View Full Version : Cannot get cmans or spells to cast at creatures in bigshot

01-28-2017, 05:12 AM
Hello folks, I would appreciate it if someone could tell me what I am doing wrong. Here are my stats. I went to the glacier to test on titans and giants which are my 3rd and 4th hunting targets which correspond with me trying to cast 1207 (monk spell force projection) at the titan, and cman feint the giant.

I start bigshot, and it runs around until it finds a titan whereby I stop, wait for it to attack me, and then I attack it, bypassing completely the 1207... meanwhile for the titan, attack isn't even in my list of commands!

I would appreciate any guidance anyone can give me.

--- Lich: bigshot active.
[bigshot: Version: 3.69]
[bigshot: resting_room_id: 228]
[bigshot: fog_return: 0]
[bigshot: hunting_room_id: 2570]
[bigshot: hunting_boundaries: 2571,2557]
[bigshot: targets: warrior,sapling,titan,giant]
[bigshot: hunting_stance: offensive]
[bigshot: hunting_prep_commands: get longsword from my backpack,get longsword from my backpack,incant 1216]
[bigshot: signs: 9806,9605,9805]
[bigshot: loot_script: sloot]
[bigshot: flee_count: 1]
[bigshot: always_flee_from: druid]
[bigshot: flee_message: dreamvine]
[bigshot: hunting_commands: wait 30,attack target(xx)]
[bigshot: hunting_commands_b: wait 30,attack target(xx)]
[bigshot: hunting_commands_c: 1207 target]
[bigshot: hunting_commands_d: cman feint target]
[bigshot: disable_commands: wait 30,attack target(xx)]
[bigshot: rest_till_exp: 4]
[bigshot: rest_till_mana: 4]
[bigshot: fried: 101]
[bigshot: oom: -1]
[bigshot: dead_man_switch: false]
[bigshot: monitor_interaction: true]
[bigshot: depart_switch: false]
[bigshot: flee_clouds: true]
[bigshot: flee_vines: true]
[bigshot: priority: true]
[bigshot: use_wracking: false]
[bigshot: delay_loot: true]
[bigshot: loot_stance: true]
[bigshot: pull: true]
[bigshot: spam: true]
[bigshot: lone_targets_only: false]
[bigshot: bless: false]
[bigshot: uac_smite: false]
[bigshot: mstrike_cooldown: false]
[bigshot: mstrike_quickstrike: false]
[bigshot: hide_for_ammo: false]
[bigshot: wand_if_oom: false]
[bigshot: Targetable Character Setting: ["treekin druid", "frost giant", "minotaur magus", "lesser minotaur", "treekin sapling", "arctic titan", "minotaur warrior", "treekin warrior"]]
[bigshot: Untargetable Character Setting: []]
--- Lich: bigshot has exited.

You feel fully energetic again.
[Glatoph, Glacier - 3553]
The wind here is too fierce for you to see anything but flying snow. You can barely make out general paths to the west, southwest and southeast, and hope that going one of those directions will lead to a bit of shelter. You also see a handaxe, some cuirbouilli leather, a reinforced shield, an arctic titan, some cuirbouilli leather, a reinforced shield, a handaxe, some cuirbouilli leather, a war hammer, a leather helm, some full leather, a leather helm and some full leather.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, west
arctic titan entered the room.
An arctic titan lifts its huge foot up and slams it into the ground, shaking everything violently!
[SMR result: -57 (Open d100: 84)]
You manage to keep your footing.
Starsiren's group just arrived.
Starsiren's group just went southwest.
An arctic titan gestures at you!
An arctic titan hurls a powerful lightning bolt at you!
With blinding speed, you dodge the bolt!
[bigshot]>stance offensive
You are now in an offensive stance.
[bigshot]>attack #48548285
You swing an icy blue vultite longsword at an arctic titan!
AS: +415 vs DS: +207 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +65 = +314
... and hit for 93 points of damage!
Right hip pulped, severing the leg.
An arctic titan screams and falls to the ground with a crash, grasping its mangled right leg!
The arctic titan is stunned!
You swing an icy blue vultite longsword at an arctic titan!
AS: +415 vs DS: +151 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +83 = +388
... and hit for 85 points of damage!
Strike to wrist severs left hand quite neatly!
The titan's reinforced shield falls to the ground.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>;stop bigshot
--- Lich: bigshot has exited.

01-28-2017, 05:54 AM
hunting commands b, c, d aren't the order you want them to go in, they are for specific creature you encounter.


force cman feint target until 101, kill target x2

for your hunting command

01-28-2017, 06:47 AM
take a look here for more info on setting it up properly
