09-16-2014, 11:38 AM
Have one of these from RtCF
Hidden bracer
From Krakiipedia, the unofficial free GemStone IV encyclopedia.
Hidden bracers (vambraces) were Tier 1 items sold at Return to Coraesine Field and Cessation of Coraesine Field, there are currently four in the lands (3 in Platinum). They can be loaded with certain ammo, such as lockmastery trap components, smooth stones, sneezing vials, poison vials, spores, darts and brimstone gems. They can also discreetly store a small metal-bladed weapon. Hidden bracers use a functional wrist spot in inventory and cannot be used against player characters. GM Wyrom was inspired to make these by Ezio's bracer in Assassin's Creed II.
A good dexterity is required to use hidden bracers, or else they can jam while loading ammunition. The ammunition will then need to be unloaded. Users can also unload a loaded bracer at any time, but it will result in destroying any ammunition. No ammunition can be recovered once loaded, included that which is jammed.
Once loaded, the bracer can be pointed at a target to shoot the ammunition at it. The user will undergo a series of checks to perception and dexterity, as well as taking the target creature's level into account. If successful, the target will be damaged. Failure will result in the bracer misfiring and/or backfiring. The ammunition is destroyed on contact and cannot be recovered.
Each type of ammunition will cause the bracer to overheat at different levels. If the bracer isn't used for an hour and hasn't overheated, it will cool down. But once it overheats, its user will need to wait an hour before fixing it. Occasionally, the firing pin will break, requiring a steel spring to fix it.
To fire the bracer, it will require an empty hand. It can switch which forearm it is worn on by turning it. A highly perceptive user will have much better success when using the bracer, as well as being able to aim a lot better. It also has a narrow slit at the base of the bracer where a small metal-bladed weapon can be stored. By prodding and snapping the bracer, its handler can quickly access this weapon.
Hidden bracers can be hidden under clothing using push and revealed using pull. If for some reason the garment concealing your bracer is removed, the next action you do with your bracer will reveal it.
In StormFront, the item's drop down menu provides all the commands to interact with the bracer (vambrace) in its own submenu. The bracers also have a short custom loresong.
41.99m and it's all yours.
Here are some clips after it was improved to have more uses with each cooldown. I'll test how many needles can be used later on now that I have enough stockpiled.
Hidden bracer
From Krakiipedia, the unofficial free GemStone IV encyclopedia.
Hidden bracers (vambraces) were Tier 1 items sold at Return to Coraesine Field and Cessation of Coraesine Field, there are currently four in the lands (3 in Platinum). They can be loaded with certain ammo, such as lockmastery trap components, smooth stones, sneezing vials, poison vials, spores, darts and brimstone gems. They can also discreetly store a small metal-bladed weapon. Hidden bracers use a functional wrist spot in inventory and cannot be used against player characters. GM Wyrom was inspired to make these by Ezio's bracer in Assassin's Creed II.
A good dexterity is required to use hidden bracers, or else they can jam while loading ammunition. The ammunition will then need to be unloaded. Users can also unload a loaded bracer at any time, but it will result in destroying any ammunition. No ammunition can be recovered once loaded, included that which is jammed.
Once loaded, the bracer can be pointed at a target to shoot the ammunition at it. The user will undergo a series of checks to perception and dexterity, as well as taking the target creature's level into account. If successful, the target will be damaged. Failure will result in the bracer misfiring and/or backfiring. The ammunition is destroyed on contact and cannot be recovered.
Each type of ammunition will cause the bracer to overheat at different levels. If the bracer isn't used for an hour and hasn't overheated, it will cool down. But once it overheats, its user will need to wait an hour before fixing it. Occasionally, the firing pin will break, requiring a steel spring to fix it.
To fire the bracer, it will require an empty hand. It can switch which forearm it is worn on by turning it. A highly perceptive user will have much better success when using the bracer, as well as being able to aim a lot better. It also has a narrow slit at the base of the bracer where a small metal-bladed weapon can be stored. By prodding and snapping the bracer, its handler can quickly access this weapon.
Hidden bracers can be hidden under clothing using push and revealed using pull. If for some reason the garment concealing your bracer is removed, the next action you do with your bracer will reveal it.
In StormFront, the item's drop down menu provides all the commands to interact with the bracer (vambrace) in its own submenu. The bracers also have a short custom loresong.
41.99m and it's all yours.
Here are some clips after it was improved to have more uses with each cooldown. I'll test how many needles can be used later on now that I have enough stockpiled.