View Full Version : High-End Valuables
- bloodscrip & silvers
- 10x bastard sword
- Magma flares, weighted, and black ora weapons
- beyond epic deep 140 lb shoulder container
- alteration box [weapon]
- Some Stuff For Bloodscrip
- 2 pieces of armor
- 10x Lance (MCW, FDW, T3 Briar, T5 Enc, Perfect Forge, Max Light) + Polearm Enhancives
- Kroderine warsword (bastard sword) with Greater Weapons Mood script
- 8x Speed Enchant
- 6x/10x acuity nervestaff (fresh)
- 9x Phenomenally damage padded golvern plate
- HCW warmace
- T3 Orbs
- 7x Void flaring UAC Gloves w/ fully unlocked Shurley scripts
- dhu kitten
- a black-faced silvery white hedgehog
- Unique one of a kind disk changer
- vor'taz warhorn
- Ghezyte, Globus, Dice of Fate, and more!
- 6x/6x Nervestaff with T5 ensorcell
- a cognac leather satchel (beyond epic deep 140 lb shoulder container)
- 6x SWS +6 ranged wyrwood longbow
- 6x/6x Accuity/Nervestaff with Lesser Mood Scripts and T5 ensorcell
- T3 Parasite UAC gloves & T2 Parasite UAC boots
- 6x vhcw t2 briar flaring shortsword+ 8 points of grimbane weighting
- 9x dark vultite augmented chain
- 7x (+33) VHCW Fully Unlocked Gory Script Waraxe
- +35 ecw void flaring waraxe
- 6x/10x Acuity Nerve Staff
- +33 pike (lance), max light at 8lbs, greater void flares, T4 ensorcell, etc
- 0.5 lb / 200 lb cloak
- 2 lb / 200 lb backpack
- 8x T5 Knockout Flaring Gloves
- mace and lance
- Some gear
- Not likely to sell it, but I'l hear what people will offer for a DB ring
- Some nice high-end items for auction
- Selling Landing Shop
- A fun little Maul
- 300k bloodscrip
- 6/6 t3 nerv, 8x t5 perf greatsword and more fore bloodscrip
- 6x two slot fusion 10.67 cer (hcp) doubles
- T3 Orbs, Enhancives, Stuff
- T4 Sigil Staff with 6 spells, T6 Acuity, and T4 Ensorcell
- 6x permablessed T5 ensorc, +20 bubble flaring flamberge 4 points crit weighted
- T2 Compartmentalized Quiver
- a wooden hair-braiding tool
- +22 Max Light Claid
- Auction for 10x and 8x waraxes
- 6x/6x t3 Nervestaff
- Permablessed UAC set (gloves and boots)
- High-End Valuables: v2.09.19
- 8x t5 perf greatsword 365$/35k
- 8x t5 perf greatsword 265$/35k
- A few things
- Ice Wings and Ice Ring
- Bloodscrips - 225k avail
- Bastard Axe
- 7x (+32) Max Unlocked T4 Globus Elanthias (Soul Eater) Runestaff
- T2 Sprite Runestaff
- 4x T1 Grimbane Bubble Flare Claidh
- A few things
- 6x/6x T4 Nervestaff - $250 paypal
- 6x/6x T4 Nervestaff T3 Ensorcelled
- WTS 200k Bloodscrip
- 8x perfect T4 LCW lance greater fire flares
- 8x perf shortsword, 8x t5 perf greatsword and nerv staff
- a suit of glistening black-lacquered armor with rolaren plating, damage padded
- 7x S/C/P Resistance doubles, claid weighted mattock, THWs
- 6x vhcp full plate max light
- 10x T5 Low Steel Splitter
- Flash fire sale
- 7x t2 hcw (10 pts) gory weapon max light battle axe
- 7x T5 MCW (21 Layers crit - 2 damage) Greater Elemental Flaring Falchion
- SK item: a magical spell knowledge tome
- 5 setting un-navvable teleport ring.
- 5x +45 weghting claidhmore
- a swirling ghezyte sphere - SK 1206 (Telekinesis)
- Troll heart jewelry - a war troll heart pendant
- 10x HCP/LDP T5 ensorcell, Dispel flaring, +3 Stamina/+3 Health spiked Augmented Chain
- masterful plate [20 CRIT / 5 DMG / +25 STR / +13 CM / 9x / T3 / 10 LGH / 3 slots fus]
- Ethereal Reim Brigandine Armor - Fully Unlocked - 7x T5
- 10x T5 Rot Flaring Bastard sword & 10x T5 perfect greataxe (Cash/BS)
- 8x t5 perfect greatsword
- 5x Ghezyte Longsword with Void Flares, Crit Weighting, and Enhancives
- 6000pp
- Altered 6x, HDP full plate
- Uska Elemental Bow of Lightning - 10x/5x permablessed longbow
- Time to Go
- 8x zelnorn aug metal breastplate +20 as/+20 ds
- 8x low steel axe
- 6x gem eating doubles
- 7x fusion augmented chain
- 7x full plate
- 10x GEF/bandit fire flares, T5 ensorc, 13 point vhcw, +24 pole, +11 str, +12 cm lance
- a few two handed weapons
- 8x T5 ensorc boots, 7x flaring T3 gloves and other uac gear
- 7x sancted T5 ensorc rot flaring/blink flaring mace
- THW's for sale or trade
- 6x/10x t5 ensorcell t4 nervestaff Sale or trade
- Familiar instrument
- Few items for cash
- Some stuff.
- old style SM 130 - an ancient hunting horn
- x/day items, shop, armors, weapons, staves, random stuff
- 10x brig
- permablessed uac set mb $1
- 10x T5 ensorcelled Ironwright UAC gloves (Airbolt, Fire, Disruption)
- 7x t5 ensorcelled, t4 nerve staff
- Stuffs For Cash (baking tin, knitting needles, RPA orbs, UAC gear)
- Logic and ethereal armor
- 12 setting teleporter
- Cash offers only
- Khajiit has wares if you have coin
- few items sale
- 8x zelnorn aug breastplate 6x grobey zelnorn buckler and 52k blood
- nice enhancive rot bow for your dupe quiver
- Selling 3 Room Landing Shop
- Professional sets
- PREMIUM POINTS (big block)
- A few nice weapons and items
- Speed Enchants: 7x + 8x
- 5.5x T5 ensorcelled HCP 3 slot fusion brigandine
- ebow and some armor
- Thin Copper Armband
- Ironwright Perm HCW Enhancive Eahnor Halberd
- T3 parasitic lance w/4 CER crit & T3 ensorc.
- +33 HCW grapple flaring short sword
- Good Armors for sale: Robe,plate,hauberk,brig, metal bp etc.
- Landing shop
- "The Help Me Help My German Shepherd"Sell
- 5x, max light, t2, +15 CER(masterful) damage padded full plate
- Gone on the 28th
- A dark crystal
- 8x t5 perfect two handed sword 225$
- A pink-speckled alabaster mushroom
- 7x vhcp(11 CER) T5 ensorc, T2 ithzir escape tree unlocked cloth/robe armor
- 6x VHCW(12) +8 grimbane, T2 briar flaring veil iron short sword, T1 ensor/enchantable
- 8x perfect t5 swcw shortsword /w gory weapon scripts
- Premium Points 4500
- an ancient hunting horn - self mana spirit guide (130)
- 7x HCP, max light, spiked MBP - 40m
- Bergraham Original: Hand of Light
- some 8x perfects, 8x hauberk, 7x perf DCW daggerc 6x6x nerve+more
- self knowledge 403 enhancive gloves
- armors
- 6x HCW handaxe
- Old Style Speed Enchant - 303 wiz ranks
- +10 throwing weapon bonus, +1 constitution bonus, +4 blunt bonus ring (crumbly)
- 7x daily 613 - taking offers
- 8x (+38) perfect maul
- A few bits and pieces for sale
- 8x perfect maul ironwright flares fcw
- horse and tack
- firework press
- Lead-weighted gauntlets. +15 brawl bonus.
- 4x T2 ensorc 5 point CER T3 parasite short sword
- WTS: 6x Disruption Flaring UAC Handwraps and Footwraps
- 4100 premium points, $300
- 6x zelnorn buckler 15AS/15DS (fully unlock grobey)
- Permanent Fletching Razor (Fire)
- Beautiful +26 Krodera Falchion
- Locker Cleanout - Some Good Containers, Armor, Weapons
- 7x Ithziri armor
- 8x perfect T5 ensorc greater fire flaring lance
- 8x zelnorn augmented breastplate (20DS & 20AS)
- Will reopen an account to move items
- +6 CM Bonus/+8 AGI/+3 Ranged Bonus/+1 Thrown Bonus earcuff
- Two handed weapon enhancive set
- Retirement Sale
- T3 Peretta Gown - a dark purple high-collared gown embroidered with black roses.
- +11 Stamina Recovery, +4 S/H ranks, +1 Disarm Trap ranks greathelm
- 5x/day mystic focus gauntlet - Infinity Gauntlet Alter
- 5x T4 forest armor, T5 ensorcelled, somewhat crit padded doubles
- I just have too many swords, so selling 8x supurbly weighted falchion+
- Auction: 5x, T5, Exceptionally Weighted Handaxe ($1 starting bid)
- Forest armor unlock certs
- full unlock gnomish mech bracer
- 7x (+35) Voln tier 1 full leathers w/1.5pts of crit padding
- High-End Valuables: v08.10.19
- 10x Perfect Kelyn Lance, T5, 9 pts HCW, Greater Undead Bane, Greater Void Flares
- two resist stubs from HESS
- 7x 2 point damage weighted T5 ensorc KO flaring uac boots
- Mechanical Quiver
- Self Mana 1220 (Premonition)
- a blood red quiver certificate
- 6x HCP brig - $280
- a pair of green glaes talons
- Tier 4 Solar Short Sword
- Shiny Forest Green Certificate
- A paint-covered contract - T2 easel unlock
- Super Parasite Runestaff
- acuity chit 35m or 150$
- a timeworn sephwir long bow
- Animated Cauldron
- Alter wand
- Cash sales, 2 handed weapons/permablessed lance
- night shroud or shield cape ( there can be only one )
- 10x max light SPIKED black golvern plate
- 3 room landing shop
- Two-sided 2/200 heavily scripted consolation cloak.
- 7x t5 maxlight Dir hafted vultite waraxe
- a white bodysuit, 9 X T-4 Voln Fulls Plus more!
- Wizards goodies.
- a sigil-carved glowbark crosier T-4 Sigil,T-5 Ensorcell, T-10 Acuity
- a saw-toothed eahnor claidhmore - +18, sanctified
- auction quality tent
- 7x t5 max light altered Fel hafter
- Kroderine bastard sword and short sword
- 6x T5 named maul
- 9x full leathers, 3 slot fusion, max light
- 2 - 7x maxlight t5 Dark Vultite butcher knives
- 7x t5 3 slot hcp brig, 10x t5 ironwright hands and 7x t5 swcw bubble boots
- Two 7x T5 ECW Handaxes
- Off the Shelf Tinnoc Hurling Box
- 6x Aug Chain HCP/SWDP, T2/T1 parasite UAC gloves/boots
- T4 Sigil Staff w/10x Acuity and T5 ensorcelling, maxlight, loresong unlocked
- 7x t5 3 slot hcp brig
- Permanent fire flaring fletching razor
- 4400 Premium Points
- Permanent void flaring fletching razor
- Permanent acid flaring fletching razor
- 2400 Preimum Points
- many things
- Fresh 8x, 9x, and 10x potions
- +38 perfect maul, DCW, T5 ensorc, bubble flares
- Boosted FGB
- 104k bloodscrip
- Attention Bards: Familiar Instrument
- 10x max light MCP, SWDP, Grapple Flare Full Plate
- Cash Offers
- 8x T2 Perfect Vultite Waraxe w/ 1 or less levels of crit weighting.
- 8x t5 hcp two slot fusion brig
- few things
- Dhu Kitten
- Droughtman bottomless humidor and pet hedgehog
- Stuff and things
- Dhu Kitten, Parasite Staff, Soul Eater Staff, Fully Unlocked Climatewear
- T4 Earthnode Amulet and 1x 220
- banshee flare token
- Undead Creator Ring
- Banshee flares
- Flare Tokens Banshee/Magma/Plasma and more
- Plasma Flare Token - 10m
- x5 Claidhmore
- corset
- Necro Ring
- 10x MCP, SWDP, Grapple flaring. maxlight full plate
- +8 perception bonus scripted boots
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