11-16-2011, 09:11 PM
a boot-motif black mithril coffer:
>l coff
Panes of clear glass on either end of the coffer reveal a multitude of gears and wires within the inner workings of the box. The interior pair of compartments are lined with rich red velvet.
Has a loresong attached, essentially a piece of footwear (or a belt, or sash) is placed into the machine along with either a skin, a gem, or a buckle. The coffer will then combine the two items after a 15 second RT, then another 5 when the coffer is opened.
So far I've tested it on boots, slippers, shoes, sandals, moccasins, belts, and sashes. It should work on most anything of those types as long as they are not scripted. Below are some combinations I've tried and the results.
a wide leather belt + velnalin hide = a wide leather belt with alternating bands of velnalin hide
an amethyst silk sash + green sapphire = an amethyst silk sash dusted with green sapphire flecks
a pair of black silk slippers + an aquamarine gem = a pair of black slippers dusted with aquamarine gem flecks
some thigh-high black leather boots + pink pearl = some thigh-high black leather boots set with whorls of pink pearl chips
a wide leather belt + a polished silver abalone shell = a pair of stout leather boots set with whorls of silver abalone shell chips
a black silk sash + a kobold hide = a black silk sash braided with thin strips of kobold skin
a pair of amethyst silk slippers + kobold skin = a pair of amethyst silk slippers braided with thin strips of kobold skin
a pair of stout leather boots + an etched gold clan crest buckle = a pair of stout leather boots each clasped with an etched gold clan crest buckle
a pair of amethyst slippers + a moss-covered black willow buckle = a pair of amethyst silk slippers each clasped with a moss-covered black willow buckle
an amethyst silk sash + a moss-covered black willow buckle = an amethyst silk sash clasped with a moss-covered black willow buckle
a wide leather belt set with whorls of black opal chips
some steel-clad mining boots set with whorls of cat's-paw coral chips
some moccasins each clasped with a moss-covered black willow buckle
some old azure shoes set with tiny white opal studs
The loresong:
A pale, pearly-grey fog mists your vision, slowly clearing to reveal a view of an unfamiliar city, seen from a great height. A sense of vertigo sweeps over you as you swoop down into the city at impossible speed, flying through the narrow streets and into a tiny window near the foundation of a simple cottage. Your dream-like flight comes to a sudden halt within a cluttered workshop filled with gears, springs, and other contraptions.
Seated on a high stool at the workbench in the middle of this mechanical maelstrom is a wizened gnome, busily tinkering with a boot-motif black mithril coffer.
Even before the last notes of your song have finished, your vision clouds and clears again, returning you to the scene of the cluttered workshop. Some time seems to have passed since you last saw the wizened gnome, for now he is holding the black mithril coffer in his hands, turning it this way and that in clear pleasure with his handiwork. As he opens it, you hear a soft mechanical whirring, which increases in volume as the vision fades....
The last notes of your song twist into a mechanical whirr as your vision of the old gnome and his workshop return. The workbench is heaped with various belts and shoes to the gnome's right, and a random collection of gems, pelts and buckles to his left. The wizened craftsman hums merrily as he selects one thing from each pile, pops them into the black mithril coffer perched on the workbench before him, and closes it.
From deep within the coffer, a mechanical whirring starts up, pushing you back into your natural time and place....
Almost before you can begin your song, your vision is swept away to the tiny workshop. A moment or two only seem to have passed, for the gnome has just reached into the black mithril coffer set before him. He dances about the room in a merry, disjointed little jig, holding up a pair of moonlight grey silk slippers set with whorls of diamond chips.
You reach out towards the coffer and wake from your revelry with a jolt, as the reality of the cold surface of the coffer you are holding brings you out of your song.
The coffer rests silently in your hands.
For those who are interested, I still have all the "experiments" lying around. Winning bid gets those for free!
Feel free to ask any questions, post bids here or send me PM.
MB: 20 mil
>l coff
Panes of clear glass on either end of the coffer reveal a multitude of gears and wires within the inner workings of the box. The interior pair of compartments are lined with rich red velvet.
Has a loresong attached, essentially a piece of footwear (or a belt, or sash) is placed into the machine along with either a skin, a gem, or a buckle. The coffer will then combine the two items after a 15 second RT, then another 5 when the coffer is opened.
So far I've tested it on boots, slippers, shoes, sandals, moccasins, belts, and sashes. It should work on most anything of those types as long as they are not scripted. Below are some combinations I've tried and the results.
a wide leather belt + velnalin hide = a wide leather belt with alternating bands of velnalin hide
an amethyst silk sash + green sapphire = an amethyst silk sash dusted with green sapphire flecks
a pair of black silk slippers + an aquamarine gem = a pair of black slippers dusted with aquamarine gem flecks
some thigh-high black leather boots + pink pearl = some thigh-high black leather boots set with whorls of pink pearl chips
a wide leather belt + a polished silver abalone shell = a pair of stout leather boots set with whorls of silver abalone shell chips
a black silk sash + a kobold hide = a black silk sash braided with thin strips of kobold skin
a pair of amethyst silk slippers + kobold skin = a pair of amethyst silk slippers braided with thin strips of kobold skin
a pair of stout leather boots + an etched gold clan crest buckle = a pair of stout leather boots each clasped with an etched gold clan crest buckle
a pair of amethyst slippers + a moss-covered black willow buckle = a pair of amethyst silk slippers each clasped with a moss-covered black willow buckle
an amethyst silk sash + a moss-covered black willow buckle = an amethyst silk sash clasped with a moss-covered black willow buckle
a wide leather belt set with whorls of black opal chips
some steel-clad mining boots set with whorls of cat's-paw coral chips
some moccasins each clasped with a moss-covered black willow buckle
some old azure shoes set with tiny white opal studs
The loresong:
A pale, pearly-grey fog mists your vision, slowly clearing to reveal a view of an unfamiliar city, seen from a great height. A sense of vertigo sweeps over you as you swoop down into the city at impossible speed, flying through the narrow streets and into a tiny window near the foundation of a simple cottage. Your dream-like flight comes to a sudden halt within a cluttered workshop filled with gears, springs, and other contraptions.
Seated on a high stool at the workbench in the middle of this mechanical maelstrom is a wizened gnome, busily tinkering with a boot-motif black mithril coffer.
Even before the last notes of your song have finished, your vision clouds and clears again, returning you to the scene of the cluttered workshop. Some time seems to have passed since you last saw the wizened gnome, for now he is holding the black mithril coffer in his hands, turning it this way and that in clear pleasure with his handiwork. As he opens it, you hear a soft mechanical whirring, which increases in volume as the vision fades....
The last notes of your song twist into a mechanical whirr as your vision of the old gnome and his workshop return. The workbench is heaped with various belts and shoes to the gnome's right, and a random collection of gems, pelts and buckles to his left. The wizened craftsman hums merrily as he selects one thing from each pile, pops them into the black mithril coffer perched on the workbench before him, and closes it.
From deep within the coffer, a mechanical whirring starts up, pushing you back into your natural time and place....
Almost before you can begin your song, your vision is swept away to the tiny workshop. A moment or two only seem to have passed, for the gnome has just reached into the black mithril coffer set before him. He dances about the room in a merry, disjointed little jig, holding up a pair of moonlight grey silk slippers set with whorls of diamond chips.
You reach out towards the coffer and wake from your revelry with a jolt, as the reality of the cold surface of the coffer you are holding brings you out of your song.
The coffer rests silently in your hands.
For those who are interested, I still have all the "experiments" lying around. Winning bid gets those for free!
Feel free to ask any questions, post bids here or send me PM.
MB: 20 mil