View Full Version : Sheru Scripted VLA Cloak

04-19-2012, 01:52 AM
Unlike the rapture cloaks this can be removed and this is a one-of-a-kind for Sheru. Scripts go off every 15 minutes or so. Great RP device for the wicked or insane.

The scripts are seen by other people and you will get many looks questioning if you're ok or just plain nuts. Really fun item.

A mottled red and black cloak (Sheru scripts)– Holds VLA, Weighs 9.

You can turn it on and off by tapping:

- You tap your cloak. With a nearly silent sigh, it falls still.

- You tap your cloak. It ripples about you, seeming almost alive.

Random scripts:
- You tilt your head back and howl, sounding like a jackal.

- You are falling, falling, unable to find some way to stop yourself and afraid to hit the bottom. After a moment, you realize you remain on solid ground.

- The jackal head clasp on your cloak opens one eye and gives a cunning wink. Or did it?

- Your cloak ripples and undulates, despite the lack of wind.

- Your mind goes blank, and your eyes fill with darkness. All you can see is a grinning jackal as it gnaws upon something below you. With a feeling of horror, you realize it is gnawing on the foot of your own corpse! You try to scream, but cannot make a sound. After a moment you manage to blink, and the scene fades.

- Your cloak shimmers and shifts, black and red bleeding together in uneasy waves.

- Darkness overtakes your mind, filling with horrific images of carnage, blood and death. Everyone you have ever loved lies slain before you, expressions of pain and fright on their face. Your own screams bring you back to yourself.

- You run your hand over the jackal's head clasp on your cloak. The jackal opens its onyx head in a silent snarl and snaps at your fingers.

- Suddenly, all control you had over your body is lost. You feel a dark force come over your mind, and find yourself speaking in a low chant.

When the nightwind comes calling
Hope ye for the silver steed?
Or does your blood call to mine
To the howling of the breed?

Embrace the chill jackal's call
Give over your soul's delight
In madness and dreams doth bloom
The heart's strength from children's fright.

After a moment you fall silent, and the force returns control, leaving you to blink in confusion.


04-20-2012, 12:21 AM
420 bump! Had some interest but no one is biting. 420k off for this special day

04-20-2012, 10:18 PM
What, if anything, is seen from the third person view on the random scripts?

-- Faulkil

04-20-2012, 10:56 PM
All of the scripts are seen from others. For instance the one where you recite the jackal poem, that is seen entirely from others. People in the room with you when the scripts go off see everything.

04-20-2012, 11:26 PM
4.3 milllllions

04-21-2012, 02:04 AM
Here are some examples of what people in the room see when the scripts go off. They seem to go off every 5-15 minutes.

- XXXXXXXX's cloak shimmers and shifts, black and red bleeding together in uneasy waves.

- The jackal head clasp on XXXXXXXX's cloak opens one eye and gives a cunning wink. Or did it?

- XXXXXXXX suddenly stops, staring off into the distance with an expression of fright on his face. After a moment he begins screaming, then seems to return to the present, a faint sheen of sweat beading on his brow.

- XXXXXXX gets a glazed look in his eyes and stares blank-eyed outwards, announcing, "Sleep, sweet child, and fear not the clawed ones... for they will come whether you fear or not!" he cackles madly for a moment, then blinks, apparently unaware of what just passed.

04-21-2012, 07:32 PM
Cloak has been sold