View Full Version : The Lich Project
Pages :
- Lnet Down?
- Looking for a Table Invite Script
- lich bug with wizard script arguments
- Lich and Avalon Colors
- Playershops API
- Distracted NPCs
- shop listing update script for FWI
- sexual favors error
- Tap? Activate Waggle
- Crosscharcom issues - creates two hubs
- I want to run gs and lich from dropbox. and other issues!
- waggle and magic problems
- Catching Up
- error "Upgrade Ruby to version 2.0", but I just installed 2.0
- List of global variables like 'Room'?
- just coming back to the game install ruby 2.00
- GameObj.npcs.status.
- New to Lich - script suggestions
- Sloot Question
- Script Request
- new error message when trying to DL from the repo
- I need some help, please! Lost my Game Entry Icon..
- Script not updating - Author changed
- Better looting script / issues with sloot
- Troubleshooting an issue
- EN-Aradhul Road pathing broken?
- Voodoo
- Detect when I have changed rooms in the Confluence?
- adding a custom script to my script folder
- Did Lich just die for everyone else too?
- waitrt? and castrt? unreliable?
- Sorter script problem
- Warcries on Uberspells
- sloot not slooting
- go2 question
- Mypack in stormfront is gone
- Another Sorter issue...
- Lich with Parallel
- Adding rogue guild password to ;go2?
- Detecting active war cry / general effects of creature maneuvers?
- StormFront Color Codes...
- Waggle issues
- Who all can ban people from Lnet PRIME channel?
- go2 climbing gy gate
- Profanity FE and Quality of Life
- Help Needed: Mac OS X Yosemite
- Loading external Ruby gems / libraries
- Changes
- Another broken script
- Email/SMS Script Check Notification
- Scripting help needed: possible to passively capture an npc's ID?
- Connection Problems - Error Message
- LNet Status Check
- StormFront NPC Highlights
- More help - funky gems
- Two different variables somehow sharing the same values
- gtk2 install fail
- Deathbot has returned!
- sammu for heavy crossbow bolts
- gemhoarder script
- killing scripts observation
- rogue guild script
- help please
- Portals working?
- Lich not working, would appreciate help.
- Sloot issues
- Who has the mapdb...?
- Need just a tiny bit of help
- Lich / Lnet Error
- update-playershops not working?
- Shout-Out & Thanks
- Container contents
- EG2016 - EGGAMES.lic
- MA Hunter?
- Mapmap question
- sbounty error, any help please?
- Looping question
- Issue with Lich/Sloot
- GameObj stuff
- Pause All Scripts command?
- Lich error with repository downloading updates
- Waggle casting order
- Game through Lnet slow
- Alias and type ahead
- Speeding up Sloot
- Issue with ;go2 and River's Rest
- Bigshot tail without bigshot head?
- Bigshot - Warcamps?
- Update Request(s) for Existing Scripts - Sloot/Sbounty/Waggle/Etc.
- Lich + Mac issue
- Narost - add a new map
- Selling gems with value less than X
- Tillmen's "loot"
- Weird (Tillmen's Fault)
- Lich game log in error
- ;moneychanger
- gameobj-data.xml
- Sloot not selling everything
- Sloot and automatic skin bundlers
- ;go2 pawnshop in ta'vaalor tries to take me across the river...
- ;go2 & traveling to the Landing from EN
- DownstreamHook "Song Status"
- Animate (730) data?
- a few meta scripts
- Bigshot for monk
- Atlas
- ;swapbounty
- ;go2 in the Broken Lands
- obselete $SAFE setting and autoupdates of lich.rbw
- Auto group joining
- Bigshot not stancing for groups
- possible issue with Spell object
- Connection issues with Lich this morning?
- The 402 regex
- Resetting gemhoarder.lic
- Installing Lich
- uberbarwiz
- can a script listen to private messages from lnet?
- Cannot get cmans or spells to cast at creatures in bigshot
- Bigshot won't attack while fried
- ssl certificate
- Bigshot getting confused
- Bigshot running past creatures
- Modifying lich.rbw
- bigshot scripts not working?
- Lich - "Built-in" Variables?
- Bigshot and 1020
- Scripts that recast 'consumable' spells during a hunt
- Trouble getting 1 character Logged in... HELP!
- New to lich, and then there's problems
- Question about Ebon gate gems and various exclusions in gameobj-data.xml
- ;alchemy in RR gets stuck on promotion/next
- Run Bigshot Once
- Sloot trashing boxes instead of selling
- Trying to install ruby, program wont run
- Waggle not remembering spell
- Disconnecting Immediately
- REIM Reactive Script
- Ruby question
- Fletching Script
- [server]: "invalid name"
- Finding base DS in code
- windows task scheduler and lich?
- I broke ;go2 list
- Some settings aren't saving
- Using Bigshot Quick with ;Bandits
- sloot2 question
- Error installing lich
- Mogonis abusing LNET mod powers
- More Mogonis Moderator Abuses
- ;magic trouble
- Recommended Lich Back Up Process
- Lag and cache clearing
- Lich communications
- DRbObject causes other http-enabled modules to fail
- Possible to start a script earlier in the login process?
- Failure to Launch
- Need help with a bit of code
- installing lich on windows 10 issue
- Lich & Third Party Client / Command Line
- DR Arena Stats Script
- Unarmed Bigshot Setup Problem
- Teach me some string parsing
- Bigshot Group Hunting Issues
- Script Help
- Lich scripting guide?
- Bigshot and Crossbow Problems
- using walk.lic in confluence
- ;magic not tracking lumnis correctly
- Big shot and 3 accounts
- Rogue
- small attack script help
- LostRanger's collection of assorted miscellaneous scripts
- Uservars not saving
- ;narost quality of life fix
- forgemaster
- Repo error
- scroll lag?
- Lich and VPN
- Simple hunting script that uses ;wander
- go2 problem
- Go2 Map Database Woes
- Update-playershops error due to closed shops
- Channel Script?
- New LNet server
- xnarost - eXperimental Narost fork
- lich not connecting.
- Lich, WFE, and Player Homes
- Sbounty failing to match location
- lich help ?
- Lich Cannot Connect to Client (tried a few things)
- Sbounty Fork
- @Tillmen and other coders
- Need a little help with Ubuntu 14.04 + Lich
- Lich & Third Party Client - Problem with Game Output?
- How do I get zzherb to stow?
- Sbounty: Bug Fix List
- Current Lich Version
- Lich: Errors: out of memory & cannot start a transaction within a transaction??
- Lich and gtk
- tpick not working for me for some reason
- How do I Spell Active without the spam?
- Using crosscharcom to start sloot on the 2nd account possible?
- Lich GameObj "updates"
- OSX 10.12 + Avalon issue?
- Lich Install Problem on my Mac
- crosscharcom and voodoo?
- Alias
- Error when quitting
- Lich error question
- issue installing wizard
- Character Data
- go2, narost (and xnarost), and sloot...
- Help, please
- sloot and sloot2 troubles...
- Suggested/Useful Scripts?
- Starting and Boundary Room Numbers: Wander and Bigshot
- Sloot not picking up certain stuff
- linux 16.04 installation
- lich installation problem
- GameObj Array manipulation
- Sorter Question
- Room numbers on locate?
- Stance Dance/Auto Stand
- Scripts running Slow
- Tiny Script
- Getting Frostbite and Lich working togeather
- Lag in game from this maybe?
- Chromebook
- Halp plz? (Resolved)
- Avalon/Stormfront won't load with Lich (Mac)
- Lich reference
- lnet high cpu usage
- How to Multi-Account with Lich
- Help needed!
- Celerity
- failed to find the Simutronics launcher
- log in issue
- pause at start of running Scripts
- Big Shot Force Until Endroll
- child2
- 140 big shot Hunting Script
- Lich + Ruby Tutorial still useful?
- Where are config's saved?
- Idea of the week
- Lich Crashes when tries to run
- Update Playershops in Plat
- How to check the duration of Armor Reinforcement remaining?
- Sbounty
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