View Full Version : I need some help, please! Lost my Game Entry Icon..

08-02-2016, 12:25 AM
My son was messing with my desktop, and somehow deleted my lich game entry icon I had pinned on the desktop. I can't figure out where to go to get it back. Help! If I don't have to reload everthing entirely it would be nice.. I thought if I rebooted it would come back, but apparently not.

If someone could steer me to the right folder to find i, I'd be most grateful. Win7 system,and Iknonw where my Lich and Ruby folder are.


08-02-2016, 12:34 AM
In your lich folder, at the root, should be a lich.rbw. Double click that bad boy and lich should start. If that works, make a shortcut and drag it to the desktop, and your back in business. Next make your son do the dishes for the next week for messin with your machine.