View Full Version : Speeding up Sloot

One-way Ticket
11-21-2016, 04:55 PM
You unsheathe the drake dagger from one of the rhimar-throated scabbards along the side of your bag.
You kneel down.
[sloot]>skin #140402231
You skinned the panther, yielding a panther pelt.
You stand back up.
[sloot]>put my dagger in #138494533
You wipe off the blade and sheathe the drake dagger into one of the rhimar-throated scabbards along the side of your bag.
[sloot]>search #140402231
You search the panther.
He had a faewood arrow, a faewood arrow.
He had nothing else of value.
A panther decays into a compost of fangs, fur and claws.
[sloot]>get #140403038
You pick up a panther pelt.

I have noticed that when there are a lot of items in the container where the item is put, sloot will lag severely. Is there a way to speed this up besides just emptying out the container on a continuous basis?