View Full Version : Where are config's saved?

12-08-2017, 11:26 AM
Hi all,

Yesterday I got fed up enough with the tiny screen of my ancient laptop running Win 7 on it with Lich and the Wizard frontend, that I installed Virtualbox on my Linux system and Win 7 on that and did all the Lich setup/installation stuff on it as per the instructions on hte Lich website.

thing is, now I have nothing on my Wizard that is on the Wizard on the laptop. What I mean is, for instance all the highlights I have and can be seen on the Lich Wizard on the laptop, are *not* seen on the Virtualbox Win 7 setup.

I tried to copy over files from the laptop to the Virtualbox, but it doesn't make any difference.

Is there some file somewhere I'm missing? I've copied all the files from the 'lich' folder, all the stuff from the SIMU folder over to the Virtual machine and still nothing is working.

I have way too many highlights and other things setup to try and do it all over again manually. Does anyone have any ideas what else I can try to get all my configurations from the laptop to the Virtual machine?

Thanks for any help with this. It's important because the linux system is so much faster and more powerful than the laptop anx even through the virtual machine runs so much better...it also makes it easier for me monetarily (I live on a pittance of a disability check) and pragmatically to be able to get to my Linux system with just the mouse, instead of having to buy a KVM switch.

12-08-2017, 11:47 AM
Wizard has an option to save configs to the server, so double check your settings to see if you had/have it enabled. When I switched from Wizard to Stormfront many moons ago I was able to keep everything I had set up. The file SF uses seems to be located in C:/ so double check there to see if Wizard does the same.