View Full Version : High-End Valuables
- 10X Waraxe/5X HCP Plate For Sale
- 6x plasma/vacuum flaring hauberk
- UNLIMITED 3 setting teleport circlet, non-navable
- The Ever-Evolving Item List! - One list to rule them all...
- a turquoise drake scaling fork - +1 Spirit Regen
- Fixstat potion
- Set of Super Bemm Siege Miniatures
- gem-eating TD amulet
- some segmented black vultite plate - 7x void flaring full plate
- Trollslayer TWC set (6x-11x)
- green chaos falchion
- 8x fulls max light
- Charl transporter
- a polished crystal ball (unlimited room scrying)
- Selling a few things
- a long-corded leather bola with five vaalin weights 4x permablessed, returner
- 8x spiked webbed tower shield
- Call Familiar (x4) Scroll
- Gem eatting medallion 606,204,103,406
- Gem Eating Rolaren Espadon, +4 Spell Aim Bonus orb and VLA front worn waistcoat
- Gem-eating vaalin storm rod: 912, 710, 102, 505
- spell up runestaff
- Break time - weapons, armor, enhancives, and more
- Huge Strength and THW enhancive set
- 2x per day V'tulls fury symbol
- an obsidian chain (3x a day Opals - 219)
- 4x poison flaring snake warblade
- Property Deed
- Gem Eater Rod, 901, 910, 912, 125
- Chomper Plant
- 1x a hour ice e-wave 5x enchant,a rhimar-edged golvern falchion.
- 4800 Prem Points
- Fixstat potion
- 7x perfect HCW mattock/6x HCP plate
- 8x HCP augmented chain.
- 3 setting ring
- 0x Fantastically crit weighted mattock
- 10X Shield/5x HCP MBP
- some segmented black vultite plate - 7x max light disruption flaring
- Forehead gem for sale
- sighted speed heavy crossbow
- +32 ethreal espadon
- 5x Speed Heavy Crossbow
- Twin Crossbow, 2 Shots
- 3x a Day Invis Amulet
- a thin black leather portfolio
- Crit Weighted Halfling short sword
- 4x halfling/sylvan exceptionally sighted racial longbow
- Stuff
- 2 bastard axes - MB 1 coin
- 5x a day disk page
- +32 main-gauche with Ironwright flares!
- Two HCW daggers - 4x and 5x
- an eonake-linked pure white mithglin morning star
- Chaos set
- A suit of misty black leather armor
- Mana battery
- Chronomage dagger
- 6x HCP max lightened spiked full plate
- +30 4 slot Staff - Fusion Runestaff
- Shize's Shit
- crate whistle
- 10x Tower shield
- High End Goods
- unlimited use resist elements scarf
- 7x plasma flaring falchion w/ matching scabbard - Blackworks Original by Bergraham
- Droughtman's 3 fusion slot falchion.
- Permanent unpresence ring
- Selling my Droughtman's semi-final win.
- Pbow and SD vambraces
- 3x/3 day Call Familiar runestone
- Drew's items: sell, trade, barter
- 3x Glaes Claid - 17lbs
- Implosion axe
- an ethereal string
- Custom 6x, 4-slot, altered fusion armor and weapon
- Drew's items: sell, trade, barter
- 6x Lirion E-Bow
- 3 Slot Veil Iron Falchion, 5x - Price Lowered, Auction Restarted.
- Sephwir Composite Bow
- 7x Void Flaring and Spiked Full Plate
- major enchant slot
- TWC set
- 3x Day Invisibility Amulet - Enruned Silvery Glass Amulet
- Droughtman Win: 3 setting scrying/teleporter
- a gold-gilt bronze slit pupil eye symbol (1750)
- 7x Perfect Maul w/ Super Bubble Flares
- Prem Points for sale
- Selling my E-Xbow
- A braided verdant faenor band--DM win
- PLAT: Statfix potion(s)
- Few Item for Sale
- Elven specific weighted Longsword
- 5x - Greater Iasha Maul
- VLA - beltworn - 2/120
- +14 ohe/no level restriction orb
- 8x SWCW Dagger and 4x Ebladeable Dagger
- 5x - Permablessed Golvern Maul MB:1m
- 5x VHCW lance
- a rat trap
- 7x perfect lance
- V'tull once an hour 3x HCW maul min bid 1 mil!
- 7x Perfect HCW Sabar
- Empath set
- 7X HCP Lightened Haubrek w/perm resistance
- Buckwheet's List
- Obelisk of Knowledge - EG 09
- KookieTrade
- Weapon/Armor/Items for Sale
- 4x VHCP Half Plate
- 16200 & 10200 Premium Points + An Empire (aka a nicely equipped family)
- +27 katana w/ Tgara scripts
- Plate
- KookieTrade/Sale Duex
- 0x MCW flail and 2x ECW bisacuta
- Locker staff combo
- A couple of things
- Weightless Cloak - Deepened, VLA ~100lbs
- 4x bubble flaring katar
- Droughtmans Prize: 4x falchion, slide weighting up to ECW for humans.
- A few weapons
- Chainspear
- Sephwir Short bow
- Taking offers sancted x6 DCW maul
- e-bow
- 5x sanctified, fire-flaring returner
- Spell prep ring.
- HCP Plate and MCW flamberge
- 7x hcp cuir perm slash resist, perm puncture resist, max light, temp nature resist
- 7x DCP brig and 7x shield
- Golvern x6 DCW sancted maul
- 8x heavily crit weighted two handed sword
- 6x HCP spiked max lightened brig
- 7x HCP 24lb half plate
- 6x fusion full plate
- Replicator Quiver, 3 Room Shop in WL
- 4x blessed/flaring bottomless quiver
- Gemeater: Phoen's\blurs\unpresence\powerful look
- Permablessed Void Ebow
- 6x Lirion E-bow
- 10x returning hammers
- 6x perfect steel maul
- 8x - Brigandine armor
- 7x - Perfect Fist-Scythe
- Adamantine shield - +17
- an enruned eahnor amulet (Mana Battery)
- +16 Aura rb, 1k Capacity Sack, 1x/day raise dead wand
- forest green brigandine
- Weapons/Armor Sale
- 1x a day spirit guide
- 7x HCP Fullplate w/slash resist
- vultite claidhmore
- Infinite cigar humidor with clove and anise cigars
- 7x - full leathers
- 7x - Perfect Fist-Scythe #2
- 8x somewhat crit-weighted dagger
- Considering Offers
- Black Fire Ring
- 4x permablessed returning bola/flail with entanglement flares
- 4x HCP Torso Chain
- 10,600 Premium Points
- 8x perfect spikestar
- Fixstats
- stuff for sale/trade
- 3-setting spell-prep ring with Elven royalty loresong
- 4x - Perm VHCP - Studded Leather
- Selling two items
- a golvern embossed kite shield - 8x - 6 pounds
- Chaos Mace
- Altered Medium Shield - 10x
- self-charging 10x/day Cone of Acid wand
- 10X Tower Shield
- 7x fulls, +32 Imflass falch, 4x zesty KO mattock
- 6x fusion fullplate with +7 CON orb - $70
- a sturdy sephwir heavy crossbow - Boxfound
- Vultite Claidh/Cervix Buster
- 1x MCW Morning Star
- Studded leather or fgb
- A thick eahnor band - red fireball ring
- Two Weapons
- 8x - Brigandine armor
- coraesine flamberge - droughtman win
- 8x - Morning Star with Snake Flares
- a stout ironwood shafted faenor zinnor[+18, ECW, sanctified]
- A gold and bronze astrolabe - 1x a day spirit guide
- Few things before I go
- +32 HCP Aug Chain
- 6x HCP Brig - Max lightened
- 6X Returning Bola
- The Chaos Maul
- +11 claidmore & 5400 PP
- Pin worn, VLA
- 5x and Masterfully Crit weighted - 5m MB
- 7x long bow
- Looking for High Enchant Reinforced Leather
- 3-setting non-navvable gold ring
- Scrying Mask
- 6x DCW sanct'd maul -- 5m MB
- a greyish blue vultite claidhmore - 4x
- 7x - HCW - Perfect Mattock
- 9x - golvern-bound silvery rolaren targe
- 8x - HCP Hauberk
- 8x Double Leathers - Less than 1 pound
- 7x - spiked aug chain
- 11,400 premium points.
- Mage Rechargeable Heroism Wand
- 5x tier 2 briar handaxe
- 8x HCP Hauberk
- 9x - Medium Shield
- +33 Sancted Lighting Flaring Mace
- 6x - HCP Full Leathers
- adamantine breastplate
- Bacl goes on a diet.
- 9400 Premium Points - Account Takeover
- Altered FGB
- 4x Poison Bow
- 5x - DCP Double Leathers
- Whittling Knife
- 7600 Premium Points - Account Takeover
- DM PRIZE: a polished crystal ball with a lacquered faewood base
- 7x hcp brig~6x perfect mithril lance
- Items for sale - 10x, 8x, 8x, others.
- 3 Setting No-Nav Teleport Amulet with Gaze
- A Couple of Massive 8x Weapons
- 9x Expert (30 points) Crit padded Brig, SD Vambraces, Sorcerer Items, and More
- sancted 2x claidhmore
- 7x perfect mace / 9x small shield
- +40 to Logic Set.
- 6x - HCP full leathers
- 4 vultite claidhmore
- some arctic leather - Giantsheild
- VLA beltworn sack
- 5300 PP's/10x Tower Shield
- 10x DB Cloak, 10x HCP Robes, a few others
- TWC Tier 2 Briar Weapon Set - Katar/Main Gauche
- Bow and two mechanical daggers
- Racial composite bow
- More items - blood pendant, 139 leg worn cloak and a bunch of pin worns
- impure coraesine Hammer of Kai
- 8x void flaring doubles min bid 1 mil!
- 9300 Premium Points
- 7x - Ice Flaring Falchion
- 4700 PPs
- Premabless Bastard Axe.. ohe/thw
- 10x Morpher ~ Bond To ALL forms
- Added Items - New Thread
- vultite claidhmore - 20m
- MCW fist-scythe - 5m
- Altered Droughtman Cape - Enhancives, EZ-Scripts, a few deepens...
- Pin worn LA vest
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