View Full Version : The Lich Project
Pages :
- megatron bug
- Ruby Questions
- Starscream
- Gem hoarding script - help?
- This just me?
- Stripping settings
- Gibreficul's looter script:
- New here
- Help! Can't log in game
- > You are now level 100! -- (Capped Uberbar?)
- GS took a dump
- Lich Errors?
- Problem installing Lich.
- Lich works, but wont connect to server
- ideas for waggle and magic
- Pulse Timer
- error with magic save
- lichnet been messed up all day
- Warrior guild(landing)
- lich +
- Lich Chat Channels?
- Wracking with Megatron
- Okay, I'm trying to get things going
- Lich issues
- lnet
- first time user
- Lich won't open
- this seemed important
- go2
- Alias for Lich?
- Problems with Sge?
- Lich Check
- Problems installing on Vista
- What does it mean and how do i fix it?
- Target Machine Actively Refused It?
- StarWars
- What's happening?
- Updated Sloot
- Dead Bodies
- New User, Got pretty far- but (--- Exception: can't clone NilClass)
- Connecting to Lnet
- lich roomids added to roomdata
- updated starscream
- Cleric Guild script?
- NPC locksmith script
- Lich Chat
- Lich Problems.
- lich.rbw
- Emislity
- AutoCraft Error
- Running Multiple Accounts
- Converting to lich
- Bread for shattered
- WTF - won
- Can't connect?
- What is this? (Have to log in twice.)
- error in talker_thread
- Idea for infomon
- Optimus Crap
- This is getting old
- sloot
- Bigshot: The New Optimus Prime
- Lich/Mac/Avalon
- Help with Wander?
- Slow startup
- Wand waving script Help?
- Proof that open source software sucks
- New scripts up on Repository
- Lich API
- troubleshoot
- d/c while logging on a new character
- Shattered Empath - Bitchin' AFK Autohealer
- Array test
- Script for Unlocking Scrolls
- Guildx still the only rogue guild script floating around?
- Any linux gurus out there?
- Lich for the beginner
- Wanted: SkinHunter
- New Setup
- Lich/GS from a unix terminal
- Starscream/Waggle and 606
- Finally wanna learn to write scripts
- Sloot Error
- Lich Problem
- lich resetting
- Some Odd Pathfinding with Go2?
- Couple of Suggestions...
- currupt setup files
- Lich Script question
- random thought about ;go2 and ;alias
- Lich Stopped Connecting
- Lnet not connecting
- Threads in lich
- lich chrashes only one character
- Lost Custom Go2s?
- installation help
- Lich question
- Go2 messing up
- help me
- crosscharcom
- Lich down?
- Questions about Lich
- SLoot, SLib, and my other scripts
- Any script writers for hire?
- Lockering Boxes
- wander settings
- Uber spells/magic not tracking
- Crafting Script?
- ;Wander in the abandoned sewer
- lnet in shattered... help!
- Help with Warrior Guld Script
- sguild-db.xml.txt?
- Lich + Windows 7 disconnect issue
- Sloot/2/3/WTF
- Jayvn/Jayvn issue
- Lich being a bitch?
- waggle improvement
- Just Installed Lich, trouble with extraction (I think)
- Fletching script
- The Sloot thread
- Infomon trouble
- Lich Completely Fubar
- Message Running
- Lich not working?
- Uberbar
- Shattered-itis
- Townsmith
- Population: Lich vs psinet
- Starting Lich
- Introducing, SAmmu! The fletching whale!
- Unofficial Lich + Ruby Tutorial
- Is there a new connection?
- Using SLib to write your first script
- wtf Lnet
- Deadstop
- Room ID's in lich
- Sammu is too fast even for itself!
- The SRogue thread
- DRb Foo
- ;Waggle request
- help with ;fireguardians (newb scripter)
- Where did ;edit go?
- Random Questions
- ;useherbs and haste
- Command line
- Herbheal broken?
- SAlert - Fine, you talked me into it
- Any help?
- start_wizard_script problem
- New Scripter needs help
- Chat Prename Thingies...
- discerning an attack vs a spell
- ;sloot Issues:
- SRogue, beta test time
- Not recognizing death string
- Script request - Shopvac
- autowar
- Windows error: CreateFontIndirect failed
- Leech in Starscream
- People in the room
- Can someone tell me wtf I'm doing wrong?
- DForge - Crafting Rankup Script
- WTF is there even stormfront scripts out there?
- Gem Bounty Scripts
- Suggestions?
- I can't get this right.
- this notice probably will repeat
- Empath/Sorcerer injury/heal script
- Lich won't run, need help
- Excluding lnet chat
- Exec1?
- Booting me.
- Lich rentacoder needed
- Cannot connect to game server
- Lich Q - Is this possible?
- Walk through
- What's wrong
- Script Ideas
- The Lich Auction House
- Lich Help
- Lich Crafting script - Help please?
- SLib, SLoot, SVoln, SAmmu
- Narost, go2 not working no matter what i try!
- Forger
- Little help please
- How do I start Lich in Linux the second time?
- go2 Issue
- Save Login Info
- Installing Lich
- Message Dilivery
- Clerical Alchemy
- Lich kicking me off
- Total noob here...
- Lich disconnections
- The Impossible Map?
- Kicking a character
- go2 pathing
- spell_ranks and psinet_spell_ranks
- SLoot v3 Beta - Coming Soon!
- Who messed up go2?
- Crash Detector
- Lich question: Is multi line matching possible?
- waggle is le broken
- I can't get this shit to work.
- Issue with Wizard FE
- my lich wont click open anymore?
- Favorites
- Lich + Avalon + Plat
- Windows Error - any ideas on what causes this?
- Alias help
- Starting a script within another script?
- Loading portions of a string into variables - RegEx / MatchFind
- SLoot v3 Alpha
- Seriously? WTF now.
- Error connecting
- Go2
- Citizendata hangs in Zul Logoth
- Playershop updates
- InfoMon not Communicating Correctly?
- Small script request(reshing spells as they drop)
- dead_keepalive
- Uberspells isn't displaying spell duration correctly
- Psinet commands in lich
- SLoot Beta
- Armor specializations - Spell[armor specialization].cast?
- Sorting shells (gems)
- Autowar
- lich not connecting
- Grguild
- ;twitter
- Using PsiNet + Lich
- Waggle
- Lich + Avalon
- Gems2Jars et al.
- new to lich, could use some help
- expiring
- Lich: Insert a line of text into a continuous block?
- Herbheal Bug
- Use PC locksmiths...
- Highlights in Avalon
- Weapon Fire question
- New Scripts Up
- Invalid key when trying to update my scripts on repository
- Waggle and 712
- noob help
- ev_deed
- Bigshot Tweaks
- Recognizing unmapped rooms
- detecting deaths
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