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  1. xhtml code
  2. Anyone know anything about low power broadcasting transmitters?
  3. Final Numbers for the Ramadan Bombathon!
  4. The Peril of our Age.
  5. just got my CCW permit what handguns would you recommend?
  6. Knife-wielding burglar bruised and battered by 72-year-old retired boxer
  7. Recently released Japan Tsunami Footage
  8. NASA Unveils PHA Map
  9. What you say about this?
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  11. {Watch free Movies Online #%@$&*}
  12. UN searching for funding in all the wrong places...
  13. Video Games Live Kickstarter
  14. B of A intern dies from working too hard
  15. Three teens charged in Australian Christopher Lane's death
  16. Crazy Bitch Wedding March
  17. Damn Chinese Hackers
  18. Under the Dome
  19. UCC 1-308 / I do not consent and I waive the benefit
  20. Another fine example of our illustrious society
  21. US Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales sentenced to life without parole
  22. NFL attendance rules
  23. 8 year old kills Grandpa after violent video game
  24. MOH for guy who "sucked at being a civilian"
  25. Jes' Been a Monday
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  27. Pakistan travel
  28. Late night casino species
  29. Celebrities read mean tweets
  30. Jimmy Kimmel trolls the world.
  31. There's nothing sadder than an old libertarian
  32. Sex Panther
  33. Choo Choo Trains
  34. Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy
  35. Dexter Ending
  36. Guy Plays Grand Theft Auto In Real Life
  37. 7th Graders Facing Explusion For Playing With Toy Gun In Own Yard
  38. East Coast Veterans in need of a job
  39. Smaug
  40. Lake That Turns Animals to Stone
  41. Tom Clancy dead
  42. Premium Wood Gaming Accessories
  43. Thread for your "I don't want to live on this planet anymore" moments.
  44. Windows 8 question for computer geeks.
  45. Snoop Lion aka Mr. Hot Pockets strikes again
  46. Scope of fire and safety course
  47. Anyone know anything about current demand for RNs?
  48. How to feed a stray cat that kills for food all day?
  49. Anyone like Ministry?
  50. Gmail weirdness
  51. Cool Superman 75th anniversary animation
  52. Slander
  53. Today my son became a Marine
  54. Batman versus Superman
  55. buying a laptop
  56. Guy Turns His Dead Cat Into a Helicopter
  57. Police: Worker Operating Ride At N.C. State Fair Tampered With It On Purpose To Hurt
  58. Foreign Languages and Softwares
  59. Texas man goes to jail for overdue library book
  60. Louis CK is awesome
  61. A Young Mother's Blog Post About How Kids Are Being Raised Today
  62. Selling organs = illegal, what's up with that?
  63. Funny Amazon Product Reviews
  64. Instrumental (Rock?) Study Music
  65. Christmas dinner party Wine!!!
  66. The End of an Era
  67. Skinny Puppy tour
  68. Bonsai Tree Houses
  69. Tom Cruise: My job as an actor is as hard as fighting in Afghanistan
  70. Home Depot Tweets Racist Photo, Scrambles To Apologize
  71. A Thank You to all the Veterans on Here
  72. News IQ quz
  73. Great SR-71 story
  74. Russian tourism video
  75. Fuck PETA.
  76. Pizza button
  77. Triple Steak Flatbread thingy from Taco Bell
  78. Women in infantry
  79. Gift for my wife
  80. Cable ranting
  81. Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special
  82. 2013 holiday deals and gift ideas
  83. Paul Walker dies in car crash
  84. Terrorists using Elanthia to launder money! Possibly...maybe...
  85. Amazon.com introduces PRIME Air.
  86. Iceland's first-ever police shooting leaves one dead
  87. Unarmed Man Is Charged With Wounding Bystanders Shot by Police Near Times Square
  88. Bullying Social Experiment.
  89. Sickest thing on 4 wheels
  90. X:men apocalypse
  91. Forum.gsplayers.com is the 983086th largest website within the world.
  92. Knockout Game Backfires!
  93. NSA Monitoring Virtual Online Games
  94. Harassed boyfriend jumped to his death after his girlfriend insisted on going into an
  95. Selling more stuffs.
  96. Oh, hi Kanye
  97. Town in Colorado to vote on Drone ordinance
  98. Judge says 16 year old too rich to know right from wrong
  99. Police discrimination in traffic stop met with violence
  100. New Twist In Decades Old Alien Autopsy Controversy (Graphic Video)
  101. Are Tolkien’s dwarves an allegory for the Jews?
  102. Christmas Wish List
  103. Random Stupid Facebook Posts
  104. New Godzilla movie
  105. New 300 movie
  106. "I can do what I want on my property!"
  107. MegaMillions lottery
  108. What They Don't Want You to Know about the Koch Snowflake
  109. New winter work coat. Dead M65
  110. Spert/Matt Update and Clearing the air
  111. Shooting victim Trayvon Martin replaces Jesus in Calif. church nativity scene
  112. Trespassing question
  113. Underground Nuclear Explosion at Fukushima Reactor
  114. Automotive Electronic Question
  115. How to open a can of food without a can opener. You're welcome.
  116. Dennis Rodman loses his fucking mind when asked about Korean American held Hostage
  117. The Trunk Monkey
  118. Half marathon advice
  119. Robocop
  120. Marvel Puzzle Quest
  121. Free stuff
  122. Yes or No?
  123. Playing GS on a tablet
  124. Taylor Swift attacked at Grammys
  125. fantasy geo-politics
  126. Terrorism and Geopolitics leading up to Sochi Olympics
  127. Bill Nye v. Ken Hamm Debate
  128. Another Zombie Attack in Florida
  129. 8 year old boy dies at an after-school program
  130. Report: Iran sending warships toward U.S. maritime borders
  131. 'Selling' portion of future wages for cash now
  132. FREE cell service! And no, it's not an obamaphone!
  133. Shirley Temple dies at 85
  134. Suicide Bomber instructor kills himself, 20 students
  135. Dumb Starbucks
  136. Ha`a`a``aa``aa`lp
  137. Before the Big Bang, or: Pre Bang!
  138. choosing my next handgun.
  139. Free Divorce Contest for Valentine's Day
  140. Taking a Massive Dump Can Be an Orgasmic and/or Religious Experience
  141. More car shit! Yay!
  142. Let's Do Some Lines
  143. Bad News for Commenters Considered ‘Trolls’
  144. Happy Presidents Day
  145. Google Glass
  146. choosing my next handgun....round 2.
  147. Stars and Stripes
  148. Muslim leaders issue a fatwa against anyone living on MARS
  149. Brian Williams, "rapper's delight"
  150. Tax season, YAY!
  151. Los Angeles gangbangers surface in Syria to join Assad forces in fighting
  152. Pulling the Vettes out of the hole!
  153. National Pancake Day
  154. Must have android Apps?
  155. HEY YO MOD (That is you Anticor)
  156. Malaysia Plane Disappears Yesterday with 239 on Board...
  157. SF bans plastic water bottles
  158. U.S.A., U.S.A, U.S.A.: Much ado about nothing?
  159. Another snowstorm? Really??
  160. The Russian Version of the "Trust Fall"
  161. Who wants great looking skin?
  162. Free Water Ice Today
  163. Starbucks CEO announces $30 million gift for U.S. troops
  164. I Sing The Fringe Mathematic
  165. Albuquerque PD Shoot Illegal Camper
  166. Candy Crush - IPO
  167. Facebook buys oculus vr
  168. Bagelheads – New Body Modification Trend from Japan .
  169. Ian Ish
  170. I want to stream on twitch, need your advice and feedback :/
  171. For those of you who love guns and wizards...I give you this.
  172. Ocada Technology releases a new tablet.
  173. Edibox
  174. Best idea I've seen in a long time
  175. Shooting at Fort Hood
  176. Sam Adams releases helium-imused beer for April fools.
  177. This guy knows what's up.
  178. Best bathroom mats ever
  179. Link to database of telemarketing phone numbers
  180. Chupacabra found!
  181. What email??
  182. Game of Thrones Speculation
  183. New Goonies Movie
  184. Colbert hosting the Late Show
  185. Amazon Offers Employees $5,000 to Quit - to Make Sure They Really Want to Work There
  186. Obnovious Wedding Invitation Video
  187. Seawater into Fuel
  188. Smart Car Tipping
  189. Noah
  190. Heartbleed, etc
  191. Free Hustler subscription for congress
  192. Really wanted your opinion
  193. I too would like your opinion!
  194. Happy Easter everyone!
  195. A question for the ladies. Planning a first date.
  196. You know the world is crazy when...
  197. Kurt Cobain, 20 years
  198. Everest
  199. Sasquatch, the man the myth the legend
  200. Anyone use above ground sprinklers?
  201. The story of a shit knife
  202. My neighbor's crappy fence & I'm selling my home.
  203. So there's a Babysaurus in the world now..
  204. The Questionable Link Between Saturated Fat and Heart Disease
  205. Thread For Cops Being Assholes
  206. Are The Shootings Because of Drugs?
  207. Hilariously bad cat fight
  208. Awesome Space News
  209. Vibram Settles
  210. Troublemaking Kid With Attitude Gets Taught a Lesson by a No-Nonsense Cop
  211. Stupid computer virus
  212. Diver faces great white
  213. 96 Year Old Japanese Soldier Caught in Michigan still collecting intel...
  214. Morocco
  215. Elven Rogue Attacks Car in Beaverton, Oregon
  216. Government Investing in Fiber Optic for High Speed Internet
  217. Another lawn question
  218. Chimp makes fire
  219. Cop Shoots Elk. Facing Jail.
  220. Beam me up
  221. Freedom Tower compared to Twin Towers
  222. What do you do if you encounter a leashless dog while walking your dog?
  223. Halt and Catch Fire
  225. Hackers remote hi-jack car, kills passengers
  226. I've got an issue
  227. Family Turns Mother's Funeral Into Party
  228. Funny Tweets
  229. What medicinal cannabis can do for you
  230. Try To Make It All the Way Through This Video
  231. West Africa ebola epidemic is out of control
  232. Automatic Sperm Extractor Introduced Into a Chinese Hospital
  233. This one time when I banged Elantari's Mom
  234. Toddlers Have More Balls Than Adults
  235. Family Stumped by Fired Live-In Nanny Who Won't Leave
  236. Father leaves child in hot car
  237. WW1 history porn
  238. Google to start selling a humanoid robot named Schaft
  239. Is it wrong?
  240. Salt vs sodium
  241. I broke the first rule of the internet
  242. 16-Year-Old Unmade Bed Sold For $4 Million Because Art
  243. Need help: Can this run GSIV?
  244. Dug up wire in yard
  245. Smartest Dog In the World
  246. Culture of Molestation at Concerts
  247. Holy Shit! Guns Do Save Lives!
  248. You need to see this now. It's important.
  249. The Last Ship
  250. The Vine Thread