View Full Version : Stuff

04-06-2012, 09:15 PM
Cash or coins accepted

more items to be added
more info if needed will be added
contact me for questions

a set of buffed coppery mithril platemail 75 million
7x max lightened heavy crit padded fusion plate

an ebon leather belt loop 60 million
has a glowing black francisca in it
5x lightning flaring axe bandolier

an old faded leather jacket with patched elbows 75 million
8x HCP full leather

a fel-hafted dark kroderine waraxe removed
or if ya prefer I'd sell the kroderine warsword and scabbard set Sold!

a shiny vultite sparte 20 million Sold!
turnable blessable and unbalance flaring 5x axe
Points enchanting will enchant both sides for one sides cost

a pale silvery ruic longbow 40 million
4x heavily sighted fusion longbow

a draken hound crested mithril shield 8 million
7x medium shield

an illthorn rune staff 15 million
5x, defender, +4 mana recovery +6 spell aim bonus
will come with a 6x Illthorn shoeld as well

some heavy crimson linen robes 15 million
6x/2x TD robes

A rune etched dwarven longsword 5m
2x hcw

And since I like free Silvers
Selling a fiskills Neimanz sold me for 1 million for 7 million

04-06-2012, 10:43 PM

04-06-2012, 10:45 PM

04-06-2012, 10:47 PM
I did that just so I could pick on Neimanz, I do like the free 6m though!