View Full Version : Room numbers on locate?

10-07-2017, 07:06 PM
Is it possible to get room numbers who you locate someone? Used to work for me in the past Rnum seems to only ever show the room I am in. Not helpful when I am looking to do rescues on folks and would love to find a way to showcase the located room number instead. Massive help to figure this one out!

10-07-2017, 07:27 PM
I typically open narost and then right click it, and put a description of the room I've seen through (116) and it will give me the room so I can click it and go there it's not fool proof.. but unless the area has multiple rooms with the exact same description it should get you there.

10-07-2017, 07:27 PM
if you are using lich to locate though, it should show you their room number not yours... so idk

10-07-2017, 07:29 PM
yeah wasnt thinking of lich locate was using in game one. Might give that one a try I wish I could remember how I set it up years ago to work. Just might not be something that functions anymore! Thanks for the feedback

10-07-2017, 07:32 PM
@mice that is absolutely perfect gets me close enough to what I was needing