View Full Version : The Lich Project
Pages :
- Waggle keeps clearing out spells
- mildly annoying Lnet issue
- Can you force ;go2 to avoid certain rooms?
- April fools 2011
- Web
- Emptying Boxes
- Returning
- self lockpicking script
- Quick Group Spellup
- sloot2
- [server]: "You are currently gagged on this channel."
- Picking Script
- Here we go again.
- rubyw.exe and updater.lic?
- Lich could not find script
- help... Rubyw.exe blowing my CPU up
- updating maps
- Clicking on lich.rbw and... nothing happens
- Death music
- Sloot... help?
- Connection Issues
- herbheal bug
- Lich Keys gone, halp me!
- Can't log into lich anymore..
- Connecting When Port is Blocked
- Connecting via Android Smartphone?
- Disappearing Custom Go2
- Lich noob programming help?
- Login trouble
- Go2 issues
- Sloot3
- Sloot2 Alternate Skinning Weapon
- Running lich/storm on external/thumb drive possible ?
- Instantly disconnected
- Updating "SGE Launch order"
- Log everybody in?
- Lich help
- Lnet oddity
- Question on ;Containers
- counting npcs
- UberBar Issues
- Sticky-note script?
- Some lich commands dont work
- new lich.. where's the old one?
- Manual hunting practices/advice
- Group bigshot Nelemar traveling
- Halp!
- Fletching Script?
- I gots a problem
- Healing script
- COBBLE COBBLE!!! The Cobbling Turkey!
- ;magic
- good scripts
- Disconnect issues
- loot-be-gone unique treasure drops?
- simple lich scripting halp
- droughtman scripts
- Warcamp Wanding
- Script Request: 24 hour timer
- Possible Infomon problem?
- Updater Issue
- Citizendata for one shop
- Banned and I'd put the laptop to sleep at the time
- Squelch usage?
- Using Lich with Crossover for Mac
- Is LNET chat ....?
- Status Reporter
- Bigshot Hunting Areas
- Voln Favor Tracker
- Lich not starting up.
- Need some assistance with a Chainspear
- Forge-perfects
- [PATCH] loot.lic (Tillmen?)
- Tagger!
- Persistance of id #
- Assistance with a downstream hook (Dragonrealms)
- Repository, now with categories and a GUI!
- holy lack of knowledge batman!
- Getting booted just as I enter the game.
- Groupheal
- Lnet Chat
- playershops
- Lich Launch
- scripting no-no's and GM repercussions.
- customizing forger
- archery issue
- Lich Problem
- best/most recent locksmith script?
- Lich - Avalon, OSX 10.6.8
- Attention Rogues/Warriors
- cobbling script just for leveling cobbling
- Ruby Crashes on Vista - Runtime Errors
- alchemy script
- Good map?
- Voodoo stance dancing.
- Wander Update Request
- Lists of critter(lvl)/starting points/boundaries
- Waggle Update Request (making it Mass Color Friendly)
- What resources needed to start programming
- Big Loader Feedback Request
- What does this mean?
- Storm Front Story Box not working
- Infomon hanging for anyone else? Can't really play because of it
- Scripting Errors
- Help making lockpick repair script
- bloader and bbounty
- Any script to support group hunting?
- API Documentation
- lich only gets me to 'offline'...
- Combat Script
- Lich error
- Mapping issues!
- Sloot question
- Lich Problem
- incorrect password
- SLoot variable
- Sloot suggestion: Selling gems and skins
- Chat to window?
- Stow replacement
- Mac + Avalon + Lich Help for Newbie
- Fletchrankup script
- Narost on Mac?
- Sammu/Slib
- Class for character's race?
- Error with EXP
- Spell-list XML & Smastery
- KoS
- Lich Autobot warning
- DFetcher.lic on the repo
- Scripts start moving super slow after about 10-15 minutes
- Hunting Healer Script
- error in Gtk.queue: comparison of String with String failed
- Citizendata error
- Uberspells Fail
- lich freezing up...
- Wizard and Stormfront - no room echo
- Arrowed! (ammo + encumbrance minimisation)
- Lich documentation/API?
- Updating Lich?
- Cant read lrn2map
- ...or wounded eval:
- YOUR user error is NOT my problem
- Herbheal and Useherbs hang-up
- siegery mini script?
- guildx
- lich just stopped working.
- Make lich count stuff?
- It's like magic! (or, uh, maybe not?)
- Clena up
- Writing a backroom access script and need your help!
- Uberspellswiz?
- Issues with ;magic?
- I too was disarmed and taken advantage of...
- Error with Scrolls.lic
- Re-installing, since I'm an idiot...
- River's Rest
- Instant cast
- Basic Help
- Waggle
- sloot3 update to reflect new gem pouch?
- Keep-Hammerin
- Squelching bugginess
- keephammerin now uploaded
- Bigshot and blessing weapons
- LM keyrings, XML, contents
- Problems being booted.
- Updating Scripts
- Basics
- keeping my bastard sword gripped w/ two hands
- Remembering and Stowing stuff in my hands
- lich infomon tracking of Curse of the Star
- Rescues
- Lost the master window
- Variable interaction
- Script help - GameObj.inv
- Advanced Ruby Q&A
- Autoregister
- Hostile vs. non-hostile NPCs
- Arg Need Help in windows 7
- Cannot D/L Lich - Totally Computer Stupid!!!
- ;spellup Error
- Help me make Lich work!
- hiding after a hunt
- ;magic losing spells on logout
- Making use of GET
- targeting script?
- Will not stay connected
- Ultrafletch help
- Bigshot Abandonment
- [ HELP ] Installing Lich [ Windows 7 ]
- ;go2 issue
- Aliases, Scripts, and Variables
- Bigshot - Detecting Weapon Loss
- Bigshot woes.
- unable to connect to server
- lich + avalon help [mac]
- autowar2 issue
- Forge-perfects problem
- Lich help
- ;go2 map-updater bug
- Weird Lich issue
- Lich playershops
- need help bypassing blocked port
- Magic list retention after logoff
- Lich launcher bringing up Wizard installation
- Lich DCing?
- Scroll Purchasing Script?
- Lich/Ruby capabilities?
- Is it this hard, or am I just that dense?
- new puter problems with lich
- Determining an enclosed map area.
- Arrays and Hashes
- I think I broke my Lnet
- ;sloot3 lag issues
- Better question
- Can a script text my phone?
- Wehnimer's Landing Wizard's guild
- Adding a command when out of mana.
- can big input commands based on creature numbers?
- big shot MA resting
- Adrenal Surge
- ;loot for group hunts
- ;loot for group hunts (Repost as other thread was messed up)
- A script to count critters and act accordingly.
- loot scripts for armor
- Help prevent the onset of my insanity
- LNet relay on the internetz.
- I'm new, I loaded lich, but.
- iSigil/Bigshot issue Calling infomon?
- Run lich / GS off of a USB drive?
- Recommended Lich Scripts
- Lich for Mac
- OSX Lion + Lich + Avalon (tutorial & tips)
- Random Scripts
- Ignore this thread. Just test data
- error: no map database found
- Lich dead or just me?
- Strange startup errors - ;magic ;infomon hosed
- Lich stopped working for one charecter
- need halp
- how to change go2 to wait "Trying not to slip"
- Returning to GS
- Please Help with Game entry issues
- Default Stand Command
- Rift Exit?
- Disabling lich chat
- Script folder is empty
- Narost - No Database Found
- how to setup bigshot
- my Droughtman's script
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