor.

A crash of thunder and a flash of lightning interrupt your song. You see a dark road and hear the pounding of hooves, as a man on horseback, his cape flapping behind him, rides like the night itself is chasing him.

He draws up in the pool of white light spilling from the open door of a large manor house. He leaps down recklessly and bounds up the stairs and through the door.

Inside, he finds a somber scene. A knot of people stand, ringed around a tiny bed. Inside it, a child lies, his face ruddy with fever and his golden hair slick with sweat. One woman extends a lily white hand to touch the baby's forehead, and the look of fear and dread on her face, deepens.

The horseman wrenches a large golden ring from his finger and slides it onto the thumb of the child. He leans over the bed, whispering something and taking both of the tiny hands in his. You barely make out a small green flash of light. Almost immediately, the unhealthy brightness starts to fade from the boy's eyes and the red of his cheeks turns to pink.

Outside, the thunder has subsided and a beam of pearly moonlight streams in through the open door. The child struggles to sit up, and his mother, grateful tears wetting her cheeks, hugs him to her.

The vision fades and you are left with the memory of a gentle melody.

>wear ring
As you slide the green scarab ring onto your finger, the gold band expands to move easily over your knuckle and then shrinks to fit your finger perfectly.

R>rub ring
You rub your green scarab ring.
1d100: 41 + Modifiers: 261 == 302

Your skin takes on a more pinkish tint.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>rub ring
You rub your green scarab ring.
1d100: 4 + Modifiers: 261 == 265

Your skin takes on a more pinkish tint.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>rub ring
You stare into your crystal-domed green scarab ring, remembering fondly the last time you used it.

>remove ring
You fiddle with your crystal-domed green scarab ring, but it seems reluctant to leave your finger. You tug on it for several seconds until finally you manage to twist it off past your knuckle.

.>tap ring
You tap your crystal-domed ring deftly and its sapphire scarab flashes blue.

You are wearing a crystal-domed blue scarab ring.

>l ring
Inside the domed crystal compartment of this ring, a brilliant sapphire has been cunningly carved into the perfect likeness of a blue scarab. Its tiny shimmering carapace is covered in finely etched runes. As you stare at it, your mind starts to wander and you lose track of what you were doing.

You are wearing a crystal-domed blue scarab ring

>poke ring
You poke a crystal-domed blue scarab ring gingerly, causing a ripple of crackling energy to trail up your wrist. For a moment, minute arcs of blue-green light sizzle on the end of your finger.

>glare ring
You draw your eyebrows together and prepare to give a crystal-domed blue scarab ring a good glare, but when it comes right down to it, you don't have the heart. The scarab's runes light up briefly, as if in approval of your decision, and you suddenly remember its potential for saving your life one day.

>turn ring
You turn a crystal-domed blue scarab ring round and round on your finger. Its high domed shape and tight fit make it a bit ungainly to move, but you continue twisting it until you get just the ring angle to catch the most light.

>tilt ring
You tilt your hand in a graceful gesture, and a sparkle of blue-green light accents your movement.

>cover ring
You place one hand over the crystal-domed ring on your finger, keeping it safe from prying eyes.

>touch ring
You rub a speck of something off the crystal dome of your ring.

>open ring
You pop open the crystal dome of your ring, and the shimmering sapphire scarab skitters around the tiny circle of its domain. Blue-green sparks crackle across the runes on its carapace. When its movement subsides, you pop the dome closed again, carefully fastening the ring's minute gold latch.

06-21-2014, 11:10 PM

06-23-2014, 05:55 PM

07-01-2014, 05:33 PM

07-06-2014, 05:14 PM

07-14-2014, 05:40 PM