View Full Version : Looking for a Table Invite Script

07-02-2016, 11:20 PM
Title pretty much describes it all. I have always written scripts in SF and never really branched out to writing for Ruby. If I were to make this script in SF it would have a long list of matches for each character I wanted on the approved table list, but then I couldn't run other SF scripts or have it run perpetually in the background. Essentially the friends list is too small and it is made up of many of my alts and then the alts of a couple people I play with. I would like to move characters out of the befriend list but still have them be auto invited to my table. Ideally the script would also automatically go to a table when invited by someone on the approved list. I originally envisioned just adding names manually inside the script, but am wondering now if it could use the friends list already built into lich. If there is a script out there that already does this - excellent. I am not against trying to write this, but learning what I need by trying to reverse engineer existing scripts isn't getting me there. A push in the right direction would be great!


07-02-2016, 11:24 PM
If they're on your friend list, you auto-invite... the friend list is now like, 50 peoples~

07-02-2016, 11:41 PM
Well I guess that does it. I have been trimming my list and adding for a good while, missed the memo that it was expanded.

Thanks again

07-03-2016, 12:31 AM
There's a script on the repo called autoinvitefriends.lic that will invite people to your table from your lnet friends list.

07-03-2016, 01:07 AM
There's a script on the repo called autoinvitefriends.lic that will invite people to your table from your lnet friends list.

Nobody is friends on lnet