View Full Version : sloot and sloot2 troubles...

09-22-2017, 09:49 AM
I'm on Windows 7 if this makes any difference.

When I try to setup sloot(2), it offers me no place to put my weapon while skinning and looting. Then lately it started doing this:

--- Lich: sloot active.
[sloot]>search #97133478
You search the spectral fisherman.
It had a trident.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had a golden topaz on it!
It had nothing else of value.
A spectral fisherman turns to dust.
[sloot]>put #97116463 in #97116461
You carefully secure your longsword to your baldric. It rattles against the dagger secured to it, and you carefully adjust them.
[sloot]>inventory containers
You are wearing a black wool cloak layered in fur, an extravagant lavender sack, a jet black gak wool backpack, an iron-buckled leather baldric with a longsword and a frost-edged white mithril dagger secured to it, an ivory organza pouch, and a leather sheath.
[sloot]>put #97116463 in #97116418
I could not find what you were referring to.
[sloot]>put #97116463 in #97116422
I could not find what you were referring to.
[sloot]>put #97116463 in #97116447
I could not find what you were referring to.
[sloot]>put #97116463 in #97116465
I could not find what you were referring to.
[sloot]>put #97116463 in #97116466
I could not find what you were referring to.
[sloot]>get #97136731
You pick up a golden topaz.
[sloot]>put my topaz in #97116447
You put a golden topaz in your gak wool backpack.
[sloot]>get #97116463
You deftly remove the longsword from your baldric.
--- Lich: sloot has exited.

My baldric is my sheath. I use it for my longsword and my dagger. There's nothing in the setup gui of sloot for specifying my sheath or where to put my weapon as I skin and loot.

Any ideas what's going on with sloot(2)?

09-22-2017, 06:56 PM
Hmmm...at the end of the lest when I do ;vars list, I have this: "lootsack": > "baldric"
lootsack: baldric

Could that be messing things up?

Now though I get this:

--- Lich: sloot active.
[sloot: ** failed to find box sack]
--- Lich: sloot has exited.

I don't have a box nor a sack. I've no clue where these things came from other than they're old items I had.

Here's my 'stow set' list:

>stow set
What container did you want to set?

Currently valid containers:

a thick buckskin satchel (worn)
a mottled black canvas cloak clasped with a dark steel chain (worn)
an iron-buckled leather baldric with a silver-limned blue mithril wakizashi secured to it (worn)
a pebbled dark leather bag fastened with modwir buttons (worn)
a leather sheath (worn) (I have no sheath!)

And here's my 'ready list':

>ready list
Your current settings are:

shield: a reinforced shield (not found) (worn if possible, stowed otherwise) - I wear it!
weapon: a longsword (worn if possible, stowed otherwise) - It's in my locker!
secondary weapon: (none) (worn if possible, stowed otherwise) - Not used
ranged weapon: (none) (worn if possible, stowed otherwise) - Not used
ammo bundle: (none) (worn if possible, stowed otherwise) - Not used
sheath: a leather sheath - Don't have one
secondary sheath: (none) - My Baldric is what I want it to use

To change your default item for a category that is already set, clear the category first by clicking on the item in the list above. Click here to update the list.

The ready thing won't let me clear the 'sheath'.

The ;vars thing confuses the heck out of me and I'm not sure what to do with it.

09-22-2017, 09:29 PM
You should be using sloot and not sloot2. Spiffyjr came back and updated the original.

Problem may not be sloot. Make sure you have your stow setup properly. In the game type ready list. Also make sure Lich has a lootsack setup in vars. ;vars help should walk you through it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Interesting since Ive been using sloot2 since I came back to the game, and it is definitely buggy.
So I should delete it and DL sloot?

09-22-2017, 09:54 PM
How does one delete a downloaded .lic file and start fresh with a new one?

09-23-2017, 02:29 AM
Hmmm...at the end of the lest when I do ;vars list, I have this: "lootsack": > "baldric"
lootsack: baldric

Could that be messing things up?

Now though I get this:

--- Lich: sloot active.
[sloot: ** failed to find box sack]
--- Lich: sloot has exited.

I don't have a box nor a sack. I've no clue where these things came from other than they're old items I had.

Here's my 'stow set' list:

>stow set
What container did you want to set?

Currently valid containers:

a thick buckskin satchel (worn)
a mottled black canvas cloak clasped with a dark steel chain (worn)
an iron-buckled leather baldric with a silver-limned blue mithril wakizashi secured to it (worn)
a pebbled dark leather bag fastened with modwir buttons (worn)
a leather sheath (worn) (I have no sheath!)

And here's my 'ready list':

>ready list
Your current settings are:

shield: a reinforced shield (not found) (worn if possible, stowed otherwise) - I wear it!
weapon: a longsword (worn if possible, stowed otherwise) - It's in my locker!
secondary weapon: (none) (worn if possible, stowed otherwise) - Not used
ranged weapon: (none) (worn if possible, stowed otherwise) - Not used
ammo bundle: (none) (worn if possible, stowed otherwise) - Not used
sheath: a leather sheath - Don't have one
secondary sheath: (none) - My Baldric is what I want it to use

To change your default item for a category that is already set, clear the category first by clicking on the item in the list above. Click here to update the list.

The ready thing won't let me clear the 'sheath'.

The ;vars thing confuses the heck out of me and I'm not sure what to do with it.

have you done ";sloot setup" and filled in all the info needed? ;vars shouldn't be needed.

09-23-2017, 06:34 AM
Yes, I used the setup several times trying to get it to recognize things. I filled in the blanks for 'sacks' as 'bag', 'a pebbled dark leather bag' and 'pebbled dark leather bag' as the container for skins and loot. On my setup though there isn't any place in it for specifying my weapon container, which I thought really odd.

09-24-2017, 03:09 AM
In the log, sloot appears to be using the empty_hand method so that your character has an empty hand to pick up the loot. This method didn't recognize that it successfully put the longsword on the baldric because it didn't recognize the message, so it tried to put it in every container you're wearing. That all failed because you weren't holding the longsword anymore.

In a sense, I could fix this by making the empty_hands methods recognize the messaging your weird baldric thing gives, but you'll probably still have problems because a baldric is a terrible lootsack. go2, useherbs, alchemy, and various other scripts all use this method to empty your hands. If you're holding a tart and a smooth stone when a script wants your hands empty, it's going to try to attach both of those things to your baldric, which I'm guessing wouldn't go well.

Setting your lootsack to real container should fix your issues.

;vars set lootsack=backpack

If you really want your longsword to go on your baldric, Lich would have to be updated to use two new settings to handle the special case, and to recognize that new messaging. That seems like a lot of hassle when the weapon is only going to be put away for a second anyway.

... so the two new settings are weapon and weaponsack
;vars set weapon=longsword
;vars set weaponsack=baldric
;repository download-lich

09-24-2017, 09:21 AM
Fantastic!! Beautiful!! That did the trick perfectly! Thank you so very much Tillmen.