View Full Version : HANDS in RT

10-19-2016, 09:12 AM
Finally hacked together this alias. The market is so narrow I don't anticipate anyone else would want it. My FE does not show the contents of my hands, and in River's Rest GLANCE is a custom verb. While GLANCE will work in RT, HANDS will not. (Let's not get started how the INVENTORY command does or does not work in RT depending how many characters you type out...)

Make this a global alias for HA, HAN, HAND, HANDS and you're good to go:

(Sorry it's an ugly one-liner ... welcome to aliases ...)

silence_me ; hands = false; action = proc { |server_string| ; if server_string =~ /You are holding/ ; hands = true ; elsif server_string =~ /You are wearing/ ; if hands ; server_string = "" ; else ; server_string = "You have nothing in your hands." ; end ; elsif server_string =~ /Click .* for more options/ ; server_string = "" ; end ; server_string } ; DownstreamHook.add('newglance', action) ; fput "inventory" ; DownstreamHook.remove('newglance')

I can't see a point in releasing this as a script necessarily, since the entire point is as an alias to run transparently like I've asked them GMs to change the parser enough times and been ignored.

10-19-2016, 09:29 AM
Seems like overengineering... if the objective is a glance, couldn't you just use:

;e echo GameObj.right_hand.name;echo GameObj.left_hand.name

10-19-2016, 10:58 AM
Seems like overengineering... if the objective is a glance, couldn't you just use:

;e echo GameObj.right_hand.name;echo GameObj.left_hand.name

That's true, though mine outputs exactly as if the GLANCE command was called. I guess one could further your result and make it do that without the DownStreamHook aspect, but I already wrote it the complicated way :(

10-19-2016, 11:13 AM
That's true, though mine outputs exactly as if the GLANCE command was called. I guess one could further your result and make it do that without the DownStreamHook aspect, but I already wrote it the complicated way :(
No worries... I've been accused many times of 'bringing a shotgun to a knife fight'... Just wondering the requirements to better understand the approach. Makes sense!

10-19-2016, 01:06 PM
Just wondering the requirements to better understand the approach. Makes sense!

I'm pretending the GMs changed the game parser like I've asked several times for consistent behavior.

Same reason I alias i, in, inv, inve for inventory ... so that it works in RT and I can pretend this bug doesn't exist and make me want to stab my eyes out because why would you do that

10-19-2016, 01:28 PM
I honestly didn't even think you could do inventory while in RT. That is some weird lazy programming lol

10-19-2016, 03:10 PM
I honestly didn't even think you could do inventory while in RT. That is some weird lazy programming lol

A good theory I heard once (from Rozy I believe) was it might be related to INVOKING scrolls. But, INVE also doesn't work in RT. So much for that theory.

As I recall, the last time I posted on the officials I got the old "why do you want to check your inventory in RT that's not realistic etc". When you're forging, doing alchemy, or who knows sometimes you're bored.

In terms of the HANDS thing it's more in combat and I might be in RT and holding a gem in my hand or something dumb.