View Full Version : Disconnecting Immediately

03-11-2017, 11:15 PM
Hi, so I've been using Lich for about a year now. My issue currently is that SF immediately closes once I connect Lich. I am unable to run Lich headless and connect through Profanity (which is what I normally use). I was able to do this just yesterday, but today I am unable to.

Here are the circumstances surrounding this issue and possibly how it broke. I installed Frostbite and I was trying to get it working with Lich. I used it a few days ago with testing and had no issue. Today tried to connect FB and Lich to it. I was unsuccessful but Frostbite did actually connect, it was just Lichless. I then tried again and it failed to connect. I would have to kill the connecting CMD to close it. I then tried to connect Lich to SF. It failed. It tries to connect but immediately closes.


Connection to the game has been lost. You will need to login again to continue playing.

--- Lich v4.6.37 is active. Type ;help for usage info.

* Connection to the game has been lost. You will need to login again to continue playing.

I am able to load the game through the website, but not switching the Lich from the Website. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Ruby, I have uninstalled and reinstalled Stormfront. I have used a fresh install of Lich. All give me this same error. I also went in and changed Stormfront to save all my settings Local. Any ideas at what went wrong and where to go from here? Restarted countless times.

03-11-2017, 11:25 PM
When you say that you've tried a fresh install of Lich, do you mean that you deleted ALL of your saved Lich data, or that you just reinstalled on top of the old install?

03-11-2017, 11:33 PM
I took a fresh folder and tried to connect directly with it. I downloaded lich, put the folder on the desktop, and connected from there.

03-11-2017, 11:38 PM
Adding that I can connect to Lich via the launching from the DR website by the setting in Lich->Link->Website Launch Chain, just not directly from Lich by double clicking the RBW (I do have associated files), nor running Lich headless to connect through Profanity. I am also not able to run it via hooking through the SGE.

03-12-2017, 11:24 AM
Is there anything useful in the debug files? lich/temp/debug-#.log

03-12-2017, 11:50 AM
Remove the saved character from Quick Entry Tab. Log in and test.

03-12-2017, 01:23 PM
One of them is pretty long, the others just seems less useful. Want me to pack them up and email them?

03-12-2017, 01:24 PM
Sure. tillmen@lichproject.org

03-12-2017, 01:24 PM
Remove the saved character from Quick Entry Tab. Log in and test.

I've tried several fresh Lich installs? Also, doing this just now didn't fix it.

03-12-2017, 03:03 PM
I'm guessing Lich edited the hosts file so that Frostbite would connect to Lich instead of the game, but then failed to restore it for whatever reason. Now, Lich is attempting to connect to Lich instead of the game, which isn't working.

Open up your hosts file in a plain text editor. It should be somewhere like C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts or /etc/hosts or possibly somewhere else depending on what OS you have. Look for a line that looks like: prime.dr.game.play.net

It might be a different domain name, but it should have play.net in it.

Delete that line and save it. If you save it in a fancy word processor, your internet connection might stop working.

Oh yeah, and if you're using Windows > XP, you'll have to start notepad as admin and all that fun stuff. Or sudo in Linux.

03-12-2017, 04:27 PM
This indeed was the problem Tillmen. Thank you for the help, glad those logs were helpful! The line didn't say play.net, but DR was involved. dr.simutronics.net

03-12-2017, 04:49 PM
There's no place like


03-12-2017, 08:09 PM
All set, back up and running. Thanks again!