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  1. More saber rattling from North Korea
  2. Binary
  3. North Carolina May Declare Official State Religion Under New Bill
  4. New political powers for corporations
  5. Obama encourages banks to lend to people with low credit scores
  6. Guns, Guns and more Guns
  7. Lawsuit Discloses Entertainer Snubs for Republican Convention
  8. No Free Lunch
  9. People Not In Labor Force Soar By 663,000 To 90 Million
  10. Obama apologizes for "distracting" remark
  11. Democracy Thwarted at Texas A&M University
  12. Obama proposes cuts to social securityObama pro
  13. How to Reverse the Romney and McCain Losses
  14. Sharks with freakin laser beams
  15. McConnell tapped planning on how to Deal with Ashley Judd
  16. The Deceptive Income of Physicians
  17. Mitch McConnell Is No Kum Jong Un
  18. Don't Try to Stop Climate Change
  19. Philadelphia abortion clinic horror
  20. DIA Says North Korea Has Nuclear Missile
  21. Obama Farms Out Weekly Address
  22. John Kerry Says Gun Laws Keeping Foreigners Out
  23. Whites Only Prom in Georgia
  24. UN Gun Treaty Greater Threat Than North Korea
  25. President throws a hissy fit
  26. Civil Disobedience
  27. Palin on Rand Paul
  28. George W. Bush Opening New Museum About Himself
  29. GOP in Arkansas Says to Shoot Out of Line Legislators
  30. Koch Brother to Combat Media Bias?
  31. What Color Was Jesus?
  32. Boston Shutdown an Overreaction?
  33. Obama Should Have Droned Boston
  34. Just because you're paranoid..
  35. S.E.C. Considering Mandated Disclosure of Political Contributions
  36. Lawmakers, aides may get Obamacare exemption
  37. Marijuana Use in John Boehner's Family?
  38. Biden and McCain Push to Release Torture Report
  39. Mitch McConnell Goes Viral
  40. Obama Cornering Ammunition Market
  41. Rhode Island legalizes gay marriage
  42. Bigger Bunker Buster
  43. Proof Democrats are Communists.
  44. Government to Control What We Print
  45. Spiders - Squash or Take Outside?
  46. South Carolina Made the Right Choice
  47. Don't Remove Power of Military Commanders to Overturn Jury Verdicts
  48. LIVE BENGHAZI Hearings link
  49. Big Apple Making Big Waves
  50. Demographics and Political Destiny
  51. Gun Control Statistics
  52. Congressman Giving Away Free Bushmaster AR-15
  53. Freedom in the 50 states. How does your state fare?
  54. Missouri Legislature Distinguishes Itself
  56. Newt Gingrich Is Puzzled and Needs Your Help
  57. Justice Department secretly obtained two months of telephone records of reporters
  58. Healthcare
  59. Syrian Rebel Accidentally Eats Enemy's Lungs
  60. Stock market closes over 15200...what the heck?
  62. If the Government worked like roommates.
  63. Jodi Arias eligble for the death penalty
  64. Obama Protecting Eagle Killers
  65. Men Who Are Physically Strong Are More Likely to Have Right Wing Political Views
  66. Smart Guns
  67. Tea Party Protests at IRS Offices Nationwide Tuesday, 5/21
  68. President Obama Commencement Address at Morehouse College
  69. Budgeting Disaster Relief for Oklahoma
  70. Bribes Are Served with Pie in Arkansas
  71. New Study of Bias by Election Officials
  72. Was the 2012 Election Ruined by Fraud?
  73. With New Energy, Tea Party Turns on Immigration Reform
  74. Obama Denies Role in Government
  75. Arizona Legislator Leads Atheist Prayer
  76. Political Compass
  77. Salute gate!
  78. So, is this an age thing or more?
  79. Retired Republican Politicians Turning on Their Own
  80. Murders, Rapists and Pedophiles Should Not Get Food Stamps
  81. North Carolina GOP Shows How to Run Government
  82. Obama and Christie Sitting in a Tree
  83. James Comey
  84. Union Boss Under Fire For Either Being Too Fat, Too Lazy, Too Overpaid....
  85. Who Is The Smallest Government Spender?
  86. The Banality of ‘Don’t Be Evil’
  87. School Says Deaf Boy's Name Sign Looks Too Much Like a Gun
  88. Courts Forbidding Catholic Church from Firing Pregnant Employees
  89. Liberals Trying to Treat Some Military Crimes Differently from Others
  90. Fort Hood massacre was just "workplace violence"
  91. Photos of Chris Christie from Years Ago
  92. Texas Gun Law Saves Man from Life in Prison
  93. Government Spying Program
  94. When will these Republicans learn?
  95. Scott Walker to Sign Abortion Bills
  96. Women Are from Venus
  97. Suave Romney
  98. More Obamacare fuckups
  99. Does Sin Cause Birth Defects?
  100. Santa Claus Endorses New Texas Law?
  101. Road to Majority Conference
  102. Rubio to End Immigration Reform if Democrats Mess It Up
  103. SYRIA-isly?
  104. Should Rubio Reveal Staffer Who Disparaged Americans?
  105. Sarah Palin's New Book Will Be About War on Christmas
  106. Contractor Arrested for Carrying Caulk Gun on School Grounds
  107. Alabama Candidate to Run for Congress from Prison
  108. Party Chairman Writes Allegedly Racist Article
  109. Immigration Is the New Obamacare
  110. Big Week Ahead at Supreme Court
  111. As if Obamacare wasn't enough
  112. Texas Abortion Filibuster
  113. Defense of marriage act struck down by SCOTUS
  114. Republicans to Amend Constitution to Save Marriage
  115. Republicans Should Kill Immigration Reform
  116. Jesse Jackson to Save Paula Deen
  117. Chris Christie Would Veto Same-Sex Marriage Bill, Says Question "Stupid"
  118. Kudos to a Democrat
  119. Court overturns Obamacare birth control mandate
  120. DOMA struck down: Our veterans spouses can finally gain full benefits.
  121. Obama Visits "Door of No Return"
  122. Pennsylvania Legislator Not Allowed to Speak Against Got
  123. Police not in uniform pull gun on college girl suspected of buying beer.
  124. New Florida law for slow drivers
  125. If Zimmerman Is Acquitted..
  126. Sam Adams Lets the Terrorists Win
  127. Lady Gaga Defiles National Anthem
  128. Government Photographing Every Piece of Mail!
  129. One smart Egyptian kid
  130. Insider Threat Program
  131. Republicans Accuse Obama of Being Too Pro-Business
  132. House Democrats propose national park on the moon
  133. Drones on a Boat
  134. Rick Perry in 2016
  135. Kids will be kids and parents will seek to lay blame elsewhere
  136. Liz Cheney Running for Senate
  137. Pentagon Supporting Odinists
  138. Good News for Schumer
  139. Detroit Goes Bankrupt
  140. Debunking racism
  141. IRS targeting specifically directed from White House
  142. Stop Clinton Effort Begins
  143. Anti-Protest Law Passes Nearly Unanimously And Is Signed By The President
  144. New Hampshire approves medicinal marijuana.
  145. Journalist who was imprisoned because of Obama is freed
  146. Balanced Households Make Good Republican Boys
  147. Plea deal for Ohio man who kidnapped and imprisoned three girls for ten years
  148. Paul vs. Christie
  149. Obama Interview on Kindle
  150. Google Search for Pressure Cookers Results in Home Raid
  151. Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan - Still in Court
  152. Dumping Russian Vodka in Protest of Snowden
  153. GOP to Ban CNN, NBC in 2016 Pres. Debates
  154. Allow Gun Sales to Minors
  155. Obama Passes Racist Tax
  156. You're Not Really Against Obamacare Unless You Shut Down the Government
  157. Romney Tells GOP to Pick a Winner Next Time
  158. Subversive Movies
  159. Black Mob Violence? No way! That's racist!
  160. Washington Redskins will NEVER change name
  161. Republican Replacement to Be Revealed
  162. Consumer Price Index vs. Federal Minimum Wage
  163. US judge changes baby's name from Messiah to Martin
  164. Americans Renouncing Citizenship
  165. Egypt
  166. Government Shutdown Won't Hurt Republicans
  167. ConnectEd
  168. Oh the irony
  169. Hooters girls demand respect!
  170. Obama Overturns Reagan Decision on Solar Panels
  171. Invite Rodeo Clown to White House Beer Summit?
  172. Jesse Jackson Jr. to Grab $8,700 Per Month in Disability, Plus Pension In Prison
  173. Scott Brown to Run for President?
  174. Military Discriminating?
  175. Sen. Ted Cruz Releases Birth Certificate
  176. Stop and Frisk
  177. Northeast Colorado to Be 51st State?
  178. Lawbreaking kids
  179. 9-Year-Old Banned From Contest For Winning
  180. New York Politics Out of Control
  181. Global Spying?
  182. How to talk to a judge.
  183. Obama? Useless? Say it ain't so!
  184. History of the Office of the Illinois Attorney General
  185. Freedom of Association
  186. Fall Preview
  187. Michael Crichton was a genius
  188. 50 Dumbest Democrat Quotes
  189. Harvard Study Shows More Guns, Less Crime
  190. The Search for Damascus
  191. The Search for T-Bone
  192. Penn and Teller's Bullshit - Gun Control
  193. Even more Syria-us
  194. Democrats will believe anything if you call it a 'study'
  195. The Death of an Alliance
  196. The Third Rail . . . with kittens!
  197. An interesting POV
  198. Inconsistencies in Syria Intelligence
  199. Traditional Pensions and 401(k) Plans. Which Is Better?
  200. USA vs EU
  201. Texas, Mississippi Stand Firm on Marriage
  202. NJ Politicians Not Playing Nice
  203. Gay man may have exposed more than 300 men to HIV
  204. Syria-sly: Obama vs. Putin
  205. Putin Sends A Letter To Americans! (Well, According To Breitbart.Com)
  206. France suffers from Premature De-escalation!
  207. Obama to destroy Jesus?
  208. The White Vote
  210. Obama Put His Foot -- His Foot! -- on National Treasure
  211. George Zimmerman may be in jail again soon for gun charges and assault
  212. Let's Have a Political Discussion With Only Pictures
  213. Busing
  214. 9/11: Where were you?
  215. Help President Obama kickstart World War 3! Because...Obama...
  216. Mayoral Candidates Says Will Not Go to Strip Clubs Anymore
  217. Summers Withdraws from Fed Consideration
  218. The Looming Fiscal Crisis Timeline
  219. Is Divorce Too Easy?
  220. Employers Changing Health Plans
  221. Europe announces the end of the Welfare State
  222. Republicans to Unveil Replace Part of Repeal and Replace
  223. Dumb Things Politicians Say
  224. Meet the New Pope, Not Like the Old Pope
  225. 300 kids break into house to party and create $20,000 in damages
  226. Congresswoman Uses Steak, Vodka, And Caviar To Hammer Republicans On Food Stamp Cuts
  227. How to get fire from Fox News in 5 Minutes...HA HA HA
  228. National Guard Wasting Taxpayer Money in Colorado
  229. Muslim Brotherhood outlawed in Egypt
  230. Romneys Adopt Black Baby, Get Called Racist
  231. Most screwed-up things for each of the 50 States
  232. Green Eggs and Ham
  233. Army to Ban Tattoos
  234. SEC to Require CEO Pay Disclosure
  235. Puppy Mills
  236. Let's be clear and honest about Islamic terrorism:
  237. Obama hates children's parties
  238. Consequences of Government Shutdown
  239. Government Shutdown -- Everything You Need to Know
  240. DNC is almost broke
  241. How many of you enrolled in the ACA?
  242. Republican Governors rejecting medicaid expansion
  243. Retroactive Pay for Federal Employees?
  244. Mount Rushmore to be closed
  245. Meet the New Smart Rick Perry
  246. Kansas Board of Education Sued for Teaching Evolution
  247. Dumb things conservatives say:
  248. California no longer cooperates with federal government on illegal aliens
  249. Insurgents Anti-Air Capability improving, Successful SAM deployment over Afghanistan
  250. Paul Ryan's Plan to Open the Government