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04-18-2019, 12:51 PM
People over at CNN are already pulling out the "But...but Trump was ANGRY during the investigation! This proves guilt!"

The same line they used against Kavanaugh.

04-18-2019, 01:41 PM
Anyone post the link yet?

Searchable version:

04-18-2019, 01:43 PM
Anyone post the link yet?

Searchable version:

Get your Republican propaganda away from me.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-18-2019, 01:49 PM
Get your Republican propaganda away from me.

I wish I had the technical prowess to hack that site, and replace it with a bunch of stuff designed to trigger everyone on both sides. Things like, he clearly colluded, but no real evidence, but we have real evidence of collusion with Clinton. Just to make heads explode.

04-18-2019, 01:50 PM
I wish I had the technical prowess to hack that site, and replace it with a bunch of stuff designed to trigger everyone on both sides. Things like, he clearly colluded, but no real evidence, but we have real evidence of collusion with Clinton. Just to make heads explode.

I'd replace it with softcore amish cosplay porn.

04-18-2019, 01:52 PM
I wish I had the technical prowess to hack that site, and replace it with a bunch of stuff designed to trigger everyone on both sides. Things like, he clearly colluded, but no real evidence, but we have real evidence of collusion with Clinton. Just to make heads explode.

Well, in Clinton's defense, there's plenty of evidence that he colluded with Monica Lewinsky. She didn't inhale, though.

Let us all have a moment of silence in thanks for the fact that in 1992, the nation stopped to fixate on a dress stained with semen, and now we have 500 variants of CSI and NCIS where all the things are covered in semen. Dresses don't have semen on them anymore, like in the good old days. Now the internet just argues for a few days about what color they are.

04-18-2019, 01:54 PM
Get your Republican propaganda away from me.

It's happening.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-18-2019, 02:30 PM
Nadler is about to speak.

My prognostications:

Everything else doesn't matter. Focus will be on obstruction and underlying materials to look for dirt. All of this, will result in nothing.

Other predictions:
Barr skewed the results, and is a Russian agent
We need to subpoena Mueller, who is a Russian agent
Rosenstein is an agent, for Russia

Shit and Swallow will cry.

04-18-2019, 02:33 PM
Any cooincidence that Assange was recently nabbed from the embassy in London?

Things that make you go, hmm.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-18-2019, 04:47 PM
Any cooincidence that Assange was recently nabbed from the embassy in London?

Things that make you go, hmm.

That's retarded. Ecuador told us he was getting booted 10 days ago.

In today's news, it's clear to me Trump is very lucky to have a group of strong willed people around him. Otherwise, he WOULD have obstructed.

Still didn't, though.

04-18-2019, 05:05 PM

This is correct.

04-18-2019, 05:08 PM
That's retarded. Ecuador told us he was getting booted 10 days ago.

In today's news, it's clear to me Trump is very lucky to have a group of strong willed people around him. Otherwise, he WOULD have obstructed.

Still didn't, though.

Mueller said they couldn't exonerate Trump on obstruction.

04-18-2019, 05:11 PM
Also, 14 cases referred for criminality, 12 which are still ongoing. Mueller also made the case for prosecuting Trumo Trump when he's out of office.

04-18-2019, 05:13 PM
Also, 14 cases referred for criminality, 12 which are still ongoing. Mueller also made the case for prosecuting Trumo Trump when he's out of office.

I feel bad for Trumo Trump.

04-18-2019, 05:14 PM
Also, 14 cases referred for criminality, 12 which are still ongoing. Mueller also made the case for prosecuting Trumo Trump when he's out of office.

Shut up loser go get a job already.

04-18-2019, 05:15 PM
Well, in Clinton's defense, there's plenty of evidence that he colluded with Monica Lewinsky. She didn't inhale, though.

Let us all have a moment of silence in thanks for the fact that in 1992, the nation stopped to fixate on a dress stained with semen, and now we have 500 variants of CSI and NCIS where all the things are covered in semen. Dresses don't have semen on them anymore, like in the good old days. Now the internet just argues for a few days about what color they are.

1992? You might wanna give that another shot.

04-18-2019, 05:17 PM
1992? You might wanna give that another shot.

I refuse to google even ONE thing. 199...1? Also I think it was that Flowers lady with the dress, not Lewinsky. 1990?

04-18-2019, 05:18 PM
I refuse to google even ONE thing. 199...1? Also I think it was that Flowers lady with the dress, not Lewinsky. 1990?

Clinton wasn't even President in any of the years you've listed.

04-18-2019, 05:19 PM
Clinton wasn't even President in any of the years you've listed.

I thought Bush Sr. ended in 88....nevermind, Reagan ended in 88. I was 5. Okay so it was like 94/95 then, the Clinton thing. ....maybe 98...

I would remember this way better if the whole scandal had been backed by Ace of Base or Soundgarden. Or in the case of 98, Backstreet Boys or N'sync. It couldn't have been TOO deep into the 90s, because by the early 2000s, Monica Lewinsky was doing MTV specials with Tom Green where they ding dong ditched houses in Canada. Seriously. That happened once.

04-18-2019, 05:22 PM
I thought Bush Sr. ended in 88....nevermind, Reagan ended in 88. I was 5. Okay so it was like 94/95 then, the Clinton thing. ....maybe 98...

I would remember this way better if the whole scandal had been backed by Ace of Base or Soundgarden. Or in the case of 98, Backstreet Boys or N'sync.

The "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" speech was in 1998. He was impeached in December 1998.

04-18-2019, 05:24 PM
The "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" speech was in 1998. He was impeached in December 1998.

Well if it had been done to a soundtrack of Quit Playing Games With My Heart on repeat I'd have remembered that.

Anyway, I was in the right decade at least, so it counts.

04-18-2019, 05:25 PM
Well if it had been done to a soundtrack of Quit Playing Games With My Heart on repeat I'd have remembered that.

Anyway, I was in the right decade at least, so it counts.

No, it doesn't count. You are wrong and you should feel bad.

04-18-2019, 05:27 PM
No, it doesn't count. You are wrong and you should feel bad.

I do feel bad. Someday I wanna be president so interns will blow me. Those are independent statements. I just felt it was important to note.

04-18-2019, 05:30 PM
I take everything back! I don't feel bad and I was right after all! Gennifer Flowers was 1992 (During Clinton's presidential run)! Retroactively and accidentally correct is the best kind of correct!


....crap, it was Lewinsky with the dress after all.

This is why nobody should ever google anything.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-18-2019, 06:25 PM
Mueller said they couldn't exonerate Trump on obstruction.

Probably because he tried too, and no one did what he asked.

04-18-2019, 06:35 PM
Also, 14 cases referred for criminality, 12 which are still ongoing. Mueller also made the case for prosecuting Trumo Trump when he's out of office.

Androidpk2019: I will accept the results of the Mueller report

Barr releases summary

Androidpk2019: I will accept the results of the Mueller report when it's released

Barr releases Mueller report (which says the same thing as his summary)

Androidpk2019: I will accept the results of the Mueller report when it's FULLY released (knowing it will never be fully unredacted..)

Shocking. Really.

Everyone really thought you would be a stand up guy.


04-18-2019, 06:38 PM
Androidpk now going for the "He only got away because he's president! He'll be in prison as soon as he's out of office!" argument now?

I swear, literally every time I think "No way Androidpk can sink any lower than this" he somehow manages to surprise me. How is that even possible? How does someone somehow earn less respect when their respect level was already in the negative to begin with? It's like one of those paradoxes where it turns out you are somehow your own grandfather.

04-18-2019, 07:03 PM
It's like one of those paradoxes where it turns out you are somehow your own grandfather.

Don't give him any ideas.

04-18-2019, 07:07 PM
Don't give him any ideas.

I'm just wondering how he got someone pregnant to begin with. He must have been crying the whole time what with her making noises during sex. Or he was wearing noise canceling headphones the entire time.

04-18-2019, 11:09 PM
I'm just wondering how he got someone pregnant to begin with. He must have been crying the whole time what with her making noises during sex. Or he was wearing noise canceling headphones the entire time.

No noise made if she's unconscious.

04-19-2019, 07:08 AM
Probably because he tried too, and no one did what he asked.

No, because Mueller followed the DOJ memo that a sitting POTUS cannot be indicted.


04-19-2019, 07:24 AM
Androidpk now going for the "He only got away because he's president! He'll be in prison as soon as he's out of office!" argument now?

I swear, literally every time I think "No way Androidpk can sink any lower than this" he somehow manages to surprise me. How is that even possible? How does someone somehow earn less respect when their respect level was already in the negative to begin with? It's like one of those paradoxes where it turns out you are somehow your own grandfather.

oh no, the black hating, gay bashing, neo nazi doesn't respect me... Whatever will I do now?!?I

Meanwhile tgo still crying himself to sleep every night since Jussie Smollett was exonerated :lol:

04-19-2019, 07:54 AM
oh no, the black hating, gay bashing, neo nazi doesn't respect me... Whatever will I do now?!?I

Zero. Self. Awareness.
Meanwhile tgo still crying himself to sleep every night since Jussie Smollett was exonerated :lol:

You are the only person on the planet, besides maybe Smollett himself, that believes that.

I know, in your head, you believe that triggers people.. but they are actually disbelieving someone can be that fucking stupid.

04-19-2019, 11:38 AM
Androidpk2019: I will accept the results of the Mueller report

Barr releases summary

Androidpk2019: I will accept the results of the Mueller report when it's released

Barr releases Mueller report (which says the same thing as his summary)

Androidpk2019: I will accept the results of the Mueller report when it's FULLY released (knowing it will never be fully unredacted..)

Shocking. Really.

Everyone really thought you would be a stand up guy.


Androidpk is so angry. I figured reading some posts from PB would cheer him up.

04-19-2019, 11:42 AM
oh no, the black hating, gay bashing, neo nazi doesn't respect me... Whatever will I do now?!?I

Meanwhile tgo still crying himself to sleep every night since Jussie Smollett was exonerated :lol:

Everyone here knows you're a retarded retard. It's extremely sad that you continue to post here knowing that. And hilarious.

04-19-2019, 11:50 AM
I like that one of T4Fs last posts here was calling Pk stupid.

04-19-2019, 12:16 PM
I like that one of T4Fs last posts here was calling Pk stupid.

And then Androidpk proceeded to downplay it then pretend like she never did. That dude must love the anal violation he gets on a nightly basis.

04-19-2019, 12:30 PM
And then Androidpk proceeded to downplay it then pretend like she never did. That dude must love the anal violation he gets on a nightly basis.

He likes the free couch he gets to live on.

04-19-2019, 05:11 PM
And then Androidpk proceeded to downplay it then pretend like she never did. That dude must love the anal violation he gets on a nightly basis.

You need some serious psychological counseling dude. :lol:

04-19-2019, 05:14 PM
I like that one of T4Fs last posts here was calling Pk stupid.

It was more along the lines that she thought me and tgo both had shitty reading comprehension.

04-20-2019, 09:04 AM
I thought Bush Sr. ended in 88....nevermind, Reagan ended in 88. I was 5. Okay so it was like 94/95 then, the Clinton thing. ....maybe 98...

I would remember this way better if the whole scandal had been backed by Ace of Base or Soundgarden. Or in the case of 98, Backstreet Boys or N'sync. It couldn't have been TOO deep into the 90s, because by the early 2000s, Monica Lewinsky was doing MTV specials with Tom Green where they ding dong ditched houses in Canada. Seriously. That happened once.


04-20-2019, 09:07 AM
I like that one of T4Fs last posts here was calling Pk stupid.

It was more along the lines that she thought me and tgo both had shitty reading comprehension.


And then Androidpk proceeded to downplay it then pretend like she never did.

04-20-2019, 09:09 AM
Androidpk is so angry. I figured reading some posts from PB would cheer him up.



04-20-2019, 09:11 AM
It was more along the lines that she thought me and tgo both had shitty reading comprehension.

People with shitty reading comprehension are typically pretty stupid.

Like you. You're pretty stupid. And you think it's cool.

04-21-2019, 04:01 AM
Try this for "reading comprehension" there PK, CNN actually READ the Mueller report (We know you never have because of the shit coming out your mouth) and it turns out that Obama KNEW it was going on and did, lemme check here, oh NOTHING about it.

So yes, Trump was not a Russian agent no matter how much that chaps your ass, but Obama apparently knew about the meddling as far back as 2014 and let it happen. So who's to blame for it, oh I guess that would be the Dems. Moron.


04-21-2019, 09:42 AM
Try this for "reading comprehension" there PK, CNN actually READ the Mueller report (We know you never have because of the shit coming out your mouth) and it turns out that Obama KNEW it was going on and did, lemme check here, oh NOTHING about it.

So yes, Trump was not a Russian agent no matter how much that chaps your ass, but Obama apparently knew about the meddling as far back as 2014 and let it happen. So who's to blame for it, oh I guess that would be the Dems. Moron.


"There's no way we could possibly know this until the FULLY UNREDACTED report is released to the public. Until then:

1) Trump is a Russian agent.

2) Collusion was already proven in court multiple times.

C) Trump needs to be impeached."

04-21-2019, 09:48 AM
"There's no way we could possibly know this until the FULLY UNREDACTED report is released to the public. Until then:

1) Trump is a Russian agent.

2) Collusion was already proven in court multiple times.

C) Trump needs to be impeached."

“I will accept the results of the Mueller investigation.” -also pk

04-21-2019, 10:54 AM
“I will accept the results of the Mueller investigation.” -also pk

In his defense, almost 10% is redacted. It might be saying "TRUMP IS A RUSSIAN AGENT" behind all those black lines. YOU DON'T KNOW!

04-23-2019, 12:18 PM
At 2:59am today, Trump tweeted his anger against Paul Krugman..


What did Krugman do to deserve the attention of the President? The President did not give a detailed list of all the things that Krugman has done, but the latest is this article from yesterday in the New York Times..

So all the “fake news” was true. A hostile foreign power intervened in the presidential election, hoping to install Donald Trump in the White House. The Trump campaign was aware of this intervention and welcomed it. And once in power, Trump tried to block any inquiry into what happened.

Never mind attempts to spin this story as somehow not meeting some definitions of collusion or obstruction of justice. The fact is that the occupant of the White House betrayed his country. And the question everyone is asking is, what will Democrats do about it?

But notice that the question is only about Democrats. Everyone (correctly) takes it as a given that Republicans will do nothing. Why?

More... (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/22/opinion/trump-republican-party.html)

04-23-2019, 12:20 PM
At 2:59am today, Trump tweeted his anger against Paul Krugman..


What did Krugman do to deserve the attention of the President? The President did not give a detailed list of all the things that Krugman has done, but the latest is this article from yesterday in the New York Times..

stfu Ososis.

04-23-2019, 12:50 PM
At 2:59am today, Trump tweeted his anger against Paul Krugman..


What did Krugman do to deserve the attention of the President? The President did not give a detailed list of all the things that Krugman has done, but the latest is this article from yesterday in the New York Times..

Is Krugman referring to the Russians that were hired by fusion GPS? (This sounds like collusion)

Why does Krugman give a pass to the Obama administration for doing nothing about the Russians? (This sounds like Obama knew Hillary was colluding with the Russians)


04-23-2019, 01:09 PM
At 2:59am today, Trump tweeted his anger against Paul Krugman..


What did Krugman do to deserve the attention of the President? The President did not give a detailed list of all the things that Krugman has done, but the latest is this article from yesterday in the New York Times..

shutup maclyder

04-23-2019, 01:10 PM
At 2:59am today, Trump tweeted his anger against Paul Krugman..


What did Krugman do to deserve the attention of the President? The President did not give a detailed list of all the things that Krugman has done, but the latest is this article from yesterday in the New York Times..


04-23-2019, 01:13 PM

Why do you continue to side with the political party that paid Russian assets to infiltrate an American political campaign?

04-23-2019, 01:45 PM
Why do you continue to side with the political party that paid Russian assets to infiltrate an American political campaign?

I know you are a confused individual but what conspiracy are you pushing now?

04-23-2019, 02:13 PM
I know you are a confused individual but what conspiracy are you pushing now?

The only conspiracy is the one the Democrats have tried selling for the past 3 years.

We get it Back, you hate christians so much that you will take sides with the Russians and the Muslim extremists.

04-23-2019, 02:39 PM
The only conspiracy is the one the Democrats have tried selling for the past 3 years.

You mean the recent investigation that conclusively found Russian meddling in our elections?

We get it Back, you hate christians so much that you will take sides with the Russians and the Muslim extremists.

Only the Christians who mean harm to me, my family, my friends, and our peaceful way of life. The only side I am on is peace and progress.

04-23-2019, 02:43 PM
You mean the recent investigation that conclusively found Russian meddling in our elections?

No, the Russians that Clinton hired (fusion GPS) to set up a meeting with the Trump campaign.

What Christians mean harm to you and yours? I mean we know that you and your ilk want to murder every child before they reach 12 months of age.

04-23-2019, 03:45 PM
No, the Russians that Clinton hired (fusion GPS) to set up a meeting with the Trump campaign.

What Christians mean harm to you and yours? I mean we know that you and your ilk want to murder every child before they reach 12 months of age.

The ones who like to wear hoods and burn crosses on people's lawns, or otherwise want America to be a pure white nation.

04-23-2019, 03:47 PM
The ones who like to wear hoods and burn crosses on people's lawns, or otherwise want America to be a pure white nation.

What about Muslims who want to kill all non-Muslims and love murdering peaceful Christians for fun? They your enemy too?

04-23-2019, 03:53 PM
What about Muslims who want to kill all non-Muslims and love murdering peaceful Christians for fun? They your enemy too?

What do you think? Of course. I can't believe I have to spell that out for you. You get way to hung up on finding some false equivalence with everything that it distorts your perception of reality.

04-23-2019, 04:08 PM
I mean we know that you and your ilk want to murder every child before they reach 12 months of age.

Thats an interesting way of saying I think the woman should have a choice of what happens to her own body.

04-23-2019, 04:46 PM
You mean the recent investigation that conclusively found Russian meddling in our elections?

That was never a conspiracy. The conspiracy was that the Trump administration was colluding with Russia.

Russia meddling in our elections was supposed to be stopped in it's track when President Obama said "Stop it".

Weird how that didn't happen though...


Only the Christians who mean harm to me, my family, my friends, and our peaceful way of life. The only side I am on is peace and progress.

Which Christians would those be specifically?

04-23-2019, 04:47 PM
The ones who like to wear hoods and burn crosses on people's lawns, or otherwise want America to be a pure white nation.

You mean Democrat KKK members? I didn't know they terrorize hipster retards.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-23-2019, 04:49 PM
The ones who like to wear hoods and burn crosses on people's lawns, or otherwise want America to be a pure white nation.

How many of those do you think there are, in the US? Couldn't really get PK to answer that one, so since you think it's a big deal... how big is it?

04-23-2019, 05:02 PM
How many of those do you think there are, in the US? Couldn't really get PK to answer that one, so since you think it's a big deal... how big is it?

Since I think its a big deal. You disagree? You don't think there is a white nationalist movement in this country? Or anywhere in the world?

04-23-2019, 05:15 PM
Since I think its a big deal. You disagree? You don't think there is a white nationalist movement in this country? Or anywhere in the world?

I feel like if people were wearing hoods and burning crosses it would be in the news.

04-23-2019, 05:16 PM
What do you think? Of course. I can't believe I have to spell that out for you. You get way to hung up on finding some false equivalence with everything that it distorts your perception of reality.

I want to hear you say it! SAY RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM!!!11

04-23-2019, 05:18 PM
I feel like if people were wearing hoods and burning crosses it would be in the news.

You have to use your imagination. Catholic teenage boys wearing red hats and smiling is literally the same thing as wearing white hoods and burning crosses in people's yards.

04-23-2019, 05:19 PM
I feel like if people were wearing hoods and burning crosses it would be in the news.

Nowadays, in Charleston, they march with patio tiki torches or infiltrate a church and murder everyone while they are praying.

04-23-2019, 05:22 PM
Nowadays, in Charleston, they march with patio tiki torches or infiltrate a church and murder everyone while they are praying.

Pretty amazing watching Back equate Christians with white supremacists without even taking a breath.

And yet he still can't say radical Islamic terrorism is bad and is a threat to our society.

04-23-2019, 05:29 PM
Pretty amazing watching Back equate Christians with white supremacists without even taking a breath.

And yet he still can't say radical Islamic terrorism is bad and is a threat to our society.

Not surprised you can't follow a thread.

Extremists of any kind, who threaten peace and progress, are a threat to society.

I expect you will twist that around to mean something else.

04-23-2019, 05:33 PM
Not surprised you can't follow a thread.

Extremists of any kind, who threaten peace and progress, are a threat to society.

I expect you will twist that around to mean something else.

Sure I can follow a thread. You were asked which Christians are a threat to you, you replied with the ones who wear hoods and burn crosses, Richardcranium said if that shit was happening regularly it would be in the news, you then mentioned examples of violent white supremacists. You went from Christians -> murderous white supremacists.

And yet you STILL won't say radical Islamic terrorism is bad and is a threat to our society. You're like the Obama without the stutter.

04-23-2019, 05:39 PM
Sure I can follow a thread. You were asked which Christians are a threat to you, you replied with the ones who wear hoods and burn crosses, Richardcranium said if that shit was happening regularly it would be in the news, you then mentioned examples of violent white supremacists. You went from Christians -> murderous white supremacists.

And yet you STILL won't say radical Islamic terrorism is bad and is a threat to our society. You're like the Obama without the stutter.

When have you ever seen a Muslim white supremacist? Did I say all Christians are white supremacists?

The Christians who are a direct threat to me, my family, and friends, are the white supremacist kind.

As I said before... Extremists of any kind, who threaten peace and progress, are a threat to society.

Islamic terrorists are a threat to our society. White supremacists are a threat to our society. Any group that utilizes terror is a threat to our society.

04-23-2019, 05:43 PM
When have you ever seen a Muslim white supremacist? Did I say all Christians are white supremacists?

Why are you just assuming those white supremacists were Christians, or that their actions had anything at all to do with their Christian faith? You're really reaching here, brosky.

04-23-2019, 06:03 PM
Why are you just assuming those white supremacists were Christians, or that their actions had anything at all to do with their Christian faith? You're really reaching here, brosky.

I'll pull back a bit and say yeah, I don't know what everyone's faith was at the Charleston rally.

But the KKK is a recognized Christian organization.

04-23-2019, 06:08 PM
But the KKK is a recognized Christian organization.

That's dumb. Can you name some Christians who are like "Hey them KKK, they sure do represent our beliefs!"

Because I can find dozens of examples of prominent Muslims who are perfectly okay with terrorism. Shit Ilhan Omar thinks we're too mean to convicted terrorists and asked Trump to do more to free a Muslim Brotherhood leader in Egypt.

04-23-2019, 06:16 PM
The ones who like to wear hoods and burn crosses on people's lawns, or otherwise want America to be a pure white nation.

It's weird that I have yet to meet a KKK member in my 50 years on this planet, yet every Democrat I meet supports murdering the most innocent of humans.

04-23-2019, 06:27 PM
I want to hear you say it! SAY RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM!!!11


Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-23-2019, 07:46 PM
Since I think its a big deal. You disagree? You don't think there is a white nationalist movement in this country? Or anywhere in the world?

Well how many, since you think it's a big deal, is it? Round to thousands if you want. How many would you say there are, in the US.

04-23-2019, 08:24 PM
Well how many, since you think it's a big deal, is it? Round to thousands if you want. How many would you say there are, in the US.

Its difficult to determine when the cowards won't come out and say who they are. The KKK wears/wore masks to hide their identity. There is more than 1 and thats too many.

I don't know if you heard but there was a big Unite the Right march in Charlottssville in 2017 where a peaceful protester was killed by a white supremacist.

Its a big deal.

04-23-2019, 08:26 PM
Its difficult to determine when the cowards won't come out and say who they are.

They are so cowardly they won't admit they are white supremacists, but they are totally dangerous and are going to destroy this country.

Yes, violent white supremacists are dangerous, but I don't think it's a "growing threat" like the left suggests it is. If anything the number is probably shrinking every year, assuming you only count actual violent white supremacists and don't count everyone the media and the SPLC lumps in with white supremacists because of their agenda.

04-23-2019, 08:35 PM
Its difficult to determine when the cowards won't come out and say who they are. The KKK wears/wore masks to hide their identity. There is more than 1 and thats too many.

I don't know if you heard but there was a big Unite the Right march in Charlottssville in 2017 where a peaceful protester was killed by a white supremacist.

Its a big deal.

A black person has a greater chance of being murdered in the womb than the probability of ever even passing a KKK member on the sidewalk. Why do you support murdering black children?

Probably because you're a closet racist.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-23-2019, 08:50 PM
Its difficult to determine when the cowards won't come out and say who they are. The KKK wears/wore masks to hide their identity. There is more than 1 and thats too many.

I don't know if you heard but there was a big Unite the Right march in Charlottssville in 2017 where a peaceful protester was killed by a white supremacist.

Its a big deal.

You can't even quantify how many? I figured with this imminent take over by white supremacists you'd have an idea how many there are. Ok, instead of rounding to thousands, just give me a ratio. Like, 1 in 100? In 2010, "Non-Hispanic whites totaled about 197,285,202" per the US census. So what ratio of them do you think are white supremacists?

04-23-2019, 09:15 PM
But the KKK is a recognized Christian organization.


It was literally a Democrat organization.. but we don't want to talk about that, do we...

04-23-2019, 09:16 PM
Its difficult to determine when the cowards won't come out and say who they are. The KKK wears/wore masks to hide their identity. There is more than 1 and thats too many.

I don't know if you heard but there was a big Unite the Right march in Charlottssville in 2017 where a peaceful protester was killed by a white supremacist.

Its a big deal.

I agree... though I don't remember you complaining about Antifa members being cowards and wearing masks to hide their identity... I do wonder why that is?

04-23-2019, 09:17 PM
You can't even quantify how many? I figured with this imminent take over by white supremacists you'd have an idea how many there are. Ok, instead of rounding to thousands, just give me a ratio. Like, 1 in 100? In 2010, "Non-Hispanic whites totaled about 197,285,202" per the US census. So what ratio of them do you think are white supremacists?

All whites are racist.


04-24-2019, 09:25 AM
Only the Christians who mean harm to me, my family, my friends, and our peaceful way of life.

Who are these Christians, specifically?

The only side I am on is peace and progress.

That would be fantastic if you had any clue what either of those things were.

04-24-2019, 09:27 AM
Thats an interesting way of saying I think the woman should have a choice of what happens to her own body.

And by "her own body" you mean the baby's body that the woman and some dude put there, which isn't actually the woman's body.

04-24-2019, 09:47 AM
Not surprised you can't follow a thread.

Extremists of any kind, who threaten peace and progress, are a threat to society.

I expect you will twist that around to mean something else.

Your extreme stupidity threatens peace and progress.

Stop being a terrorist.

Reported to the Easter Worshipper police.

https://scontent.fbtr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/58375878_2380915292126372_7002516603543748608_n.jp g?_nc_cat=104&_nc_ht=scontent.fbtr1-1.fna&oh=38195b152c3e53265c241f36df12c0dc&oe=5D304337

04-24-2019, 09:54 AM
Its difficult to determine when the cowards won't come out and say who they are. The KKK wears/wore masks to hide their identity. There is more than 1 and thats too many.

Golly, sounds just like your buddies in Antifa.

04-24-2019, 09:29 PM
You can't even quantify how many? I figured with this imminent take over by white supremacists you'd have an idea how many there are. Ok, instead of rounding to thousands, just give me a ratio. Like, 1 in 100? In 2010, "Non-Hispanic whites totaled about 197,285,202" per the US census. So what ratio of them do you think are white supremacists?

No, I can't. Why should I? Why should I know who is and who isn't? Especially when they don't come out and say who they are? And who said imminent take over? This bullshit has been on the rise since Trumps election. You know it. Everyone knows it. Don't dance around with semantics to try to downplay it.

I saw the Unite the Right march and the car drive into that crowd. These people are real and they are here. These white supremacist assholes are a threat to me, my family, and our way of life. Fuck them.

04-24-2019, 09:31 PM
Golly, sounds just like your buddies in Antifa.

Mexican wrestlers also wear masks. What about them?

04-24-2019, 09:41 PM
Mexican wrestlers also wear masks. What about them?

They are terrorists too.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-24-2019, 10:26 PM
No, I can't. Why should I? Why should I know who is and who isn't? Especially when they don't come out and say who they are? And who said imminent take over? This bullshit has been on the rise since Trumps election. You know it. Everyone knows it. Don't dance around with semantics to try to downplay it.

I saw the Unite the Right march and the car drive into that crowd. These people are real and they are here. These white supremacist assholes are a threat to me, my family, and our way of life. Fuck them.

Again, I wonder why I even attempt rational discussion with you.

Obama was more divisive to this country than Trump ever could be. Trump is a direct response to that divisiveness. Because you know what Trump is, while Obama hid behind being an eloquent speaker. You know it. Everyone knows it. Don't dance around semantics to try and downplay it.

You are so fucking triggered, you are a threat to me, my family and normal people everywhere. Fuck you. Seriously, no homo, drop the bong and get some testosterone shots.

04-24-2019, 10:27 PM
No, I can't. Why should I? Why should I know who is and who isn't? Especially when they don't come out and say who they are? And who said imminent take over? This bullshit has been on the rise since Trumps election. You know it. Everyone knows it. Don't dance around with semantics to try to downplay it.

I saw the Unite the Right march and the car drive into that crowd. These people are real and they are here. These white supremacist assholes are a threat to me, my family, and our way of life. Fuck them.

I'd say it's been reported on more since Trump's election but I'm not so sure about it being on the rise much.

04-25-2019, 01:19 AM
No, I can't. Why should I? Why should I know who is and who isn't? Especially when they don't come out and say who they are? And who said imminent take over? This bullshit has been on the rise since Trumps election. You know it. Everyone knows it. Don't dance around with semantics to try to downplay it.

I saw the Unite the Right march and the car drive into that crowd. These people are real and they are here. These white supremacist assholes are a threat to me, my family, and our way of life. Fuck them.


What happened on the streets of Washington on this day, when there is supposed to be a peaceful transfer of power, is why I don't care about Charlottesville. The thought that nobody was going to end up getting killed after how the left has acted over the past 12 years is an ignorant thought. I'm actually shocked that more people have not been killed. Hell, if not for a leftist being a terrible shot, a large number of Republican leaders would be dead now. One of them being a promising future presidential candidate.

.........I just can't anymore. You're by far the dumbest fucking person on the PC, possibly the internet. I feel ashamed for even replying now.

04-25-2019, 08:32 AM
I just can't anymore. You're by far the dumbest fucking person on the PC, possibly the internet. I feel ashamed for even replying now.

You better give our champion a little more R-E-S-P-E-C-T than that.

04-25-2019, 09:19 AM
No, I can't. Why should I? Why should I know who is and who isn't? Especially when they don't come out and say who they are? And who said imminent take over? This bullshit has been on the rise since Trumps election. You know it. Everyone knows it. Don't dance around with semantics to try to downplay it.

I saw the Unite the Right march and the car drive into that crowd. These people are real and they are here. These white supremacist assholes are a threat to me, my family, and our way of life. Fuck them.

Back: White supremacists exist. I don't know how many of them exist because reasons, but it's still a HUGE epidemic that's rapidly growing because one asshole ran someone over a few years ago!!!!!!

Mexican wrestlers also wear masks. What about them?

Wrong. Luchadors wear masks. Not all Mexican wrestlers are Luchadors. Only racists believe that.


04-25-2019, 09:23 AM
Back: White supremacists exist. I don't know how many of them exist because reasons, but it's still a HUGE epidemic that's rapidly growing because one asshole ran someone over a few years ago!!!!!!

Wrong. Luchadors wear masks. Not all Mexican wrestlers are Luchadors. Only racists believe that.


Mexican isn't a race.

04-25-2019, 09:29 AM
Mexican isn't a race.

(Insert long winded explanation of post-pleistocene migration patterns to South America and subsequent muddling of racial features by Iberian influences here. Assume it's exceptionally compelling.)

04-25-2019, 09:31 AM
Mexican isn't a race.

Doesn't matter, CNN said talking about Mexicans is racist therefore it's racist. Just like proper grammar and being polite. All racist.

04-25-2019, 09:48 AM
(Insert long winded garbage that I ignore immediately.)


04-25-2019, 10:13 AM

He ignores his own post immediately?

04-25-2019, 10:16 AM
He ignores his own post immediately?

Wouldn't you?

04-25-2019, 10:18 AM

Hey I already skipped the three paragraph rant and cut it down to two sentences for you. Cutting it down further would've been beyond my capability. Here's my final word on Mexican as a race. I'll tell you what I tell Ariond.

Be a Mexican, not a Mexican't.

04-25-2019, 10:32 AM
Hey I already skipped the three paragraph rant and cut it down to two sentences for you. Cutting it down further would've been beyond my capability. Here's my final word on Mexican as a race. I'll tell you what I tell Ariond.

Be a Mexican, not a Mexican't.

Posting nothing is a pretty good way to cut it down further.

04-25-2019, 08:38 PM


04-26-2019, 08:40 AM


04-27-2019, 07:04 PM
Again, I wonder why I even attempt rational discussion with you.

Obama was more divisive to this country than Trump ever could be. Trump is a direct response to that divisiveness. Because you know what Trump is, while Obama hid behind being an eloquent speaker. You know it. Everyone knows it. Don't dance around semantics to try and downplay it.

You are so fucking triggered, you are a threat to me, my family and normal people everywhere. Fuck you. Seriously, no homo, drop the bong and get some testosterone shots.


What happened on the streets of Washington on this day, when there is supposed to be a peaceful transfer of power, is why I don't care about Charlottesville. The thought that nobody was going to end up getting killed after how the left has acted over the past 12 years is an ignorant thought. I'm actually shocked that more people have not been killed. Hell, if not for a leftist being a terrible shot, a large number of Republican leaders would be dead now. One of them being a promising future presidential candidate.

.........I just can't anymore. You're by far the dumbest fucking person on the PC, possibly the internet. I feel ashamed for even replying now.

Your responses tell the whole story. Most people agree that white supremacists can go fuck themselves. Its literally what they want anyway.

But not you guys.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-27-2019, 08:22 PM
Your responses tell the whole story. Most people agree that white supremacists can go fuck themselves. Its literally what they want anyway.

But not you guys.

What, that we think you are probably the dumbest person on these boards? One person says it, ok... maybe they don't like you. Two people... well maybe they don't like you. But everyone?

It's not us, it's you.

04-27-2019, 10:45 PM
Your responses tell the whole story. Most people agree that white supremacists can go fuck themselves. Its literally what they want anyway.

But not you guys.

"If you don't agree with me, then you are siding with white supremacists and are one..."

Your "logic" is really, really retarded.

04-28-2019, 11:59 AM
What, that we think you are probably the dumbest person on these boards? One person says it, ok... maybe they don't like you. Two people... well maybe they don't like you. But everyone?

It's not us, it's you.

This post wins the Most Correct Post of the Week award.

04-28-2019, 03:28 PM
I'm too lazy to go back and quote Back but the biggest threat to peace and progress is stupid people.

04-28-2019, 03:42 PM
I'm too lazy to go back and quote Back but the biggest threat to peace and progress is stupid people.

I used to think the term useful idiot was a dumb one but it fits Back perfectly.

04-28-2019, 03:45 PM
I'm too lazy to go back and quote Back but the biggest threat to peace and progress is stupid people.

Trouble is, Earth is full of stupid people.


04-29-2019, 09:16 AM
I used to think the term useful idiot was a dumb one but it fits Back perfectly.

No, we're all the stupid ones and Back is the only one who's right.

The problem isn't him being stupid, it's that everyone else isn't smart enough to keep up.


04-29-2019, 09:47 AM
I'm too lazy to go back and quote Back but the biggest threat to peace and progress is stupid people.

Oh, I agree.

Look at climate change. Even with all the evidence, including witnessing it occur in real time, there are people who refuse to believe it. Ignoring evidence right in front of your face is stupid.

04-29-2019, 09:53 AM
Oh, I agree.


This is correct.

04-29-2019, 10:01 AM
Oh, I agree.

Look at climate change. Even with all the evidence, including witnessing it occur in real time, there are people who refuse to believe it. Ignoring evidence right in front of your face is stupid.

In Quebec, there will be towns where the government will forbid people to remain there.

The Major of an average town said, yesterday, that the downtown will changed cause there will be no more houses near it anymore.

There's major flooding like there was ever and it's getting worst year by year.

Of course, it's all a coincidence.



04-29-2019, 10:08 AM
Oh, I agree.

Look at climate change. Even with all the evidence, including witnessing it occur in real time, there are people who refuse to believe it. Ignoring evidence right in front of your face is stupid.

Nothing has changed. Only stupid people try to use a 150 year sample size out of billions of years and present it as science.

Like nothing at all has changed with the climate.

04-29-2019, 10:15 AM
Oh, I agree.

Look at climate change. Even with all the evidence, including witnessing it occur in real time, there are people who refuse to believe it. Ignoring evidence right in front of your face is stupid.

Let's keep our hoaxes in their perspective topics. This is about the Russian Collusion Hoax that really, really stupid people bought into (people like you) and after 2 years of "investigating" was proven to be exactly that... a hoax.

04-30-2019, 08:52 PM

Robert Mueller wrote a letter to Attorney General William Barr complaining Barr's four-page summary did not " fully capture the context, nature, and substance" of his team's two-year investigation into President Trump and his 2016 campaign, according to a report.

"The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions. There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations," Mueller wrote, according to a copy of the letter obtained by the Washington Post.

The letter took the Department of Justice by surprise because they were under the impression Mueller agreed with the summary, which stated the special counsel did not find anyone on Trump's campaign conspired "with the Russian government in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election."

Barr, with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, then concluded Trump did not commit obstruction of justice.

Barr and Mueller later spoke, with Mueller again expressing concern over how the summary, which he said was not inaccurate, and the investigation were being misinterpreted by the media.

A DOJ spokesperson : "After the Attorney General received Special Counsel Mueller’s letter, he called him to discuss it. In a cordial and professional conversion, the Special Counsel emphasized that nothing in the Attorney General’s March 24 letter was inaccurate or misleading. But, he expressed frustration over the lack of context and the resulting media coverage regarding the Special Counsel’s obstruction analysis."

The redacted version of the special counsel's report was finally released in April.

tl;dr: Mueller sent a letter to Barr stating he felt the summary Barr released did not "fully capture the context, nature, and substance" of the investigation. The DOJ was confused because they felt Mueller agreed with the summary. So Barr calls Mueller and Mueller states nothing in the summary was "inaccurate or misleading" but he was frustrated with the lack of context and the resulting media coverage in regards to the obstruction analysis.

Funny part is the media is currently taking Mueller's letter out of context and twisting his words around to make it look like Mueller thinks Barr's summary was misleading.

So Mueller is upset about a lack of context and how the media is covering the report and in response they take his comment out of context and use his words to attack Barr.

Just another day in the American media.

04-30-2019, 09:15 PM

Trump suggests that he can ignore subpeonas because he hasn't had his nappy or blankey yet

04-30-2019, 09:32 PM

tl;dr: Mueller sent a letter to Barr stating he felt the summary Barr released did not "fully capture the context, nature, and substance" of the investigation. The DOJ was confused because they felt Mueller agreed with the summary. So Barr calls Mueller and Mueller states nothing in the summary was "inaccurate or misleading" but he was frustrated with the lack of context and the resulting media coverage in regards to the obstruction analysis.

Funny part is the media is currently taking Mueller's letter out of context and twisting his words around to make it look like Mueller thinks Barr's summary was misleading.

So Mueller is upset about a lack of context and how the media is covering the report and in response they take his comment out of context and use his words to attack Barr.

Just another day in the American media.

Your TL;DR is essentially what happens if you take a truthful statement and run it through an alt-right transmogrifier.

04-30-2019, 09:34 PM
Your TL;DR is essentially what happens if you take a truthful statement and run it through an alt-right transmogrifier.


04-30-2019, 09:37 PM

Is this your response to the "crisis actors" at Sandy Hook, you miserable excuse for a human?

04-30-2019, 09:38 PM

Trump suggests that he can ignore subpeonas because he hasn't had his nappy or blankey yet

Dude.. the "Intelligencer"?

You're hilarious.

Thank you for still being so fucking triggered Trump is your President.

04-30-2019, 09:38 PM
Is this your response to the "crisis actors" at Sandy Hook, you miserable excuse for a human?

No, that is him literally making fun of what a retarded clown you are.

04-30-2019, 09:38 PM
Dude.. the "Intelligencer"?

You're hilarious.

Thank you for still being so fucking triggered Trump is your President.

Not even close to 1/10th as triggered as you were about Obama. Just search your own post history, retard.

04-30-2019, 09:50 PM
Is this your response to the "crisis actors" at Sandy Hook, you miserable excuse for a human?


05-01-2019, 09:49 AM
Not even close to 1/10th as triggered as you were about Obama. Just search your own post history, retard.

You either have a reading comprehension problem or you are finding it difficult to find any posts of mine triggered by Obama, so you just made that up.

Either way, there is no one here more triggered than you are about Trump being your President.

No one.

05-01-2019, 10:18 AM
Not even close to 1/10th as triggered as you were about Obama. Just search your own post history, retard.

How many dicks have jizzed balls deep in your ass so far this morning?

05-01-2019, 10:42 AM
I think it is funny how sellstuff keeps going AlEx JoNeS AlTrIgHT and all that. I've literally never once sat down to watch Alex Jones. Or listen to him. Or read his website. Or whatever the fuck it is he does.

05-01-2019, 10:44 AM
Gay frog hypno-lactation.

05-01-2019, 08:07 PM
3 Democrat senators voted to confirm Barr. Two of them, Manchin from WV, and Doug Jones from Alabama (who will be lucky if he gets a second term), said they are disappointed in their votes and would probably vote not to confirm if they had a second chance.

Meanwhile Sinema from Arizona didn't comment one way or another but her office told reporters that she requested a meeting with Barr.

Once again Sinema somehow comes off as more of a Republican from Arizona than both McCain and Jeff Flake combined. How is this even possible?

All of those Democrats who thought the Democrats "won" in Arizona must be kicking themselves now.

05-01-2019, 09:14 PM
I honestly think she's just back burnered the report. She didn't appear to have any personal (from my knowledge) opinion/gamble in the report and she's watching shit go tits up for anyone not stupid enough to bark out hatred.

05-03-2019, 06:29 PM
A reporter asked Trump what he thought about Russia's involvement in Venezuela.

Trump: "Russia has to get out."

Putin must have buyer's remorse from this puppet he bought.

05-03-2019, 07:17 PM
Trump says whatever is best in the moment

05-03-2019, 07:19 PM
Trump says whatever is best in the moment

Is this new to politics?

05-03-2019, 07:24 PM
Not in the least bit, just saying ..his words are worthless.

05-06-2019, 10:09 AM

Trump knows that if the Democrats call Mueller to testify, it will just end up showing that the whole thing was a hoax. Trump doesn't want to humiliate the Democrats anymroe than they've already humiliated themselves. That's why he's calling on Mueller not to testify. No point rubbing it in. And that's the only reason he doesn't want Mueller to testify.

05-06-2019, 10:50 AM
Trump says whatever is best in the moment

Is this new to politics?

Not in the least bit, just saying ..his words are worthless.

As are most politicians. Like the current crop of Democrat hopefuls.. now giving credit to Obama for the recovery that even Obama himself said was impossible.

That's why you can't listen to politicians and actually use your own brain.

05-06-2019, 10:52 AM

Trump knows that if the Democrats call Mueller to testify, it will just end up showing that the whole thing was a hoax. Trump doesn't want to humiliate the Democrats anymroe than they've already humiliated themselves. That's why he's calling on Mueller not to testify. No point rubbing it in. And that's the only reason he doesn't want Mueller to testify.

He's not wrong. There are people, like you, that are very upset by the Mueller report findings and want to reinvestigate it again and again until they come up with the results they desire.

35 million dollars pissed away that anyone with 1/4 of a functional brain knew would be the end result.

05-06-2019, 09:33 PM
He's not wrong. There are people, like you, that are very upset by the Mueller report findings and want to reinvestigate it again and again until they come up with the results they desire.

35 million dollars pissed away that anyone with 1/4 of a functional brain knew would be the end result.

This is correct.

05-08-2019, 11:09 AM
The White House formally asserted executive privilege over special counsel Robert S Mueller III’s report Wednesday, President Trump’s first use of the executive authority in the latest confrontation with Congress.

Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd wrote in a letter to Congress that Trump had “asserted executive privilege over the entirety of the subpoenaed materials.” Boyd wrote that Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler’s push to hold Barr in contempt had “terminated” their negotiations over what materials lawmakers would be allowed to view from Mueller’s investigation.

More... (https://politicalwire.com/2019/05/08/white-house-assets-executive-privilege-over-mueller-report/)

The entire Mueller report is now executively privileged. If you previously downloaded a copy, you need to delete it immediately. And if you read it, then you need to forget it and not talk about it. Starting right now, nobody can discuss its contents in this forum.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-08-2019, 12:07 PM
The entire Mueller report is now executively privileged. If you previously downloaded a copy, you need to delete it immediately. And if you read it, then you need to forget it and not talk about it. Starting right now, nobody can discuss its contents in this forum.

What about Orange man bad though? WHAT WILL YOU TALK ABOUT?!

05-08-2019, 12:26 PM
The entire Mueller report is now executively privileged. If you previously downloaded a copy, you need to delete it immediately. And if you read it, then you need to forget it and not talk about it. Starting right now, nobody can discuss its contents in this forum.

You are so bad at this.

And so fucking triggered.

Makes me happy.

Dems are so desperate. Barr can’t give Congress a full redacted report, given there is Grand Jury testimony in it.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-08-2019, 12:30 PM
In other news... Trump found employment for yet another person, even in the #METOO environment. Man, he's got the economy on FIRE.


05-08-2019, 01:34 PM
The entire Mueller report is now executively privileged. If you previously downloaded a copy, you need to delete it immediately. And if you read it, then you need to forget it and not talk about it. Starting right now, nobody can discuss its contents in this forum.

Just how many dildos were you able to fit up your ass today?

05-08-2019, 02:35 PM
Has this heated up yet?

05-08-2019, 02:36 PM
Has this heated up yet?

A watched investigation never indicts.

05-08-2019, 02:40 PM
Has this heated up yet?


Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-08-2019, 02:46 PM
In other news... Trump found employment for yet another person, even in the #METOO environment. Man, he's got the economy on FIRE.




05-08-2019, 02:47 PM



07-24-2019, 12:51 PM
I see now why Mueller was fighting against testifying.

He didn't do himself any favors today :(

07-24-2019, 02:22 PM
I see now why Mueller was fighting against testifying.

He didn't do himself any favors today :(

He knew, without just flat out lying or blatantly showing his very substantial political bias and cover up that he would wreck his reputation, which he has done and would liekly kill dems hopes for defeating Trump and kill a lot of their hopes for re-election, which he has done. Nadler is a political hack and an amateur at political maneuvers, he was a prosecutor, they tend to go after things like a bulldozer and he was known for that so he has blundered his way into sinking dems hopes for 2020 and likely handed the house back to the repubs again with a solid majority. Mueller isn't nearly as stupid as Nadler and he knew what was going to happen and sure enough, it did. And with the allowing his testimony and explicit directions on testimony, Barr served him up on a silver platter so that he is now disgraced, discredited and ripe for whatever wrong doing that the internal investigation finds on him.

Anyone with half a political brain knows this is a shit show and Nadler is to blame for letting his TDS drive sinking the dems. Hopefully even the Crap News Network will move on as even some of their people are showing signs of being embarrassed about this shitshow. Or maybe they will go back to being a sideline backwaters cable news network like they started and maybe go bankrupt.

07-24-2019, 02:28 PM
I see now why Mueller was fighting against testifying.

He didn't do himself any favors today :(

Because he probably didn't write the report and his staff probably did all the investigating. Notice he never really uses the word "I" either. He just says things are in the report. No chances of perjury there.

07-24-2019, 03:07 PM
Because he probably didn't write the report and his staff probably did all the investigating. Notice he never really uses the word "I" either. He just says things are in the report. No chances of perjury there.

Yup. That's what I'm talking about. He looked old, confused and didn't seem to have a good grasp of what was in the report.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-24-2019, 03:27 PM
What will the TDS libtards hang their hopes and dreams on now?!

07-24-2019, 03:29 PM
Because he probably didn't write the report and his staff probably did all the investigating. Notice he never really uses the word "I" either. He just says things are in the report. No chances of perjury there.

I especially liked the part where someone asked him if he was ever fired from role as special prosecutor and he started saying "Not to my knowledge" but cut himself off at "Not to m..." to answer "no."

Like really dude? You were gonna answer that question with "Not to my knowledge"?

He also looks like a scared little bunny on the stand who doesn't seem to fully know what's going on. I agree with your assessment now, just how much work did he do? Or was he just hired for his reputation and because he's a "Republican" then all he did was assemble a team and let them do everything?

07-24-2019, 03:29 PM
What will the TDS libtards hang their hopes and dreams on now?!


Oh wait...

07-24-2019, 04:23 PM
Even Michael Moore is losing his temper with Democrats:

A frail old man, unable to remember things, stumbling, refusing to answer basic questions...I said it in 2017 and Mueller confirmed it today — All you pundits and moderates and lame Dems who told the public to put their faith in the esteemed Robert Mueller — just STFU from now on

07-24-2019, 04:28 PM
So today ended up exactly like normal people thought it would.. with Mueller saying basically what was in the report is what happened.

What a colossal waste of time, money and political capital. The only ones that believed something different would have happened today already have a severe case of TDS.

07-24-2019, 04:32 PM
Mueller got Democrats' hopes up then dashed them all a few minutes later.

First Ted Lieu asked Mueller if he didn't charge Trump with a crime because regulations state you can't charge a sitting president with a crime, Mueller said yes.

Mueller a few minutes later then walked back that statement, saying they didn't reach a conclusion one way or the other on whether or not Trump committed a crime.

Does this guy not even know what's on page 1 of his own report?

07-24-2019, 04:38 PM
He’s walking on eggshells because of the 1246346884448845 cases that have been launched against Trump due to Mueller’s investigation.

Pelosi is right, your boy is going to jail.

If you spent more time on your gay porn career and less time worrying about your TDS.. you might be more than just a part time fluffer.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-24-2019, 04:46 PM
It’s either jail or he seeks asylum in Russia. One of the two.

What part of today's circus do you think was the missing puzzle piece for putting the president in jail?

07-24-2019, 04:48 PM
I think KL is giving a go at Backs champion status.

07-24-2019, 04:55 PM
What part of today's circus do you think was the missing puzzle piece for putting the president in jail?

You don't understand. He shook hands with Vladimir Putin! You know who else was named Vlad? DRACULA.

Donald Trump is a witch, and we need to see if he weighs the same amount as very small rocks.

07-24-2019, 04:59 PM
Since Androidpk is off trying to find his next couch to crash on, please allow me to hold up his end of the conversation as well:


Stanley Burrell
07-24-2019, 05:21 PM
You don't understand. He shook hands with Vladimir Putin! You know who else was named Vlad? DRACULA.

i think dracula is a pretty cool guy. eh impales ottoman turks and doesn't afraid of anything.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-24-2019, 05:44 PM
i think dracula is a pretty cool guy. eh impales ottoman turks and doesn't afraid of anything.

I'm with you. I also think the Devil, conceptually, is pretty cool. He punishes the wicked, why do people think he's evil? He PUNISHES evil.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-24-2019, 05:45 PM
Re: the grasping as straws comment.

Trump made 200K selling plastic straws off his website in the past couple of days, as a big middle finger to environmentalists. Literally sold out.

https://shop.donaldjtrump.com/products/trump-straws/?utm_medium=ad&utm_source=dp_googlesearch&utm_campaign=20190718_na_store_djt_tmagacmerch_ocp mypur_bh_audience0001_na_copy00162_us_b_18-99_gsn_all_na_lp0032_shop_conversion_search_na_na_ na&utm_content=sto&gclid=CjwKCAjwg-DpBRBbEiwAEV1_-CAHG9VWnIsGUo-BbvUAYdca3oeXss2yNJa18-r6vAbdnZLYACxr8RoCx5sQAvD_BwE

07-24-2019, 05:48 PM
It’s either jail or he seeks asylum in Russia. One of the two.

I mean.. you've been spot on so far............................................... .............

You'll excuse me if I just laugh at you and your flaming TDS...

07-24-2019, 05:51 PM
I think KL is giving a go at Backs champion status.

He doesn't stand a chance against BacKKKlash.

07-24-2019, 06:05 PM
He doesn't stand a chance against BacKKKlash.

He definitely has to pick his game up to compete but with just a little more effort he could be a serious contender.

07-24-2019, 06:30 PM
I'm with you. I also think the Devil, conceptually, is pretty cool. He punishes the wicked, why do people think he's evil? He PUNISHES evil.

Dante's Inferno will be 700 years old next year.


07-24-2019, 07:35 PM
I think KL is giving a go at Backs champion status.

He is Macguyver. He is just saying stupid shit to rile people up.

07-24-2019, 08:05 PM
At this point, does anyone here actually think Trump is totally innocent? The constant, glaring lies, the non-stop attacks on the media/Mueller/Intelligence Community, the attempts to scale back Russian sanctions/appointment of people friendly with the Russians to key positions/endless praise for Putin/zeal with which his campaign jumped on Russia's offer to help them win after swearing for months that such a program never existed/the decade or so of strong financial ties to Russia and its Oligarchs/the attacks on NATO... Dear God I could keep going for pages with stuff.

Does anyone have any other explanation for all of this aside from collusion and cover up?


When you need to take a dump, read through this thread with time4retard's comments. It's hilarious.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-24-2019, 09:24 PM
Re: the grasping as straws comment.

Trump made 200K selling plastic straws off his website in the past couple of days, as a big middle finger to environmentalists. Literally sold out.

https://shop.donaldjtrump.com/products/trump-straws/?utm_medium=ad&utm_source=dp_googlesearch&utm_campaign=20190718_na_store_djt_tmagacmerch_ocp mypur_bh_audience0001_na_copy00162_us_b_18-99_gsn_all_na_lp0032_shop_conversion_search_na_na_ na&utm_content=sto&gclid=CjwKCAjwg-DpBRBbEiwAEV1_-CAHG9VWnIsGUo-BbvUAYdca3oeXss2yNJa18-r6vAbdnZLYACxr8RoCx5sQAvD_BwE

Just to add to this. Trump is a marketing genius. He sells 10 straws for 15 bucks. Has MAGA dog collars and leashes, swimsuits, hats, eyeglass holders, all the shit you can think of made in China. Like him or not, you gotta respect his ability to make a buck.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-24-2019, 09:26 PM

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-24-2019, 09:27 PM

Fucking genius.

07-24-2019, 09:51 PM

Fucking genius.

I might have to buy that shirt.

07-25-2019, 12:37 AM
Muellers Testimony lasted 3 hours and that was just the first question.


07-25-2019, 07:07 AM
Muellers Testimony lasted 3 hours and that was just the first question.


Democrats on this Sundays political round tables "Mueller was not of sound mind to hold these investigations, we need to open another investigation."

07-25-2019, 08:24 AM
Given his performance yesterday.. it's painfully obvious that Mueller wasn't in charge of the investigation and was used as a "Here is a Republican, leading the investigation! Mueller is above reproach!" type of figurehead.

So... even with the investigation being run by "12 Angry Democrats"... still no collusion.. still no obstruction..

I certainly hope that there is an in depth investigation of the investigators now. How was this investigation started, why.. and who was leading it.

07-25-2019, 08:45 AM
Mark Levin is saying he thinks Mueller is in the early stages of dementia based on his performance at the hearing.

07-25-2019, 09:25 AM
Mark Levin is saying he thinks Mueller is in the early stages of dementia based on his performance at the hearing.

I like Mark Levin but he isn't qualified to make that assessment.

Still, something isn't right given Mueller's performance yesterday. Whether Mueller really wasn't in charge, he is in the early stages of dementia, some combination of these two factors, or another issue entirely, I certainly don't know. I agree with Parkbandit - there needs to be an investigation of the investigators.

07-25-2019, 09:29 AM
I like Mark Levin but he isn't qualified to make that assessment.

Still, something isn't right here. Whether Mueller really wasn't in charge, he is in the early stages of dementia, or something else, I don't know. I agree with Parkbandit - there needs to be an investigation of the investigators.

He said the guy is showing what he thought were symptoms of it. He is qualified to make observations. Mueller definitely came across as someone that had something going on., I thought he looked extremely tired and seemed forgetful. He was having to be told, constantly, to speak into the microphone. He has something with him.

07-25-2019, 09:37 AM
All this talk about Mueller having dementia is just a distraction tactic so people don't get outraged that they didn't have enough money in the budget to hire Ben Stein to take roll call.

They can't trick me. I am outraged.

07-25-2019, 10:13 AM
He said the guy is showing what he thought were symptoms of it. He is qualified to make observations. Mueller definitely came across as someone that had something going on., I thought he looked extremely tired and seemed forgetful. He was having to be told, constantly, to speak into the microphone. He has something with him.

We don't need TV / Radio personalities starting to make medical diagnosis based upon video they've watched. If he does have dementia, that's indeed sad... but it goes to illustrate even more what a complete farce this was.

This "dossier" was used to spy on a Presidential campaign by the other party and then used in an attempt to bring him down because you were upset by the election results.

This investigation needs a thorough investigation as well as the judges and "evidence" that was used to ok the spying.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-25-2019, 10:38 AM
I think it's fascinating how many people's lives have been destroyed by Democrats trying to get Trump. There is no limit to what they will attempt or who they will denigrate along the way. They have no problem burning Mueller or anyone else.

If I was a crazy liberal, the LAST thing I would do is get in the spotlight trying to bring down Trump on made up shit. Get something bulletproof, fine, but anything that can be interpreted will get shredded, and you along with it, and likely your career too. But I will say this, they'll all get rich with book deals if they don't go to jail. Hell, even if they go to jail.

07-25-2019, 10:49 AM
We don't need TV / Radio personalities starting to make medical diagnosis based upon video they've watched. If he does have dementia, that's indeed sad... but it goes to illustrate even more what a complete farce this was.

This "dossier" was used to spy on a Presidential campaign by the other party and then used in an attempt to bring him down because you were upset by the election results.

This investigation needs a thorough investigation as well as the judges and "evidence" that was used to ok the spying.

He is just saying what many are thinking and it is his right just as much as it is yours to speak on here. And it isn't just based on "video they've watched" it is based on 6 hours of video they've watched. I viewed the entire thing, both sessions, and it is painfully obvious some shit was wrong with the guy. I think he shouldn't have showed.

07-25-2019, 10:49 AM
What I find the most disturbing about all of this, is there was in fact a foreign power involved in meddling with our elections. That's been over shadowed by whether or not obstruction happened, which is unfortunate.

There's theories on why Russia would do what they did. Whether it's for personal gain or simply to cause infighting between the two groups.

If they simply wanted to cause the most chaos they, or another foreign power could do the same thing only helping Democrats this time...and Congress isn't doing shit about it.

07-25-2019, 10:49 AM
We're gonna hear people during the election trail making promises to get Trump behind bars, investigation be damned and all that.

07-25-2019, 10:52 AM
What I find the most disturbing about all of this, is there was in fact a foreign power involved in meddling with our elections. That's been over shadowed by whether or not obstruction happened, which is unfortunate.

There's theories on why Russia would do what they did. Whether it's for personal gain or simply to cause infighting between the two groups.

If they simply wanted to cause the most chaos they, or another foreign power could do the same thing only helping Democrats this time...and Congress isn't doing shit about it.

Mueller admitted that some of the obstruction was geared at helping Hillary too. I seem to recall leaked memo's from the DNC saying they wanted Trump to get the nom though. I guess everyone wanted Trump to win the election.

07-25-2019, 11:33 AM
What I find the most disturbing about all of this, is there was in fact a foreign power involved in meddling with our elections. That's been over shadowed by whether or not obstruction happened, which is unfortunate.

There's theories on why Russia would do what they did. Whether it's for personal gain or simply to cause infighting between the two groups.

If they simply wanted to cause the most chaos they, or another foreign power could do the same thing only helping Democrats this time...and Congress isn't doing shit about it.

Firstly, countries have always interfered with each other's elections. We built an empire toppling other people's governments and installing our own. If that was a surprise to you, get more educated. Secondly, in the US, countries have their own lobbying groups throwing billions of dollars at any given number of political issues. Anyone who wants to meddle with our politics is welcome to do so so long as they have the money for it. It's built into our political system.


07-25-2019, 11:38 AM
As long as they aren't literally breaking into polling booths and changing votes or effecting it like that, I don't mind. I say I don't mind, because it is just unstoppable. They are going to create BS news stories and troll accounts, just as I bet other nations do and I bet we do too. The onus is on the voter to ensure they are making an informed decision. Use more than one source of news.

I was never going to vote for Hillary Clinton regardless of anything Russia may or may not have done. Everyone I know that voted for Trump was never going to vote for Hillary either.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-25-2019, 11:51 AM
As long as they aren't literally breaking into polling booths and changing votes or effecting it like that, I don't mind. I say I don't mind, because it is just unstoppable. They are going to create BS news stories and troll accounts, just as I bet other nations do and I bet we do too. The onus is on the voter to ensure they are making an informed decision. Use more than one source of news.

Dude. Stop being rational.

07-25-2019, 12:33 PM
What I find the most disturbing about all of this, is there was in fact a foreign power involved in meddling with our elections. That's been over shadowed by whether or not obstruction happened, which is unfortunate.

There's theories on why Russia would do what they did. Whether it's for personal gain or simply to cause infighting between the two groups.

If they simply wanted to cause the most chaos they, or another foreign power could do the same thing only helping Democrats this time...and Congress isn't doing shit about it.

THAT is what you find "most disturbing"? That foreign governments meddle in elections??

You do realize that this has been going on for centuries.. right?

And you do realize that this specific case was going on in 2016.. during the Obama Administration, right? Russians were literally meddling in the 2016 election and you know what President Obama did? Here, I'll let him tell you specifically what he did:


The only way this could be the "most disturbing" is if you honestly had no idea that other countries meddle in US elections... and I can't figure out how this wasn't known.

07-25-2019, 12:38 PM
I was never going to vote for Hillary Clinton regardless of anything Russia may or may not have done. Everyone I know that voted for Trump was never going to vote for Hillary either.

In before BacKKKlash posting something about Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote.. and the only reason Trump won was due to gerrymandering.

07-25-2019, 12:41 PM
THAT is what you find "most disturbing"? That foreign governments meddle in elections??

You do realize that this has been going on for centuries.. right?

And you do realize that this specific case was going on in 2016.. during the Obama Administration, right? Russians were literally meddling in the 2016 election and you know what President Obama did? Here, I'll let him tell you specifically what he did:


The only way this could be the "most disturbing" is if you honestly had no idea that other countries meddle in US elections... and I can't figure out how this wasn't known.

Dude. The Russians got into polling computers in Florida. That's way beyond a misinformation tactic and something that we should absolutely be fixing

07-25-2019, 12:41 PM
In before BacKKKlash posting something about Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote.. and the only reason Trump won was due to gerrymandering.

Remember when T4F said Republicans only kept the Senate because of Gerrymandering? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

07-25-2019, 12:42 PM
Dude. The Russians got into polling computers in Florida. That's way beyond a misinformation tactic and something that we should absolutely be fixing

And did Obama's FBI correct it? Also, Trump had nothing to do with that.

And according to all reports, they never breached any actual voting machines, just polling machines. Federal and State officials from 2016 to now contend that no votes were altered, the the Mueller report agrees.

So yes, that should be fixed, and as far as I can see, it is actively combated.

07-25-2019, 12:48 PM
Dude. The Russians got into polling computers in Florida. That's way beyond a misinformation tactic and something that we should absolutely be fixing

President Obama told Putin to "knock it off or else".

And there is no evidence at all that a single vote was changed.

I hope we've done something on our end to safeguard the election process.. more than just telling Putin to "knock it off or else" in the 3 years since the 2016 election.

07-25-2019, 12:48 PM
This time. Again. We're simply not taking steps to stop them, or anyone else from trying similar tactics.

It's not a trump issue - agree with you there.

07-25-2019, 12:49 PM
Remember when T4F said Republicans only kept the Senate because of Gerrymandering? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Stupidity and ignorance is a common trait with liberals infected with TDS.

07-25-2019, 12:49 PM
This time. Again. We're simply not taking steps to stop them, or anyone else from trying similar tactics.

It's not a trump issue - agree with you there.

How do you know we aren't? I think it is pretty great that out of the thousands of polling locations throughout the country, they only managed to get into three. And they weren't even actual voting machines. I guarantee you the FBI and state officials are constantly taking steps to defend elections from hacking attempts.

07-25-2019, 12:51 PM
This time. Again. We're simply not taking steps to stop them, or anyone else from trying similar tactics.

It's not a trump issue - agree with you there.

How do you know we're not taking steps to stop them?

07-25-2019, 12:53 PM
This time. Again. We're simply not taking steps to stop them, or anyone else from trying similar tactics.

It's not a trump issue - agree with you there.

While I'm sure the CIA and Homeland defense make their efforts public and beam their meeting minutes directly to your email, I think maybe it would be wise for them to keep their clandestine counter-espionage efforts private.

Or maybe that's the case because obviously, as it always has been, which could(does) explain why you don't hear about them until they're declassified 50 years after the fact.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-25-2019, 01:41 PM

07-25-2019, 02:05 PM
How do you know we're not taking steps to stop them?

Gotta love that blind Faith.

Two specific bills targeting election security have died once they passed the house. We're simply not doing enough.

07-25-2019, 02:12 PM
Gotta love that blind Faith.

Two specific bills targeting election security have died once they passed the house. We're simply not doing enough.

Again, no voting machines were tampered with. What more do you want?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-25-2019, 02:12 PM
Again, no voting machines were tampered with. What more do you want?

He wants you to take it on blind faith that we are simply not doing enough.

07-25-2019, 03:48 PM
Gotta love that blind Faith.

Says the guy who claims we aren't doing anything. What do you call that.. blind Pessimism? Blinded with a severe case of TDS?

I imagine you believe President Obama would have already stopped it.. like he stopped rising tides on his way to the Nobel Peace Prize...........

Two specific bills targeting election security have died once they passed the house. We're simply not doing enough.

If only we had a law enforcement agency that deals with foreign espionage................ where their job is to stop things like that..................

Stop making it so easy to make you look silly.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-25-2019, 04:06 PM

Good read and I would argue says we have changed how things are being defended since 2016, and still have work to do. Seems bipartisan and seems like they are doing more.

Just me though, but I take it on blind faith the folks supposed to be doing that kind of thing are in fact, doing that kind of thing. Probably misguided faith because the government does everything kinda retarded, but hey... it's still the best we got.

07-25-2019, 04:13 PM

Good read and I would argue says we have changed how things are being defended since 2016, and still have work to do. Seems bipartisan and seems like they are doing more.

Just me though, but I take it on blind faith the folks supposed to be doing that kind of thing are in fact, doing that kind of thing. Probably misguided faith because the government does everything kinda retarded, but hey... it's still the best we got.

The Government as a whole is fucking retarded. You still have good people in there doing good things. Especially when it comes to the Law Enforcement areas.

07-25-2019, 10:21 PM
And yet, voter ID is not yet a thing.

07-26-2019, 07:22 AM
Says the guy who claims we aren't doing anything. What do you call that.. blind Pessimism? Blinded with a severe case of TDS?

I imagine you believe President Obama would have already stopped it.. like he stopped rising tides on his way to the Nobel Peace Prize...........

If only we had a law enforcement agency that deals with foreign espionage................ where their job is to stop things like that..................

Stop making it so easy to make you look silly.

So you have faith in the agencies that you've accused of improperly spying on a campaign and ran a 2 year long witch Hunt?

07-26-2019, 08:31 AM
So you have faith in the agencies that you've accused of improperly spying on a campaign and ran a 2 year long witch Hunt?

The rank and file members? Always have.

The political appointees at the top? Never have.

07-26-2019, 10:07 AM
That's fair for sure.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-19-2019, 03:00 PM
Nothing will happen here, I'm fairly sure.


Interesting quote from it though...
"Disagreements over the quality of the FBI’s records search emerged in May 2019 (https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/doc1/04507165234) when Judicial Watch called it “unnecessarily narrow.” The group insisted in June (https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/doc1/04507228841) questions remained about the time after Steele was removed, but the Justice Department cited Steele’s privacy (https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/doc1/04517250571) and argued the FBI could “neither confirm nor deny the existence of such records.” Judicial Watch said the public interest was “manifest”, noting Steele is “a central figure in one of the most important public matters of recent years.”

Like, what about everyone elses privacy?

08-19-2019, 03:45 PM
That whole entire "investigation" was politically motivated from the get go.

08-28-2019, 09:17 AM
“The source close to Deutsche Bank says that the co-signers of Donald Trump’s Deutsche Bank loans are Russian billionaires close to Vladimir Putin,” MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell reported Tuesday.

More... (https://www.rawstory.com/2019/08/russian-oligarch-bombshell-would-make-impeachment-proceedings-absolutely-inevitable-nbc-analyst/)

More fake news. They shouldn't even have reported it with just one source. Trump has already denied it many times..


08-28-2019, 10:20 AM
More fake news. They shouldn't even have reported it with just one source. Trump has already denied it many times..


Go away Fallen.


08-28-2019, 04:38 PM
I was spot on again. They should not have reported it with only one source.

A lawyer claiming to represent President Donald Trump is demanding that NBCUniversal and MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell retract reporting by O’Donnell stating that Russian oligarchs co-signed loans to Trump by Deutsche Bank.

“These statements are false and defamatory, and extremely damaging,” attorney Charles Harder wrote Wednesday in a letter on behalf of the president and the Trump Organization to Susan Weiner and Daniel Kummer, in-house attorneys at NBCUniversal.

More... (https://www.politico.com/story/2019/08/28/trump-lawrence-odonnell-deutsche-bank-1476863)

On Wednesday afternoon, O’Donnell acknowledged problems with his report.

“Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president’s finances that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process,” he wrote on Twitter. “I shouldn’t have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air. I will address the issue on my show tonight.“

08-28-2019, 06:38 PM
I was spot on again. They should not have reported it with only one source.

You still enjoy penis though.

08-28-2019, 08:11 PM
I was spot on again. They should not have reported it with only one source.

What? MORE actual fake news from MSNBC? I'm shocked! SHOCKED!

Well...not THAT shocked.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-06-2019, 11:34 AM

"Recently released tax returns suggest that presidential contender Cory Booker (https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2019/08/14/heres-the-net-worth-of-every-2020-presidential-candidate/#1e8cfdeb37c5) failed to disclose a stake in a Russian company when he was running for U.S. senate in 2013."


09-06-2019, 12:02 PM
So you're saying there's a valid reason for tax returns to be released....

09-06-2019, 12:58 PM


Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-06-2019, 01:34 PM
So you're saying there's a valid reason for tax returns to be released....

Sure, there always has been. Except there isn't a legal reason for him to do so.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-22-2019, 08:45 AM

Exclusive: Former FBI lawyer under investigation after allegedly altering document in 2016 Russia probe



11-22-2019, 08:54 AM

Exclusive: Former FBI lawyer under investigation after allegedly altering document in 2016 Russia probe



Finally after 3 years, things are starting to heat up!!!!!1

11-22-2019, 05:35 PM

Exclusive: Former FBI lawyer under investigation after allegedly altering document in 2016 Russia probe



I love how this is being reported too. “Altered documents”, like someone changed a date or something. Headlines really should read “FBI lawyer created false evidence.”

11-28-2019, 01:00 PM
Those Russians are still at it. Be vigilant.


That Uplifting Tweet You Just Shared? A Russian Troll Sent It

Professional trolls are good at their job. They have studied us. They understand how to harness our biases (and hashtags) for their own purposes. They know what pressure points to push and how best to drive us to distrust our neighbors. The professionals know you catch more flies with honey. They don’t go to social media looking for a fight; they go looking for new best friends. And they have found them.

Disinformation operations aren’t typically fake news or outright lies. Disinformation is most often simply spin. Spin is hard to spot and easy to believe, especially if you are already inclined to do so. While the rest of the world learned how to conduct a modern disinformation campaign from the Russians, it is from the world of public relations and advertising that the IRA learned their craft. To appreciate the influence and potential of Russian disinformation, we need to view them less as Boris and Natasha and more like Don Draper.

11-28-2019, 01:32 PM
Those Russians are still at it. Be vigilant.


That Uplifting Tweet You Just Shared? A Russian Troll Sent It

The irony of your new sig though :lol:

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-28-2019, 02:12 PM
Does Rolling Stone still exist? Is it like the National Inquirer still?

11-28-2019, 02:34 PM
Does Rolling Stone still exist? Is it like the National Inquirer still?

Hey now, don't insult the National Inquirer, they have the dirt on a lot of people and they have broken some very real and explosive stories over the years, all jokes aside. Unlike most of the mass media, they do real investigative journalism to squeeze in between Elvis sightings, Aliens, JFK helping Regan and margarita olive diets.

11-29-2019, 07:37 AM
Those Russians are still at it. Be vigilant.


That Uplifting Tweet You Just Shared? A Russian Troll Sent It

Hahahahaha.. that sig might be better than your virtue signalling "RESIST WHITE SUPREMACY!"

You're a fucking sock puppet.. only with less brains.

11-29-2019, 01:46 PM
Does Rolling Stone still exist? Is it like the National Inquirer still?

They do. Check out this clip about some interview that Kathleen Kennedy did with Rolling Stone recently where she accidentally told everyone how clueless she is about Star Wars and how they have no idea wtf they're doing with Episode 9 a month away from release:


TLDR: Feminism ruined Star Wars

11-29-2019, 01:49 PM
Hey now, don't insult the National Inquirer, they have the dirt on a lot of people and they have broken some very real and explosive stories over the years, all jokes aside. Unlike most of the mass media, they do real investigative journalism to squeeze in between Elvis sightings, Aliens, JFK helping Regan and margarita olive diets.

And still more reliable than CNN despite all that.

12-02-2019, 12:59 PM
It's really heating up now.

The 39-year-old Page was referring to Trump's comments about her and Strzok at an October rally. During the event, Trump performed a passionate, dramatic reading of Strzok and Page's August 2016 text messages, including Strzok's conspicuous promise to Page that "we'll stop" Trump from becoming president. At the time, Strzok was overseeing the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the probe into the Trump campaign.

At one point, Trump screamed out, "I love you, Lisa! I love you so much! Lisa, she's going to win one-hundred-million-to-nothing. But just in case she doesn't win, we've got an insurance policy!" (Conservative commentators have disputed that Trump was mimicking an orgasm.)

Page spoke exclusively to The Daily Beast Sunday in a highly sympathetic profile authored by Molly Jong-Fast, who called Strzok "hawt" in a tweet last year. In the interview, Page said Trump's remarks had forced her to confront the president publicly.

More... (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/lisa-page-breaks-silence-saying-trumps-fake-orgasm-forced-her-to-speak-out)

You can draw your own conclusions by watching the video itself. Youtube may require you to sign into your account because of age restrictions on the video. It's just President Trump talking the whole time. Why would the algorithms classify it as a pornographic movie?


Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-02-2019, 01:06 PM
Page "I decided to take my power back." LMAO. Sounds like something Backrash would say.

I don't care about her affairs. I care about what she and Strzok did, lets see it on the 9th.

12-02-2019, 01:27 PM
Page "I decided to take my power back." LMAO. Sounds like something Backrash would say.

I don't care about her affairs. I care about what she and Strzok did, lets see it on the 9th.

Let's see that snatch too.


Just don't smile. Please.


12-02-2019, 02:20 PM
It's really heating up now.

You can draw your own conclusions by watching the video itself. Youtube may require you to sign into your account because of age restrictions on the video. It's just President Trump talking the whole time. Why would the algorithms classify it as a pornographic movie?


Seems like it was only a couple weeks ago that conservatives were shitting themselves that Representative Schiff parodied the President's call to Ukraine. Now the President is attacking private citizens at his rallies, but that's totally cool

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-02-2019, 02:22 PM
Seems like it was only a couple weeks ago that conservatives were shitting themselves that Representative Schiff parodied the President's call to Ukraine. Now the President is attacking private citizens at his rallies, but that's totally cool

Who said it's cool? In either case?

12-02-2019, 02:36 PM
Seems like it was only a couple weeks ago that conservatives were shitting themselves that Representative Schiff parodied the President's call to Ukraine. Now the President is attacking private citizens at his rallies, but that's totally cool

This president is betraying his country left and right but half the country is fine with giving the finger to our founding fathers. This president will throw anyone under the bus for his personal gain. Our intelligence agencies, the people who work in those agencies, ambassadors with exemplary service records, Navy officials, gold star families, calling on foreign countries to investigate the children of political opponents, calling on foreign countries to hack his political opponent's emails, and the list goes on and on. He is throwing everything this country stands for out the window because of his fragile snowflake ego.

12-02-2019, 03:20 PM
This president is betraying his country left and right but half the country is fine with giving the finger to our founding fathers.


This president will throw anyone under the bus for his personal gain.


Our intelligence agencies, the people who work in those agencies, ambassadors with exemplary service records, Navy officials, gold star families, calling on foreign countries to investigate the children of political opponents, calling on foreign countries to hack his political opponent's emails, and the list goes on and on.


He is throwing everything this country stands for out the window because of his fragile snowflake ego.


12-02-2019, 04:03 PM
This president is betraying his country left and right but half the country is fine with giving the finger to our founding fathers. This president will throw anyone under the bus for his personal gain. Our intelligence agencies, the people who work in those agencies, ambassadors with exemplary service records, Navy officials, gold star families, calling on foreign countries to investigate the children of political opponents, calling on foreign countries to hack his political opponent's emails, and the list goes on and on. He is throwing everything this country stands for out the window because of his fragile snowflake ego.

Shut up pussy go buy a new scarf from the Scarfs For Retards store.