09-13-2014, 04:22 PM
A purple-flecked urglaes pavis bound with zorchar edging. It's tuned to clerics who can raise it and cast quake using self mana x2. When in the room with other similar pavises (pavii?) they can turn the rune and use the spells the others have.
UPDATE: Shield is +24, not +25
I also have the Warrior Pavis, basically the same but casts HEAL. Putting that up in another thread.
(ranger pavis link
Some of this information is from a previous post.
If one pavis owner is in the room with any of the others, that person can use their own pavis to cast whatever the other pavis' spell(s) are as well. Each shield has a rune on(in) it that's turnable to which ever spell might be available. They're all use your own mana x2 and can curse you if you fail.
You assess the pavis for structural weaknesses and strengths.
Careful examination indicates the urglaes pavis has a base strength of 60 and a base durability of 185. You also determine the current integrity of the urglaes pavis to be at 100.0%.
For some reason, you can't seem to get a feel for the pavis.
inspe pavis
Inspecting that may not be a sound idea.
l at pavis
Magically bound within the constraints of the zorchar edging, the dark metal is shaped into an oblong octagonal shape. Composed entirely of untempered crude ore, the surface of the purple-flecked urglaes pavis appears jagged with hollowed crystal veins branching throughout. The interior surface bears the same rugged contour as the outer, offering no safeguard to the wearer. The cold iron handle has no wrappings for comfort and is set so low to the inner surface the owner must take care not to scrape the backside of their hand when donning the urglaes pavis. Etched onto the inner surface of the binding zorchar appear eight cryptic runes.
You also notice a small enchanter's mark.
tap rune
You tap a rune in a purple-flecked urglaes pavis bound with zorchar edging.
turn rune
The rune only has the 'Quake' setting available.
Lore Song:
As you sing, you sense resonant vibrations coming from the pavis, matching pitch with yours. Soon a harmony is achieved, and a brilliant display begins to materialize before you...
High a top the peak of a mountain, a swirling vortex glows with an amber hue, casting a warm light against the ebony backdrop of the sky. Luminous crimson fireballs rain down from the heavens, around the mountain and upon nearby settlements. Near the vortex lies the mouth of the cave, carved into the shape of a hollowed skull ...
"What do ye see Talment?" asks the tall warrior, breaking your concentration from your spyglass. You hear a reply in your own voice echo in your head, "The way in."
As you continue your melodic tune with the urglaes pavis, the scene shifts...
The normal hustle and bustle of the tavern seems a bit slow this morning as an uneasy feeling looms in the air. Out of the corner of your eye you notice a figure in a tattered brown cloak approaching you, their stench crinkling your nose before their hoarse voice rings in your ears.
"Yar thee sixth group ta try and enter tha mouth ... what kin possibly make yer group succeed?"
Without looking up from your flagon a voice you once again recognize as your own responds, "One tries not to think about success or failure before such an adventure and merely focuses on the task at hand. Whether or not we succeed has been preordained and only the fates knows what lies in wait for us."
The cloaked figure begins to chuckle, which turns quickly into a cackle, but before you can look upon them, the figure is gone. Such an abrupt end to the encounter has you wondering if it was not all made up in your head.
Continuing your lay with the urglaes pavis reveals the scene shifting back to the mountain top...
"Talment?" harps the warrior breaking you from you momentary daze, "What way do you recommend we should ascend?"
"The essence is likely too powerful near the vortex to use any sort of portal or magic to get there. We will need to climb," you answer.
Turning to look upon your group shows a hearty bunch of eight adventurers. A stout looking dwarven priest exchanges drinking tales with the thin elven bardess. The ranger is kneeling upon the ground, rounding up some last minute flora to use as herbs while the sorceress quietly whispers an incantation to herself. The wizard amuses herself by tossing small bits of electricity at the empath who fights back with scornful remarks. Thinking back to the conversation you had with the sage makes you feel somewhat at ease because you were able to fulfill what he considered the most urgent requirement for your group to have ....
Gathering your breath a moment, you pause a bit before resuming your melody with the urglaes pavis...
"The arch fiend is nae something ta take lightly young footpad. Many have met their demise by its hands ... underestimating its power and taking too lightly the tasks of recovering the artifacts held within the mouth," rasps the ancient sage.
"Artifacts?" you respond.
"Aye, the fiend is a powerful being in the arts of magic. In the height of its power, it created eight shields for its head underlings within its dominion. However, the magic contained within the ore used and the construction process was far to powerful for even it to control. Soon the fiend realized the shields had the potential to destroy itself and retrieved the shields, locking them within its lair," the sage replies with a small chuckle at the end.
The sage then continues on with his tale, "Others have failed because they presume they are strong enough to gather all the shields on their own and take on the fiend ... fools. Do not repeat their mistake footpad; gather a friend or mercenary from each profession ... only then can you proceed with the slim chance of succeeding."
Once again you harmonize with the pavis and beckon it to continue with the display...
The air is stale and the smell of death lingers heavy in the air. "Stick together!" shouts the warrior from behind.
"Have either of you figured out how to decipher the runes on your shields yet?" chirps the bardess.
"Foo! Lemme alone, dar confounded ting must be written in some stupid elf tongue," grumbles the priest.
"Hush ye fat round ball, why don't you just play around with the runes on your shield like your young dwarven building blocks and wave it wildly about yer head!" retorts the sorceress who appears to be fiddling around with her shield.
All the sudden, a bright light illuminates the cavern! "What was that?" asks the warrior in a panicked voice. The sound of a person rolling on the ground and laughing is interrupted by the dwarf's scruffy voice, "I tuk the wee elf advice, an' it werked!"
As you continue your song, the image flickers back into your mind...
With your urglaes shield in hand and only one more shield to recover, your thoughts are filled with hope as your group has prevailed so far. A few scars along your arm serves as a reminder of the close calls you have had with retrieving the last few shields from their hold.
A voice in the dark speaks, "That last specter was almost the end of us, this journey is getting more treacherous." The rest of the group chymes in with a collective, "Aye."
"Remember, stay together, as long as we are close to one another, the magic seems to be shared symbiotically throughout our shields," says the wizard.
Your breath becomes labored as you try to coax yet more out of the pavis...
An entrance gives way to a vast cavern, so immense in size neither the top nor bottom can be seen. The entire viewable distance is cast in a red hue from the magma veins running through the walls. Intense heat causes tiny droplets of perspiration to soak into your leather clothing, increasing your load a bit. In the middle of the cavern, floating above a thin ledge leading out over a vast pool of lava, waits a cloaked figure with its back turned to you.
A voice rings inside your head, "I am surprised, you have managed to come this far. Perhaps I should say congratulations to you and your allies ... you have succeeded where so many others have failed. A pity though, it ends here and now ...." With that, the cloaked figure crumples to the ground and a form bursts from the body, floating just above the body.
The creature appears to be a ghostly apparition, with mist encircling its entire being. A coloring that rivals the darkest of any starless night consumes the fiend as the bright light cast from the magma and lava seems to be absorbed by its body. With natural instinct your group spreads apart, preparing themselves for combat. A war cry bellows from the warrior and incantations of magic reverberate in you ear. You lunge toward the fiend from the shadows and the world turns black...a purple-flecked urglaes pavis bound with zorchar edging
UPDATE: Shield is +24, not +25
I also have the Warrior Pavis, basically the same but casts HEAL. Putting that up in another thread.
(ranger pavis link
Some of this information is from a previous post.
If one pavis owner is in the room with any of the others, that person can use their own pavis to cast whatever the other pavis' spell(s) are as well. Each shield has a rune on(in) it that's turnable to which ever spell might be available. They're all use your own mana x2 and can curse you if you fail.
You assess the pavis for structural weaknesses and strengths.
Careful examination indicates the urglaes pavis has a base strength of 60 and a base durability of 185. You also determine the current integrity of the urglaes pavis to be at 100.0%.
For some reason, you can't seem to get a feel for the pavis.
inspe pavis
Inspecting that may not be a sound idea.
l at pavis
Magically bound within the constraints of the zorchar edging, the dark metal is shaped into an oblong octagonal shape. Composed entirely of untempered crude ore, the surface of the purple-flecked urglaes pavis appears jagged with hollowed crystal veins branching throughout. The interior surface bears the same rugged contour as the outer, offering no safeguard to the wearer. The cold iron handle has no wrappings for comfort and is set so low to the inner surface the owner must take care not to scrape the backside of their hand when donning the urglaes pavis. Etched onto the inner surface of the binding zorchar appear eight cryptic runes.
You also notice a small enchanter's mark.
tap rune
You tap a rune in a purple-flecked urglaes pavis bound with zorchar edging.
turn rune
The rune only has the 'Quake' setting available.
Lore Song:
As you sing, you sense resonant vibrations coming from the pavis, matching pitch with yours. Soon a harmony is achieved, and a brilliant display begins to materialize before you...
High a top the peak of a mountain, a swirling vortex glows with an amber hue, casting a warm light against the ebony backdrop of the sky. Luminous crimson fireballs rain down from the heavens, around the mountain and upon nearby settlements. Near the vortex lies the mouth of the cave, carved into the shape of a hollowed skull ...
"What do ye see Talment?" asks the tall warrior, breaking your concentration from your spyglass. You hear a reply in your own voice echo in your head, "The way in."
As you continue your melodic tune with the urglaes pavis, the scene shifts...
The normal hustle and bustle of the tavern seems a bit slow this morning as an uneasy feeling looms in the air. Out of the corner of your eye you notice a figure in a tattered brown cloak approaching you, their stench crinkling your nose before their hoarse voice rings in your ears.
"Yar thee sixth group ta try and enter tha mouth ... what kin possibly make yer group succeed?"
Without looking up from your flagon a voice you once again recognize as your own responds, "One tries not to think about success or failure before such an adventure and merely focuses on the task at hand. Whether or not we succeed has been preordained and only the fates knows what lies in wait for us."
The cloaked figure begins to chuckle, which turns quickly into a cackle, but before you can look upon them, the figure is gone. Such an abrupt end to the encounter has you wondering if it was not all made up in your head.
Continuing your lay with the urglaes pavis reveals the scene shifting back to the mountain top...
"Talment?" harps the warrior breaking you from you momentary daze, "What way do you recommend we should ascend?"
"The essence is likely too powerful near the vortex to use any sort of portal or magic to get there. We will need to climb," you answer.
Turning to look upon your group shows a hearty bunch of eight adventurers. A stout looking dwarven priest exchanges drinking tales with the thin elven bardess. The ranger is kneeling upon the ground, rounding up some last minute flora to use as herbs while the sorceress quietly whispers an incantation to herself. The wizard amuses herself by tossing small bits of electricity at the empath who fights back with scornful remarks. Thinking back to the conversation you had with the sage makes you feel somewhat at ease because you were able to fulfill what he considered the most urgent requirement for your group to have ....
Gathering your breath a moment, you pause a bit before resuming your melody with the urglaes pavis...
"The arch fiend is nae something ta take lightly young footpad. Many have met their demise by its hands ... underestimating its power and taking too lightly the tasks of recovering the artifacts held within the mouth," rasps the ancient sage.
"Artifacts?" you respond.
"Aye, the fiend is a powerful being in the arts of magic. In the height of its power, it created eight shields for its head underlings within its dominion. However, the magic contained within the ore used and the construction process was far to powerful for even it to control. Soon the fiend realized the shields had the potential to destroy itself and retrieved the shields, locking them within its lair," the sage replies with a small chuckle at the end.
The sage then continues on with his tale, "Others have failed because they presume they are strong enough to gather all the shields on their own and take on the fiend ... fools. Do not repeat their mistake footpad; gather a friend or mercenary from each profession ... only then can you proceed with the slim chance of succeeding."
Once again you harmonize with the pavis and beckon it to continue with the display...
The air is stale and the smell of death lingers heavy in the air. "Stick together!" shouts the warrior from behind.
"Have either of you figured out how to decipher the runes on your shields yet?" chirps the bardess.
"Foo! Lemme alone, dar confounded ting must be written in some stupid elf tongue," grumbles the priest.
"Hush ye fat round ball, why don't you just play around with the runes on your shield like your young dwarven building blocks and wave it wildly about yer head!" retorts the sorceress who appears to be fiddling around with her shield.
All the sudden, a bright light illuminates the cavern! "What was that?" asks the warrior in a panicked voice. The sound of a person rolling on the ground and laughing is interrupted by the dwarf's scruffy voice, "I tuk the wee elf advice, an' it werked!"
As you continue your song, the image flickers back into your mind...
With your urglaes shield in hand and only one more shield to recover, your thoughts are filled with hope as your group has prevailed so far. A few scars along your arm serves as a reminder of the close calls you have had with retrieving the last few shields from their hold.
A voice in the dark speaks, "That last specter was almost the end of us, this journey is getting more treacherous." The rest of the group chymes in with a collective, "Aye."
"Remember, stay together, as long as we are close to one another, the magic seems to be shared symbiotically throughout our shields," says the wizard.
Your breath becomes labored as you try to coax yet more out of the pavis...
An entrance gives way to a vast cavern, so immense in size neither the top nor bottom can be seen. The entire viewable distance is cast in a red hue from the magma veins running through the walls. Intense heat causes tiny droplets of perspiration to soak into your leather clothing, increasing your load a bit. In the middle of the cavern, floating above a thin ledge leading out over a vast pool of lava, waits a cloaked figure with its back turned to you.
A voice rings inside your head, "I am surprised, you have managed to come this far. Perhaps I should say congratulations to you and your allies ... you have succeeded where so many others have failed. A pity though, it ends here and now ...." With that, the cloaked figure crumples to the ground and a form bursts from the body, floating just above the body.
The creature appears to be a ghostly apparition, with mist encircling its entire being. A coloring that rivals the darkest of any starless night consumes the fiend as the bright light cast from the magma and lava seems to be absorbed by its body. With natural instinct your group spreads apart, preparing themselves for combat. A war cry bellows from the warrior and incantations of magic reverberate in you ear. You lunge toward the fiend from the shadows and the world turns black...a purple-flecked urglaes pavis bound with zorchar edging